How to "reset" click event (with qtip2)? - javascript

I have a little question about the click event and qtip2.
After the first click on element $j('a[href^="/i/"]'), when I move again over it, the bubble appears. I would like that the bubble appears everytime I click on the element.
My code:
$j('a[href^="/i/"]').click(function(event) {
content: {
title: {
text: title_qtip,
button: true,
text: text_qtip,
show: {
// event: false, <-- doesn't work
solo: true,
ready: true
hide: false,
// $j('a[href^="/i/"]').unbind('click'); <-- doesn't work
// $j('a[href^="/i/"]').unbind('onmouseover').unbind('onmouseout'); <-- doesn't work

First of all, don't declare your qTip2 function inside of an event handler. You don't want to declare a new qTip every time the object is clicked. All you have to do is change the event line in the show function. It should be:
content: {
title: {
text: title_qtip,
button: true,
text: text_qtip,
show: {
event: 'click',
solo: true,
ready: true
hide: false,
This will trigger the tool tip when the selector ($j(//your selector)) is clicked on.
Here is an updated fiddle:
It seem that your problem is the use of an a tag. There is no reason to use that tag if you are not going to link to anything.


Destroy bootstrap-popover after mousedown event is completed

I want to destroy a specific popover when the mousedown event is completed. As long as the user presses on the mouse, the popover is visible. When the user isn't anymore, there should be a delay of let's say 3.5 seconds, then it should be destroyed.
My current implementation displays the popover correctly as long as the mousedown is true, but when I release the mouse, the popover is destroyed immediately, without a delay. What shoud I do?
function destroyPopover(selector)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3500);
$('#otp_table').on('mousedown', 'td', function() {
container: 'body',
content: 'Lorem ipsum',
placement: 'top',
}, hidePopover(this));
To correct my problem, I've added this line in the popover object:
delay: { "hide": 3500 },
which gives this...
$('#otp_table').on('mousedown', 'td', function() {
container: 'body',
delay: { "hide": 3500 },
content: 'Lorem ipsum',
placement: 'top',
}, destroyPopover(this);
also, I've removed the setInterval in my destroyPopover() function, which gives this...
function destroyPopover(selector)
Hope it will be useful!

Error when clicking buttons in jquery dialog

I'm able to get the dialog to appear when I click "Reject Request", but the dialog won't close and I see an error in the console when I click Cancel or OK. "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined"
<button id="btn-reject" class="btn btn-danger" type="submit" style="float: right;">Reject Request</button>
<div id='reject-dialog' title='Confirmation Required'>Reject Request?</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Confirm": {
text: "OK",
id: "confirm-reject"
"Cancel": {
text: "Cancel",
id: "cancel-reject"
$("#btn-reject").click(function (e) {
$('#cancel-reject').click(function () {
$('#confirm-reject').click(function () {
}); //dom
JQuery versions:
you are binding to buttons that don't exist yet on document.ready.
instead you can tell the dialog what callback to trigger while creating the buttons.
according to the Jquery-ui documentation, dialog buttons options are accepted in one of the two following formats:
1) Object: The keys are the button labels and the values are the callbacks for when the associated button is clicked.
2) Array: Each element of the array must be an object defining the attributes, properties, and event handlers to set on the button.
i updated the code to reflect that.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var dialogDiv = $("#reject-dialog");
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: [
text: "OK",
id: "confirm-reject",
click: function() {
text: "Cancel",
id: "cancel-reject",
click: function(){
$("#btn-reject").click(function (e) {
}); //dom
You need to use .on()'s event delegation since the buttons don't exist when the code is executed.
For example, change:
$('#cancel-reject').click(function () {
$(document).on('click','#cancel-reject', function () {
jsFiddle example
Ideally you want to bind to an element that already exists on the page that's closer than document for better performance.
You need to inform a click function, even you need to bind a click handler after the create the dialog. I think this happens because Jquery tries to execute the attribute click through apply native js function and, if you don't define it, js try to execute apply in a undefined.
So, I suggest that you define an empty function (or jQuery.noop):
"Confirm": {
text: "OK",
id: "confirm-reject",
click: function(){} // or jQuery.noop()

load jquery tabs on dynamically added content

So i'm trying to load tabs in a modal window, and it's not calling the JS .tabs() method im wondering what i'm doing wrong:
I don't know if there is a conflict between the bootstrap tab() method, but i suppose it could be a possibility.
$('.launcher').on('click',function() {
var domhtml ='<div id="tabs">'+
'<li>Nunc tincidunt</li>'+
'<li>Proin dolor</li>'+
'<li>Aenean lacinia</li>'+
'<div id="tabs-1"><p>Tab 1 Stuff</p></div>'+
'<div id="tabs-2">'+
'<p>Tab 2 Stuff</p></div>'+
'<div id="tabs-3"><p>Tab 3 Stuff</p></div></div>';{
title: 'Draggable Dialog',
message: domhtml,
draggable: true,
buttons: [{
label: 'Cloze',
cssClass: 'btn-primary',
action: function(dialog){
//this does not load:
$( "#tabs" ).tabs();
Your script would start executing as soon as your document is ready, binding all the events to the corresponding elements. Since your div#tabs is created only on click of the button, and is not available prior to that, none of the events would get bound to it.
Hence, you have to pass your elements with all the handlers attached. You can do that either as shown below, or you can bind them within your click function and pass the final variable to the message option. Updated fiddle here{
title: 'Draggable Dialog',
message: function(dialog){
var $content = $(domhtml);
return $content;
draggable: true,
buttons: [{
label: 'Cloze',
cssClass: 'btn-primary',
action: function(dialog){

how to give default alert function behaviour to qtip 2 alert

I am using qtip2 for displaying the alert messages for my web application ( as shown at )
my code is
1) for dialogue
function dialogue(content, title) {
* Since the dialogue isn't really a tooltip as such, we'll use a dummy
* out-of-DOM element as our target instead of an actual element like document.body
$('<div />').qtip(
content: {
text: content
, title: {
text: 'PMGSY ',
button: 'Close'
position: {
my: 'center', at: 'center', // Center it...
target: $(window) // ... in the window
show: {
ready: true, // Show it straight away
modal: {
on: true, // Make it modal (darken the rest of the page)...
blur: false, // ... but don't close the tooltip when clicked
escape: false
hide: false, // We'll hide it maunally so disable hide events
style: {
classes: 'qtip-shadow qtip-rounded qtip-dialogue', // Optional shadow...
widget: true //themeroller
events: {
// Hide the tooltip when any buttons in the dialogue are clicked
render: function (event, api) {
$('button', api.elements.content).click(api.hide);
// Destroy the tooltip once it's hidden as we no longer need it!
hide: function (event, api) { api.destroy(); }
2) to call it as alert
function Alert(message) {
// Content will consist of the message and an ok button
var message = $('<p />', { text: message }),
ok = $('<button />', { text: 'Ok', 'class': 'full' });
dialogue(message.add(ok), 'Alert!');
the problem is when i use it ,its does not block the further processing until user click on ok button (like default alert function).
e.g this alert does not even show up.
Alert("Customised alerts"); //this doesent show
how to make my custom alert mimic the default alert function ?
Please help
ok = $('<button />', { text: 'Ok', 'class': 'full' });
ok = $('<button />', { text: 'Ok', 'class': 'full' }).click(function(){

Get element that called qTip?

I would like to get the element that called the qtip popup. In the documentation here it lets you set the position. I want to set the position using a jquery selector like $(this).find('.icon'). The problem is that this isn't the element that called the qtip (I think it's window).
Does anyone know how I can get the handle that called it (like it would if I set target to false)?
In the qtip source code I found this:
if( === false) = $(this);
Here's the solution I came up with and it seems to work. There probably is a better way to do it if I modified the qtip script but I want to leave that alone.
content: 'test content',
screen: true
target: false, //it is changed in the 'beforeRender' part in api section. by leaving it as false here in the qtip it will set it as the position I need using $(this)
target: 'bottomMiddle',
tooltip: 'topRight'
event: 'click'
name: 'cream',
corner: 'topRight'
padding: 0,
width: 400,
radius: 5,
width: 0
event: 'unfocus'
beforeRender: function() { //get the position that qtip found with $(this) in it's script and change it using that as the start position = $('.icon'); =; //update this as well. I don't actually know what it's use is
It's working on the site now at

