Dynamic jQuery menu with sliding pictures - javascript

I need to make a dynamic jQuery menu for showing products.
There will be one main picture with text and hyperlink on it, taking 60% of the screen, and on the right of it I need three small pictures (one above the other, horizontally) with 20% width of screen (but all together taking same height as the main one).
I need help for the animation. The animation will be next:
the three pictures on the right are sliding up, and the top most disappears, and a new one is appended to the bottom (at the same time as the top most is disapearing). Now, the one that dissapeared becomes the main one.
I've made an easy solution with .slideUp function, but that doesn't actually made the div go up, instead it is just losing it's height until it becomes invisible. It is not the solution I wanted.
I've managed to get some solution with jQuery.sliedUp function, but still I didn't get the effect that the client was asking for.
Now with a little bit more search, I've found that the jQuery UI hide function extension can do the effect I am looking for.
Here's an example: http://jsfiddle.net/WMPRJ/
My problem now is if you click on the top div, while it is sliding up, the bottom div does not follow it up and take its place. I need to do that. Please provide me with a solution.

Append the current main to the bottom of your thumbnails, slide up the top one and remove() it. Take its src attribute and set it to the main image.
Here's some (sorry, not a self-contained example) code that should get you where you're going. If you actually take the time to read it you'll see it does exactly what I described in the first two sentences.
$('#main').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));

if this a homework please append homework tag.
I can't provide you with full HTML and javascript, but an idea. You have two blocks. Float the right block;
Left Block - 60%.
Right Block - 20% (float:right)
Define height for Right & Left block and give overflow:hidden for Right Block.
Now define a click function like this.
var nextAnimateImageId = 1;
nextAnimateImageId = nextAnimateImageId + 1;
My idea is, if you have 5 images, only 3 will be shown becaue of defined height and overflow:hidden property. When you animate the first image to height=0 (which is what toggle does), the 4th image will come up due to the space freed up, giving you a nice scroll up animation.


Splitting screen horizontally on a flexible images layout

I'm looking for directions rather than any specific code (wich I wouldn't spit on neither ;))
I have to code a portfolio for a friend, something like the first following picture (Sorry I only had Paint on the computer I'm asking with) :
The images should either be disposed and able to stay proportional whatever the screen size is or get arranged based on the screen size. So that the screen is always full and no need to scroll in any direction.
Then, as on the second picture of the linked album...
When clicking on a picture on the start screen, I'd like to open the screen in half and display the rest of the project. The rectangle you see up the second screen is supposed to be the same as in the center of the first one, supposed again to be the name of the portfolio. Of course I should be able to close it to get back to the page showcasing all the projects.
The effect I'm looking for is something similar to the about section here, but the other way :
To sum up,
How to dynamically layout images full screen(s).
How to split in half the main screen and display other things in it.
I'm guessing here there is some keys javascripts doing all the magic so, again, any leads on wich scripts to use you know of or wich html/css structure is the best suited to do that kind of things.
I just don't have, this time, the time to start over multiples times (again) and scratch all over my code trying to make a victorian chimney blow white steam.
can you create a http://jsfiddle.net/ or http://plnkr.co/ to start with.
if you have an example webpage then you can just look at its source.
To sum up,
How to dynamically layout images full screen(s). - not clear what that means but, absolute positioning + javascript
How to split in half the main screen and display other things in it. - there are many ways to achieve that effect. in the link you sent, they are being overlapped by the middle content. image is rendered twice on either side and the middle content right half and left half of left and right image respectively.
please post a plunker to have other help you without creating the page from scratch.

Detect when multiple elements are at top of browser screen

Here is the setup, I have multiple divs on a page which are full widths and have blocks of color. The number of divs can vary from page to page. Each div with have a class associated to it (light or dark) and I have a logo pinned to the top of the browser window.
What I am trying to accomplish is this. I want to detect when each on of these div (with a common class) reach the top of the browser window. I then want to see if it has a light or dark class (only this div that just reached the top.) and then change the logo on the page depending on that value.
The closest thing I have come across is some onscreen jquery plugins that will add an :onscreen value to the current div that is on the screen. This would be great if I could only add this onscreen attribute when it reaches the top rather than just into view.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how one might accomplish this?
// jsfiddle example
Funny, I was just looking at a library that does this very thing:
You can add listeners to your elements that will fire off when your element hits the top of the viewport:
$('#myDiv').waypoint(function() {
var color = $(this).css('background-color');
$('img.logo').attr('src', 'logo.png');
For an amazing demo of it in use:
I completely agree with Chris Hardie that Waypoints is the way to go. I built a simple example based on your description.
Here is the fiddle, I've used my own, because I've started before you posted your fiddle, but the idea is pretty the same.
I have a position of a logo element, and when scroll happens I check whether one of the desired blocks intersects logo block. On success a class from a custom data-trigger-class attribute is assigned to a logo element.

Split Ajax animation

I am developing a mobile web application using jQuery and i have been requested to have each page transition into the next with an animation where the page is "split in half", then have the upper part slides up and the bottom part slides down, thus revealing the next page.
I have a small idea, but i dont seem to have the knowledge to get trough:
2 Canvas with display: none, each width width: 100%, height: 50%. - Check
Have the actual display be rendered into said canvas's - I have not the slightest of ideas.
Ajax the next page in a div below both canvas's - Check
Slide the canvas's in the respective directions - Check
Set the canvas's to display: none and restore them to their original positions - Check
Any thoughts? I'm open to use any other framework appart from jQuery, if that's the need. I am also open to change my canvas idea into something else.
As for clarification imagine the page to be a closet, but a vertical one so its doors (the actual page) will slide into the roof and the floor respectively (Its not the greatest of comparisons, but please bear with me) and thus let you see and interact with the content of the closet (The next page). This will go on and on until the application's workflow ends at the last screen, as there will be no back button.
I'm pretty sure I know what you want. You have multiple pages in your registration/form process and instead of having the old fadein/fadeout or sliding effects, you want the top half to slide up and the bottom half to slide down. In order to do this, I'd dump the canvas idea. I don't think that there's an easy way to do it using canvas as of right now. You could try using the html2canvas script, but it's not 100% accurate when it comes to rendering things like this.
As an alternative, I'd recommend using the following process. As a preface, make sure that every step in your form has its own container div (called something obvious like "step-wrap" or "step-container"). Then, when you begin the animation, the first thing to do is to duplicate the current step-wrap, calling it something like step-wrap-animation. Give the original wrap, step-wrap, a height of 50% and position the duplicate below the first with the same height of 50%. Both of the divs should have styling that has an overflow of hidden. Make sure, also, that you set the scrollTop of the duplicate div to scroll to the bottom so that it looks like a continuation of the first div. Everything from here should be smooth sailing.
Second, once you have everything in the first step working, start the animation process. You can do this however you want now that we have the splitting functionality figured out. Make sure that before you start splitting the two divs apart you put the next step behind the previous so that it unravels.
Essentially, what you need to do is:
Duplicate the div
Position both divs (the original and the duplicate) so that both the heights equal 50% and they look like continuations of each other
Animate the top div up, bottom div down
Here's a basic fiddle illustrating how something like this should work. Click on the rendered screen to get the animation going.
Take a look at backbone.js and marionette.js based on backbone.js.
backbone.js is MVC framework where you can define separate views. Marionette is an extension which supports regions and switching views based on whatever you want. Inside switching logic you can easily implement your transitions. Very generic answer but perhaps it will help you to get started.

create image slider that shows part of previous and next image

I'm trying to create a slideshow using jQuery (similar to jquery scrollhorz) but I want the previous and next image partly shown.
Right now, what I have, is a div (with overflow hidden) containing all the images I have. When previous or next button is pressed, I animate the whole div either to left or right. The problem is, if I have many images loaded into the div, it becomes laggy and slow.
What is the best design to implement this image slider?
Without going into the code required, my suggestion would be to use jquery (or moo if that's your thing) to maintain a div that is three to five images long, and keep a list of urls to all the images you want displayed. When you slide the images left or right, you'll pop off the image on the opposite end and add the appropriate image to the other side.
You could use the same technique to loop through the list seamlessly.
Try this.
Hero carousel
It fits your description....Hope it helps out :)
this might be a solution too.
Vote up if it helps you :) all the best

Make a div fall off the page

So I have been playing with jQuery for a good time now and I'm trying to get an effect to work properly. I have a main square div in the middle of the page and when someone clicks a link I want the box to look like its falling off the page and disappear, revealing a new page behind it. I'v been playing with the easing plugin but I can seem to get what I want to work. Basically I have the div's top margin or just top distance increased to a large number. However, this just makes the div fall but it also expands my page and its just much lower on the page. I basically want the div to fall out of site and not change the dimensions of the site. Anyone know how to do that?
To prevent your page from redimensionning upon clicking on your link, add overflow:hidden to your div container 's css properties.
also, make sure you hide the div when the animation ends.
$('#thediv').animate({'top': '+=500px', opacity: 0},function(){

