JQuery Send data to page using jQuery Post and data() - javascript

I'm having a bit of difficulty conceptualising this: I have some data stored to a button:
var input2 = '<button id="viewmap1" class="viewmap">Find on Map</button>';
$(input2).data('longlat', coords);
Now I want to send that data to another page. I understand I am to use jQuery post, eg:
$.post("test.html", { func: "getNameAndTime" },
}, "json");
But im not entirely sure how to go about it. Can any one point me in the right direction? Thanks

Sending data to a different page isn't as simple as it sounds. If it were simple, crackers could manipulate all the other pages that you currently have open in browser tabs.
When you call $.post(), that just sends data to the server, not to another page. The URL is a way to tell the server how to process the data but it doesn't magically connect you to the browser tab/window which has test.html open.
The usual solution is to use a single page which contains the button and the elements to display the results (a.k.a "view"). You send the POST request and then update the view in the callback function.

$(input2).on('click', function(){
// do your post stuffs
then need to trigger the button click


How to use JS to display images from database

So I made a website that displays FPS information stored in a mysql database. For each second of gameplay I have a pair of number(fps)-image(screenshot).
I display the numbers in a line chart made with JavaScript. The behaviour desired is when I click on a bullet in the chart, the screenshot for that particular second is displayed in a div on the page.
I have to mention that the screenshots are stored in the database and they are very low in size. I display then using PHP like this:
$query = "SELECT `image` FROM `logs` WHERE `session_id`=".$_GET['session']." AND `second`=".$second;
$sth = $mysqli->query($query);
if (!empty($result))
echo ' <img id="screen" src="data:image/jpg;base64,'.base64_encode($result['image']).'"/>';
The method I'm using now is when I click on a bullet in the chart (action recorded in JS), I send it as a GET parameter and read it with PHP afterwards, like this:
window.location.href = url + "?second=" + second;
This method obviously will refresh my page. The problem is, the chart I made also has a zoom/scroll option and that resets whenever the page is refreshed, making the experience very bad for the user.
Is there any method to display the screenshots without refreshing the page, for this particular case (where I have to query the database for each click/picture)? Maybe there is a better way of approaching this problem?
I think you've got 2 solutions which are Ajax or Websocket depending your needs.
Ajax permit to asynchronously, only when you need, call the server and get datas from an URL which could be a webservice or PHP page... Perhaps, it's the better solution in your case.
To make it easy, you can use JQuery library by donwloading the script and insert it in your HTML :
<script src="jquery-3.0.0.min.js"></script>
To call the server, using JQuery :
url: url + "/yourphppage.php",
data: "parameter=" + yourOptionelParameter,
async: false,
success: function(data) {
error: function() {
alert("Your error");
contentType: 'charset=utf-8'
Or if your prefer pure javascript.
Now, you just have to work on the presentation of your data, on the server side. It could be what you want HTML, TXT, JSON, XML...
Websocket is like a permanent tunnel opened between your server and the client. Each side can ask or send datas in real time.
It seems to be a library server side :
And client side, it's very easy :
Nice documentation on mozilla website
Hope it helps. Good luck.
To change a picture source, as I see the easiest way is using an ajax call, so you can send any kind of parameters to your server, and in return your will get your new picture source.
$.get('urlToYourServer.com?parameter=1', function(data){
$('#img').attr('src', data.imgSrc);

Javascript window.location.href not reloading data

I'm in a situation where I have an Ajax function making a call to a remote site, saving data into a database, then I want to refresh the current page to show the new data. The problem is I'm also using tabs, so I need to pass #tab6 with the URL to get the visitor back to the correct tab.
I'm using
window.location.href = '/clientarea.php?action=productdetails&id=<?php echo $_POST['pkgid']; ?>#tab6';
as my refresh code. It does appear to change the URL, since after it runs I can see #tab6 on the end of the URL. The problem is it's not actually doing a real refresh of the page data, because it's not showing the new info that's pulled from the remote server. I can see that data after a real refresh.
The hacky option would be to run the window.location.href code to get the anchor in the URL, followed by location.reload(); to get the new data, but I'd like to avoid that if there is a better way to handle it.
You should change something between ? and #.
E.g. you could add/replace a random value just before #, generated with Math.random():
window.location.href = '/clientarea.php?action=productdetails&id=<?php echo $_POST['pkgid']; ?>&random='+Math.random()+'#tab6';
And hacky solution for chrome
Instead of window.location.href use window.location.assign.

How do I change pages and call a certain Javascript function with Flask?

I am not sure if I worded my question correctly. I'm not actually sure how to go about this at all.
I have a site load.html. Here I can use a textbox to enter an ID, for example 123, and the page will display some information (retrieved via a Javascript function that calls AJAX from the Flask server).
I also have a site, account.html. Here it displays all the IDs associated with an account.
I want to make it so if you click the ID in account.html, it will go to load.html and show the information required.
Basically, after I press the link, I need to change the URL to load.html, then call the Javascript function to display the information associated with the ID.
My original thoughts were to use variable routes in Flask, like #app.route('/load/<int:id>') instead of simply #app.route('/load')
But all /load does is show load.html, not actually load the information. That is done in the Javascript function I talked about earlier.
I'm not sure how to go about doing this. Any ideas?
If I need to explain more, please let me know. Thanks!
To make this more clear, I can go to load.html and call the Javascript function from the web console and it works fine. I'm just not sure how to do this with variable routes in Flask (is that the right way?) since showing the information depends on some Javascript to parse the data returned by Flask.
Flask code loading load.html
def load():
return render_template('load.html')
Flask code returning information
def retrieve():
return jsonify({
/retrieve just returns a data structure from the database that is then parsed by the Javascript and output into the HTML. Now that I think about it, I suppose the variable route has to be in retrieve? Right now I'm using AJAX to send an ID over, should I change that to /retrieve/<int:id>? But how exactly would I retrieve the information, from, example, /retrieve/5? In AJAX I can just have data under the success method, but not for a simple web address.
Suppose if you are passing the data into retrieve from the browser url as
you can get the data value like
dataValue = request.args.get('Data')
You can specify param in url like /retrieve/<page>
It can use several ways in flask.
One way is
#app.route('/retrieve/', defaults={'page': 0})
def retrieve():
if page:
#Do page stuff here
return jsonify({
Another way is
def retrieve(page=0):
if page:
#Do your page stuff hear
return jsonify({
Note: You can specify converter also like <int:page>

How can I refresh the page after an ajax call but passing parameters as well? I.e. not full refresh

I am using ajax from JQuery. I am doing in a page that I see the results of a POST/GET having provided specific parameters as filters to the server.
Assume I have provided parameters a&b&c to the user so that I see in the page the subset of the data that these parameters hold true.
In a specific case I do an ajax call to pass a value to the server that modifies this set that I am seeing.
What I need is a way to do a refresh of the page but that will only display the new version of the current subset of data I.e. somehow refreshing passing back to the server a&b&c
Right now I am doing: window.location.reload(true); which reloads all the data and it is time-consuming to re-apply the filters manually.
How can I solve this?
Essentially what I need is not full refresh?
If you are using Ajax from jQuery and want to do a partial reload but have chosen window.location.reload, then you are doing it wrong.
Use the format
$.get("someUrl?a=x&b=y",function(data) { $("#someDiv").html(data)});
for example this code in the head where .parameters could be checkboxes
$(function() {
$(".parameters").on("click",function() {
var url = "someUrl.php?"+$("#myForm").serialize();
$.get(url,function(data) {
You would have to return something from the server which will contain th einformation needed to update
And then update the content based on the returned data.

how to send a single element from browser to server without reload

How can I send just one element from browser to server fast and without reloading browser page?
Is there an AJAX way to do this, that is a NON-FILE method? The opposite of ".load"?
.load works great sending a single element from server to browser without page reload.
How to do the opposite direction?
Browser is JavaScript.
Server is vxworks with windmarks.
Presently, the browser element is and I use submit to send it to the server, but this takes too long and reloads the browser page.
The element's innerHTML contains data formatted as a vxworks WINDMARK.
(When the vxworks server receives this submission, it reads the windmark and copies it to a 'C' string for backend software to process.)
If you're using jQuery and PHP then something like this should work:
$.ajax('doServerSuff.php?action1=saveLog', function() {
// do stuff after server received the data
PHP (doServerStuff.php):
if ($_GET['action1'] == 'saveLog') {
//do stuff
You can get and send data using jQuery. using something like this:
//do stuff
if you let me put a little bit more, it's a good idea to use JSON to send/receive data to/from server. Having that in mind, you can do something like:
$.post('urlfromserver',{browserdata: JSON.stringify(browserdata)},function(datafromserver){
javascriptObject = jQuery.parseJSON(datafromserver)
//do stuff
And in your PHP code, it would be as simple as using json_encode to send data to javascript and json_decode to receive data from javascript
Obtaining the data in the server should be as simple as requesting the object via post or get depending on your send method, and parsing the JSON.
In PHP, this is an example of obtaining data using the above code:
$dataFromBrowser = json_decode($_POST['browserdata'])
Use $.post in jQuery to send the data.
The load intruction can also be used to transmit data to the server:
$().load("url", {limit: 25}, function(){
//transmission finished
In this example the parameter limit with the value 25 wil be transmitted to the server.
Taken from:http://api.jquery.com/load/
You can simply do with the ajax call like this
type: "POST",
url: "yourpage.php?id=someValue",
//do some stuff here
I got it working. Here is the corrected JavaScript, from the above answer.
Here is how to change a single element at the server.
This is also an example of how to write to a vxworks windmark string at a vxworks web server, without reloading the page.
NOTE: no URL is specified, so that the same page is used.
type: "POST",
url: "?general_page_to_MM_data_1_windmark=CCCCCCCCCCCCCC",

