Common data between js modules in IE8 - javascript

I have a web app made of several jsp files, several of which make use of common jscript modules. My problem is that I am having difficulties accessing common data between the jscript modules in IE8.
For example - In a jsp file:
<script for="window" event="onload">
// My globals.
myGlobals = new Object();
// Attach it to the window for maximum availability.
window.myGlobals = myGlobals;
// Add some fields to it.
// List is actually built from external data so cannot be included from external file.
myGlobals.filters = [
myGlobals.filtered = '';
and in a separate js file:
function filter(f) {
for (var i = 0;i < myGlobals.filters.length;i++){
if ( 'Filter-'+f == myGlobals.filters[i] ) {
} else {
myGlobals.filtered = f;
function filterIn(e) {
function filterOut(e) {
and in my jsp - the list is also built from the same external data as above:
<div class="filterbuttons">
<a id="Filter-Women" onclick="filter('Women')">WOMEN</a>
<a id="Filter-Men" onclick="filter('Men')">MEN</a>
<a id="Filter-Girls" onclick="filter('Girls')">GIRLS</a>
<a id="Filter-Boys" onclick="filter('Boys')">BOYS</a>
Now this all works fine in Firefox but customer also needs this to work in IE8. There, the myGlobals structure is not available, not even from the window. Any ideas?

Problem solved!
<script for="window" event="onload">
to just plain:
and everything works fine again.


pdfjs with magento 2

I could integrate pdfjs with magento 2 requireJS.
have downloaded files from here: and placed them in my_theme/web/js/ folder
added pdfjs to requirejs script:
var config = {
paths: {
'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf': 'js/pdf.min',
'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker': 'js/pdf.worker.min'
add script to page :
require(["js/pdf", "js/pdf.worker"],function(pdfjsLib, pdfWorker){
//define url other parts of script..
pdfjsLib.getDocument(url).promise.then(function(pdfDoc_) {
pdfDoc = pdfDoc_;
document.getElementById('page_count').textContent = pdfDoc.numPages;
// Initial/first page rendering
script is loaded i can see that both pdf.min.js and pdf.worker.min.js where loaded with magento.
but still getting following error: Cannot read property 'getDocument' of undefined.
from test both variables are undefined: pdfjsLib, pdfWorker
any idea what is wrong here ?
if we use :
require(["pdfjs-dist/build/pdf", "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker"],function(pdfjsLib, pdfWorker){
we get 404 since it will try to load script from website/pub/static/vendor/theme/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.min.js
but file is located at website/pub/static/vendor/theme/js/pdf.min.js
I do not have Magento2 setup but I did a simple HTML setup and it is working:
<script src=""></script>
var config = {
paths: {
'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf': '',
'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker': ''
require(["pdfjs-dist/build/pdf", "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker"],function(pdfjsLib, pdfWorker){
console.log(pdfjsLib, pdfWorker);
Maybe this will help you :)

wami-recorder - Wami.startRecording is not a function

I am trying to implement Wami-Recorder as described here on stackoverflow with basically the same setup as in the accepted answer ie swfobject.js, recorder.js, and gui.js included in the head tag, the html controls contained in the divs:
<div id="recorder">
<button id="record">Record</button>
<button id="play">Play</button>
<div id="flash"></div>
and the JavaScript is just sitting at the bottom of the page just before the html end tag:
id: 'flash' // where to put the flash object
// initialize some global vars
var recording = '';
var recordingUrl = '';
var playBackUrl = '';
// get button elements
var record = $('#record');
var play = $('#play');
// define functions
function startRecording() {
recording = 'temp.wav';
recordingUrl = 'http://localhost/temp/wami/test/save_file.php?filename=' + recording;
// update button attributes
record.html('Stop').unbind().click(function() {
function stopRecording() {
// get the recording for playback
playBackUrl = 'http://localhost/temp/wami/test/' + recording;
// update button attributes
record.html('Record').unbind().click(function() {
function startPlaying() {
// update button attributes
play.html('Stop').unbind().click(function() {
function stopPlaying() {
// update button attributes
play.html('Play').unbind().click(function() {
// add initial click functions {
}); {
Now, I've never actually seen a working demo of Wami-Recorder, but I'm assuming there should actually be something in the flash container when it loads...? I get no error, and I can right click the area where the flash embed should be and the context menu confirms that there's a flash object loaded, and Firebug shows the DOM has been modified to:
<div id="recorder">
<button id="record">Record</button>
<button id="play">Play</button>
<div id="flash">
<div id="widb06765e52be" style="position: absolute;">
<object id="wid36dd0ea1ccc" width="214" height="137" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Wami.swf" style="visibility: visible;">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
<param name="flashvars" value="visible=false&loadedCallback=Wami._callbacks['wid9ebef515c0b']&console=true">
as well as that the Wami.swf file was fetched via GET with 200 status.
Still, when I click the Record button, I get TypeError: Wami.startRecording is not a function. I'm assuming it's some sort of context issue, in that Wami is not a global for use inside a function for some reason. If so, can anyone explain why? If this is not the case, what have I overlooked?
At one point I had tried to implement a more object-oriented way of doing things with:
var Audio = {
setup: function() {
record: function() {
play: function() {
stop: function() {
status: function(msg) {
And I would fire the functions from within the document.ready() method depending upon other conditions. The original implementation throws the exact same error, and I stripped it all out to try this more direct approach... to no avail.
You're on the right track! This is a lot of writing, but I hope it helps :-D
On the default implementation using the sample code from the Google repos, you do see the Flash GUI because it's initialized, but in this example, it does not and relies on the HTML buttons. The Flash is still on the page right below the buttons but white one white.
Your error
Using your code and files, the only way I was able to duplicate your error was to access the file via the file system:
Accessing the same content through a web server:
works great.
So my assumption is that you don't have a web server to test on and are using the file system instead. I included links to XAMPP and basic setup instructions below, as well as the working code sample.
My setup:
I'm using XAMPP so the browser URL is set to http://localhost/wami/index.html.
You can download XAMPP here.
On Windows, it will install in C:\xampp by default.
Place all your files in C:\xampp\htdocs\wami and you should be all set.
Start APACHE in the XAMPP console
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost/wami/index.html
I placed all files in that folder (all WAMI files including save_file.php). Once ran, and the first WAV file was created, I elevated the permissions on it for testing (right-click, add FULL CONTROL permission for All Users (I'm on Windows 7).
Full working code sample (same as yours but has the entire code chunk for reference. I removed https:// from the JavaScript call since mixing http and https can cause security popups and broken JavaScript)
I used the PHP file as-is with this code:
// get the filename
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $params);
$file = isset($params['filename']) ? $params['filename'] : 'temp.wav';
// save the recorded audio to that file
$content = file_get_contents('php://input');
$fh = fopen($file, 'w') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($fh, $content);
And the HTML file:
<!-- index.html -->
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="recorder.js"></script>
<div id="recorder">
<button id="record">Record</button>
<button id="play">Play</button>
<div id="flash"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// initialize Wami
id: 'flash' // where to put the flash object
// initialize some global vars
var recording = '';
var recordingUrl = '';
var playBackUrl = '';
// get button elements
var record = $('#record');
var play = $('#play');
// define functions
function startRecording() {
recording = 'temp.wav';
recordingUrl = 'save_file.php?filename=' + recording;
// update button attributes
record.html('Stop').unbind().click(function() {
function stopRecording() {
// get the recording for playback
playBackUrl = recording;
// update button attributes
record.html('Record').unbind().click(function() {
function startPlaying() {
// update button attributes
play.html('Stop').unbind().click(function() {
function stopPlaying() {
// update button attributes
play.html('Play').unbind().click(function() {
// add initial click functions {
}); {
The flash object was being embedded in the page, but none of the event listeners were working. I have since switched to jRecorder link, and with a few modifications to the code, have it working with no issues.

How Can I Insert My Javascript Into My Drupal Site/Node

I'm trying to insert a cookie that is provided by a video host that will resume a video where the user left off. They have an example that obviously works. When trying to insert this into my Drupal site, the cookie won't work. The video just starts back at the beginning.
I have enabled "PHP input filter", as I read that I needed to do that for drupal to insert the script. Please see the code that is in my node below.
Can anyone help me figure out why this isn't working, how to get it to work, or a better way of doing this with Drupal?
Thank you,
<script type="text/javascript">
wistiaEmbed.ready( function() {
var all_cookies = document.cookie.split(';'), // gets the value of the cookies on the page
cookie_str = "resume_video=",
resume_cookie = does_resume_cookie_exist(all_cookies);
function does_resume_cookie_exist(cookie_arr) {
var i, curr_string, found;
for (i = 0; i < cookie_arr.length; i++) {
curr_string = cookie_arr[i];
if (curr_string.substring(0,5) === cookie_str.substring(0,5)) {
// we've found it!
found = curr_string;
return found;
function set_cookie_time(t) {
document.cookie = cookie_str + t.toString(); // this takes the time (t) and sets the cookie with that time
if (resume_cookie) {
num = resume_cookie.split('=')[1];
start_time = parseInt(num);
wistiaEmbed.time(start_time).play(); // plays the video at the specific time defined in the cookie upon return to the page
} else {
set_cookie_time(0); // places a cookie on the visitor; // starts the video from the beginning
wistiaEmbed.bind("timechange", function(t) { // on timechange, reset cookie
wistiaEmbed.bind("end", function() { // if person has watched the entire video, sets the video to beginning upon retun
<div id="wistia_npcc5k96s9" class="wistia_embed" style="width:640px;height:508px;"> </div>
<script charset="ISO-8859-1" src=""> </script>
wistiaEmbed = Wistia.embed("npcc5k96s9");
</script>**strong text**
What version of drupal are you using? Does the code that you gave actually output in your request response?
There are several solutions to this (IMO).
If the code is showing up in the response, it could be some other javascript error that preventing your code from executing.
If that snippet of code is applicable to all nodes of that type you can use the node_view hook in order to inject your code on that node type, for example (I am assuming D7):
function mymodule_node_view($node, $view_mode)
if($node->type =='video_page')
drupal_add_js('resume_video.js'); // this js holds your code snippet
Here's a reference that could help you out
You can similarly inject that snippet of code at the theme layer using a theme hook, probably hook_preprocess!system!theme.api.php/function/hook_preprocess/7
Hope that helps.

jquery templating - import a file?

I'm working with backbone.js, but as far as I've seen, it doesn't care what templating system you use. Currently I'm trying out mustache.js, but I'm open to other ones. I'm a little annoyed though with the way I have to put a template into a string:
var context = {
name: this.model.get('name'),
email: this.model.get('email')
var template = "<form>Name<input name='name' type='text' value='{{name}}' />Email<input name='email' type='text' value='{{email}}' /></form>";
var html = Mustache.to_html(template, context);
I'd like if I could load it from a different file or something somehow. I want to be able to have template files in order to simplify things. For example, if I put it all in a string, I can't have breaks (well I can have html breaks, but that's not the point). After the line starts to get very long, it becomes unmanageable.
Updated (4/11/14):
As answered by OP below:
Unfortunately, the jQuery team has moved the templating functionality out of jQuery Core. The code is still available as a library here: and here:
Original Answer:
I just used this a couple of hours ago:
It's an official jQuery plugin(i.e. the devs endorse it).
This is the function you need to use for loading templates from things other than strings:
Here's the code to have a template in HTML:
<script id="titleTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
// Compile the inline template as a named template
$( "#titleTemplate" ).template( "summaryTemplate" );
function renderList() {
// Render the movies data using the named template: "summaryTemplate"
$.tmpl( "summaryTemplate", movies ).appendTo( "#moviesList" );
It's in a <script> tag, because that's not visible by default.
Note the type="text/x-jquery-tmpl". If you omit that, it will try to parse it as JavaScript(and fail horribly).
Also note that "loading from a different file" is essentially the same as "reading a file" and then "loading from a string".
I just found this jQuery plugin - Does exactly what you want, and can be coupled with $.tmpl
I have built a lightweight template manager that loads templates via Ajax, which allows you to separate the templates into more manageable modules. It also performs simple, in-memory caching to prevent unnecessary HTTP requests. (I have used jQuery.ajax here for brevity)
var TEMPLATES = {};
var Template = {
load: function(url, fn) {
if(!TEMPLATES.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
url: url,
success: function(data) {
TEMPLATES[url] = data;
} else {
render: function(tmpl, context) {
// Apply context to template string here
// using library such as underscore.js or mustache.js
You would then use this code as follows, handling the template data via callback:
Template.load('/path/to/template/file', function(tmpl) {
var output = Template.render(tmpl, { 'myVar': 'some value' });
We are using jqote2 with backbone because it's faster than jQuery's, as you say there are many :)
We have all our templates in a single tpl file, we bind to our template_rendered so we can add jquery events etc etc
App.Helpers.Templates = function() {
var loaded = false;
var templates = {};
function embed(template_id, parameters) {
return $.jqote(templates[template_id], parameters);
function render(template_id, element, parameters) {
var render_template = function(e) {
var r = embed(template_id, parameters);
if (loaded) {
} else {
$(document).bind("templates_ready", render_template);
function load_templates() {
$.get('/javascripts/backbone/views/templates/templates.tpl', function(doc) {
var tpls = $(doc).filter('script');
tpls.each(function() {
templates[] = $.jqotec(this);
loaded = true;
return {
render: render,
embed: embed
They look like
<script id="table" data-comment="generated!!!!! to change please change table.tpl">

Using jQuery in a firefox extension

I'm trying to develop a firefox extension which draws a toolbar at the base of every webpage.
Until now i managed to make jQuery work and i proved it by running
in the mr.on=function().
This code just makes the background color of the webpage black whenever i click the menu item associated with the addon.
But, if i try to run
$('body',mr.env).append( ' <img src="img/check.png" /> ' );
it simply fails. It doesn't show any error in Error Console and the image isn't displayed.
Why is that?
This is my overlay XUL :
<script src="window.js"/>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>
<!-- Firefox Tools menu -->
<menupopup id="menu_ToolsPopup">
<menuitem id="menu_crypt_demo" class="" image=""
label="Use DnsResolver?" insertbefore="javascriptConsole" accesskey="o"
This is the JavaScript file (window.js):
var DnsResolver = {
onLoad: function() {
// initialization code
this.initialized = true;
onMenuItemCommand: function() {
testextension.on();"chrome://dnsresolver/content/window.xul", "", "chrome");
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) { DnsResolver.onLoad(e); }, false);
if(!testextension){ var testextension={};}
var mr=testextension;
var jQuery = mr.jQuery;
var $ = function(selector,context){ return new jQuery.fn.init(selector,context||window._content.document); };
$.fn = $.prototype = jQuery.fn;
$('body',mr.env).append('<img src="img/check.png" />');
// hide and make visible the show
$("span.close a",mr.env).click(function() {
// show tbar and hide the show bar
$(" a",mr.env).click(function() {
// Loading the Jquery from the mozilla subscript method
mr.loadLibraries = function(context){
var loader = Components.classes[";1"]
var jQuery = window.jQuery.noConflict(true);
if( typeof(jQuery.fn._init) == 'undefined') { jQuery.fn._init = jQuery.fn.init; }
mr.jQuery = jQuery;
Starting with Firefox 3, chrome resources can no longer be referenced from within <img>, <script>, or other elements contained in, or added to, content that was loaded from an untrusted source. This restriction applies to both elements defined by the untrusted source and to elements added by trusted extensions. If such references need to be explicitly allowed, set the contentaccessible flag to yes to obtain the behaviour found in older versions of Firefox.
Use the HTML tab in FireFox to know actually if the img element was added. It probably was added and the problem is with your URL.
I remember when building my FireFox extensions, that files are located through a special protocol (chrome:// I think), where you put the name of the extension and can browse through it.

