javascript/jquery digital clock script in 24 hour format with Date - javascript

I am looking for javascript/jquery digital clock script in 24 hour format with Date. The clock should display images as its numbers and date; also the clock should initialize its time from a hidden field having server time. I am using

In all seriousness, how much searching did you do? I simply typed 'jquery digital clock' into google and got loads of results, here's one in particular:


calculate now time until specific time javascript

i have a project with reactjs and in this project I want create a countdown and in my project i want when ever a user came to my site I showing that user a count down from The moment the user enters the page until 00:00:00 (12:00:00 AM). i try implement this with javaScript and Date class but I can't find a solution for this other word i want a time stamp from the moment user enters the page until (00:00:00)
(ex:a user enter the page at 11:00:00 i want this timestamp be between 11:00:00AM and 00:00:00)
I would suggest moment.js package. It's very well documented and it can do pretty cool stuff. I'm sure it would solve your need. Here is a link to moment.js

Getting the offset value for a user selection with momentjs?

In my web application i have users select a certain time consisting of hours, minutes and a certain timezone.
The user selection is to trigger a function on my webserver at a certain time. But given that the user may select 11:00 in timezone "Europe/London", i need to account for the time difference between the time on my webserver and the triggering time and timezone selected by the user somehow, and calculate what the UTC version of the user selection would be.
The actual date is not important to me in this project, only that the triggering hour and minute needs to be adjusted so that a timed trigger function on my webserver matches the actual selection of time that the user has selected.
Any tips on how to achieve this using momentjs would be a great help ?
You can use moment.utc to convert all dates to UTC and then use date1.diff(date2, "hours") to get the diff in hours (or use minutes, seconds for more accuracy)

How to get the *real* date using Moment.js?

So this has been on my mind for a long time - I was trying to "trick" my website and change my device's date. Unfortunately, this worked. I easily changed my laptop's date in the settings, entered the website and got the fake date.
So my question is simple, how do I get the real date?
This was the code I used: (The PST real day is 17th of August), and I changed my device's date to the 20th of August:
moment().tz('America/Los_Angeles').toDate().format('D') //returns 20

Convert set date to user's local time automatically

I am creating an application where I have a pretty big set of dates and times, and I need to display these in the user's local time and date. All set dates and times are in BST; so for example 08-24-2014 16:00 BST = 08-24-2014 11:00 EST. Now, before coming here I spent good 3-4 hours looking for an answer but if anything, I got more confused. Is there any way, to convert a set of BST dates and times to the user's local settings automatically without them setting the time zone etc?
p.s.: I have two ideas in mind but I don't know if they would work nor how to execute them.
1) Get and change the BST date and time and convert it to a unit of measurement; get and change the user's local date and time and covert it to the same unit of measurement as above, calculate the difference in the new measurement, and convert that to the user's local time.
2) Use GeoLocation to find the user's date and time/ time zone and; convert the BST to whatever the GeoLocation spits out.
you can get the users machine timezone in javascript:
var currentDate = new Date();
var currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = currentDate.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
see documentation here:
having the offset you can add it to your values
there is a javascript library Moment.js which allows you to query daylight saving values for specific dates and timezones.
because all your dates are in british summer time. first query if a date is in british winter time with isDSTShifted(). and subtract() an hour.
convert the date to another timezone

php timezone messing with javascript time

I'm using the TimeAgo plugin to update the time of posts automatically. It makes time like 05-08-2014 15:02:39 to 5 minutes ago.
The problem is, the javascript uses client's clock for time. I'm from Bangladesh, Asia. But in php the default timezone varies from server to server. I'm outputting the format 05-08-2014 15:02:39 in PHP to convert it into something like 5 mintues ago using the TimeAgo plugin.
Because server's timezone is different, instead of showing less than a minute ago on a recent post, it shows nn hours ago. If the server is american, it shows 11 hours ago, if it's indian, the time shows 30 minutes ago. How do I fix it?
As stated on the TimeAgo project page:
Are you concerned about time zone support? Don't be. Timeago handles
this too. As long as your timestamps are in ISO 8601 format and
include a full time zone designator (±hhmm), everything should work
out of the box regardless of the time zone that your visitors live in.
So echo the dates server side with date('c',$timestamp) and everything should work fine.

