How to force Dojo TitlePane to overlap with CSS? - javascript

I have this jsfiddle which has two TitlePane widgets in the top right of the center pane. Right now, when the right TitlePane ("Switch Basemap") is clicked, it causes the left TitlePane ("Map Overlays") to shift to the left. Instead, I would like for the right TitlePane, when opened, to hide the left TitlePane rather than shift it.
I have tried playing with z-index, overflow, position, and float, but no luck so far. I am fairly new to Dojo so I think I haven't found the correct combination of style parameters.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Try giving your titlepanes an id, and then add the evenhooks as shown below. To give a widget an id, simply put it into the props as id:'leftId'. I will use the classNames of yours as id in example.
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
var wLeft = dijit.byId('leftTitlePane');
var wRight = dijit.byId('rightTitlePane');
dojo.connect(wLeft, 'onShow', function() { = 'none';
dojo.connect(wLeft, 'onHide', function() {
// wait a few for collapse to finish
setTimeout(function() { = '';}, 120);
dojo.connect(wRight, 'onShow', function() { = 'none';
dojo.connect(wRight, 'onHide', function() {
// wait a few for collapse to finish
setTimeout(function() { = '';}, 120);


Changing background image referred to each menu item only by scrolling

I'm developing a wordpress theme that has a function of changing background image by hovering menu item(each menu item is attached different image). On mobile, I'd like to change background image just by scrolling so that viewers don't need to click each menu to change the background image.
This is the method I implemented to change background by hovering.
// When any of the a's inside of sidebarContainer are hovered
$( ".sidebarContainer a" ).hover(function() {
// Removes all previous classes but keeps sidebar1
// Splits up the URL on the current href
var URI = $(this).attr('href').split('/');
// Applies the last part of the URL to sidebar1
Achieving with scrolling, I think I need a function that hovering menu item by its position like the image below.
Does anyone have any ideas how to achieve this? I've been exploring a plugin or sample code similar to this, but haven't found any...
Any advices would be appreciated.
Okay, so this is the code I wrote. Hope it helps. I've worked on cross-fading effect but it wasn't that easy. If someone tried please teach me how to do it.
Demo on Codepen:
'use strict';
var elem = $('li.list-item'),
$listPosition = $.map(elem, function(el, i) { return $(el).offset().top; }),
$listURL = $.map(elem, function(el,i) { return $(el).find('a').attr('href'); }),
$bg = $('.container');
$.fn.preload = function() {
$('<img/>')[0].src = this;
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
var windowScroll = $(this).scrollTop();
$.each($listPosition, function (i, pos) {
if (windowScroll >= pos) {
$bg.css('background', 'url(' + $listURL[i] + '), black no-repeat center center fixed');

How would I make my Bootstrap navbar "collapse"?

I am trying to replicate the scrolling effect from here:
I have a feeling that they are using a heavily modified version of Bootstrap Navbar, which I have taken from here: and have changed it to fit into my specific case.
How would I make it so when you scroll down the page, the bar on the top gets "smaller" and scrolls along with the page as you scroll? Thanks
You can use css transitions for the height, font size and whatever else you want changed. Then simply set a scroll listener, which adds a class to the header so the size changes. Quick (and very ugly) example. jsFiddle
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(this).scrollTop()) {
else {
Maybe you should detect the scroll event of the window, after that, set the position of the navbar to fixed and then, perform the animation. Here's an example of the javascript part and a link see it in action:
var performingDownAnimation = false,
performingUpAnimation = false;
var performScroll = function(){
if($("body").scrollTop() > 0) {
if(performingUpAnimation) {
performingUpAnimation = false;
$('#logo').animate({ 'font-size': "12px" }, 1000, function(){
performingDownAnimation = false;
performingDownAnimation = true;
}else if($("body").scrollTop() == 0){
if(performingDownAnimation) {
performingDownAnimation = false;
$('#logo').animate({ 'font-size': "48px" }, 1000, function(){
performingUpAnimation = false;
performingUpAnimation = true;
$(document).on('scroll', performScroll);
On scroll event and position fixed
I edited my response for adding support for the "up" direction too. About using bootstrap for the animation, I have no idea how to do it, and I think it can't be done, because bootstrap is based mainly on applying CSS classes to different elements. CSS classes are discrete, but you are asking for animating something numerical, as the font-size property is. As much, you could create an animation that looks "staggered".

Wow.js repeat animation every time you scroll up or down

I'm pretty new with Jquery. I would like that my animations with Wow.js could run more than once time. For instance: i scroll to the bottom of my page and see all the animations, and if i scroll back to the top i see again the animations like when you scroll down. I hope that I explained myself. I have already seen many websites that repeats the animations on theirs pages but unfortunately I don't remember them and I can't provide a link.
I have already tried this:
new WOW().init();
But it repeat the animations also if you scroll a little and it's pretty ugly to see. I try to explain me better: I have a with my animation and if it is focused the animation is triggered, then i scroll down to another div and the previous div is no more visible(not in the window viewport), then again i scroll back to my div with animation and the animation is triggered again.
I'm sorry for this messy question but I really don't know how to explain it.
Thanks in advance!
This example by Benoît Boucart shows how the animation can be "reset" when the user scrolls out of view and back in. The key here is the second function that removes the animation css class when the element scrolls out of view. I wish WOW.js would implement this, but they've indicated that they don't plan to.
// Showed...
$(".revealOnScroll:not(.animated)").each(function () {
var $this = $(this),
offsetTop = $this.offset().top;
if (scrolled + win_height_padded > offsetTop) {
if ($'timeout')) {
$this.addClass('animated ' + $'animation'));
}, parseInt($'timeout'),10));
} else {
$this.addClass('animated ' + $'animation'));
// Hidden...
$(".revealOnScroll.animated").each(function (index) {
var $this = $(this),
offsetTop = $this.offset().top;
if (scrolled + win_height_padded < offsetTop) {
$(this).removeClass('animated fadeInUp flipInX lightSpeedIn')
If a user wants to repeat the animation on both the events i.e.
then this will be a good solution for it:
First create an addBox function, it will help to push new elements into the WOW boxes array.
WOW.prototype.addBox = function(element){
Then use jQuery and scrollspy plugin that helps to detect which element is out of the view and then push WOW as:
var element = $(this);
'visibility' : 'hidden',
'animation-name' : 'none'
Solution Courtesy: ugurerkan
Answer by #vivekk is correct I m just adding a working example so that people can easily get this
see the Demo fiddle
// Repeat demo content
var $body = $('body');
var $box = $('.box');
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
// Helper function for add element box list in WOW
WOW.prototype.addBox = function(element) {
// Init WOW.js and get instance
var wow = new WOW();
// Attach scrollSpy to .wow elements for detect view exit events,
// then reset elements and add again for animation
$('.wow').on('scrollSpy:exit', function() {
'visibility': 'hidden',
'animation-name': 'none'

remove one class when animating

I try to animate menu-panel. It should slide to the left. But it doesn't work right. And I can't understand why.
There are a few issues with the current code (e.g. you were missing a . on one panel selector and not referencing panel1 after changing the panel class. I also switched to absolute positioning with the arrow inside the panel.
I did a little cleanup to make the changes obvious (you should not repeat jQuery selectors - use temp vars instead):
$(function () {
$('.slider-arrow').click(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $panel = $(".panel, .panel1");
var left = -53;
var text = '»';
if ($this.hasClass('hide')) {
text = '«';
left = 0;
left: left
}, 700, function () {
// Animation complete.
You can tweak the position numbers to make it match what you wanted.

Show / hide elements on mouse move

I'm building a site where I want the certain sections to be hidden until the mouse is moved. They then remain visible whilst the mouse is moving, however, if it remains still for a couple of seconds they hide again.
I'm using jQuery on the site, in my ready state I have:
var hide = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
$('body').mousemove(function() {
var hide = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
And the functions that show/hide content
function hideNav() {
var lightbox = $('#lightbox');
if (lightbox.length) {
function showNav() {
var lightbox = $('#lightbox');
if (lightbox.length) {
This sort of works, except the timeout for hiding the elements ends up fighting with the function to show it when the mouse moves resulting in a lot of flickering.
EDIT: The mouse movement needs to be for anywhere on the page, not just when hovering over the element that is to be shown/hidden.
Any help would be appreciated.
Try using $.stop
If its in the 1 second of fading out when you move your mouse, it should stop the animation of fading out and fade back in.
function hideNav() {
var lightbox = $('#lightbox');
if (lightbox.length) {
function showNav() {
var lightbox = $('#lightbox');
if (lightbox.length) {
Also, I would remove var from the var hide = ... in your mousemove function. If hide is a global variable, just reuse it inside mousemove (doesn't need to be redeclared).

