Violin chart in D3 - javascript

Any ideas on where to even begin with making a violin chart using d3? Does it exist already?
I've looked around and have figured out how to do it using ggplot2 and was hoping there'd be a ready-made example that I could learn from but haven't found one yet.
I suppose I could do a really painful process of making various size bars on top of each other, or taking a distribution, rotating it and mirroring it. But surely there's a better way.

I needed that for myself so here it is: violin plot

As far as I know, nobody has done this before, but it shouldn't be too hard. I would start as if I was making a line chart (or boxed instead of lines) for one half of a violin. That is, create the appropriate x and y scales and add the data in. The result of this I would rotate and translate to the correct position. Then do the same thing again and mirror it as well to get the other half of the violin.
This may sound complex, but SVG has built-in support for these operations (rotating and mirroring). You should be able to approach this pretty much like drawing a line graph of the distribution with 2-3 simple operations on top of that. Wrap everything in a function and you've got something you can call to create a violin.
It of course also depends in what form you have the data to make the plot. A line plot might not be feasible because of too few data points, but then you can easily use bars instead.


Javascript bar chart, where bar is split into triangles

I am having kinda a hard time to find a solution for a special type of bar chart.
The graph:
After a long time of searching the web, I wasn't able to find a good solution for this. I was using chart.js and the first thing I tried was to fill a bar with .svg, but sadly it is possible to fill it only with pattern. Another thing I thought may work was to design my own bar via two separate stacked line graphs, but there I wasn't successful becouse of the dependency on xAxis (to create a triangle I would need three labels, and the result was still total ****).
I would really appreciate if anybody would be helpful and suggest an idea how to go around this as I am absoulutely out of ideas.

Creating a force directed graph in Babylon.js

I am attempting to create a force directed graph in my Babylon.js project and was wondering if anyone had suggestions as to how I should go about that. I am looking into the barycentric method and the Barnes-Hut method but am wondering if there are any simpler ways of doing so (such as how it is done in d3.js by typing d3.layout.force) or if I should continue on with one of those methods above. I need to add the nodes on top of a plane within a 3D area but the y values of the nodes will remain constant so it is more of a 2D problem.
I also looked into Springy ( but I am not sure if it would be possible to implement that into Babylon.js due to the 3D nature of Babylon.
If anybody has a suggestion to solve this problem I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
I would break this problem into multiple pieces.
Wrangle the data using an off-the-shelf algorithm into coordinates, then feed the coordinates into Babylon.
A really cheesy way to do it would be to let d3-force do its magic in a hidden SVG, then feed the graph data into Babylon.
Yes, it's a hack, but it would seem to be fast and easy!

How to synchronize the Three.js and HTML/SVG coordinate systems (especially w.r.t. the y-axis)?

I'm combining 3D content with Three.js with HTML and SVG content. The Three.js CSSLoader does a pretty good job synchronizing placement of HTML and SVG content in the 3D world.
But the SVG/HTML coordinate systems are 'left-handed', whereas Three.js coordinate system is 'right-handed'. This basically means that their y-axes are reversed. In SVG/HTML, y/top goes up as you go down the screen, and Three.js uses the more standard mathematical convention of y going down as you go down the screen.
I have to continually convert from one to the other, which is pretty error prone. I know I am not the first to run into this (for example, look here). Has someone come up with a general solution? Here's what I tried:
Do everything in an Object3D with .scale.y = -1. As you may suspect, this turns out to be a disaster. It turns everything inside-out, and don't even try to put your camera in there.
Do everything in an Object3D with .rotate.x = Math.PI. This is more promising, but the z axis is no longer consistent with the HTML concept of z-index. Still, this is what I'm using now.
In HTML, don't use top, use bottom. In SVG, do everything inside a <g transform="scale(1, -1)"> inside a <g transform="translate(0, imageHeight)">. However, I feel this would be more confusing for developers, and the imageHeight has to be kept up to date at all times, which is yet another burden.
Has anyone come up with something better? Perhaps a library to help with this?
I would suggest you to use the SVG Global Transform Attribute, if you post an example of your code, i could edit the answer and post the example here, maybe a JSfiddle.
Basically you will need to add the transformation to your SVG, in your case to change the direction of y-axis, you can do a "scale(1,-1)".
See the W3 documentation with examples in the following link:
The first common use of this attribute:
Most ProjectedCRS have the north direction represented by positive
values of the second axis and conversely SVG has a y-down coordinate
system. That's why, in order to follow the usual way to represent a
map with the north at its top, it is recommended for that kind of
ProjectedCRS to use the ‘svg:transform’ global attribute with a
'scale(1, -1)' value as in the third example below.
They have some examples there too, I hope it solves your problem. :)

Phasor Diagrams (vector plots) in Javascript

I have phasor information (polar vector data pairs, each with magnitude and angle, representing voltage and current measurements) that I would like to display using Javascript. They should look something like the image linked below (my rep isn't high enough to directly post it) which I stole from Jesse's question about MatPlotLib. I would also like to easily change which phasors are displayed by a simple mechanic like clicking on the legend entry.
See a phasor diagram example here.
While I have inspected several code sets, I have yet to find a chart package that is built to handle polar vectors like this. Is my Google-fu lacking or do I need to create everything from scratch?
I feel like this is a cheap workaround, but here's what I ended up doing:
I used the polar chart from jqWidgets and with the series type set to "column" and the flip property switched to "true." I put the data in an array with 0 entries for each possible angle except for where I wanted the phasor displayed. Each phasor gets a dedicated series so the legend lists them all. It's not perfect and the array is much larger than it really should need to be, but it's passable.
While it's not surprising that no power system display package is publicly available for Javascript, I'm sure one has to be out there for educational sites if nothing else.

Javascript & Canvas: Endless random animation of slightly morphing circle?

I'm completely new to canvas and animating objects with it. I did a little bit of research (e.g. I found RaphaelJS) however I couldn't find any general answer or tutorial on how to create a "morphing" circle.
The image I posted here is what I would like to do:
I'd like to create one circle that is endlessly animated via a randomizer and is slightly morphing its contours.
I know this might be not a "real" question for this forum, however I just wonder if anyone could provide a few tipps or tricks on how to do something like that.
By "how to do something like that" I'm speaking actually about the technique on how to morph a circle. Do I have to "mathematically" create a circle with dozens of anchor-points along the edge that are influenced by a randomized function?
I would really appreciate some starting help with this.
Thank you in advance.
A circle can be reasonably well approximated by 4 cubic curves (one for each quarter and the control points on the tangents - google for the correct length of the control segments or calculate them yourself - see here. You could then randomly animate the control points within a small radius to get a wobbling effect.
Do I have to "mathematically" create a circle with dozens of anchor-points along the edge that are influenced by a randomized function?
Yes, you do, although it should not be necessary to create "dozens".
You may find the .bezierCurveTo() and .quadraticCurveTo() functions useful to provide smooth interpolated curves between control points.
When you can use a raster image then for every point you can displace it along the x-axis with a sin function. You can run the same function along the y-axis but instead to simply displace the pixel you can double it. This should give you a morphing circle but it also works with other shapes.

