Remove options from select box if it is already selected in onother - javascript

I have a form. The user clicks the add button to add another state + text box for that state. When people select a state in the first box, I want it removed from any other select box that may be added so it can not be selected again.
<form action=state.php method=post>
<a href="javascript:addElement();" style='color:blue; text-decoration:underline;'>Add a State </a>
<a href='javascript:removeElement();' style='color:blue; text-decoration:underline;' >Remove </a><br /><br />
<script type="text/javascript">
var intTextBox=0;
function addElement() {
intTextBox = intTextBox + 1;
var contentID = document.getElementById('addresscontent');
var newTBDiv = document.createElement('div');
newTBDiv.innerHTML = "<select id='u" + intTextBox + "' name=b_state[" + intTextBox + "][statename]/><option value=''>Select a State</option><option value='AK'>AK</option><option value='AL'>AL</option><option value='AR'>AR</option><option value='AS'>AS</option><option value='AZ'>AZ</option><option value='CA'>CA</option></select> <span style='font-size:12px;'>URL (if different) </span><input style='border:1px solid black; ' size=60 type='text' id='u" + intTextBox + "' name=b__state[" +intTextBox + "][url] /><br>";
function removeElement() {
if(intTextBox != 0) {
var contentID = document.getElementById('addresscontent');
intTextBox = intTextBox-1;
<div id="addresscontent"></div>
<input type=submit value='go'>

Here are the steps you need:
1) Gather all of the relevant select fields into a node list:
2) Now you need to loop through these select fields. For each select field you need to loop through the option elements
3) Perform a remove child if the option contains a certain value.
var removeState = function (x) {
"use strict";
var a = document.getElementById("myBigForm").getElementsByTagName("select"),
b = a.length,
c = 0,
d = [],
e = 0,
f = 0;
for (c = 0; c < b; c += 1) {
d = a[b].getElementsByTagName("option");
e = d.length;
for (f = 0; f < e; f += 1) {
if (d[f].value === x) {


Disable unchecked check boxes in selected div element using jquery

I am creating check boxes dynamically using jquery. I want to disable unchecked check boxes as shown in the snippet,but i want to disable the check boxes only in their respective div elements and not in the other div elements which is what causing issue now.
I have written the code to disable/enable checkboxes based on their respective div tags and i have commented it as it is throwing error if enabled.
$($(".checkbox").eq(id).":checkbox[name='radio']:not(:checked)").prop('disabled', true);
Problem explanation : Here i am creating two div tags dynamically inside which check boxes are also created with same name. So if i check on checkbox in first div other checkbox gets disabled and other div tag gets created which works as expected. but if i check any option in second div tag other option in second div tag doesn't get disabled and also if i uncheck the checked option in first div tag both options get disabled in first div tag. I guess this is because all checkboxes have same names.
How can we disable checkboxes only in their respective div tags. I tried below code but didn't work
$($(".checkbox").eq(1).":checkbox[name='radio']:not(:checked)").prop('disabled', true);
Below snippet explains the problem more appropriately
Please help me.
function checkdiv(id, val) {
if ($(":checkbox[name='radio']:checked").length == 1)
$(":checkbox[name='radio']:not(:checked)").prop('disabled', true);
$(":checkbox[name='radio']:not(:checked)").prop('disabled', false);
var diva = Number(id) + 1;
var divb = Number(id) + 1;
//if(id.length != 0){
if (val.checked == true) {
if (diva < 2 && divb < 2) {
// }
else {
var diva = Number(id) + 1;
var divb = Number(id) + 1;
$("#" + diva).remove();
function creatediv(main) {
var divid = $(".divin").length;
var divid1 = $(".divot").length;
var div = "<div class='col-xs-2 divin' id='" + divid + "' style='border:1px solid'><span class='header'></span></div><div class='col-xs-1 divot'></div>";
$('#' + main).append(div);
function loadval(div) {
var div1 = "<div class='checkbox'><label><input type='checkbox' name='radio' value='Head' onchange='checkdiv(" + div + ",this)'>Head</label><br><label><input type='checkbox' name='radio' value='Hand' onchange='checkdiv(" + div + ",this)'>Hand</label></div>";
$("#" + div).append(div1)
<script src=""></script>
<body onload="creatediv('maindiv')">
<div class="container">
<div class="form-group row" id="maindiv">
Have you tried ".find" in the jQuery API - this will only find elements within the specified selector - see the modifications to the "checkdiv" function ($('#' + id))
function checkdiv(id, val) {
if ($('#' + id).find(":checkbox[name='radio']:checked").length == 1)
$('#' + id).find(":checkbox[name='radio']:not(:checked)").prop('disabled', true);
$('#' + id).find(":checkbox[name='radio']:not(:checked)").prop('disabled', false);
var diva = Number(id) + 1;
var divb = Number(id) + 1;
//if(id.length != 0){
if (val.checked == true) {
if (diva < 2 && divb < 2) {
// }
else {
var diva = Number(id) + 1;
var divb = Number(id) + 1;
$("#" + diva).remove();
function creatediv(main) {
var divid = $(".divin").length;
var divid1 = $(".divot").length;
var div = "<div class='col-xs-2 divin' id='" + divid + "' style='border:1px solid'><span class='header'></span></div><div class='col-xs-1 divot'></div>";
$('#' + main).append(div);
function loadval(div) {
var div1 = "<div class='checkbox'><label><input type='checkbox' name='radio' value='Head' onchange='checkdiv(" + div + ",this)'>Head</label><br><label><input type='checkbox' name='radio' value='Hand' onchange='checkdiv(" + div + ",this)'>Hand</label></div>";
$("#" + div).append(div1)
<script src=""></script>
<body onload="creatediv('maindiv')">
<div class="container">
<div class="form-group row" id="maindiv">

Dynamically assign ID and attach data in JavaScript & jQuery using two nested for loops

I am having some trouble to get through this below jsfiddle task.
jsfiddle link
I want to do the same function using dynamic id.
I tried so many methods, but nothing works.
Please don't recommend to change the infrastructure. The page has been already designed the same kind of structure.
I need to achieve this same kind of function using two nested for loops with dynamic id.
<div class="col-md-4" id="beforeDiv0">
<div class="col-md-2" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 5px;">
<label for="Amount" style="font-weight:bold;">Amount:</label>
<div class="col-md-6">
<input class="form-control" type="number" id="textboxId0" value="1000" />
<div class="col-md-4" id="beforeDiv1">
<div class="col-md-2" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 5px;">
<label for="Amount" style="font-weight:bold;">Amount:</label>
<div class="col-md-6">
<input class="form-control" type="number" id="textboxId1" value="1000" />
Javascript & jQuery:
var newAmount = parseFloat(1000) + parseFloat(5);
for(var id=0; id<3; id++){
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
var html = '<tr style="height:50px;">';
html = html + '<td class="td-Amount" style="text-align: right; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;">';
html = html + 'Original: '+ '<span id="OrginalAmount' + i + '">' + 1000 + '</span><br/>' + 'New: <span id="Output' + id + "" + i + '">' + newAmount + '</span></td>';
html = html + '</tr>';
$(html).insertAfter("#beforeDiv" + id);
//var abc = id + "" + i;
//var xyz = '#textboxId' + id;
//var zyx = "Output"+id+""+i;
var myArr = new Array();
var myArr2 = new Array();
for(var id=0; id<3; id++){
var xyz = '#textboxId' + id;
myArr[id] = id;
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
myArr2[i] = i;
var calc = myArr[id] + "" + myArr2[i];
var zyx = "Output" + calc;
//below line is for dynamic id retrieval
$(xyz).on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
document.getElementById(zyx).innerHTML = AmtChange;
$("#textboxId0").on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
document.getElementById("Output01").innerHTML = AmtChange;
document.getElementById("Output02").innerHTML = AmtChange;
$("#textboxId1").on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
document.getElementById("Output11").innerHTML = AmtChange;
document.getElementById("Output12").innerHTML = AmtChange;
I looked at your code, and considered your comments, and if I understand you correctly, then something like this is what you are after:
$('input[id^=textboxId]').on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
id = id.replace(/\D/g,'');
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
* The following could not really be simplified, because
* there are no defining data- attributes, or anything
* to identify the table rows as belonging to the textbox.
* When I tried to simplify the selection of "output" spans,
* a span with id Output111 would have been matched by Output11
* and Output1.
$('#beforeDiv' + id).nextUntil('br').each(function(i,el){
$('span[id^=Output]', this).text(AmtChange);
I tested this on Codepen:

Jquery custom filters in HTML

I want create a custom filters using jquery.
I started here
var filters = {};
var data = [];
var filters = {}; = 0;
filters.title = "Users";
data[0] = filters;
var filters = {}; = 1;
filters.title = "Title";
data[1] = filters;
var filters = {}; = 2;
filters.title = "Start date";
data[2] = filters;
var filters = {}; = 3;
filters.title = "End date";
data[3] = filters;
var filters = {}; = 4;
filters.title = "Price";
data[4] = filters;
var filters = {}; = 5;
filters.title = "Category";
data[5] = filters;
var i = 0;
$.each(data, function(index, value) {
if (i < 2) {
$(".chooseFilter").append("<option data-filter-id=" + + ">" + value.title + "</option>");
} else {
$(".chooseFilter").append("<option data-filter-id=" + + " disabled>" + value.title + "</option>");
var dataHTMLFilters = [];
dataHTMLFilters[0] = '<input class="user" data-filterid="0" type="text" placeholder="Enter username">';
dataHTMLFilters[1] = '<input class="user" data-filterid="1" type="text" placeholder="Enter title">';
dataHTMLFilters[2] = '<input class="user" data-filterid="2" type="text" placeholder="Enter start date">';
dataHTMLFilters[3] = '<input class="user" data-filterid="3" type="text" placeholder="Enter end date">';
dataHTMLFilters[4] = '<input class="user" data-filterid="4" type="text" placeholder="Enter price">';
dataHTMLFilters[5] = '<input class="user" data-filterid="5" type="text" placeholder="Enter category">';
var limits = [];
limits[0] = 5;
limits[1] = 1;
limits[2] = 2;
limits[3] = 3;
limits[4] = 4;
limits[5] = 5;
$("body").on("change", ".chooseFilter", function() {
var filterId = $(this).find(":selected").attr("data-filter-id");
var buttons = '<div><button class="add">add</button><button class="remove">remove</button></div>';
$("body").on("click", ".add", function(e) {
var filterID = $(this).parent().prev().find("option:selected").attr("data-filter-id");
$(".filters").append("<div class='filter'><div>" + $(".chooseFilter")[0].outerHTML + '</div>' + buttons + "</div>");
$(".filter").last().prepend("<div class='sibling'>" + dataHTMLFilters[$(".filter:last-child .chooseFilter option:not(:disabled)").attr("data-filter-id")] + "</div>");
if ($(".chooseFilter option[data-filter-id=" + filterID + "]:selected").length >= limits[filterID]) {
$(".chooseFilter option[data-filter-id=" + filterID + "]").prop("disabled", true);
var filterIdSelected = $(".chooseFilter option:not(:disabled)").first().attr("data-filter-id");
$(".chooseFilter").last().find("option[data-filter-id=" + filterIdSelected + "]").attr("selected", true);
$("body").on("click", ".remove", function(e) {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="filters">
<div class="filter">
<div class="sibling">
<input class="user" data-filterid="0" type="text" placeholder="Enter username">
<select class="chooseFilter" style="width: 100%;">
<button class="add ">add</button>
Filters must fulfill,comatibile with:
Take limits to attention in add, remove and change. If limit is equal to instance of length in HTML document filter must be disabled
Basic filters are users, title when filters is only one this two option must be not disabled rest must be disabled when event is add, remove or change
Any ideas how I could do that? I try various method but result always are the same , filters is not compatibile.
If you want some more information how it should work just say.
I see it like this when add,remove and change:
if(users.length >= limit){
//set all option in select where filter is user to disabled = true
if(title.length >= limit){
//set all option in select where filter is title to disabled = true
if(filters.length > 1){
//options in select set to disable=false
if(filters.length < 1){
//options in select set to disable=true and title, users set to false

Check all or uncheck all in multi checkbox

I have this code for multi check-box
<fieldset data-role="collapsible">
<legend>Pick one</legend>
<div data-role="controlgroup" id="ZIBI" align="right" >
myArray1 = new Array(
for (var i = 0; i < myArray1.length; i++) {
row = myArray1[i];
'<label for=' + row + '>' + row + '</label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="favcolor" id=' + row + ' value=' + row + '>');
how to check all or uncheck all by pressing any button ?
In this JsFiddle you'll find a method to check/uncheck all checkboxes within a given div, using a checkbox with id _main:
function checkAll(e){
e = e || event;
var from = || e.srcElement
,cbs = this.querySelectorAll('input'), i=1;
if (/^_main$/i.test({
for (;i<cbs.length;i+=1){
cbs[i].checked = from.checked;
} else {
var main = document.querySelector('#_main')
,j = cbs.length;
for (;i<cbs.length;i+=1){
j -= cbs[i].checked ? 0 : 1;
main.checked = j === cbs.length ? true : false;
New elements should be added to $(".selector").controlgroup("container") not $(".selector") directly. If you add them to main div, elements won't be styled as a _controlgroup`.
You need to refresh .checkboxradio("refresh") checkbox or radio to apply jQM styles. Another point, .trigger("create") is deprecated as of jQM 1.4 and replaced with .enhanceWithin().
myArray1 = new Array(
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6");
/* remove previous elements */
for (var i = 0; i < myArray1.length; i++) {
row = myArray1[i];
/* add new ones to container */
'<label for=' + row + '>' + row + '</label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="favcolor" id=' + row + ' value=' + row + '>');
/* refresh controlgroup and enhance elements within */
/* check/uncheck on button click */
$("#foo").on("click", function () {
var status = $("#ZIBI [type=checkbox]").eq(0).prop("checked") ? false : true;
$("#ZIBI [type=checkbox]").prop("checked", status).checkboxradio("refresh");
You can try this:
<fieldset data-role="collapsible">
<legend>Pick one</legend>
<div data-role="controlgroup" id="ZIBI" align="right" >
<input type="checkbox" id="all" value="Toggle" />
$('#all').on('click', function() {
if(this.checked) {
$('#ZIBI').find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', true);
} else {
$('#ZIBI').find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
Working Fiddle.

Display the checkboxes selected into a section and the unselected into another one

I want to show the checkboxes selected into a div but actually I have a duplicate item in the list and I'm not sure how to display the unselected items into another div.
You can try out here
Here my code:
/* Array */
var list = new Array("valuetext000", "valuetext001", "valuetext002", "valuetext003", "valuetext004", "valuetext005", "valuetext006", "valuetext007", "valuetext008", "valuetext009", "valuetext010", "valuetext011", "valuetext012", "valuetext013", "valuetext014", "valuetext015", "valuetext016", "valuetext017")
var html = "";
/* Array will be converted to an ul list */
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
html += "<input type='checkbox' name='boxvalue' value='" + list[i] + "' /><label>" + list[i] + "</label><br>";
<div id="elmAv"></div>
<div id="selectionResult"></div>
/* Function to display the items selected */
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "<li>";
<input type="Button" value="Get Selection" onClick="showBoxes(this.form)" />
Simply add another div after selectionResult like this:
<div id="unselectedResult"></div>
And then update showBoxes() with the following code:
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "Checked:<br>\n";
var uncheckedItems = "Unchecked:<br>\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "</li>";
else {
uncheckedItems = uncheckedItems + "<li>" + frm.boxvalue[i].value + "</li>";
Should get the result you're looking for.
This should work. Added another array listChecked to track checked values.
/* Array */
var list = new Array("valuetext000", "valuetext001", "valuetext002", "valuetext003", "valuetext004", "valuetext005", "valuetext006", "valuetext007", "valuetext008", "valuetext009", "valuetext010", "valuetext011", "valuetext012", "valuetext013", "valuetext014", "valuetext015", "valuetext016", "valuetext017")
var listChecked = new Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Array will be converted to an ul list */
function displayUnchecked()
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ($.inArray(list[i], listChecked) == -1)
html += "<input type='checkbox' name='boxvalue' value='" + list[i] + "' /><label>" + list[i] + "</label><br>";
<div id="elmAv"></div>
<div id="selectionResult"></div>
/* Display the items selected */
function showBoxes(frm) {
var checkedItems = "\n";
//For each checkbox see if it has been checked, record the value.
for (i = 0; i < frm.boxvalue.length; i++) {
if (frm.boxvalue[i].checked) {
$.each(listChecked, function (index, value)
checkedItems = checkedItems + "<li>" + value + "</li>";
<input type="Button" value="Get Selection" onClick="showBoxes(this.form)" />

