Text box focusout event and enter issues in IE9 - javascript

I have a text input and one button of type submit adjacent to the input. I have bound focusout event-handler to the input and click event-handler to the button. Now when I focus on the input and then press enter, the focusout event-handler gets triggered and the buttons-event handler gets triggered. I want to trigger focusout only when text box focus is lost. What should I do ?
Code :-
<div >
<span>Local Currency: </span>
<input type='text' id='txtFocusElement' />
<button id="btnClickElement" >
<span> Add new line</span>
I used selector as:
$("#txtFocusElement").bind("focusout", function() {
$("#btnClickElement").bind("click", function() {
and written above code in one function which I call at the time of loading document.

Its IE9 issue with the HTML button tag.
So we should try it with HTML input tag with attribute type as button.
above code can be rewritten as :
<div >
<span>Local Currency: </span>
<input type='text' id='txtFocusElement' />
<input id="btnClickElement" type="button" value="Add new line" />
Using this my problem gets solved .

You could try to change the selector to input[type=text].
This will only get triggered when you focus out on a text field.

Try to attach to a mouseup event instead of click, that is the only solution I see for now
You can also add a check for mouse button which was pressed, so it wouldn't fire if user would press a right button
var ClickElementEventHandler = function(e) {
if (e.which != 1) return;
//your code


How to trigger two onClick events in one button?

I need to open from the index.php receipt.php and hide the button as receipt is already made, ie. two events in one submit button. This hides the button but the submit doesn't trigger.
<action =receipt.php target="_blank"><input type="submit" value="Receipt" onClick="hideme();this.form.submit()" id="abc"> ... *rest of the form inputs* </form>
function hideme() {
,document.getElementById("abc").innerHTML = "";
If you use the hideme function to submit the form in addition to hiding/modifying the submit button you could try like this:
Add an event argument to the inline onclick function call - that allows the function to access all the properties of the event and the important one here is the target
This should disabled the button and modify the value AND submit the form to a new window with a single event..
You could uncomment the line that removes the button as alternative or simply set the button's value as empty.
function hideme(e) {
//e.target.parentNode.removeChild(e.target);//to remove the button completely or...
<form action='receipt.php' target='_blank'>
<input type="submit" value="Receipt" onclick="hideme(event);" />
*rest of the form inputs*

How to re-disable (disable) the text box on clicking a button or a link?

I have a script that enables the disabled text box when clicking on a button. But, I just don't know how to re-disable the text box again.
The coding is below.
<div class="input-group">
<label for="some-tbox" class="input-group-addon">Label:</label>
<input id="some-tbox" type="text" class="input-box" value="some value" disabled>
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="enable" type="button">button</button>
$(this).parent().parent().children(".input-box").attr("disabled", "disabled");
And I have made a fiddle out of it. But, It's not working. Here is the link.
Instead of messing with adding and removing classes, just toggle the disabled property with:
$(".enable").click(function() {
$(this).closest('.input-group').find('input').prop('disabled', !$(this).closest('.input-group').find('input').prop('disabled'))
jsFiddle example
The problem is this line $(".disable").click(function(){ ...})
You are binding a click event handler to a class named disabled which was not available initially during page load, it appears dynamically later.
You need to delegate the event handler to some parent which always exist and then handle the event there, in this case you can do this:
$(".input-group").on('click', '.disable', function(){
$(this).parent().parent().children(".input-box").attr("disabled", "disabled");
jQuery's on function
You cann't bind an element ".disable" that don't exist , In that case you can rebind it when you changed it's class. Code behind may help you:
function enabledClick (argument) {
function disabledClick (argument) {
$(".disable").parent().parent().children(".input-box").attr("disabled", "");

Detect when clicking on another input after a focusout with Firefox

Consider that I have a page with multiple lines of text.
When then user clicks on it, it turns into multiple text inputs so he can modify it.
When he clicks outside the text input, its is saved and the input is replaced by the text.
But if he clicks on another text input, I don't want to save it for now, so he doesn't have to click multiple times on a line to modify it.
I was able to that using the 'focusout' event. I detect that the user clicks ont another input using jQuery's e.relatedTarget.
It works great with Chrome but Firefox doesn't support well focusout. e.relatedTargetis always null
How can I achieve something similar with firefox ?
$('input').on('focusout', function(e) {
if (e.relatedTarget != null) {
$('#display').html("don't save for now")
} else {
$('#display').html("save the inputs");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
<div id="display"></div>
You are correct that relatedTarget is not very useful in Firefox.
The workaround is to explicitly check what element recieves the focus. This is not available during the focusout event (as the new element has not received focus yet), but it will be directly thereafter. Using a timeout of 0 to move the request to the end of the current execution queue will reliable allow you to get the newly focused element, and check if it is one of the inputs or not.
$('input').on('focusout', function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
if ($(document.activeElement).is('input')) {
$('#display').html("don't save for now")
} else {
$('#display').html("save the inputs");
}, 0);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
<div id="display"></div>

How to fires onClick event before onChange (even if the value has changed)?

Hello everyone and sorry for my english.
Following this jdfiddle, I have a problem I don't understand.
First I change the value of the input, then I click on the button and what I expected to see is "click" but I see "change" meaning onclick is called after onchange.
<input type="text" onChange="alert('change')" />
<button type="button" onClick="alert('click');">Click!</button>
I found on this post that it's because of chrome which fires onchange event before the onclick event. But I don't really have the same need as this post because my event are not declared in the same tag. And secondly, if I click on the button I would like to only execute the onclick function and not onclick and then onchange (this methods consists in using onMouseDown).
Do you have a good method to do that?
Ok so I can see that you really wan't this.
You could let the on change function run first, and then afterward see what has focus, if it is that button, you would know that it was clicked, and thus was the reason for loosing focus.
you cannot check this while the change function is running, as the body still has focus at this time..
<script language="javascript">
function focussed()
var triggerElement = document.activeElement
function change()
setTimeout(focussed, 1)
return true
<input type="text" onChange="alert('change')" />
<button type="button" onClick="alert('click');">Click!</button>

Why isn't this textarea focusing with .focus()?

I have this code to focus a textarea when the user clicks on the "Reply" button:
$('#reply_msg').live('mousedown', function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="reply_msg">
<div class="replybox">
<span>Click here to <span class="link">Reply</span></span>
<div id="reply_holder" style="display: none;">
<div id="reply_tab"><img src="images/blank.gif" /> Reply</div>
<label class="label" for="reply_subject" style="padding-top: 7px; width: 64px; color: #999; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px;">Subject</label>
<input type="text" id="reply_subject" class="input" style="width: 799px;" value="Re: <?php echo $info['subject']; ?>" />
<br /><br />
<textarea name="reply" id="reply_message" class="input" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
<br />
<div id="reply_buttons">
<button type="button" class="button" id="send_reply">Send</button>
<button type="button" class="button" id="cancel_reply_msg">Cancel</button>
<!--<button type="button" class="button" id="save_draft_reply">Save Draft</button>-->
It shows the reply form, but the textarea won't focus. I'm adding the textarea via AJAX which is why I am using .live(). The box that I add shows (I even add #reply_msg via AJAX and stuff happens when I mouse down on it) but it won't focus on the textarea.
A mouse-click on a focusable element raises events in the following order:
So, here's what's happening:
mousedown is raised by <a>
your event handler attempts to focus the <textarea>
the default event behavior of mousedown tries to focus <a> (which takes focus from the <textarea>)
Here's a demo illustrating this behavior:
$("a,textarea").on("mousedown mouseup click focus blur", function(e) {
console.log("%s: %s", this.tagName, e.type);
$("a").mousedown(function(e) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
So, how do we get around this?
Use event.preventDefault() to suppress mousedown's default behavior:
$(document).on("mousedown", "#reply_msg", function(e) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<textarea id="reply_message"></textarea>
Focusing on something from an event handler that, itself, grants focus, is always problematic. The general solution is to set focus after a timeout:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
That lets the browser do its thing, and then you come back and yank focus over to where you want it.
Could it be the same issue as this? jQuery Textarea focus
Try calling .focus() after .show() has completed.
$('#reply_msg').live('mousedown', function() {
$('#reply_holder').show("fast", function(){
I ran into this issue today and in my case, it was caused by a bug in jQuery UI (v1.11.4) which causes textarea elements inside of draggable/droppable elements to stop default click behavior before the textarea receives the focus click.
The solution was to rework the UI so that the textarea no longer appears inside the draggable element.
This was a particularly difficult issue to debug, so I am leaving an answer here in case others find it helpful.
It might also come from the browser. I'm doing a project in Vue, and el.focus() on textarea works in Chrome (v101), but not in Firefox (v100.0).

