Javascript framework for Flask [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new to Flask and frontend javascript frameworks and trying to build nice REST site which will not reload every user click. I now a little bit of jQuery. What is the best javascript framework suited for Flask?

Flask is a microframework, intended for wide use of extensions (see the list for most known). And also it's JavaScript-agnostic. So you can use any js-framework you want.
jQuery is good and well-known. I would recommend jQuery + Backbone.js for AJAX/REST web applications. Works nice with Flask.
Backbone.js is also well-known and uses RESTful interfaces by default. But it's main purpose is to help you implementing web apps using MVC (model-veiw-controller) approach on client side. MVC approach is mandatory for complex, feature-reach applications, and gives you supportability and code readability.
I thing this will be best choice for you.
(similar frameworks exist of course)


Does the php code always mix with html code? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In web development, does the backend code always mix with the front code at some point? Checking jsp and some php I see that the code is usually mixed, is this a bad practice or should you always avoid using javascript as an intermediary?
Normally it depends on what you really want to do. But they are usually mixed
PHP was developed as a templating language for web, so basically it is what it was created for. But you might notice that in modern projects PHP used mostly as an API backend for Javascript application. In such cases, it will not be mixed.
It seems to me that it depends on the project type. But even if you do not use modern JS frameworks try to separate business and frontend logic. Check the MVC architecture or DDD.

Is it worth using Backbone on a site that isn't totally RESTful? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've got a site which isn't REST based and I'm auditing my front-end and planning on re-writing it. I enjoy using Backbone, but not taking full advantage of Backbone (since my site isn't a single page app and I'm not necessarily consuming or bootstrapping any data on page load with fetch or updating with sync.
Does it make sense to keep Backbone around or should I be looking elsewhere? Or on top of that, should I make my back-end more RESTful?
I still like using it for non-REST projects because it helps me organize my code.
If your codebase is easier to understand and easier to maintain when you use Backbone than when you don't, there's no shame in using it. Same goes for any of the other frameworks out there.

Javascript Frameworks Code Stealing [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are planning to shift our web application from php framework to angular.js, but I am worried if my code will be stolen? because javascript frameworks source are open to everyone, does it makes sense to worry about it? Are there any popular applications that use javascript frameworks?
For protecting your javascript code you can use UglifyJS
For protecting your request to the API you can use server side
If you want to build a one-page application you must use some JS
framework, more about frameworks you can see
In any case, you can't 100% protect your code, but you can make it 99% unreadable, for example, look at this resource
You can't
AngularJS is client-side frameworks and PHP is server side language, so no you can't completely migrate your application to AngularJS.
Probably what you want is Node.js

Backbone.js versus Express versus Ext JS ...and JSPP? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What are the pros and cons of Backbone.js, Express, Ext JS, and JSPP??
There all very different.
backbone.js is a client-side MVC framework.
JSPP is a means you can write inline server-side code (like PHP or ASP) for nodejs
Express is a node.js specific server-side framework for web development.
Ext JS is a framework for making web applications and widgets.
There all very different. There isn't any point in a direct comparison without you telling us what you want to use them for.
To vaguely answer your question. IMHO I would say using backbone.js on the client and on nodejs is great for MVC centric design.
Express is a great layer of abstraction on nodejs because it beats writing the code yourself. Use it to serve content to your clients.
Ext JS is not free.
JSPP looks like ASP/PHP!

What is the best way to implement data binding with a web application? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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It doesn't seem like there is an obvious to implement databinding using jQuery or any other javascript framwork. I'm wondering if anyone has implemented databinding using jQuery in the same vein as WPF databinding, or even your standard databinding scenario (fill a table with the results of this resource).
This seems to fit the bill:
Looks like Microsoft has this in the works for .NET 4.0 as part of the ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 functionality.
There is a community technology preview for this on codeplex that is compatible with .NET 3.5.
Looks very slick and WPF-life - allowing developers to leverage all that Silverlight/WPF knowledge about databinding and generalizing that to client side javascript databinding.
A powerfull library can be found at

