Get previously checked Radio Button - javascript

Given a set of radio buttons, like:
<input id="B_1" type="radio" name="radioName" value="1">
<input id="B_2" type="radio" name="radioName" value="2">
<input id="B_3" type="radio" name="radioName" value="3">
<input id="B_4" type="radio" name="radioName" value="4">
​When one of them gets checked is it possible to know which was previously active (if there is one)?
I tried to attach the following function to the onclick event, but it doesn't work because it returns the the presently selected radio button instead of the one that was selected before:
my_func = function() {
var checkedValue = $('input[type=radio]:checked').val();
return alert("The previously selected was: " + checkedValue);
I don't know if could be of any help, anyway here's the complete attempt:

Try this -
$(":radio").on("mousedown", function() {
$("p").text( $('input[type=radio]:checked').val() );
}).on("mouseup", function() {
$('input[type=radio]').prop('checked', false);
$(this).prop('checked', true);
The click event is only triggered after this exact series of events:
The mouse button is depressed while the pointer is inside the element.
The mouse button is released while the pointer is inside the element.

if he uses keyboard key this can help with that
alert("Before change "+$('input[name=radios]:checked').val());


radio button onclick function disable another function

I have two radio buttons and a group of checkboxes. One radio button allows the user to check all checkboxes and the other restricts the user to check one checkbox only.
$('#r2').click(function() { //when one checkbox is checked then disable others
$('input[type="checkbox"]').prop("checked", false);
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function() {
$('input[type="checkbox"]').not(this).prop('checked', false);
$('#r1').click(function() { //uncheck all checkbox
$('input[type="checkbox"]').prop("checked", false);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="radio" name="r" id="r1" checked> Can Choose all checkbox
<input type="radio" name="r" id="r2"> Choose 1 checkbox only
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
My problem is when I select the restrict radio button and select back the select all radio button the user can still check one checkbox only. How to solve this problem? Thanks
Fiddle example
You just have to deregister the older change event listener with off():
Otherwise it won't stop listening for the change event, regardless which radio button you select.
Working example:
$('#r2').click(function() { //when one checkbox is checked then disable others
$('input[type="checkbox"]').prop("checked", false);
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function() {
$('input[type="checkbox"]').not(this).prop('checked', false);
$('#r1').click(function() { //uncheck all checkbox
$('input[type="checkbox"]').prop("checked", false);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="radio" name="r" id="r1" checked> Can Choose all checkbox<br>
<input type="radio" name="r" id="r2"> Choose 1 checkbox only<br>
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">

javascript and this.value of radio button

I try to get the value of the checked radio button by javascript.
<input value="3" type="RADIO" name="ME" onclick="go_to_url ( 'OPT3' , this.value );">
But JS does not give me any value even the event is where the button is?
How can I get the value of the clicked radio button in a way I do not have to change the function?
This code has no problem.
Check this out
<input value="3" type="radio" name="ME" onclick="go_to_url( 'OPT3' , this.value );">
function go_to_url(label, value) {
Use for your button an id then you can use document.getElementById to get your element and addEventListener to add an click-event. The on-click in your HTML delete.
document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', function() {
<input value="3" id='btn' type="RADIO" name="ME">
document.querySelector('input[type="radio"]').addEventListener('click', function() {
go_to_url('OPT3' , this.value);

How find empty input value in jquery

I have two checkboxes the one checkbox value is 1 and the second one is 0.
One checkbox is for enabling and other for disabling. Now I want to identify when a user clicks on Disable checkbox How I will get Disable checkbox value and if a user clicks on Enable box then how I will get Enable Checkbox value
<input type="radio" name="forgot_pass" class="forgot_pass_enable" value="1" checked>
<input type="radio" name="forgot_pass" class="forgot_pass_disable" value="0">
I have tried This code but it's not working for me any help
$("body").on('change', '.forgot_pass_enable', function(event)
/* Act on the event */
if($('.forgot_pass_enable').val().length > 0)
var status = 1;
if($('.forgot_pass_disable').val().length > 0)
var status = 0;
Neither of the elements you've shown are checkboxes - they are radio inputs.
To get the selected value apply the same class to both elements, then hook the change event to that class. Then you can simply read the value from it, like this:
$("body").on('change', '.forgot_pass', function(e) {
var status = this.value;
console.log(this.value === '1' ? 'enabled' : 'disabled', status);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="radio" name="forgot_pass" class="forgot_pass" value="1" checked="checked">
<input type="radio" name="forgot_pass" class="forgot_pass" value="0">
If you did want to use a checkbox for this, which would be more applicable for an enable/disable switch, then the method is the same except you look for the checked property instead:
$("body").on('change', '.forgot_pass', function(e) {
var status = this.checked ? '1' : '0'
<script src=""></script>
<input type="checkbox" name="forgot_pass" class="forgot_pass" value="1" checked="checked">

working with radio buttons passing the status along with value?

I am writing code for radio buttons where there are 3 radio buttons like YES, NO and ALL. I am using same class name for all the 3 and also binding a value for them. If user clicks on one of the three Am able to pass the corresponding value on onclick event but my problem is how to know whether user clicks on which radion button among the three buttons like if user clicks on 'All' radio button I want to perform some type of action else if user clicks on 'Yes' option then some different action, etc. how to know user clicks on which radio button? mycode is below:
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option" value="<?=$row_id;?>">All
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option" value="<?=$row_id;?>">Yes
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option" value="<?=$row_id;?>">No
I need radio button value along with user clicked on which radio button. how to achieve this? Can anyone please guide me.
I have added my class names(all, yes, no) in those html elements
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option all" value="<?=$row_id;?>">All
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option yes" value="<?=$row_id;?>">Yes
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option no" value="<?=$row_id;?>">No
Using jQuery
console.log("which button -> all");
else if($(this).hasClass("yes"))
console.log("which button -> yes");
else if($(this).hasClass("no"))
console.log("which button -> no");
Please add an extra parameter for storing the 'id' inside the input box, just like this:
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option" value="all" data-id="<?=$row_id;?>">All
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option" value="yes" data-id="<?=$row_id;?>">Yes
<input type="radio" name="select_option" class="select_option" value="no" data-id="<?=$row_id;?>">No
Now, here is the script which will run after checking the radio button:
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.select_option').click(function() {
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
var id = $(this).data('id');
var value = $(this).val();
I hope, this may be useful to you.
try this
var radioValue = $("input[name='select_option']:checked").val();
alert("Your are clicked - " + radioValue);
$(".select_option").change(function () {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
var value = $(this).val();

Cannot get the checked radio correctly in click event

Page code as below:
<input type="radio" class="direct" name="r1" value="first" />
<span class="proxy">radio1</span>
<input type="radio" class="direct" name="r1" value="second" />
<span class="proxy">radio2</span>
js code as below:
$('.direct').click(function(e) {
var obj = $(this).parent(),
value = obj.find('input:checked').val();
alert('you click ' + value + ' button');
alert('you did not click a button');
$('.proxy').click(function(e) {
Here is the example on JSFiddle
My question is:
why clicking on span text does not work like clicking directly on radio button?
As i said earlier, question was not clear, at least for me. however, if you want to get the radio checked when clicked on next span, you can do this way:
$('.proxy').click(function(e) {
$(this).prev().attr('checked', true)
If you use a label with for attribute set to the correct input, you could avoid all this problem.
<input type="radio" class="direct" name="r1" id="r11" value="first"/>
<label class="proxy" for="r11">radio1</label>
<input type="radio" class="direct" name="r1" id="r12" value="second"/>
<label class="proxy" for="r12">radio1</label>​​​​​​​​​

