Authentication for a SPA and a node.js server - javascript

I have a very simple node.js app built on express which has been handling authentication using a session memory store. Basically a user logs in by:'/sessions', function(req, res) {
// check username/password and if valid set authenticated to true
if (authenticated){
req.session.user = req.body.username;
} ...
Then in each call from the browser a requiresLogin middleware function is called which checks to see if that user property on the session has been set.
I'm now transitioning the app to basically just provide a service that may or may not be consumed in the browser, so instead of using cookies/sessions, I'm considering changing the system so that one would post to /getToken (instead of /sessions) which would return a temporary random token associated with a user's account that could then be used for a period of time to access the service. Using the service would then require a valid token to be included in each call. (I assume this would be better than passing the username/password each time so that the password would not have to be stored in memory on the client's computer after the call to get token?)
Would such a system basically be just as secure as the above current system or Is there a much more standard/safe way to handle this? What's the standard way to handle something like this?
Thanks in advance for you help!

What you are looking for is called an HMAC and there is a great article here to get ideas on how to implement for your service.
As to whether session based security is more secure than public/private keypairs is widely debated and really depends on the implementation/application. In your case, since you want per request authentication on a public facing API, the HMAC is the way to go.


How to make sure that only a specific domain can query from your REST api?

I have an app that has a REST api. I want it so that the only requests that can be made to the REST api are ones originating from the app itself. How can I do that?
I am using a node.js+express server too.
EDIT: the app is fully a public web app.
Simply define the header in your request, what this does is, it allows requests only from a certain domain, and instantly rejects any other domain.
response.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'domain.tld');
EDIT: IF you're really keen against web scraping stuff, you could make a function to double check client's origin.
function checkOrigin (origin) {
if (origin === "your.domain.tld") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/* Handling it in response */
if (checkOrigin(response.headers.origin)) {
// Let client get the thing from API
} else {
response.write("Send them error that they're not allowed to use the API");
Above example should work for the default HTTP/HTTPS module, and should also work for Express, if I'm not mistaken.
EDIT 2: To back my claim up that it should also work for Express, I found this quotation at their documentation;
The req (request) and res (response) are the exact same objects that Node provides, so you can invoke req.pipe(), req.on('data', callback), and anything else you would do without Express involved.
I would recommend using an API key from the client. CORS filters are too easy to circumvent.
A simple approach for securing a How to implement a secure REST API with node.js
Overview from above post:
Because users can CREATE resources (aka POST/PUT actions) you need to secure your api. You can use oauth or you can build your own solution but keep in mind that all the solutions can be broken if the password it's really easy to discover. The basic idea is to authenticate users using the username, password and a token, aka the apitoken. This apitoken can be generated using node-uuid and the password can be hashed using pbkdf2
Then, you need to save the session somewhere. If you save it in memory in a plain object, if you kill the server and reboot it again the session will be destroyed. Also, this is not scalable. If you use haproxy to load balance between machines or if you simply use workers, this session state will be stored in a single process so if the same user is redirected to another process/machine it will need to authenticate again. Therefore you need to store the session in a common place. This is typically done using redis.
When the user is authenticated (username+password+apitoken) generate another token for the session, aka accesstoken. Again, with node-uuid. Send to the user the accesstoken and the userid. The userid (key) and the accesstoken (value) are stored in redis with and expire time, e.g. 1h.
Now, every time the user does any operation using the rest api it will need to send the userid and the accesstoken.

Securing REST API calls with client-side token

I have a node.js REST API and I want to restrict POST/PUT/DELETE calls to a predefined list of "sources" (web applications which I do not own the code).
The only way I see to achieve this is to put a token on the client-side (something like Google Analytics in JS files) but I have no idea how to secure this since the token will be accessible in the static files.
What strategy should I use ? JWT and OAuth2 seem not indicated since it requires first user authentication, but what I want to authenticate is not user but webapps.
Your question is slightly unclear. You could mean either (a) that you want to strongly encourage the user to use the app and prevent other code from maliciously making your user perform an action, or (b) that you want to absolutely prevent your user from using other code to access your server.
The first option is possible, and indeed a very good idea. The second is impossible, based on the way the Internet works.
First, the impossibility. Essentially, client-side code is there to make life easier for your client. The real work will always be done on the server side -- even if this only means validating data and storing it in the database. Your client will always be able to see all the HTTP requests that they send: that's the way HTTP works. You can't hide the information from them. Even if you generate tokens dynamically (see below), you can't prevent them from using them elsewhere. They can always build a custom HTTP request, which means ultimately that they can, if they really, really want, abandon your app altogether. Think of your client-side code as merely making it easier for them to perform HTTP requests and abandon any idea of preventing them "doing it wrong"!
The much better option is CSRF protection, which gives the best possible protection to both your server and the client. This means sending a generated token to your client when they first log on and verifying it (either by looking it up or decrypting it) when they send it on every request. This is the basis of JWT, which is a beautiful implementation of a fairly old system of verification.
In the end your API is public, since any random website visitor will have to be able to interact with the API. Even if you use tokens to restrict access somewhat, those tokens by definition will have to be public as well. Even regularly expiring and renewing the tokens (e.g. through a backend API, or by including a nonce algorithm) won't help, since those new tokens will again be publicly visible on the 3rd party's website where anyone can fetch one.
CSRF protection can help a little to avoid cross-site abuse within browsers, but is ultimately pointless for the purpose of preventing someone to write an API scraper or such.
The best you can do is use the tokens to identify individual site owners you granted access to, vigilantly monitor your API use, invalidate tokens when you think you're seeing them abused and contact the site owners about securing their tokens better somehow (which they'll have the same problem doing, but at least you have someone to blame cough cough).
You can use hmac to secure this :
Each client has a unique couple of key public/private (for example "public" and "private").
When client send request, he has to send a nonce + his user public key + the hmac of nonce+public key with his private key.
When server handle request, the server retrieve the client according to his public key, get the secret key of the user, then verify the signature.
Client, sample call on /api
var nonce = "randomstring";
var pk = "aaa";
var sk = "bbb";
var string = "pk="+pk+"&nonce="+nonce;
var crypto = require('crypto');
var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha512', sk).update(string).digest('hex');
// send this payload in your request in get, put, post, ....
var payload = string+"&hmac="+hmac;{uri:""+payload}, ....
Server side, security check
var nonce = req.query.nonce;
var pk =;
var hmac = req.query.hmac;
// retrieve user and his sk according to pk
var sk = getUser(pk).sk
// rebuild payload string
var string = "pk="+pk+"&nonce="+nonce;
var crypto = require('crypto');
var hmac_check = crypto.createHmac('sha512', sk).update(string).digest('hex');
if(hmac_check === hmac) { // request valid }else{ // invalid request }

Protect PHP endpoints called by AJAX

My app consists of several PHP endpoints which are accessible via AJAX. The problem is they are also accessible via anyone who makes an HTTP request to the same endpoint. I can add checks for HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH and HTTP_REFERER as specified in this answer, but these can be spoofed. I could add a secret key that needs to be posted with the request, but anyone viewing the javascript and/or the console would be able to see this key. What is the solution here?
People often think that because they're using Ajax requests regular sessions don't work. They do.
If you have an endpoint to delete something from the database that's visible in the source code, such as:
You can protect this request from non authenticated users the same way you would when using a non Ajax HTTP request in the browser. Using sessions. If the user has the privileges to remove users, this route will work, otherwise return an error (or do nothing).
You can also protect an API using OAuth. There's a great document here that explains how it works:
Most of the answers are not helpful if you have your app and your api on separate domains for example and - in that case sessions won't work and you would have to turn to OAuth which is quite a big hammer for such a simple problem.
Here is what I would do:
I assume you have users in a database and a unique identifier like user_id=12345. I also assume that you have your Jobs in a Database and they also have unique ID's like job_id=6789.
First on you encrypt both IDs with something fast and easy like Blowfish:
$secret_uid = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", strval($user_id));
$secret_jid = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", strval($job_id));
I assume your endpoint would work somewhat like this:<job_id>/<user_id>
so now from Ajax you call that endpoint, but instead of calling with plain IDs
you call it with the encrypted IDs:
On the API side of your software you decrypt the parameters:
$jid = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", <param_1>);
$uid = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, "your_secret", <param_2>);
Now you can search your db for uid and jid and perform whichever task you were planning to do. Make sure that a user can only delete his own jobs of course.
I admit this is not a 100% solution, but it leaves an attacker with a lot of guess work - he would have to guess the user_id and a matching job_id, the encryption algo and your secret. It does not protect against running millions of brute force attempts to guess a matching pair, but it put's the odds in your favor (and you should have some sort of quota limitation protection of your endpoints anyway).
Good luck!
There isn't one. If you give someone some data, then they can process it in whatever way they like. You can't control what happens to it after it leaves your server.
Likewise, you can't control what data they send to the endpoint.
it is very important for a developer to put authentication for API or web services. dchacke and BugHunterUK has given perfect answers, I just want show you simple code I use to make very simple and easy to use authentication.
Adding Session for the authentication
you can add session, and session timeout for your APIs so, only your app can use this, you can start session when front page of your app is loaded, you can set timeouts and also restrict the different service for different users by sessions.
General Idea how to do that
if(!empty($_SESSION['api_session']) && $_SESSION['api_session'] == 'usertype'){
//usertype comprise of what access you want to give
//guest, registered user, stack holder, admin etc.
echo json_encode($output);

Testing parser for oauth2 implicit grant access_token in javascript

I'm writing angular application that uses implicit grant oauth strategy. If I don't have valid access token in my cookies I am redirected to web interface of authentication server, input my credentials and get redirected to my site with access token in the url. My system parses it and writes down into cookies.
Currently I faced question of unit testing this parse function that consumes the url and returns access token object. Can't think the good way, so writing here:
1. How do you approach unit testing (so I can't make direct request to working oauth server) a function that parses the access token from authentication server?
2. How do you build url params with access token? Will it be secure if I copy current access token and use it in test data?
3. Are there libraries that can aid creation of mock access token object?
You could breakout "just enough" OAuth, like the service linked below. This will give you a super-basic OAuth provider, but is really geared to "integration testing" scenarios (depending on where you draw the lines on these things).
If you want to be a unit-testing purist/zealot, then you could fork this into your app's unit test code.
In lieu of a great answer, here's one to get you out of a hole :)
After approaching authors of my oAuth authentification service I've got insight on the data the server was sending me in case of successful authentication. In my case the response from oAuth server has the following form:
header // encoded algorithm for has creation
access token // base64 encoded object
hash // of the 3 previous items done using algorithm specified in the header.
It has the following structure: header.access_token.hash
My fear for security breach was concerned about putting correct data (that I can get from browser) into the test files. But as it turns out the token will not be valid without correct hash. The hashing of the token data is done in server side using private key, so if I change the hash the token will become obsolete.
As my token-parsing-function that I wanted to check uses only the access_token part of the request, I've changed the header and hash parts and also encoded other user name for sake of testing purposes.
So this is the resolution of my current problem. Hope this will help somebody.

Understanding how to use NodeJS to create a simple backend

I have been trying to develop a rather simple server in nodejs. Basically, what I am going for is a simple API that requires authentication (simple username/password style). What I do not need is any kind of frontend functionality (templating etc.). My problem is, I can't seem to get my head around the approach of express/node.
Specifically, my questions are:
How do I wire in the authentication? Do I pass several handlers into every route that requires authentication, or is there a more elegant way to do this?
How does the Express middleware (like app.use(express.bodyParser())) work? Do they alter contents of the request or response object? Specifically, if I use the body parser (internally formidable?), where do I access the request data this is supposed to parse?
When using authentication and I have, say, credentials stored in a database with more information about the individual client associated, at what point do I extract that information? I.e., when a user logs in, do I fetch the user record on login and pass it on, or do I fetch it in every handler that requires the information?
Ultimately, do you know of an open source application that I could take a look at? I'd like to see something that has simple authentication and maybe even utilizes formidable, since uploading a file is one of my requirements.
As I mentioned earlier, I believe my problem is ultimately a difficulty with the function-oriented approach in node (also, I have rather limited experience in webservice programming). If you know a resource where I could read up on how to approach architecting a nodejs app, please don't hesitate to point me to it.
How do I wire in the authentication? Do I pass several handlers into
every route that requires authentication, or is there a more elegant
way to do this?
You should use the session middleware. Here is some pseudo code:
var http = require('http');
var app = express();
var authorize = function(req, res, next) {
if(req.session && req.session.appname && req.session.appname === true) {
// redirect to login page
app.all('/admin*', authorize, function(req, res, next) {
How does the Express middleware (like app.use(express.bodyParser()))
work? Do they alter contents of the request or response object?
Specifically, if I use the body parser (internally formidable?), where
do I access the request data this is supposed to parse?
Every middleware have an access to the request and response object. So, yes, it modifies it. Normally attach properties to it. This means that inside your handler (which is also a middleware) you may write:
if(req.body && req.body.formsubmitted && req.body.formsubmitted === 'yes') {
var data = {
title: req.body.title,
text: req.body.text,
type: req.body.type
// store the data
When using authentication and I have, say, credentials stored in a
database with more information about the individual client associated,
at what point do I extract that information? I.e., when a user logs
in, do I fetch the user record on login and pass it on, or do I fetch
it in every handler that requires the information?
I think that you should do the things the same way as in any other server side language. Keep the state of the user (logged/not-logged) inside a session. You may also keep the user's id and fetch the data for him whatever you need. It depends of your case, but you have the ability to cache information. Because node is not like PHP for example, I mean it's not dieing.
Ultimately, do you know of an open source application that I could
take a look at? I'd like to see something that has simple
authentication and maybe even utilizes formidable, since uploading a
file is one of my requirements.
Yep. I wrote an article about really simple MVC web site with admin panel. It is available here. And the code of it is here.
A simple way to implement authentication (if you don't want to use additional modules):
var checkAuth = function(req, res, next) {
// Redirect to login form
// Proceed to member's area
app.get("/member/page", checkAuth, function(req, res) {
// render view, etc
bodyParser parses / converts the body of a POST request into an object, which helps with getting form submission values.
The route that handles your login form submission can access username / password like this:
var username = req.body.username;
var password = req.body.password;
At this point you'd query your database to select from users where the username and password matches (you'd want to use password encryption in a production environment).
If you get a record back in the query result, set it in the session. A simple way to do this is:
req.session.user = userRecord
(Adjust for your session middleware)
If you are looking for REST, I recommend using either Restify or booster
For authentication (distinct from authorization), use standard Basic, which can be handled by express.basicAuth() just to parse it and place it on the req object. Personally, I don't like basicAuth because it returns a 401 if there is no login, whereas the process of authenticating is different than determining if authentication is necessary.
For more advanced authentication, as well as session management, use cansecurity or passport. For authorization, you either can put individual middleware in each route, use cansecurity's middlewares, or use its declarative authorization.
Disclosure: I am the author of both booster and cansecurity.
If your goal is to build a RESTful API in Node.js, my best bet would be Restify, which uses a similar aproach of routes like Express, but eliminates all the high level stuff(templating, etc.) and ads backend functionalities(ie: body parser, ip blacklist, requests per hour).
For the authentication part, I would use another library perhaps, and wire it to a particular route. There are ORM's too that can solve your database needs(mongo and mysql are well supported, both for the "noSQL" fans and the classic db aproach ones).

