Storing different objects in same variable - javascript

I'm trying to figure out how i could store different objects in a certain "namespace".
I have something like this:
// This is the startup script:
var MyApp = {}
MyApp.ui = {}
MyApp.ui = require('ui/MainWindow');
MyApp.ui = require('ui/SecondWindow');
// Doesn't exist anymore because the 2nd require overwrites the
// first include
Then i also have MainWindow.js and SecondWindow.js, which looks like this:
var MainWindow = {
test: "Main"
exports.MainWindow = MainWindow;
var SecondWindow = {
test: "Second"
exports.SecondWindow = SecondWindow;
The exports.XXXWindow = XXXWindow basically makes that object available.
So in my app.js i try to store the MainWindow object in MyApp.ui. So i can call it like this:
Then i'd also like to add the SecondWindow object to that. So i can call that in the same way:
But the way i have it now causes the second require to overwrite the first one. So it now only points to SecondWindow. What do i have to do so that i can call both objects from MyApp.ui ??

I suggest you to do (I'm sorry if code is not syntactically correct but I use coffeescript and I'm not used anymore to Javascript):
var MainWindow = function() {
return {test: 'Main'};
module.exports = MainWindow;
var SecondWindow = function() {
return {test: 'Second'};
module.exports = SecondWindow;
var myApp = {
ui: {
MainWindow: require('MainWindow.js'),
SecondWindow: require(SecondWindow.js)
Now my personal opinion. I prefer to do:
var MainWindow = require('MainWindow'),
SecondWindow = require('SecondWindow'),
myApp = {
ui: {
MainWindow: new MainWindow(),
SecondWindow: new SecondWindow()

The second assignment of MyApp.ui will overwrite its old value. However, you could do the following:
function inject(obj_into,obj_from){
for(var x in obj_from)
obj_into[x] = obj_from[x];
MyApp.ui = {MainWindow:{},SecondWindow:{}};
You first initialize MyApp.ui with empty property objects MainWindow,SecondWindow and fill them with inject.


execution order - new object's function undefined

I've created an app object which contains an empty modules object within it defined in the constructor.
var App = function() {
this.modules = {};
The modules object contains references to other objects (modules) that make up the app and contain their logic.
I instantiate the app like this = new App();
createModules() fills the modules object with the modules of the app. Then when it is done, it runs initModules() that calls each modules init() function. In this way I hope to be able to control the execution order so that objects dependent on other objects will load correctly. The code for this is as follows:
App.prototype.createModules = function() {
console.log("Creating Modules");
this.modules = {
radio: new Radio(),
visualiser: new Visualiser()
App.prototype.initModules = function() {
console.log("Initialising modules");
for (var key in this.modules) {
if (this.modules.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var obj = this.modules[key];
console.log(obj.init); //logs 'undefined'
Currently the console log on obj.init is returning undefined, meaning that I can't run the init code for that object. But when the page is finished loading if I call
It returns the function. I can't seem to figure out why is this happening.
Here is the structure of app:
var app = function() {
} = new App();
function Radio() {
Radio.prototype.init = function() {
function Visualiser() {
Visualiser.prototype.init = function() {
//Event code
Here is the structure of app
Yes, that calls the methods before they are created on the prototypes. Move the = new App();
to the bottom of the script and it will work.

How to export and import two different function objects in JavaScript?

I use Jasmine-Node to test Javascript code.
How can one export two different function objects like Confusions1 and Confusions2 so that both are available in the Jasmine-Node test file?
My attempt looks like this:
// confusions.js
var Confusions1 = function() {}; = function(num) {
// keep track of how many times `foo` is called
module.exports = Confusions1;
// second function object
var Confusions2 = function() {}; = function() {
var a = 2;;
}; = function() {
return this.a;
module.exports = Confusions2;
And my Jasmine Test file:
// confusions.spec.js
var Confusion = require('./confusions.js');
describe("chapter 1, common misconception ", function() {
describe("to assume `this` refers to the function itself: ", function() {
var confusion = new Confusion();
// some test code omitted
describe("to assume `this` refers to the function's scope", function() {
var confusion = new Confusion();
// test code omitted
I want it so that Confusions1 and Confusions2 from confusions.js are both usable in the two nested describe blocks within confusions.spec.js
I assume that I have to somehow initialize different objects after requiring the file var Confusion = require('./confusions.js');
Something like var confusion1 = new Confusions1(); var confusion2 = new Confusions2(); But how exactly (without splitting both Objects in two separate files)?
So you want to have a module that behaves like a container of exported values, in another words you want to export two functions:
// foo.js
var Confusion1 = function() {}
var Confusion2 = function() {}
exports.Confusion1 = Confusion1
exports.Confusion2 = Confusion2
Wherever you need this module, you could require this stuff like:
// bar.test.js
var confusions = require('path-to-the-foo-file')
Also as it seems you should check how module system that you are using works in general, check this answer: module.exports vs exports in Node.js

JavaScript function prototype calling parent from child

I have a stupid reference problem
I declared a namespace variable called MYAPP
var MYAPP = MYAPP || function() { = 'My Application';
this.someImportantID = 123;
And then I wanted to sperate my code in namespaces/functions and so I did
MYAPP.prototype.homepage = function() {
urls: {
linkOne: '/link/to/some/page/',
linkTwo: '/link/to/some/page/'
doSomething: function() {
// ajax call
$getting = $.get(this.urls.linkOne)
// and so on .....
// how can I acces someImportantID ??
then i use it like this
app = new MYAPP();
but how can I access someImportantID within the function doSomething()
Get rid of this .homepage stuff. Why are you doing that anyway?
This is something of a constructor pattern. Declare your constructor:
var MYAPP = function(URLCollection) {
this._name = 'My Application';
this._someImportantID = 123;
this._URLCollection = URLCollection;
Then declare the instance methods:
MYAPP.prototype = {
doSomething: function() {
// ajax call
$getting = $.get(this._URLCollection.linkOne);
// and so on .....
// how can I acces someImportantID ??
Then declare your instance passing in your collection of links:
var lCollection = { linkOne: 'URL', linkTwo: 'URL' };
var myHomePage = new MYAPP(lCollection);
You can access doSomething from the instance:
You can get to some important ID from the instance also:
Or from within the instance, by:
This is rough - it should point you in the right direction.
If there are multiple MyApp instances then you can do the following:
//IIFE creating it's own scope, HomePage constructor
// is no longer globally available
var HomePage = function(urls,app){
//assuming window is the global
window.MyApp = function(urls){'app name';
this.homePage=new HomePage(urls,this);
var app = new MyApp(['url one','url two']);
If you only have one app and that app only has one homePage object you can do it the following way as well:
var app = {
name:'app name'
urls:['url one','url two']
More on constructor functions, prototype and the value of this here.

Right way of writing and loading modules in node.js?

Currently, I write node.js modules like this:
function MyModule() {
MyModule.prototype.someFunc = function() {...}
module.exports = MyModule
However, when I need to use the module, I have to write something like this:
var MyModule = require('MyModule');
var myModule = new MyModule();
This seems terribly ugly. Isn't there some way to do something like this
var myModule = require('MyModule').new();
Am I doing something wrong?
quick hack for something not ugly
function MyModule() {
module.exports = MyModule;
app.js = function () {
return new this();
var MyModule = require('./module.js').new(); // 'constructor'
If your module consists solely of functions, it may not need to be created as an instance - just define your module as being an object filled with functions. Like so:
var MyModule = {
prepareHtmlContent: function() {
autoLoadActionInitiatorFunctions: function() {
The reason I suggest this is that you've referred to your object as 'MyModule'. If your intent is specifically to use it as a 'Class', and instantiate separate copies of it when they're needed, then you're doing it the correct way.
Here is what I use
(function(module) {
module.myFunction = function() {
module.createSomeObj = function() {
return {
foo: 1,
bar: 'bar'
var myModule = require('./myModule');
var myObject = myModule.createSomeObj();

Is this a safe way to reference objects in JavaScript?

If I were to define two objects myDataStore and myDrawer something like this:
var myDataStore = function(myObjectRef) {
this.myInternalObject = myObjectRef;
var myDrawer = function(myObjRef) {
this.myInternalObject = myObjectRef;
And if I were to create an object like so:
[[EDIT - Adjusted Object Creation to Ensure 'this' is being mapped to myObject, not the global window object]]
var myObject = window.myObject = function(){
this.dataStore = new myDataStore(this);
this.drawer = new myDrawer(this);
Then myObject.dataStore.myInternalObject, and myObject.drawer.myInternalObject, would simply be pointers back to the original 'myObject' - not taking up any additional memory in the browser. Yes?
I am interested in implementing techniques like this - as it makes it easy for objects to communicate with each other.
Nope. this refers to whatever is on the left hand side of the . or if there is no left hand side of the . then it's the global object.
So if you did this:
var MyObj = {
"create": function() {
var myObject = {
dataStore = new myDataStore(this);
drawer = new myDrawer(this);
this would be MyObj. If you did this:
var myObject = {
dataStore = new myDataStore(this);
drawer = new myDrawer(this);
(not in a function) this would be window (assuming this is in a browser).
Yes, your assumption is correct. myInternalObject will be a reference and not a new object. You can test it like this:
var MyDataStore = function(myObjectRef) {
this.myInternalObject = myObjectRef;
var data = {
value: "value"
var dataStore = new MyDataStore(data);
data.value = "test";
console.log(dataStore.myInternalObject); // logs { value : "test" } instead of { value: "value" }
No. myObject.dataStore.myInternalObject and myObject.drawer.myInternalObject will both point to the global object (mapped to window in browsers), unless you're inside a function already when you declare myObject. In other words, it will be set to whatever this is in the context in which you declare myObject. It won't be myObject itself.

