jQuery fade image loop - javascript

I want to make a loop in my function so that the slideshow effect always restarts.
Here's my fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/Be67B/
It's all good for the image 1 to go to image 2, but I want it to fade it back to the image 1, and then go the image 2, and so on...to always loop like that.
What do I need to add in my code to make this work?

Don't use a loop, just ask the browser to repetitively call your animation step :
// your animation (in fact just a step)
}, someDelay);
Demonstration : http://jsfiddle.net/dystroy/nPh6S/
In this precise case, the animation is done with :
$("#top").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr('src', 'http://coreldrawtips.com/images/applebig.jpg').fadeIn().delay(1000);
}, 4000);

see this jquery cycle plugin:
may be this is what you want

You can create a function that does the transition, which has a callback function as part of the fadeIn method that will call back to itself to trigger the next transition, and it would just be in a constant loop.
Here's your modified jsfiddle:
<img id="top" src="http://coreldrawtips.com/images/applebig.jpg" width="300" height="300" />​
function transition(first)
var src = first ? "http://coreldrawtips.com/images/applebig.jpg" : "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cFt5KNrHsHc/TZMH6XUBu-I/AAAAAAAAAR4/R6hOP7lffx0/s1600/apple-logo.png";
$("#top").delay(1000).fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr("src",src).fadeIn(function() {

I just made this code:
// images in the pool
var images=["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cFt5KNrHsHc/TZMH6XUBu- I/AAAAAAAAAR4/R6hOP7lffx0/s1600/apple-logo.png",
// next image to display
var next = 0;
// interval beetween images
var INTERVAL = 1000;
// main function
var doCarrousel = function() {
$("#top").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr("src", images[next]).fadeIn(
function() {
setTimeout(doCarrousel, INTERVAL);
if (++next >= images.length)
next = 0;
//start carrousel
fiddler: http://jsfiddle.net/Be67B/

I would use a plugin. But you can do it by hand. I just recommend against changing the src of the images, because some browsers don't handle it very well, like safari not firing load event.
Instead, have all images inside a container, and cycle their visibility:
var currentImage = $("#images img:first");
currentImage = currentImage.next();
currentImage = currentImage.siblings().first();
}, 1000)
See fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Be67B/2/

Quick and dirty: jsFiddle example
function swap(img) {
img = (img == 'http://coreldrawtips.com/images/applebig.jpg') ? 'http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cFt5KNrHsHc/TZMH6XUBu-I/AAAAAAAAAR4/R6hOP7lffx0/s1600/apple-logo.png' : 'http://coreldrawtips.com/images/applebig.jpg';
$('#top').delay(2000).fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr('src', img)
}).fadeIn(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);


glitchy jquery div carousel

so i've made a jquery carousel which you can see here: http://teste.boleiafacil.com/ (it's the one in the end of the page
this is the jquery:
//highlights slide animation
var prdlength = $(".rproducts").length;
var prdleft = 1;
var i = 0;
function swapC() {
$(this).animate({"left":"-" + prdleft + "px"}, 10);
if (prdleft == 180){
prdleft = 0;
if (i == prdlength) {
i = 0
window.setTimeout(function() { swapC() }, 10);
$(window).on("load", swapC);
the problem is when the divs get appended to the end of the wrapper it looks glitchy.
how can i fix this?
Try wrapping your function in a document ready rather than window load, the shorthand for it is:
//code here

build slider using jquery & javascript

I built slider using jquery but it is very stupid. You can see it:
i think the problem is here:
$(".img img").fadeOut().attr("src", images[count % images.length]).fadeIn();
$(".text").fadeOut().html(text[textcount % text.length]).fadeIn();
how to fix the effects?
thanks a lot!
You probably wanted something like this:
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/Bf2Mv/7/
count = 0,
text = [
"first img desc",
"2nd img desc",
"3rd img desc"],
imageCount = images.length,
rand = 6000;
function slide() {
rand = 6000;
function changeImage(delta) {
count += delta;
if (count < 0) count = imageCount - 1;
count %= imageCount;
$(".img img").fadeOut(function () {
$(this).attr("src", images[count]).fadeIn()
$(".text").fadeOut(function () {
(function loop() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, rand);
$("#next").click(function () {
$("#prev").click(function () {
You only need a single counter if the images and text arrays are the same length.
You did not need to have modulus operators everywhere if the indexes are managed correctly (between 0 and length-1)
You need to correctly wrap around from 0 to length-1 and back the other way.
You need to change the images after they fadeout (hence the new callbacks in fadeout)
I refactored the change code, so it just takes a direction delta value. That way the same code can be reused by the timer, the next and the prev options.
The problem was on how the fadein/fadeout was defined. You need to use the jQuery fadein/fadeout finished parameter function.
$(".img img").stop().fadeOut('fast', function() {
var that = $(this);
that.attr("src", images[count]).fadeIn('fast', function() {
startLoop(); // Continue the loop.
There were also some other issues on the indexes. Here's the solution: http://jsfiddle.net/Bf2Mv/45/
I hope this is what you meant. If you have questions about the answer, feel free to ask!

Individual slide delay // Superslides

This is a problem with superslides from nicinabox Github Link
I know that you can use the 'play' option in order to set a time in milliseconds before progressing to the next slide automatically. This sets a global time for the entire slideshow.
What I would like to achieve is for individual slides to have their own specific progress/delay time.
For example if I have a slideshow with twenty slides I want all the slides to progress automatically and to stay on screen for 5 seconds. However the third slide should be displayed for 20 seconds.
I have tried to do this by using the animated.slides event but I cant get it to work as the animation stops with the fourth slide :
Here is my code:
$(function () {
hashchange: true,
play: 5000,
pagination: true
$('#slides').on('animated.slides', function () {
var current_index = $(this).superslides('current');
if (current_index === 2) { // third slide
var disp = function test1() {
setTimeout(function ()
$('#slides').superslides('animate', 3)
}, 20000);
Any help would be appreciated. Maybe there is someone out there to solve my problem.
Replace .superslides('animate', 3) with .superslides('start').
Demo (the condition is 2, as you originally wrote)
Just do this:
$('#slides').on('animated.slides', function () {
var current_index = $(this).superslides('current');
if (current_index === 2) { // third slide
var disp = function test1() {
setTimeout(function ()
}, 20000);
You can do it like this:
hashchange: true,
play: 500,
pagination: true
$('#slides').on('animated.slides', function () {
var slideNo = $(this).superslides('current');
if(slideNo === 2){
}, 2000);
Here's a fiddle.

Continuously fade in and out

I have this JavaScript to make the div flash every two seconds. I was wondering if I could add anything into this current function so that the div fades in and out instead of appearing and disappearing with no transition.
<script language = "javascript">
function flash()
var blinker = 2000
var timeIn = setInterval(function() {
var element = document.getElementById('sign');
element.style.visibility = (element.style.visibility == 'hidden' ? '' : 'hidden');
}, blinker);
HTML div
<div class = "sign" id = "sign">
<p> hello </p>
Since you've tagged jQuery, you can simplify it to:
$('#sign').fadeIn(2000); // fade-in in 2 seconds
$('#sign').fadeOut(2000); // fade-out in 2 seconds
or as pointed out by user: Bondye
function flash() {
If you want it to continue fading in and out.. you could try something like this:
function keepFading($obj) {
$obj.fadeToggle(2000, function () {
See working example in Fiddle
This function would then work on any jquery object you pass it. So if you have something else you want to do the same thing you can just call it like keepFading($("#someOtherEle"));
For this to work, you'll need to make sure that jquery is included. You can then put the above code at the bottom of your html... or in your head if you wrap in a $(document).ready( ... )
You can implement fadeIn and fadeOut on pure javascript:
function fadeOut(id,val){
val = 9;
//For IE
function fadeIn(id,val){
// ID of the element to fade, Fade value[min value is 0]
val = 0;
//For IE
Here's a FIDDLE
setInterval(function() {
$('.sign').animate({ opacity: '0' }, 800).animate({ opacity: '1' }, 800);
}, 2000);
It is also possible to fadeToggle with jQuery. See details here:
function flash(id) {
var blinker = 2000;
var timeIn = setInterval(function() {
}, blinker);

Stopping increment at specific height

I am animating images within a logo in a slot-machine type of animation. I need it to stop animating once it gets to the top of the image (and send a callback if possible).
Currently, this is how I'm accomplishing the animation:
window.setInterval(function() {
$('#title-1 img').animate({bottom : '-=60px'})
}, 5000);
Any ideas on how I would get it to stop, and to send the callback?
So I assume you have a sprite image containing multiple logos, you want them to slide each 5 seconds until you reach the last one, and then call the callback?
var cnt = 6,
$img = $('#title-1 img'),
i = 0;
function animate_logo(cb) {
if (i < cnt) {
$('#title-1 img').animate({bottom : '-=60px'});
i += 1;
setTimeout(function () {animate_logo(cb)}, 5000);
else {
var interval = window.setInterval(function() {
$('#title-1 img').animate({bottom : '-=60px'},
if(`some stop point`) clearInterval(interval);
}, 5000);
I would not suggest using a setInterval when dealing with animations due to the way newer browsers are making changes to the way setInterval and setTimeout work when the tab is not the active tab.
var $title1 = $("#title-1");
var $title1img = $title1.find('img');
function anim(){
if ($title1.height() < parseInt($title1img.css("bottom"))) {
$title1img.animate({bottom : '-=60px'},anim);
$title1img.animate({bottom : '-=60px'},anim);
Edit: another reason not to use setInterval to fire off animations is due to the reqeustAnimationFrame that was implemented in 1.6 and removed in 1.6.3, which will more than likely be added back in 1.7. If you write code now that will be compatible later, that's less maintenance you will have to do later if you end up being required to upgrade.
Here's a jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/czUnU/
Edit: function...
function animColumn(title,img){
function anim(){
if (title.height() < parseInt(img.css("bottom")) {
img.animate({bottom : '-=60px'},anim);
img.animate({bottom : '-=60px'},anim);
animColumn($("#title-1"),$("#title-1 img"));
animColumn($("#title-2"),$("#title-2 img"));
animColumn($("#title-3"),$("#title-3 img"));

