jquery fail on DOM modify made with html() - javascript

In my website, I build the page navigation based on hashchange:
var hashHome;
$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) {
var homeClass = "home";
var url = $.param.fragment();
hashHome = $('#page-content').html();
if(url ==''){
//homepage with nothing(no hash)
//alert("load frim cache ->#"+url);
//go to some page
$(window).trigger( 'hashchange' );
When the site loads its homepage, the homepage gets stored in hashHome. If user navigates away, the initAction(id) replaces the entire $('#page-content')'s content with other pages' content. When the uses navigates back to home, it restores the stored home back to the $('#page-content').
My problem is that all of the jQuery stopped working on the homepage.
I've read about live() already but it seems that it needs a event like click() for it to work. How do I fix this?

I figured out that i need to store my entire page before i change the content of the div that is surrounding it
var content$('#page-content').html();
then do the content change
that way, when i reinitialize all my jQuery plugins, they will loose all of their old reference and use the new content variable, instead of a double initialization
and finally, i've the original question's code also won't work since the script tag look like this: <script type="text/javascript">...</script>, IE for some reasons won't recognize this, so I have to change it to <script></script> in order to make it cross browser compatible


How can I detect page navigation without reloading?

I have script, what work one time when window loaded, it work on this page, but site use some navigation links what not fully reload page (see this answer for example: Modify the URL without reloading the page). How can I detect that and run my script again?
I have one idea: storing URL (without anchor) in variable and check it periodically with current url, but I think this is bad solution. May be you know better one?
JavaScript or JQuery is possible to use.
Use window.onpopstate or window.onpushstate if u are using pushState or replaceState ( from ur given example).
To Navigate Without reload ( you already did this )
// Your code to fetch new URL body and title
// update the DOM then use following code to update URL also (don't use location.href, otherwise the page reloads)
// sorry u already know this because u provided the example ;)
let data = { title : "Current Title",
body : document.body.innerHTML" } // to store current page data
window.history.pushState(data, 0, "newURL");
To detect navigation ( i.e., you wanna do )
window.onpushstate: when above code runs for navigation to a new url and load new content without reload ...
window.onpushstate(function() {
// detects ur navigation
window.onpopstate: when you press back button
window.onpopstate(function (e) {
let { data } = e.state;
// data object that u gave in pushState method when u called ur last / latest pushState method...
// use this data to retrieve previous data content and title
let { title, body } = data;
document.title = title;
document.body.innerHTML = body
for more detail mdn docs
That's because the new pages are either
1 ) Already at the ready and simply being brought in-sight by jQuery
2 ) Ajax called in.
If you scout for your navigation (the links you click on to go to the other page), you should find click me or so.
If you look for wherever this is is bound (i.e.: $('#navigation a').on("click", function(){});, you can simply wrap your script within a function, and trigger this function together with loading the new page every time. (after it, obviously).
I wish I could be more clear, but you did not provide any code yourself, so I have absolutely no idea of what kind of example I should be giving here.
-- the point: Those page changes are triggered by something in your javascript. Find the trigger that makes the page-change happen, and simply insert myCustomFunction();.
If you want to make your bindings update with a new DOM, you could use this:
function setBindings(){
//removing the old bindings prevents the "click" from triggering twice.
$('a').on("click", function(){
//load page and such here
//Apply script you want to run here
setbindings(); //rerun the function to set the bindings.
I think you are looking for hashchanges you can listen to this event onhashchange
window.onhashchange = function(e) {
var sublink = window.location.hash.substring(1);
//do your thing here
You can also check what updated the url after the hashchange
var sublink = window.location.hash.substring(1);
I think the URL of script is cached,do you used Ajax get method?if it is,please
like this write url "wwww.baidu.com?"+Math.random();if not is ,in the firefox ,you can used pageshow event.

How to keep elements non-refreshed

The main goal is to keep non-refreshed the logotext <div class="small-7 medium-4 columns logo"> and the menu <nav class="pagedMenu" role="navigation">,without clipping on page refresh or while the content is loading from a page to another. Also, the menu state should be preserved from a page to another.
I've found here a possible solution that could solve the problem (you could use ajax to fetch the updated content and use jQuery to put the new content on the page and avoid the refresh entirely. Doing it that way, the existing data in the page would remain untouched. said #jfriend00)
So, I have tried to use an Ajax plugin (called AWS). In the AWS option page, I (suppose) that I've done the right thing pointing wrapper as Ajax container ID and also pagedMenu as Menu container class, Transition Effect Enabled, No ajax container IDs blank, no loader selected, having already a pulse loader implemented in the theme.
At this point, all I got it's a menu / side-menu (shiftnav) / pulse dot loader / content loading malfunction, generated perhaps by the wrong defined Ajax container id and/or menu container class(?) OR by a conflict with an existing JS / jQuery code, not so sure.
Also in Chrome console there is an error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;
(anonymous function) # ajaxify.js?ver=4.3.1:175
n.extend.each # jquery-2.1.4.min.js?ver=2.1.4:2
n.fn.n.each # jquery-2.1.4.min.js?ver=2.1.4:2
$.bind.$.ajax.success # ajaxify.js?ver=4.3.1:169
n.Callbacks.j # jquery-2.1.4.min.js?ver=2.1.4:2
n.Callbacks.k.fireWith # jquery-2.1.4.min.js?ver=2.1.4:2
x # jquery-2.1.4.min.js?ver=2.1.4:4
n.ajaxTransport.k.cors.a.crossDomain.send.b # jquery-2.1.4.min.js?ver=2.1.4:4
Everything is getting back to normal on page refresh but doesn't help at all, being useless.
I also have to mention that for the menu I've tried to keep the state using jQuery-Storage-API and storage=jQuery.sessionStorage; as you can see in mynewmenu.js file but that will not solve the non-refreshing elements problem.
The menu jsfiddle only, if this helps to have the whole picture, here thanks to #Diego Betto.
You can use this live link as example; there is a similar situation with the above described - Ajax implementation right(?) - and regarding the appearance, menu is kept non-refreshed from one page to another; if you browse Books, Works etc, menu sections you'll see; if there is a model that could be implemented here, I'll be glad to find it.
LE: meanwhile, I've tried another ajaxify solution made by #arvgta - special thanks - without success yet but as far as I've found from the Author, the defined elements should be div's with id's not classes. So, I'll try to find a way to modify somehow the code in order to have id instead on classes.
Also, I'll try to transform and implement in ajaxify.min.js file, the page-container element; jQuery('#page-container').ajaxify(); I'll come back with news.
LE2: I've tried to implement the solution using id's instead of classes but still, the pages are not loading correctly.
At this point we have ajax.min.js file updated with these lines:
Also, I've modified the theme file to have id=page-container instead if class=page-container.
In these conditions, on menu click, the links are changed (like it should), menu/ logotext elements seems to working almost fine (sometimes get skippy changing position), but the content is not loading correctly in all cases; Same here, everything is getting back to normal on manual page refresh (f5), but doesn't help.
LE3: It looks like the conflict is (at least) between Revolution Slider plugin and Ajaxify.
errormessage="Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include." ;="" +=" This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work." "<="" span="">"
Site live link here. Any thoughts / alternative in this area? (not interested in using other different platforms, different WordPress themes, etc. just a workaround in this existing situation)
LE4: As far as I can see, there are many users that voted up the Jake Bown answer that could be indeed a solution; but I can't find the reason that didn't work correctly implemented into my theme (without errors) live link here The elements logotext / menu are still fading on refresh, are not kept non-refreshed. Any thoughts #Jake Bown / anyone?
LE final.
Buzinas delivered the closest answer for my needs, taking in consideration my site environment (plugins installed, etc).
From what you said I think I might have found the solution you're looking for - you want to load content dynamically whilst keeping the logo and navigation untouched? If so, this might be what you're looking for.
In the example, the pages are loaded in from a div within the page but could be used to load another URL or file:
$('.viewport ul li a').on('click', function(e) {
var link = this.hash.substring(1, this.hash.length);
if($('.'+link).length) {
$('.viewport span.body').html($('.'+link).html());
I've created a plunker for you, take a look, and play with it as long as you can. You'll learn a lot from it!
I think you're trying too many things here, but didn't try the simplest:
The main goal is to keep non-refreshed the logotext and the menu ,without clipping on page refresh or while the content is loading from a page to another. Also the menu state should be preserved from a page to another.
If you want to do that, there are a few steps:
Create a 'master' page, that we're going to call index.html from now on.
So, our index must have the static part of our page, e.g menu, logo, footer etc.
Then, our 'subpages' must be cut down (no html, head, body, script, style tags, only the content that should be showed into our master page).
That done, now we must change our links to use AJAX instead of doing full refresh:
/* we add a 'click' event handler to our menu */
document.getElementById('menu-menu-2').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var el = e.target;
/* then, we see if the element that was clicked is a anchor */
if (el.tagName === 'A') {
/* we prevent the default functionality of the anchor (i.e redirect to the page) */
/* we show our spinner, so the user can see that something is loading */
/* and we call our AJAX function, passing a function as the callback */
ajax(el.href, function(xhr) {
/* we get our main div, and we replace its HTML to the response that came
from the AJAX request */
document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
/* since the request was finished, we hide our spinner again */
Ok, now our pages are already working via AJAX, and not reloading our static content.
But now, we see that we have some issues. For example, if someone tries to open one of our pages directly via URL, he'll see unstyled page, without the menu/logo etc. So, what should we do?
We have a few more steps now:
Simulate that our links are effectively transfering between pages using the History API:
/* inside our ajax callback, we save the fake-redirect we made into the pushState */
ajax(el.href, function(xhr) {
document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
/* save the new html, so when the user uses the back button, we can load it again */
html: main.innerHTML,
title: el.textContent + '| neuegrid'
}, '', el.href);
/* (...) */
/* and outside it, we add a 'popstate' event handler */
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(e) {
/* so, if we've saved the state before, we can restore it now */
if (e.state) {
document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = e.state.html;
document.title = e.state.title;
And we need that when the user enters directly to another page, e.g about-us, we redirect him to the index.html, and then load the about-us page from there.
So we create a redirect.js file, and we reference it in all of our
/* save the page that the user tried to load into the sessionStorage */
sessionStorage.setItem('page', location.pathname);
/* and them, we redirect him to our main page */
And then, in our index.html page, we see if there is any page in the sessionStorage, and we load it, if there is, otherwise we load our home page.
var page = sessionStorage.getItem('page') || 'home';
/* we look into the menu items, and find which has an href attribute
ending with the page's URL we wanna load */
document.querySelector('#menu-menu-2 > li > a[href$="' + page + '"').click();
And that's it, we're done now. Take a look at the plunker I've been making to you.
And play with it as long as you can, so you'll learn a lot from it.
I hope I could help you! :)
Note: Just for reference, this is our ajax function:
function ajax(url, callback, method, params) {
if (!method) method = 'GET';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open(method, url);
if (callback) xhr.addEventListener('load', function() {
callback.call(this, xhr);
if (params) {
params = Object.keys(params).map(function(key) {
return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]);
} else {
demo: http://so.devilmaycode.it/how-to-keep-elements-non-refreshed/
follow these simple steps (let's take as example theme "twentyfifteen" on the WP templates folder):
edit single.php, page.php, index.php and all other pages having get_header() and get_footer() functions and replace it respectively with below code:
NOTE: this is important because if someone (ex: search-engine) reach your pages directly from the link, it is still fully available and 100% working. (useful for SEO)
<!-- other code --->
open the header.php add the below code inside the <head> section at the very end
!(function($) {
$(function() {
$('.menu-item a, .widget-area a, .page_item a').on('click', function(e) {
var href = this.href;
var query = href ? (href + (!/\?/g.test(href) ? '?' : '&') + 'ajax=1') : window.location;
/* ex: kill instance of running plugins */
$('#content').hide().empty().load(query, function() {
/* ex: refresh or run a new plugin instance for this page */
in the header.php file put the code below at the end of the file, 90% of times you need it under the navigation. In this case we already have this on the "twentyfifteen" theme.
NB: most probably you have the opening tag <div id="content" class="site-content"> inside the header.php file and the closing tag </div> on the footer.php file, this doesn't matter, you can leave it as is.
<div id="content"></div>
NOTE: consider this a proof of concept; it may work as is, but you still need to tailor it to suit your needs; you may need to:
Add a menu (in case it is not already set) by going under Appeareace > Menus > [check Primary Menu] > Save Menu in order to activate the menu. it's tested and working.
You may want to add some other class to the jQuery function like .widget-area a in order to ajax also widget links.
if you are using 3d party plugins you may need to ensure that all dependencies of each plugin are loaded also on the main page from where you want everything is displayed without refreshing content.
you may need to check and kill those 3d party plugin before a new page load and run or refresh plugin needed in the loaded page.

Load external page on div and getting a specific url at the same time

I am developing a new website and while I want to get it done as easy to navigate as possible, I also wanted to use some kind of navegation with overlapping pages.
My idea was to have articles on the current page that will open on a floating div over the rest when clicked. That´s not really the problem because using jquery .load() it gets quite easy to do, but my problem is that it doesn't modify the current url, so it remains as www.myweb.com for example and I would like to have it like www.myweb.com/current-article when the article is opened. Once you have that specific url to the article, if it is shared, whoever open that link will get to the website with the article opened over the it.
I hope it all makes sense, but a good example can be found in USA Today or Play.Spotify
I am using umbraco 7 and javascript for the site. Any idea of how it could be done?
its called hash base navigation
location.hash = "#myHash"; //sets the url plus hash
Below is fired if user manually changes the URL or by using the back button
window.onhashchange = function()
if (location.hash === "#myHash")
This is actually a big and complex task to implement correctly.
I would advise you to use Backbone.Router http://backbonejs.org/#Router. It use history api in "new" browsers, with a fallback to hashtags in older browsers.
Some pseudo code:
First define your route. It will catch all pages under www.myweb.com/articles/*
var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"articles/:page": "loadPage"
loadPage: function() {
var div = $("#overlay");
div.html($.load("your page"))
You would need to implement some logic to test if the loaded page is not under articles/.*
Init MyRouter when the page is loaded:
var router = new MyRouter();
The overlay page will now open when you hit www.myweb.com/articles/cool-article
If you want to open the page from a parent page, simply call
router.navigate("articles/cool-article", {trigger: true});

Prevent iFrame from changing location?

I've got a simple app that parses Tumblr blog templates. It's modeled after their customization screen and contains a header with some configurable options and an iframe. Every time an option changes, the app reloads the iframe, serializing the config form and updating the iframe's src with the serialized data as a query string.
This all works fine, except every time this happens, I am only able to reload the main index page with the changed options. If the user wants to view, say, a single post page by navigating away from the index, the template renders that page, only with the default options.
In other words, the changed options do no persist while the user navigates the blog.
I've been able to have 'persisting changes' with an $('iframe').load() event like so:
The only problem is, as you can tell, this would wait for the iframe to fully render the page using the default options, then re-renders it with the updated options. I mean... it works, but it's not really a great solution.
Does anybody know how I can prevent the iframe from loading, capturing the users desired location, then re-render the frame with the current options as represented in the header?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Are you hosting both the top-level page and the embedded iframe page? If so, there are some games you can play, but it's not pretty. For example you can rewrite links within the embedded iframe in order to pre-fill the config options, e.g. with something like:
$('a', $('iframe')).each(function() {
var new_url = this.attr("href");
new_url += config_options;
this.attr("href", new_url);
Here's what I came up with:
var p = top || parent;
$('a').click(function(e) {
var prevent = e.isDefaultPrevented(),
is_local = p.isLocal(this.href),
is_hash = $(this).attr('href').match(/^#/);
if(prevent || ! is_local || is_hash) return;
return false;
My worry was that I would be affecting the javascript events attached to <a/> tags by the user, but apparently jQuery will detect default prevented events, even if they weren't prevented with jQuery itself. I tested it like this:
document.getElementById('test-link').onclick = function() {
return false;
jQuery detects that the original event has been prevented, so I am just assuming I shouldn't continue.

onHashChange running onLoad... awkward

So I'd like my page to load content if a window's hash has changed.
Using Mootools, this is pretty easy:
$extend(Element.NativeEvents, {
hashchange: 1
and then:
window.addEvent('hashchange', function() {});
However, the hashchange event is firing when the page is being loaded, even though the specification require it not to fire until the page load is complete!
Unless I am loading the page for the first time, with no hash, then all works as expected.
I think the problem here is the fact that the browser considers the page load "complete", and then runs the rest of the JavaScript, which includes hash detection to load the requisite page.
For example, if I typed in http://foo.bar/, all would work fine. However, http://foo.bar/#test would, ideally, load the initial page, detect the hash, and load the "test" content.
Unfortunately, the browser loads the initial page, considers it "domready", and THEN loads the "test" content, which would then fire onHashChange. Oops?
This causes an infinite loop, unless I specifically ask the browser NOT to update the hash if an onHashChange event is firing. That's easy:
var noHashChange;
noHashChange = true;
var hashes = window.location.hash.substr(1).split("/"); // Deciphers the hash, in this case, hashes[0] is "test"
selectContent(hashes[0]); // Here, selectContent would read noHashChange, and wouldn't update the hash
noHashChange = false;
So now, updating the hash AFTER the page has loaded will work properly. Except it still goes nuts on an initial page load and fetches the content about 3 or 4 times, because it keeps detecting the hash has changed. Messy.
I think it may have something to do with how I am setting the hash, but I can't think of a better way to do so except:
window.location.hash = foobar;
... inside of a function that is run whenever new content is selected.
Therein lies the problem, yes? The page is loaded, THEN the content is loaded (if there is content)...
I hope I've been coherent...
Perhaps you could check the hash first to eliminate the recursion:
if(window.location.hash != foobar){ window.location.hash = foobar;}
Why is the onHashChange handler changing the hash anyways? If there's some default that it's selecting first before loading the content, then perhaps that could go in a seperate function.
(I say this because it looks like you've some sort of directory structure-esque convention to your location.hash'es, perhaps you're selecting a specific leaf of a tree when the root is selected or something?)
you could implement an observer for the hash object that will trigger a function when the has object has changed.it does nothing to do with the actual loading of the page.
the best way to do this is via Object.prototype.watch
see other pages on same topic : On - window.location.hash - Change?
have a look at MooTools History it implements the onhashchange if the new html5 history api isn't available, no need to reinvent the wheel :)

