Extjs 4, Event handling, scope, custom components - javascript

I have following problem. I have grid with tbar. Inside tbar I have number of Ext.form.field.Trigger.
When the user click on trigger button I want to filter the store using function that is provided with grid. I want to define functionality of triggerclick inside defined class, so I can reuse this component with different grid.
So, in short I want to find the panel where clicked component is placed and call panel function, or pass reference of panel to triggerclick, or fire an event with some parameter that will calculated based on where the button was clicked, or maybe there is a better method to accomplish this.
The code (FilterField -> extension of trigger):
Ext.define('GSIP.core.components.FilterField', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger',
alias: 'widget.filterfield',
initComponent: function() {
onTriggerClick: function(e, t) {
//Ext.getCmp('gsip_plan_list').filterList(); - working but dont want this
//this.fireEvent('filterclick'); - controller cant see it,
//this.filterList; - is it possible to pass scope to panel or reference to panel
//e.getSomething() - is it possible to get panel via EventObject? smth like e.getEl().up(panel)
code of panel:
Ext.define('GSIP.view.plans.PlanReqList', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.gsip_devplan_list',
id: 'gsip_plan_list',
title: i18n.getMsg('gsip.view.PlanReqList.title'),
layout: 'fit',
initComponent: function() {
this.store = 'DevPlan';
this.tbar = [{
xtype: 'filterfield',
id: 'filter_login',
triggerCls: 'icon-user',
//scope:this - how to pass scope to panel without defining onTriggerClick here
// onTriggerClick: function() {
// this.fireEvent('filterclick'); //working event is fired but controller cant see it
// this.filterList; //this is working but i dont want to put this code in every filterfield
// },
// listeners : {
// filterclick: function(btn, e, eOpts) { //this is working
// }
// },
this.columns = [{
id: 'id',
header: "Id",
dataIndex: "id",
width: 50,
sortable: true,
filterable: true
}, {
header: "Name",
dataIndex: "name",
width: 150,
sortable: true,
filterable: true
}, {
header: "Author",
dataIndex: "author",
sortable: true,
renderer: this.renderLogin,
filterable: true
filterList: function() {
property: 'id',
value: this.down("#filter_id").getValue()
}, {
property: 'name',
value: this.down("#filter_name").getValue()
renderLogin: function(value, metadata, record) {
return value.login;
part of code of Controller:
init: function() {
'attachments': {
filesaved: this.scanSaved,
}, {
'scan': {
filesaved: this.attachmentSaved
}, {
'#filter_login': {
filterclick: this.filterStore //this is not listened
filterStore: function() {
console.log('filtering store');

Controller can listen to anything. Just need to specify exactly what to. But I would fire events on the panel level - add this into your trigger handler:


Panel Appearance After Clicking On Text

I've just started working with Sencha Touch over the past couple days and I've run into a few questions. The main one is, when working with anything that doesn't regularly have user click interaction (titlebar, html text, etc for some random examples), is it possible to click on things like this and get a panel to appear.
I know that with buttons and other things, you have a tap, itemtap, etc, but I'm not sure about instances like this. Any help would be appreciated with examples.
Yes you can. Check out my blog post here: http://www.senchahackers.com/touch/multiple-tap-listeners-one-xtemplate/ that explains exactly how to do that.
Basically you can listen for a tap event on any element, as long as you add it to the list of 'delegates'
In your view:
listeners: {
tap: {
element: 'element',
delegate: '.app-box, .doc-box, .bubble-holder',
fn: function(e){
var url = e.target.name,
divClassName = e.delegatedTarget.className,
appbox = "app-box",
docbox = "doc-box",
bubble = "bubble-holder";
case docbox :
//lets say you have an element '.doc-box' that you want to click and show the panel
// show the panel, which is a separate file, shown below
var profileController = YourApp.getController('YourController');
//call the showProfilePanelPopup() method in your controller, passing in this as the element that shows it
case appbox :
case bubble :
Then in your controller:
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
refs: {
profilePanelPopup: {
autoCreate: true,
selector: '#profilePanelPopup',
xtype: 'profilePanelPopup'
showProfilePanelPopup: function(btn, action, values) {
var me = this;
var popup = me.getProfilePanelPopup();
popup.on('hide', function () {
}, this);
Assuming you some Panel in your views directory like this:
Ext.define('App.view.ProfileNowPop', {
extend : 'Ext.Panel',
alias: 'widget.profileNowPop',
xtype: 'profilePanelPopup',
config: {
height: (Ext.os.deviceType != "Desktop") ? "35%" : 253,
left: '1%',
padding: 0,
top: '1%',
width: (Ext.os.deviceType != "Desktop") ? '40%' : '36%',
hideOnMaskTap: true,
modal: {
scrollable: false,
store: 'ProfilePopStore',
model: 'App.model.ProfilePopModel',
xtype: 'fieldset',
items: [
xtype: 'textfield',
id: 'gradePopField0',
cls: 'gradePopField',
style: 'background: #f7f7f5',
listeners: {
initialize: function(ele, eOpts) {
initialize: function() {

html with value from function

Im really new to this java script and Sencha touch so sorry if this question is simple but I didn't find a way to do this.
I have a function that returns a value .
now I want to display the value from the function inside an html line.
how im calling this function from html element? how I show the value?
config: {
title: 'Me',
iconCls: 'user',
//layout: 'fit',
/* create a title bar for the tab panel */
items: [
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Singers'
html: [
'<h1>Hi!! ' + this.setName +'</h1>'
setName: function (val) {
var store =Ext.getStore('user');
var last = st.last('user');
return val=(last.get('user'));
You could use the itemId property to reference the component and then update its html property via the initialise listener.
For example:
config: {
title: 'Me',
iconCls: 'user',
//layout: 'fit',
/* create a title bar for the tab panel */
items: [
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Singers'
itemId:'htmlContainer', //use itemIds like div ids
html: ''
* #cfg listeners
* Parent Component listeners go here.
* Check sencha touch doc for more information and other available events.
initialize: 'onInitialise'
onInitialise: function()
//set the html config item here
var c = this.down('#htmlContainer');
setName: function (val) {

How do i get a class instance in Extjs?

I defined a class 'IMS.SellMgt.testForm'.when i click the button 'submit',i want to get 'var test = this.formPanel;',why test is null? if i want to get this.formPanel,how can i do?Thank you!
Ext.define('IMS.SellMgt.testForm', {
formPanel: null,
LoadForm: function () {
this.formPanel = new Ext.form.Panel({
renderTo: 'form-ct',
frame: true,
title: 'XML Form',
width: 300,
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Contact Information',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'First Name',
emptyText: 'First Name',
name: 'first'
buttons: [{
text: 'Submit',
handler: function () {
var test = this.formPanel;
Ext.onReady(function () {
var frmTest = Ext.create('IMS.SellMgt.testForm', {});
try something like:
handler: function () {
var test = this.findParentByType(Ext.form.FormPanel);
handler is a simpler way of specifying a click event listener for the button. Since it is short hand, it has some drawbacks.
With handler, the context of the function is always the button. In other words, this inside the handler function is the button, not your form.
In order for this to be your class, use a listener with a scope specified:
buttons: [{
text: 'Submit',
listeners: {
click: function() {
this.formPanel; // will work now
scope: this // this is the key
You can also use up to find the form:
handler: function() {
var form = this.up('form');

Show Row Details as a Popup/ToopTip form on Mouse Hover for each row in KendoUI Grid

I have a grid populated with data and
i want to show only 3 or 2 columns and hide rest of columns cause the grid goes very wide.
when the mouse is hovered over a row i want to show all the columns of that row as as popup /tooltip form.
Please help me with this. I searched a lot and only found out Editable popup and with button click not with hover.
function PopulateGrid() {
columns: [
{ field: 'Date', title: 'Date', width: 80,
template: '#=kendo.toString(toDate(NewsDate), "yyyy/MMM/dd") #'
{ field: 'TradeTime', title: 'Time', width: 60,
template: '#=kendo.toString(toDate(NewsTime), "hh:mm:ss") #'
{ field: 'Title', title: 'Description', width: 200 },
{ field: 'Country', title: 'Country', width: 40 },
{ field: 'Economy', title: 'Economoy', width: 40 }
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: 'Home/GetNews',
dataType: "json",
type: "POST"
schema: {
data: function (data) {
return data.data;
total: function (data) {
return data.total;
pageSize: 100
// change: onChange,
// dataBound: onDataBound,
dataBound: HoverOnGrid,
pageable: true,
sortable: true,
scrollable: true,
height: 565,
width: 2000
There are two separate questions about what you are trying to implement:
Bind hover to the Grid rows (easy).
Generate a popup / tooltip that shows the rest of the columns (easy but requires some amount of coding).
Since it seems that you have already defined a function called HoverOnGrid lets write it as:
function HoverOnGrid() {
$("tr", "#recentNews").on("mouseover", function (ev) {
// Invoke display tooltip / edit row
var rowData = grid.dataItem(this);
if (rowData) {
where grid is:
var grid = $("#recentNews").kendoGrid({
Now, the tricky question, how to show a tooltip / popup... There is no predefined way of doing it, you should do it by yourself. The closes that you can get is defining HoverOnGrid as:
function HoverOnGrid() {
$("tr", "#recentNews").on("click", function (ev) {
and the Grid initialization say:
editable: "popup",
But this opens a popup but with fields on edit mode (something that you can hack defining in the dataSource.schema.model that all fields are not editable:
model: {
fields: {
Date: { editable: false },
TradeTime: { editable: false },
Title: { editable: false },
Country: { editable: false },
Economy: { editable: false }
But it still shows update and cancel buttons in the popup.
So, my recommendation is writing a piece of code that creates that tooltip.
EDIT: For hiding the tooltip you should first intercept the mouseout event:
$("tr", "#recentNews").on("mouseout", function (ev) {
// Hide Tooltip
where hideTooltip might be something as simple as:
var tooltipWin = $("#tooltip_window_id").data("kendoWindow");
assuming that you are always using the same id for the tooltip (in this example, tooltip_window_id).

extjs 4.1 treestore lazy loading: The q is, does it branch?

I want to achive lazy loading of tree branches in an MVC application with extjs4.1 where the braches are located on different urls. I have come quite some ways and hit quite some walls, right now it does not branch.
Here is where I fail:
Ext.define('OI.view.tree.Tree' ,{
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
alias : 'widget.treepanel',
store: 'TreeStore',
collapsible: true,
rootVisible: false,
viewConfig: {
plugins: [{
ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop'
height: 350,
width: 400,
title: 'Directory Listing',
initComponent: function() {
this.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(this.store);
this.store.getProxy().url = 'data/level1.json'; // <-- init loading
listeners: {
itemclick: function(view, record) {
console.info('ID: '+record.get('id'));
console.info('TEXT: '+record.get('text'));
console.info('PrimType: '+record.get('primaryType'));
console.info('JCRPATH: '+record.get('jcrPath'));
var newBranchStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
model: 'OI.model.Branch',
autoLoad: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
reader: {
url: 'data/'+ record.get('jcrPath') +'/level1.json', //<-- load json at the level of the url path returned by the model
type: 'json'
folderSort: false
newBranchStore.load({url: 'data/'+ record.get('jcrPath') +'/level1.json',
callback: function(){
var mynode = newBranchStore.getNodeById('content_mytest');
this.store.getNodeById(record.get('id')).appendChild(mynode).expand(); // <-- this does not work
scope: this
The first level is loaded correctly, however when I trigger a click on the node, I am getting the right json returned from the server, in this case a static json file for debugging, and I try to statically fetch a node and append it to the one that has been clicked. But it is never injected.
What I eventually want to achive is that I can append all children returned by the json file to the node that has been clicked.
Further I am a bit confused about treestores ...
Am I correct when I say that there can be only ONE treestore per tree, right? So I need to attach the new nodes to the original treestore ... I am slightly confused and could need all the pointers I can get.
You are way overcomplicating this, use this approach instead (basically just swap out the url of your store before it loads to the correct url):
Ext.define('OI.view.tree.Tree' ,{
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
alias : 'widget.treepanel',
store: 'TreeStore',
collapsible: true,
rootVisible: false,
viewConfig: {
plugins: [{
ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop'
height: 350,
width: 400,
title: 'Directory Listing',
initComponent: function() {
this.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(this.store);
this.store.getProxy().url = 'data/level1.json'; // <-- init loading
listeners: {
beforeload: function(store, operation) {
store.getProxy().url = 'data/'+ operation.node.get('jcrPath') +'/level1.json';

