QML - How to modify MouseArea onPressed and onReleased in JavaScript? - javascript

I know that I can connect onClicked event like this:
But I am unable to find anything similar for events onPressed and onReleased...
Anyone can help me with this?

myMouseArea.released.connect(fun) works as expected, but the pressed signal is shadowed by a Boolean property with the same name indicating whether a button is currently pressed. Therefore it is currently impossible to connect this signal dynamically.
This is actually a known bug, see QTBUG-24477. All you can do right now is to redesign your application that way it won't depend on that particular feature.

I have found workaround in meantime:
id: ma
signal onPressedState
onPressed: onPressedState()
so later in JavaScript it can be used like this:
function someFunction()
This works :)

Another option is to use the more declarative Connections type to handle the press:
Connections {
target: myMouseAreaID
onPressed: myPressedFunc()


How to make page search on electron like in Chrome or VS Code or Firefox? [duplicate]

Does the Electron application framework have built-in text search?
The quick-start application doesn't provide any apparent search functionality (e.g. using Ctrl-F or from the menu options). I would have expected this to be a BrowserWindow option (or an option of its WebContents), but I don't see anything helpful in the docs.
I know this is an old thread, but might still be relevant for people out there.
Had the same problem, and first fixed by using electron-in-page-search, but this component doesn't work properly with Electron 2 or greater.
Then finally found electron-find resolved my problem. Using with Electron 4.
You just add the component to your project:
npm install electron-find --save
Add a global shortcut in your Electron main process to send an event to the renderer in a ctrl+f:
globalShortcut.register('CommandOrControl+F', () => {
And then you can add this to your page (the renderer process)
const remote = require('electron').remote;
const FindInPage = require('electron-find').FindInPage;
let findInPage = new FindInPage(remote.getCurrentWebContents());
ipcRenderer.on('on-find', (e, args) => {
Hope that helps.
Try webContents.findInPage just added in the latest version.
There is an issue with the solution Robson Hermes offered. globalShortcut is, by definition, global, so the shortcut will be detected even when the app is not focused. This will result in the Ctrl+F shortcut being "stolen" from everywhere else.
I have found no ideal solution (see this issue on the electron repository), but a hacky one can be achieved by doing what Robson said and adding
win.on('focus', () => {
globalShortcut.register('CommandOrControl+F', () => windows.main.send('on-find'))
win.on('blur', () => {
Note that as seen here, this is not ideal and can lead to several issues:
Other applications can get a lock on the shortcut when you lose focus, i.e. the shortcut will magically stop working when you switch back to the app later.
Some apps can appear on screen without taking focus (spotlight I believe has this behavior) and during the app's appearance the shortcuts will still be captured by your application.
There's also gonna be those weird one in a thousand situations where somehow you switch focus and the shortcut is not removed.
Instead of using global shortcuts , use Accelerators ( normal Keyboard shortcut )
label : 'help',
click : function(){.
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+ Shift + H'
The above shown is just an example of How to use accelerator

About mxGraph: how can I first add Edge, and add my own custom attribute, then add to the graph?

Because I register a listener about the CELL_ADD to justify when I add two different types of edges, I deal with them in different ways.
But the problem is I failed to add the edge after I change my method to "add edge" action"
HERE IS MY FIRST successful version :
graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', defiVertex, outVertex);
edge.edge = true;
edge.type = AUTO_INSERT_EDGE;
Not sure what you are trying to do, but why don't you override the addListener function? In there, you can retrieve the changes, and if the name is mxTerminalChange you know you are adding/modifying an edge:
model.addListener(mx.mxEvent.CHANGE, function(sender, evt) {
var changes = evt.getProperty('edit').changes;
if (changes[i].constructor.name == "mxTerminalChange") {
// Manage the add of a new connection
I change another way to finish my problem which is use the vue data attribute to help me record the state of the two add edge situations: when the edge is add by code, this.isAutoAdd = true, when user create the edge, this.isAutoAdd=false,so when in the listener, I just need to determine whether "isAutoAdd" is false to call the change function.

How to access ZK components from JavaScript

I want to set value of a zk datebox from javascript. Actually I can set the value but when I want to access its value, it is throwing a null pointer exception. More generally, some abilities of the zk components can be manupulated but others not. For example I can fire a button onclick event but I can not set an attribute of that button by javascript.
For example these two work :
zk.Widget.$('$startDateProxy').setValue(start); zk.Widget.$('$addEventBtn').fire('onClick');
But these two not:
zk.Widget.$('$startDateProxy').setAttribute("startDate",start) -> cutting the operation
alert(startDateProxy.getValue().toString()) -> null pointer
PS: I am trying to use FULLCALENDAR (arshaw.com/fullcalendar)
Thank you for your answer. startDateProxy component is Datebox, not Calendar. Sorry for missing information. I solved the problem by using AuService. I defined a hidden button. Fired its onClick with the parameters. Sample usage:
Client Side:
zk.Widget.$('$eventBtn').fire('onClick',{start : start ,end : end});
Server Side:
public void service(AuRequest request, boolean everError) {
if (Events.ON_CLICK.equals(request.getCommand())) {
Map data = request.getData(); // can be read start,end parameters from here
//dosomething here
Try it instead
The Class Calendar does not have a setAttribute method (see the docs).

Call javascript function from objective C on orientation change

First off I would like to say I am an absolute Objective C novice.
I have been looking everywhere for a solution for this, but somehow I cannot seem to get it to work.
All I want is to run a Javascript function from Objective C when an orientation change event occurs, seeing how this is the only way to execute Javascript before the orientation change animation starts.
I have been able to get a NSLog to show when an orientation change occurs, but no matter what I try, I am unable to execute any Javascript. Not even a console.log() or an alert(), let alone the actual function I want to trigger.
Could anyone please save me another afternoon of trial and error?
Place this in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (AppDelegate.m):
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
selector: #selector(orientationDidChange:)
name: UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientationNotification
object: nil];
And this just below
- (void) orientationDidChange: (NSNotification *) note
[self.viewController.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"hideContentsDuringOrientationChange();"];
You should be able to do this:
- (void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration {
[(UIWebView *)self.visibleViewController.view stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"someGlobalJSFunction();"];
Your reference to the UIWebView may have to change based on how your project is setup.
You can use didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation for an event after the rotation is complete. I've found this sometimes fires just a bit early for the JS to redraw, though. I fixed that by putting a short timeout in the JS function it calls.

Is it possible to change $location without firing associated $route

Is it possible to change the location path in Angular.js without triggering the associated route. Perhaps something like the following (not working code):
$location.path("/booking/1234/", {silent: true})
You can set reloadOnSearch to false in your router, and you can change the "search" part of the url.
The idea is that you should design your URL scheme such that if the base url changes, it represents a different resource and should reload. If the search part changes (the part after the ?, you might just be changing a filter, or a sort order or something).
Here is the solution, compiled in angular module — https://github.com/garakh/ngSilent
just add the module and then use this way:
Yes it is possible using a workaround.
var off = $scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (e) {
The way it works is - it is caching the next state change event - make him not happen (by calling "preventDefault", and then calling itself to deregister this eventhandler).
Tested only on Chrome.
Saw it in this post: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/64
Hope it helps

