How to change buttons without having any affect on the other buttons? - javascript

I have an if else statement below where it turns on and off buttons depending if the other button is on or off. This deals with 2 buttons, "Yes" or "No".
function btnclick(btn)
var context = $(btn).parents('#optionAndAnswer');
if (context.length == 0) {
context = $(btn).parents('tr');
var $btn = $(btn);
var id =;
var $otherYNBtn = id === "answerYes" ? $("#answerNo") : $("#answerYes");
if ($("#answerYes", context).hasClass('answerBtnsOn')) {
else if ($("#answerNo", context).hasClass('answerBtnsOn')) {
return false;
Now this code works for these buttons below which are displayed at the top:
<table id="optionAndAnswer" class="optionAndAnswer">
<input class="answerBtns answers answerBtnsOff" name="answerYesName" id="answerYes" type="button" value="Yes" onclick="btnclick(this);"/>
<input class="answerBtns answers answerBtnsOff" name="answerNoName" id="answerNo" type="button" value="No" onclick="btnclick(this);"/>
Now the situation I have is that obviously it only works for the buttons above, but what happens is the user is able to add these buttons in a new row by appending them into a new row. The code which appends these buttons in a new row is below:
var $this;
$('#optionAndAnswer .answers').each(function() {
$this = $(this);
var $newBtn = $("<input class='answerBtnsRow answers' type='button' style='display:%s;' onclick='btnclick(this);' />".replace('%s',$':visible')?'inline-block':'none')).attr('name', $this.attr('name')).attr('value', $this.val()).attr('class', $this.attr('class')).attr('id', $this.attr('id')+'Row');
The above code copies all of the attributes (name, class, id) from the buttons on top into a new row, except the only difference is that the id for the appended buttons contain the string "Row" at the end of the id.
What my question is that what I want to do is change my if/else if function so that it works for all 2 buttons, no matter if they are on top, or in row 1 or row 2 or etc.
So for example:
If I have Yes and No buttons on top control, Yes and No buttons in row 1 and Yes and No buttons in row 2, All of these buttons having the "Yes" button turned on.
If I click on "No" button in top control, it should turn on the "No" button and turn off the "Yes" button in the top control only, it should not have any affect on row 1 or 2.
If I click on "No" button in row 1, it should turn on the "No" button and turn off the "Yes" button in row 1 only, it should not have any affect on row 2 or top control.
If I click on "No" button in row 2, it should turn on the "No" button and turn off the "Yes" button in row 2 only, it should not have any affect on row 1 or top control.
How can this be achieved, at the moment my if else statements only work for the buttons on the top control (because of its id), but not with any of the rows.

You could use context.find("input[value='NO']") in place of $("#answerNo")
Or if you want it more internationalizable and HTML5 way, you could try using the microdata attributes data-*:
<input data-value="yes" class="answerBtns answers answerBtnsOff"
type="button" value="Oui" onclick="btnclick(this);"/>
<input data-value="no" class="answerBtns answers answerBtnsOff"
type="button" value="Non" onclick="btnclick(this);"/>
and in jQuery, use context.find("input[data-value='no']")


Block btn until at least 1 checkbox of an offset is selected

A little frustrated here, somehow I can't make this work no matter what I try. I have a small form with 2 offsets, each containing a few checkboxes as the following:
<input type="checkbox" id="test1" /><label for="test1">
I need to make sure the user selects at least one of them in each offset in order to be able to click this button, otherwise it should be unclickable :)
<div class="offset6">
<a class="btn btn-warning" href="#openModal">CONTINUAR<span class="btn_caret"></a>
This should work for you:
//listen for changes to any checkbox so we can re-evaluate the button state
//checks to see if the button should be enabled or not
function validateInput(){
//get the count of checked items in each of the offsets
var offset3Count = $(".offset3").find("input[type='checkbox']:checked").length;
var offset8Count = $(".offset8").find("input[type='checkbox']:checked").length;
//set the disabled state of the button based on the offset counts
$(".btn").prop("disabled", offset3Count == 0 || offset8Count == 0);
//call the function on page load to ensure the button is initially disabled
Here is a working example (I had to change your HTML a bit as it was invalid)
If you need a specific .btn, as in the one in offset6, then use this line instead:
$(".offset6 .btn").prop("disabled", offset3Count == 0 || offset8Count == 0);
Here is the example
A quick recommendation: If you have unique elements then consider using an id attribute for them. For example:
<button id="btn6" ...>
With the following JQuery selector:
var chk = $(".offset3,.offset8").find('input[type="checkbox"]'); //cache your selector
chk.change(function () {
$('div.offset6 a.btn.btn-warning[href="#openModal"]').prop('disabled', chk.filter(':checked').length);
chk.filter(':checked').length get length of checked checboxes
$('.btn').prop('disabled', $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length);
Updated After OP's Comment
$('div.offset6 a.btn.btn-warning[href="#openModal"]').prop('disabled', $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length);
or add and id to than use # id-selector

How to perform jquery code depening on which option is chosen

I have a jsfiddle here
Please follow steps below in order to use the little application in the fiddle:
Click on "Open Grid" link and select a numbered button. A bunch of letter buttons will appear underneath. If you start selecting answer buttons then they turn green and in the "Number of answers" textbox above will start counting how many buttons you have turned on.
If you deselect all answer buttons however so that no answer buttons are turned on, then the text box above does not display 0 but instead display 1.
This is because of the code below:
var container = $btn.closest(".optionAndAnswer");
// here the zero gets assigned
var answertxt = $(".answertxt", container);
var numberison = $(".answerBtnsOn", container).length;
if (answertxt.val() == 1 && numberison == 0) {
numberison = 1;
I have include a comment in the jsfiddle in block capitals to state where this block of code is in the fiddle.
What I want to do is that if the option selected from the grid is either "True or False" or "Yes or No", then perform the code above where if no answer button is highlighted then the textbox value is 1. If it is any other option then if no answer buttons are selected then the textbox value should be 0.
How can this be achieved?
Fixed it, as you can see below, I'm checking if the selected type of input is true/false yes/no and by that I determine which code to run:
// ...
var maxRowValue = $('.gridTxt', container).val();
if (maxRowValue === 'True or False' || maxRowValue === 'Yes or No') {
if (answertxt.val() == 1 && numberison == 0) {
numberison = 1;

Acrobat forms and javascript calculation

In a form I have 4 radio buttons, under the label Q3. Also i have a text field labeled lictype Each radio button has its own respective Button Radio Choice Value
radio1 = Pre
radio2 = Pro
radio3 = Ult
radio4 = Uns
When a radio button is checked. I want the value of that button to be displayed in the lictype text field.
Here is the JS I tried in a calculation.
var q3 = this.getField("value")
if (q3.value == "Pre”){
lictype.value = “Pre";
elseif (q3.value == "Pro”)
lictype.value = “Pro";
elseif (q3.value == "Ult”)
lictype.value = “Ult";
else (q3.value == "Uns”)
lictype.value = “Uns";
If anyone is interested: I was able to accomplish this by using JS to do a SHOW/HIDE on elements in the ACROBAT properties menu.
Set a different text field for each of the radio buttons
Set the property of each radio button to SHOW and then HIDE the appropriate text field.
In the the text field: Stack all of them in the desired location and set each default value in the properties panel to their respective value names.
Problem solved!

Code is taking effect when it shouldn't be

I have a function where if the user clicks on a button, it will display a value in the textbox and it will perform a trigger to another function after a '#btn' button is clicked:
function addwindow(numberAnswer, gridValues, btn) {
Now what I want to do is that:
if the user clicked on the "Add" button, then display the number from the "Number of Answers" column into the textbox or in other words perform this from the addwindow() function:
If the user has clicked on a #btn+gridValues button, then display the number in the textbox of the number of buttons which are currently turned on or in other words perform this code:
if ($('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').data('data-ignore') != true) {
$('.answertxt', context).val(context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length > 0 ? context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length : 0);
The problem is that step 1 works fine, it does display the number from the "Number of Answers" column in the textbox after the user has clicked on the "Add" button.
The problem is step 2, it is not displaying the correct number on how many buttons are currently turned on after the user has clicked on the #btn+gridValues button.It just doesn't change the number in the textbox.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how thi can be fixed?
Here is a demo of the application. Please follow the steps below:
Step 1: On left hand side you will see a green plus button, click on it and it opens up a modal window.
Step 2: In modal window there is a search bar, type in "AAA" and submit search, you will see a bunch of rows appear.
Step 3: In the last row, you see under "Number of Answer" colum that it contains the number 4, click on the "Add" button within this row, the modal window will close.
You will see that the textbox displays the number 4 in the textbox which is fine as that was the number within the row under the "Number of Answers" column when you added the row.
But below is the problem:
Step 4: If you click on the "Open Grid" link and select button 3, you will see the letter buttons below change to A-C with only letter "B" turned on.
In the textbox it should display number 1 as only 1 button is turned on, but it doesn't display this number and that is the problem I am having.
How can this problem be fixed?
The problem comes from the fact taht you're setting the data-attribute to false on the $('#mainNumberAnswerTxt') but you're checking against the inputs (this in the click).
One solution would be to do the following test if ($('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').attr('data-ignore') != true)
To ensure that the ignore process execute only once (when the grid is reloaded after the modal), you'll have to change what's inside the block after the test:
if ($('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').data('ignore') != true) {
$('.answertxt', context).val(context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length > 0 ? context.find('.answerBtnsOn').length : 0);
} else {
/*reset the ignore flag*/
The main problem is that your reaffecting the $('#mainNumberAnswerTxt').val(numberAnswer) after setting it. Your trying to ignore it through the ignoreattribute.
What i would adivse, would be to remove every occurence to that attribute and to change the following function
function addwindow(questionText,textWeight,numberAnswer,gridValues,reply,btn) {
var answers = $.map(btn.split(''),function(chr){ return "#answer"+chr; }).join(', ');
if($(plusbutton_clicked).attr('id')=='mainPlusbutton') {
var myNumbers = {};
myNumbers["A-C"] = "3";
myNumbers["A-D"] = "4";
myNumbers["A-E"] = "5";
myNumbers["A-F"] = "6";
myNumbers["A-G"] = "7";
gridValues = myNumbers[gridValues];
return false;
to :
function addwindow(questionText,textWeight,numberAnswer,gridValues,reply,btn) {
var answers = $.map(btn.split(''),function(chr){ return "#answer"+chr; }).join(', ');
if($(plusbutton_clicked).attr('id')=='mainPlusbutton') {
var myNumbers = {};
myNumbers["A-C"] = "3";
myNumbers["A-D"] = "4";
myNumbers["A-E"] = "5";
myNumbers["A-F"] = "6";
myNumbers["A-G"] = "7";
gridValues = myNumbers[gridValues];
/* moved the following line below the click simulation,
hence its value will be changed regardless of what happened during the click simulation*/
return false;
In order to modify the value after the visual changes took place.
Use data instead of attr - attr takes a string, data takes JavaScript objects.

how find radio button value

i have a four radio buttons in a row.
so i have 10 rows in a table. all radio buttons in a row having same id.
in one time, only one radio button in a row can be selected.
some radio buttons are checked and some non checked.
i want to put a validation when submit the form. when i submit the form if all radio button is non selected in a row then a msg box can be appear.
i have found the radio button id but i am not able to get their value, either true or false.
it show me in a alert box: radiobutton Value is: undefined
here is the method:
function showValue() {
var radioID="radiobutton";
var radiobuttonName;
var radiobuttonValue;
for (var i=0;i<10;i++) {
alert("radiobutton Name is:"+radiobuttonName);
if (radiobuttonName.checked)
alert("radiobutton Value is:"+radiobuttonValue);
i have four radio button in a row.
name and id is same of all four button in a row.
suppose, name and id for all buttons in first row is radiobutton0. for second row it is radiobutton1, for third row it is radiobutton2. thus i have 10 rows in a table.
my aim is when i submit the page, one button must be checked in a row else it show a msg box that please fill the corresponding radio button. .
i want to get the value of radio button either true or false.
i run the following code:function get_radio_value()
var radioID="radiobutton";
var radiobuttonName;
var radiobuttonValue;
for (var i=0;i<10;i++) {
alert("radiobutton Name is:"+:"+radiobuttonName);
this method execute the loop and display all radiobutton Names.
How i find radiobuttonValue which is either true or false.
You're trying to alert the .value property of a string (radiobuttonName is just a string, not an element), which is undefined, instead you need something like this:
function showValue() {
var radioID="radiobutton", radiobuttonName, radiobuttonValue, rb;
for (var i=0;i<10;i++) {
rb = document.getElementsByName(radiobuttonName)[0];
alert("radiobutton Name is:"+radiobuttonName);
if (rb.checked)
alert("radiobutton Value is:"+radiobuttonValue);
In the above we're getting the first element with that name (I'm guessing by your naming conventions), if it had an ID for example, you'd replace document.getElementsByName(radiobuttonName)[0] with document.getElementById(radiobuttonName).

