Isotope issue with jQuery dialog box - javascript

It is a bit difficult to explain my issue but I will try using images.
I try to automatically arrange jQuery dialogs using Isotope.
The first picture shows that everything is working just fine.
The second picture shows what is happening when trying to resize the 1st jQuery dialog. It is resizing just fine and all other dialogs are automatically arranged.
When I try to arrange the second dialog it first moves according its position(top, left) and then resizes and all other dialogs are not automatically arranged.
The third dialog behaves exactly the same as 2. It moves according its position (top, left) and is not arranged automatically.
Any suggestions?

Isotope is not made for draggable dialog boxes; see what the plugin author says regarding this type of functionality.
EDIT Fiddled around with a few more things and got the layout to rearrange when a dialog is closed with .remove(); however, dragging is not suported (see above) and resizing manually won't work either. Why do you need manual resizing of dialog boxes? Can't that be done programmatically?

The jquery masonry plugin can compute the new position when you call it with the masonry("reload") function on the surrounding container after you have resized the dialog boxes or add or remove items. I used it in my Javascript when I add or remove an image to my surrounding container. You can see the Masonry plugin working live in my homepage at the web address
This is my prepend and append function with masonry("reload") at the end:
if (ele.Additem == "Append") {
"display": "block"
} else if (ele.Additem == "Prepend") {
"display": "block"
And this is my remove function:
$j('.brick').remove(":contains('" + ele.Headline + "')");


Make horizontal nav menu slide to show more options on click of arrow

I have a horizontal sub menu with 8 options (can't add more or it drops to a second line), but now it needs more and i want a particular effect. I want the last option to be an arrow and the whole menu slide horizontally to the left when the arrow is clicked to show more options and a left arrow to slide back.
I have researched for a few days and have found a few examples similar, but just haven't worked in my case. Also, alot of answers to this similar thing involved plug-ins or carousel's and I don't think those are going to work for my particular site.
Right now I have it working kind of how I want but it's not the right effect. I'm using .hide() and .show() in my jQuery function and basically used the class: "firstSide" for the first part of the menu you can see after it drops down from the main menu, and class="slideSide" for the 2nd part. I've also tried .slideToggle() and playing with the widths but haven't got it to work right.
This is my codepen that I've started as an example: CodePen
This codepen isn't pretty but it works for this example, this is my function in it:
$('#arrowRight').on('click', function () {
$('.firstSide').hide(function () {
$('#arrowLeft').on('click', function () {
$('.slideSide').hide(function () {
Also I have the class slideSide set so that it doesn't display along with the first part of the menu or else its all on a 2nd line which i don't want as the width of the 8 menu options is about the full width of the whole site.
.slideSide {
display: none;
The desired effect I want can be seen on:
I've tried to see how this works but have not figured it out, below is a screen shot of the menu I'm talking about on that page.
Any help or advise would be appreciated as I'm kind of stuck.
Check out this fiddle.
Is this what you are looking for?
you nest a ul within a div and make use of overflow:hidden on the div.
Using jquery you can then implement the sliding via margin-leftor positioning like
position:relative; left:-100%
and you hide the arrows as they are clicked and so the other one.
you can play around with the values to match your needs.

Dynamic Header Blur Filter

I have a fixed header that I would like to add a dynamic blur as the user scrolls down the page. I learned that the filter: blur(10px) only works for elements within the applied div.Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Updated: What I want to do is make anything that is underneath my fixed header appear blurred, not the actual header itself. I think I would have to make parts of the div under the header blurred rather than the whole div to achieve this effect.
Yes, add dynamicaly a classname with jquery.
$(window).scroll(function() {
$( "#tag" ).addClass( "blurredclass" );
You can define a variable within scroll function to check offsetTop position, so you can add blurred class after you reach your position
var screenTop = $(document).scrollTop();
Edit: you can preview typical solution on JSFiddle
Edit2: if you want to blur text below some position while scrolling:
Edit3: variant with blurred header:
There is another option to help you solve your problem. If you want to blur the header background while scrolling the page (e.g. in iOS7 on iphone) the solution exists:
Using experimental methods:
But problem is compatibility and speed:
Chrome 29+ (enable 'experimental-webkit-features'/'enable-experimental-web-platform-features')
Safari 6.1 Seed 6
iOS7 - slow
Next method is to blur rendered html in canvas
More info and example:
run html2canvas for rendering document as an image.
Convert image to data-url string and and place it as background-image.
apply blur (-webkit-filter:blur ... )
Append the bg layer into document with position of document scroll offset.
You can find html2canvas here: (it's a simple js library)
I've done complete live example with basic usage:
There are some limitations with html2canvas rendering, but for basic idea there is the point.

Isotope masonry, not working correctly

I'm using Isotope ( Testing the reLayout method by using the example provided here (, copied the css, js to ( but when I click in the first element all other elements go to the first column. I wonder why this happens ?
If we do the same in the official example, it works properly, apparently!
I'd like to toggle a class in the first element and by doing that, having the other elements take the vertical space and positioned properly. I tried to change the width of the container, etc but no success!
I've also got the same issue happening with Masonry:
If clicking in the first element, it won't work. All elements will be placed in the first column.
Also tried different layout modes etc without success
I've found the answer:
The property "columnWidth" needs to be set.
For Masonry:

JScrollPane not working properly with hidden content

I installed jScrollPane on my website and can't make it work.
My website works as follows: from the main page, pages are loaded dynamically using jQuery's load() method. In the page I load I have the following script to launch jScrollPane:
Which seems to be called. No problems so far I guess. The problem is that the page, at the beginning, is not long enough to need a scrollbar. I have hidden content that shows up only on specific actions (i.e. clicking on a button shows the content of a certain paragraph), and when I click to show the content of a hidden div, the scrollbar doesn't appear.
I also tried to call $('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane(); as I show the new content (i.e. in the event that triggers .show() on the hidden div I also call $('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane();) but I had no success with that either.
Can anyone help me?
I forgot to mention the structure of the page: I have a div which has class="scroll-pane" and is loaded with the page load and it contains small hidden divs that show up when clicking on particular areas. I would like to add a scroll bar to the div with the class scroll-pane in order to make the content of the showed div scrollable (right now the content stays in the size of the div but it's not scrollable since no jScrollPane scroll bar is shown).
I tried to put $('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane(); in the callback of the .show() method of my divs and tried to put class="scroll-pane" to those divs that appear, but again nothing is shown (the scroll bar doesn't appear and the div is not scrollable).
Check this demo provided by the developer of the plugin
When the element is first shown you simply have to (re)initialise the
scrollpane (or you could even use autoReinitialise if you like) and
its width and height will be calculated correctly.
All that you need is
$('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane({autoReinitialise: true});
and may be the recent version of the plugin
I suggest to use css visibility property instead auto reinitialising. Each time you call show() method, jScrollPane reinitialises itself. This takes time and has impact on animation.
If you use, say, slide..() methods, then animation starts properly, but scrollable container (and its elements) appears little bit later, and that looks bad.
var wrapper = jQuery('#gallery-album-preview-wrapper');
if (wrapper.css("visibility") == "hidden") {
wrapper.css("visibility", "visible").css("display", "none");
if (":hidden")) {
} else {

iscroll issue with two dimensional ( horizontal + vertical ) scrolling, scrollable are related issue?

Problem in brief
I have got a piece of working two dimensional scrolling code. Scrolling as such is working fine. Scrolling can be done in any direction (not like restricted to only horizontal or only vertical at a ti,e) but there are two problems -
Scrolling beyond the visible area towards top and left, does not bounce back the scrollable area.
Scrolling to right and bottom bounces back.
Problem demo -
Note - Test in webkit browsers only (Google chrome and Safari).
Solution I am looking for
Either, point out what is wrong in my code.
Or share any properly implemented working demo of both ways scroll (horizontal + vertical) using the same version of iscroll, so that I can follow the same. I am using - version 3.7.1, preferable, or using iscroll version 4, fine as well.
Or any pointers, of course, would be appreciated.
Problem Description
Please check working code here -
Note -
Test in webkit browsers only (Google chrome and Safari).
I have knowingly put everything inside the HTML section in the jsfiddle, because if I separate things completely, the scrolling does not work, and I am not sure where exactly it stops working. Thanks if you can point out.
Here is the HTML -
<div class="header">
<div class='left_link'></div>Demo</div>
<div id="main_content" class="main_content">
<b><div id=scroller1><br/>
<div class='center_data'>Scrollable area</div>
<div class='center_data'>hello world!</div>
Note - I know there is invalid html there - <div id=scroller1> is inside <b></b> and I am not sure why if I remove the <b></b> tags, horizontal scrolling does not work anymore - check here.
Here is the js -
var myScroll;
var a = 0;
function loaded() {
//setHeight(); // Set the wrapper height. Not strictly needed, see setHeight() function below.
// Please note that the following is the only line needed by iScroll to work. Everything else here is to make this demo fancier.
myScroll = new iScroll('scroller1', {desktopCompatibility:true});
//myScroll2 = new iScroll('scroller2', {desktopCompatibility:true});
// Prevent the whole screen to scroll when dragging elements outside of the scroller (ie:header/footer).
// If you want to use iScroll in a portion of the screen and still be able to use the native scrolling, do *not* preventDefault on touchmove.
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false);
// Load iScroll when DOM content is ready.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loaded, false);
I guess the reason is that the scrollable div is by default rendered at the bottom-right corner of the scrollable area. But I am not sure about the proper way to configure those things - how to set where to render the scrollable div inside the scollable area. So far I did not find any working demo of both ways scrolling - horizontal + vertical scrolling.
I checked out the documentation of iscroll and many working demos, but did not find any demo where scrolling can be done both ways - horizontally as well as vertically. I checked the "Accepted options are:" section under "Syntax" section in but none of those params seem to be what I am exactly looking for.
Other things
Also, one more thing, I am not able to view the area covered by dom elements in chrome browser, while I inspect the given scroll demo. By viewing the area I mean moving the mouse over the dom inspector panel highlights the dom in the browser view. When does it not appear? I checked with validated HTML as in
Somebody please create a tag iscroll or iscroll3 so that I can retag my question.
I just want to have normal two dimensional scrolling with the scroll area being properly inside the visible screen and there should be bounce back on taking outside the screen. Right now there is no bounce back (in my jsfiddle) on scrolling towards top and left, outside screen. Bounce back happens on scrolling to right and bottom. I just want the scrolling area to be well placed inside the screen. I guess bounce back will automatically get fixed then.
I think the last version (4.1.8) on the github repo will fix your problem ;) I'm using it on some projects and it is now optimized for desktop browser ;)
From the documentation :
hScroll, used to disable the horizontal scrolling no matter what. By default you can pan both horizontally and vertically, by setting this parameter to false you may prevent horizontal scroll even if contents exceed the wrapper.
vScroll, same as above for vertical scroll.
By default, when creating a new iScroll('idOfElement') the scroll is vertical and horizontal. It can be disabled with these parameters. Dual Scroll is totally possible as this video shows it.
So, to force dual Scroll :
var myScroller = new iScroll('idOfElement', {vScroll:true, hScroll:true});
This is not a complete solution, but this might help you.
First of all, The HTML code was not properly nested, and so you were needed to put the <div> inside the <b>. I fixed up the HTML a bit and its working without the <b>
And with properly nested HTML and correct settings, This worked even after dividing the HTML/JS/CSS
For me, it does show some Horizontal as well as Vertical Scrolling, but i don't know if that's how you want it to be. i Edited the Class initialization line as well
myScroll = new iScroll('scroller1', {desktopCompatibility:true});
myScroll = new iScroll('scroller1', {
snap: true,
momentum: false,
hScrollbar: false,
vScrollbar: false,
desktopCompatibility: true
This doesn't affects much but i still put that.
I will continue looking into this and update my answer if i find anything new.
I know you want to fix this using iscorll but wanted to share this with you, i had great results using it:
It is highly customizable with css, a demo here with vertical and horizontal scroll:

