D3 nodes overlapping - javascript

I'm using a modified version of the following example and everything works great so far.
What I am trying to do is to make the nodes bounce from each others and not overlap because I can't see the text and icons of a node if there is another on top of it. Is there a way to make this happen without modifying too much of code that works already? Maybe add something like enabling collision for the nodes?

ok i its seems that setting the charge to .charge(-300), sets the nodes apart by pushing them away from each others.


vis.js physics - how to fix some nodes in place

In my application, a graph is loaded initially with the one-net of a particular node. The user can expand the graph by double-clicking any node to add its one-net.
The problem is that every time the user does that, the nodes all jump around, so it's confusing. I don't want to just disable physics, because then the new nodes get jumbled on top of the old ones. For lack of a better explanation, I want to freeze the existing nodes, only using physics to arrange the new nodes (and then freeze them before adding more). I looked at Stop vis.js physics after nodes load but allow drag-able nodes, but that doesn't solve my problem.
I'm pretty clueless about what the various options to the physics solving algorithms mean, and can't find a good description anywhere, so I wonder if there may be tweaks there that would help me.
You can give some of your nodes a fixed x and y position. There are also methods like getPositions() and storePositions() to retrieve or set the positions after the first stabilization or something like that.

Can I use area maps as a divs and give them style? [duplicate]

I'm created a very large map with many poly areas (over 20 coordinates each) for regions within the map. However, you can't add css to the AREA tag as I was told it's not a visible element. What I want to do is when the user hovers over an area on the map, I want it to be "highlighted" by applying a 1px border to the specific AREA element. Is there a way of doing this? No, I'm not going to resort using rectangles.
Not possible with CSS.
You might check out the Map Hilight jQuery plugin, though.
EDIT 10.2011
ImageMapster is a more recent, and more powerful plugin you should also check out.
If you want to be able to use arbitrary shapes and still use styles, have you considered trying SVG?
I'm not an SVG master but here's an example I whipped up: http://jsfiddle.net/tZKuv/3/. For production you may want to replace the default stroke with none, I used gray so you can see where it is.
The disadvantage is that you'd lose the ease-of-use area/map gives you, but I imagine you can accomplish your goal if you go this route. I added cursor: pointer to the polygon and you can add onclick handlers to simulate the href of <area>.
An obvious caveat is browser support. This seems to be working in Chrome, and I am pretty sure it should work in IE9 (jsfiddle's not working in IE9 at the moment), but previous versions of IE don't support SVG.
Update: Made a quick test page to test IE9. It does indeed work as expected. Here's the source.
Update again: This would also solve the zooming problem you asked about in another question.
Nope, there is no way to do this as you describe. I've researched it and tried. What you can do is set up mouseover events on the various segments and swap some overlay image that is shaded in the same area.

How can I make rectangle selection on multiple nodes with graph dracula?

I am working on some graph visualizations, and I am using the JavaScript library graph Dracula. Now, with this library, when I want to move a node I have to click the node I want to move and move it on the desired place (with drag and drop). But, what I want to do is to select more nodes and move all of them. I can't figure out how to do this, since I am not so experienced in JavaScript programming. So, my question is:
How can I select multiple nodes with rectangle selection and move
How can I select multiple nodes with, say, Ctrl + left click and select more nodes and then move them?
By the looks of things, almost all of Dracula's graph rendering is really managed by RaphaelJS.
In which case, things may be quite a bit easier for you. It seems other people have asked how to move elements in RaphaelJS.

Using HTML instead of SVG within d3.js

I'm building a graph in d3.js and appending almost 30-60 circles along with 2 lines with each refresh. I find that this is slowing down in the browser, causing significant performance issues.
Would it be better to append html and use images within my css instead of drawing circles?
Also, how would I go about doing this?
I have a few examples of using D3.js with pure HTML here:
As you can see from the code, you do this by just…doing it. Create the HTML elements you want by name and set either the attributes or CSS properties on them.
For example, to create an image of a circle you might do:
var imgs = d3.select("body").selectAll("img").data(myData);
imgs.enter().append("img").attr("src", "circle.png");
As for whether or not this will be faster than SVG…probably a little faster, but not by much. I suspect that either your computer/browser is slow, or you may be doing something wrong in your code (e.g. accidentally destroying and re-creating certain elements). Without seeing an example of your problem, however, we can only guess.

iOS-style formatting callout using Rangy

I'm looking at Rangy (http://code.google.com/p/rangy/) and it seems it has a bunch of DOM utilities but I don't understand them without examples. So I'm turning to SO with my ideas and hopefully you guys can show me how this can be done:
What I need to do with Rangy is use it to find the position and dimensions of the selection. I want to get the frame or Rect of the selection, whether relative to the document or parent element. Then I can position my callout accordingly.
I believe the demo that comes with Rangy already illustrates what you want. specifically http://rangy.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/demos/position.html inside showSelectionPosition function
Considering the fact that selection may be spread across multiple elements, it'd be best to use the coordinates of either startSelEl or endSelEl to anchor your callout to the beginning or end of a selection.
There is an embryonic, unreleased Rangy module I wrote for getting pixel coordinates of a selection or range. Unfortunately the difficulty of getting this working properly in all browsers and all situations has put me off completing it and I have essentially abandoned it. However, if you add a bit more detail about what you're trying to do I may be able to suggest something.

