Windows 8 Metro and Google Analytics - javascript

Will it be possible to use the Google Analytics JavaScript library ( for the Windows Metro JavaScript based application to trace views accessed by user?

In general, if a JavaScript library you want to use is on a CDN or a server external to your app, the answer is no, as Windows apps written with HTML/JavaScript cannot load external JavaScript libraries...if you try, a security exception will occur.
Many libraries will work fine if you copy the JS file into your project and run it locally. For example, jQuery works just fine this way. I have not tried the Google Analytics library, so you might just want to test it out and see if it will work with a local copy.
Something else to consider, however, is that unlike a web site, a Windows app written in HTML/JavaScript may occasionally be offline, in which case, a library written with the assumption of network connectivity would likely not work. So in this particular case, you might not get the data that you're hoping for.
Hope that helps.

we tried (w8ga) to work with GA in our win8 js app.
Currently W8GA seems doesn't support html/js. Also I have no idea why developer didn't mension it( it's supports only c#/xaml metro app )
So, we found another way to do it; Look for cobra Tab 's answer at the bottom of this page:
And finally, we are waiting Adobe's Omniture sdk:
Hope these answers helps...

We're using the free version of markedup in our applications with great success. In addition to simple page views it shows you some app specific numbers like number of installs, exception details, etc.

I'd recommend using the Google Analytics SDK for Windows 8 and Windows Phone. It is built as a WinRT component and therefore supports both JS & Xaml Win8 apps.
Full disclosure: I am the author of this SDK; I built it for my own app and decided to open source it. There are other frameworks out there but AFAIK, none of them support the new GA universal analytics protocol so they only work with older GA properties and don't support all the cool new features GA recently added just for apps.


Can a web application be converted to a google chrome application?

We have a very simple digital signage application that loads six web pages and rotates through them in an iframe.
We thought we would like to take this application and run in kiosk mode as a chromium app. However, simply using the HTML in the page has thrown all kinds of errors for the app. The most consistent on is the illegal use of external images, css, and fonts as well as complaints about javascript libraries, etc.
It looks as though it will be extremely painful to try to make this into a kiosk app.
Is it possible to make this type of conversion?
Does anyone have advice as to how to proceed?
Can you pull in external pages into a Chromium app?
You cannot run Javascript on a browser via local filesystem for security reasons. But what you could do is package the web app as a local app.
One option is to use Windows HTML Application (HTA)
But this requires Internet Explorer to run.
Another option that sounds great is using Node Webkit. I have never done it before, but seems very powerful.
You can write a powerful Javascript app and run it locally this way.
Official Node Webkit website:

Protecting Apps with Apache Cordova MS VS Extension on App Stores

Just have a question about apps that are uploaded on the Windows Store, Andriod Store, and Apple Store. I have never built an App before for any of the three stores, but the Multi Hybrid Extension for Visual Studio seems to be a great start to cover all three Platforms.
How do I protect my code for apps that are uploaded to the three stores? The core development for the Apache Cordova extension is done in HTML5 and Javascript. On a regular HTML / Javascript website, the end user can simply right click and View Source of the page and see all the code I've written.
My question is, how is this protected for apps that are uploaded to the app store? Will someone be able to reverse engineer my application and get the code and simply re-sell it?
Thank you all for your time
You want to, develop once, deploy many. Then, you’ll want to use HTML5 to do it.
You can use Apache Cordova directly, but you’ll want to use a service like Telerik AppBuilder, Adobe Phonegap or Intel XDK.
Regarding your question, your best bet is to use a good JavaScript source code obfuscation service to protect your sources before publishing. There is no such thing as a 100% full proof solution when it comes to JavaScript obfuscation, but professional tools such as JScrambler can take you a long way. At least JScrambler I know that it supports Mobile and HTML5, which is good because they make sure the resulting code is compliant.
There are other tools, even free ones. But be careful though, there are tons of other tools that do obfuscation, encoding/packing or minfication that seem to provide protection, but are reversed in a few minutes. So, unless you really know how to tell the difference, I recommend that you rely on a professional service.

A Productive Javascript/Phonegap Development Environment

I've been building Android apps for a few years now, and I've arrived to this working setup:
Intellij Idea IDE write/debug
Genymotion "Emulator"
Physical Device (only when needed)
Ant (probably should move to Gradle) Release/Debug builds
And now I'm looking to form an equally productive environment for Javascript (Phonegap, etc), for Android/iOS/Win8Phone.
I want to avoid the "nice-text-editor-only" solution (I believe a full IDE is superior in productivity terms).
Any suggestions?
Try Brackets editor It's a nice editor to code the web. Phonegap plugins also available for this editor. Just take a look at this editor. Make sure to download the version of Brackets with Phonegap Plugin compatibility.
For the Cordova/Phonegap app I developed, I used cloud9. In my workflow, I would first get things working in my browser, then occasionally do builds with Adobe's Phonegap Build service to work out the kinks on my mobile devices.
The nice thing about c9 is you'll have a public URL for the website you're developing so you can preview it in your device's browser, which is typically closer to the environment you'll get with Phonegap.
The weinre debugging tool, although slow if you're running it through, can really help track down problems when debugging on mobile devices.

Desktop application development with Javascript and HTML

I am looking for Titanium Appcelerator alternatives for Desktop application development with HTML and JavaScript. I want to convert a web app to a desktop application. Hence, there will be a lot of server interaction. Appcelerator was a good choice, but it looks like the company is no longer interested in the Desktop SDK. Also, ajax request from Appcelerator does not retain cookies.
I read that Adobe Air can be used for desktop app development, but I don't want to use flash.
How good is XULRunner? Will it allow features like Growl notificaiton and creating tray icons?
Will I be able to develop applications using mostly Javascript and HTML in Qt?
I started looking into Titanium for desktop dev. I liked the concept but not the implementation. I then stumbled upon chromiumembedded and have been mostly very happy with it. It's basically a web browser control based on chromium.
It's written in C++ so you can do all the low level OS stuff you want(Growl, tray icons, local file access, com ports, etc) in your container app, and then all the application logic and gui in html/javascript. It allows you to intercept any http request to either serve local resources or perform some custom action. For example, a request to could be intercepted by the container and then call the C++ function to update the tray icon.
It also allows you to create functions that can be called directly from javascript.
My biggest challenge has been debuging. It's very difficult to debug javascript directly in CEF. There's no support for anything like Firebug that I am aware of.
Appjs ( looks very promising.
You could also check Bowline which is another alternative:
Although it's not officially intended for general-purpose use, a number of people have had success using brackets-shell for HTML/JS desktop apps. It embeds Chromium (CEF) and adds APIs for menu bar management and file IO. It also embeds an instance of Node.js so you get access to all its APIs for launching processes, etc. It's MIT-licensed and available for Mac & Win, with a Linux version currently making rapid progress.
As I mentioned, it's not officially a general-purpose app shell, but someone wrote a detailed blog post about how to customize brackets-shell for your own uses.
I notice that the other answer about Titanum says CEF is hard to debug. I'm not sure if that's true in Titanium, but in brackets-shell it's easy to debug JS – you just open http://localhost:9234/ to load a full instance of the Chrome Developer Tools (including breakpoints, profiling, etc.).
TideSDK is a continuation of the old Titanium desktop

Javascript app in Android

I am new to Android programming, and looking for some general knowledge. I am considering writing logic of my application in javascript so that the same code could be executed in a webapp and in a desktop application. Would it be possible to also have it working on Android? I know that:
SL4A is marked as alpha-quality, and user would need to install it to make such an app work. Still it provides access to Android API. SL4A scripts also cannot go to Android Market, as far as I know.
A simple webapp doesn't have access to most Android API.
Would it be possible to write a simple Java app that would embed an HTML widget with javascript code and provide some wrapper to access necessary API?
I am not looking for a fully portable thing--I intend to adapt UI to each environment manually. I just would like to have the internal logic common to all ports.
PhoneGap allows you to write an HTML-based app that not only works with Android, but also iPhone, Windows Phone 7, WebOS and more. The API is standardized, so you can use the same page on all the platforms.
There's support for the most common native features on most platforms. (Here's a chart of the features supported on each platform) In addition, if you find that there's a feature you cannot replicate using only their API, you can write a plugin in the native platform language (so, for Android that'd be Java), and then call that plugin from your HTML/Javascript-page.
If you want to use javascript and access the native api then you should try Those people are providing this.
There is Rhino, which is a Javascript engine written in Java. It works in Android, and it is used by Appcelerator's Titanium mentioned in another answer here.
User interface and Android-specific API can then be written and wrapped in Java, then called by the logic code written in Javascript and run by Rhino.
Consider GWT, a Java to javaScript compiler. You can write your logic and a lot of other code in plain old Java(There are a few things(e.g. reflection) that you can't do like reflection but you wouldn't be able to do it in javaScipt either) Applications like Google inbox are using GWT to reuse a lot of their code in javaScript. They don't just reuse logic either. You can reuse dependency injection, your architecture, AJAX calls and more. Also, GWT is faster than javaScript in both the browser and the JVM. The biggest problem you might have with GWT is that it's more complicated javaScript. Regular Java is already more complicated. Making it work on both the JVM and browser can only make things more complicated. Also, GWT was designed from the ground up for extremely complciated web apps.

