Javascript - Only works if I do an alert() - javascript

I am trying to handle a contenteditable body in an iframe, in order to prevent browsers from adding br,p or div on their own when pressing Enter. But something weird happens when trying to reset the focus, and it just does work when making an alert() before processing the rest of the code. I think it is because javascript needs some time to make operations, but there must be a way to do it without "sleeping" the script...
Here I paste my code (working with Jquery), only WITH the "magic Alerts" it works perfectly:
var iframewindow=document.getElementById('rte').contentWindow;
var input = iframewindow.document.body;
$( input ).keypress( function ( e ) {
var sel, node, offset, text, textBefore, textAfter, range;
// the Selection object
sel = iframewindow.getSelection();
alert(sel); //MAGIC ALERT
// the node that contains the caret
node = sel.anchorNode;
alert(node); //MAGIC ALERT
// if ENTER was pressed while the caret was inside the input field
if ( node.parentNode === input && e.keyCode === 13 ) {
// prevent the browsers from inserting <div>, <p>, or <br> on their own
// the caret position inside the node
offset = sel.anchorOffset;
// insert a '\n' character at that position
text = node.textContent;
textBefore = text.slice( 0, offset );
textAfter = text.slice( offset ) || ' ';
node.textContent = textBefore + '\n' + textAfter;
SEEREF=SEEREF.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
// position the caret after that newBR character
range = iframewindow.document.createRange();
range.setStart( node, offset + 4 );
range.setEnd( node, offset + 4 );
// update the selection
sel.addRange( range );
SEEREF = framewindow.document.body.innerHTML (it was too long)
When I remove the Magic Alerts it still works on Chrome, but in FF it focuses on the beginning of all! (Like if it were offset=0)
It seems like the porblem is the line which replaces the newlines with br tags. If I remove this line, it works perfectly even without the alerts. I need to keep this br tags, is there any other way to do it?

This question is narrow of yours one. So you should combine doc & win:
var idoc= iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; // ie compatibility
var iwin= iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument.defaultView;
... idoc.getSelection() +(''+iwin.getSelection()) //firefox fix


How to change the caret offset in a rich text editor textarea?

I have a wysihtml rich text editor. If certain conditions are met I want to change the offset of the caret.
Because a wysithtml textarea is not really a textarea div (it's just a regular div) I can't use the common textarea strategies to move the caret. But after some experimentation I found out that treating it as a Selection enables me to work with it as a textarea.
From what I read the correct method to change the caret offset is Range.setStart(), but I can't figure out how to use it. Anyone who can help me?
I have set up this jsfiddle. Try (in Firefox) to move the caret to offset 27. Then the value of the editor will change, and the caret will move to offset 0. But how do I move the caret to e.g. offset 35?
I have updated your fiddle to work like you want.
This is the part i modified :
if (offsets.start_offset == 27) {
editor.setValue("This is first line.<br>This is another second line.", true);
var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var fromPos = 27;
var lenTotal = ( textarea.textContent || textarea.innerText ).length;
var lenCurTextNode = range.endContainer.lastChild.nodeValue.length;
var lenNewWord= 'another '.length ;
var newPos = ( fromPos - (lenTotal - lenCurTextNode) ) + lenNewWord;
range.setStart(range.startContainer.lastChild , newPos);
range.setEnd(range.endContainer.lastChild , newPos);
var offsets = getOffsets(textarea);
console.log("I want offsets.start_offset to be 35, but it is " + offsets.start_offset)
} else {
console.log("Offset is from " + offsets.start_offset + " to " + offsets.end_offset );
You have to deal with the textNode to create a range of text characters and not whith the HTMLElement.
It was for that, your Range.setStart(), had no effect, it was 'ranging' divs !
In your sample textarea is a div in which you need to find each textNode and interact with them.
In the code above range.endContainer.lastChild is a textNode (in reality the lastChild of textarea).
Hope this will help you !
Tested with Firefox

Find Caret Position Anywhere on page

I'm a part time newish developer working on a Chrome extension designed to work as an internal CR tool.
The concept is simple, on a keyboard shortcut, the extension gets the word next to the caret, checks it for a pattern match, and if the match is 'true' replaces the word with a canned response.
To do this, I mostly used a modified version of this answer.
I've hit a roadblock in that using this works for the active element, but it doesn't appear to work for things such as the 'compose' window in Chrome, or consistently across other services (Salesforce also seems to not like it, for example). Poking about a bit I thought this might be an issue with iFrames, so I tinkered about a bit and modified this peace of code:
function getActiveElement(document){
document = document || window.document;
if( document.body === document.activeElement || document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME' ){// Check if the active element is in the main web or iframe
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');// Get iframes
for(var i = 0; i<iframes.length; i++ ){
var focused = getActiveElement( iframes[i].contentWindow.document );// Recall
if( focused !== false ){
return focused; // The focused
else return document.activeElement;
(Which I originally got from another SO post I can no longer find). Seems as though I'm out of luck though, as no dice.
Is there a simple way to always get the active element with the active caret on every page, even for the Gmail compose window and similar services, or am I going to be stuck writting custom code for a growing list of servcies that my code can't fetch the caret on?
My full code is here. It's rough while I just try to get this to work, so I understand there's sloppy parts of it that need tidied up:
function AlertPrevWord() {
//var text = document.activeElement; //Fetch the active element on the page, cause that's where the cursor is.
var text = getActiveElement();
var caretPos = text.selectionStart;//get the position of the cursor in the element.
var word = ReturnWord(text.value, caretPos);//Get the word before the cursor.
if (word != null) {//If it's not blank
return word //send it back.
function ReturnWord(text, caretPos) {
var index = text.indexOf(caretPos);//get the index of the cursor
var preText = text.substring(0, caretPos);//get all the text between the start of the element and the cursor.
if (preText.indexOf(" ") > 0) {//if there's more then one space character
var words = preText.split(" ");//split the words by space
return words[words.length - 1]; //return last word
else {//Otherwise, if there's no space character
return preText;//return the word
function getActiveElement(document){
document = document || window.document;
if( document.body === document.activeElement || document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME' ){// Check if the active element is in the main web or iframe
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');// Get iframes
for(var i = 0; i<iframes.length; i++ ){
var focused = getActiveElement( iframes[i].contentWindow.document );// Recall
if( focused !== false ){
return focused; // The focused
else return document.activeElement;
I've got it working for the Gmail window (and presumably other contenteditable elements, rather than just input elements).
Edit: the failure around linebreaks was because window.getSelection().anchorOffset returns the offset relative to that particular element, whereas ReturnWord was getting passed the text of the entire compose window (which contained multiple elements). window.getSelection().anchorNode returns the node that the offset is being calculated within.
function AlertPrevWord() {
var text = getActiveElement();
var caretPos = text.selectionStart || window.getSelection().anchorOffset;
var word = ReturnWord(text.value || window.getSelection().anchorNode.textContent, caretPos);
if (word != null) {return word;}
I originally used a MutationObserver to account for the Gmail compose div being created after the page load, just to attach an event listener to it.
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
var nodes = mutation.addedNodes; //list of new nodes in the DOM
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
//attach key listener to nodes[i] that calls AlertPrevWord
observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree:true });
//childList:true notifies observer when nodes are added or removed
//subtree:true observes all the descendants of document as well
Edit: The delegated click handler I've been testing with. Key event handlers so far not working.
$(document).on( "click", ":text,[contenteditable='true']", function( e ) {

How do you keep the tab level in a textarea when pressing enter?

When the user presses enter I want the cursor to move to a new line, but if they are currently indented by two tabs, then the cursor should stay indented two tabs.
I have already implemented the ignore tab event to stop the focus moving within the page, so I'm now just looking for the logic to keep the tab level on new line.
if(e.keyCode === 13){
//Logic here
if(e.keyCode == 13){
// assuming 'this' is textarea
var cursorPos = this.selectionStart;
var curentLine = this.value.substr(0, this.selectionStart).split("\n").pop();
var indent = curentLine.match(/^\s*/)[0];
var value = this.value;
var textBefore = value.substring(0, cursorPos );
var textAfter = value.substring( cursorPos, value.length );
e.preventDefault(); // avoid creating a new line since we do it ourself
this.value = textBefore + "\n" + indent + textAfter;
setCaretPosition(this, cursorPos + indent.length + 1); // +1 is for the \n
function setCaretPosition(ctrl, pos)
else if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
var range = ctrl.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', pos);
range.moveStart('character', pos);;
I improved the answer by Endless by using execCommand 'insertText' instead of modifying textarea.value.
Maintains undo-redo history of the <textarea>.
Maintains native behavior where any selected text is deleted.
Does not lag when value is 4000+ characters.
Shorter, simpler code.
Currently not supported by Firefox. (Use solution by Endless as fallback.)
$('textarea').on('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) { // [ENTER] key
event.preventDefault() // We will add newline ourselves.
var start = this.selectionStart;
var currentLine = this.value.slice(0, start).split('\n').pop();
var newlineIndent = '\n' + currentLine.match(/^\s*/)[0];
if (!document.execCommand('insertText', false, newlineIndent)) {
// Add fallback for Firefox browser:
// Modify this.value and update cursor position as per solution by Endless.
<textarea style="width:99%;height:99px;"> I am indented by 8 spaces.
I am indented by a tab.</textarea>
<script src=""></script>
Must say solutions based on one key press are obscure because people also like pasting text. Use input event instead. You can make it in jQuery like so:
$('textarea').on('input', function(e) {
var el = $(this);
var cur = $(this).prop('selectionStart'); // retrieve current caret position before setting value
var text = $(this).val();
var newText = text.replace(/^(.+)\t+/mg, '$1'); // remove intermediate tabs
newText = newText.replace(/^([^\t]*)$/mg, '\t\t$1'); // add two tabs in the beginning of each line
if (newText != text) { // If text changed...
$(this).val(newText); // finally set value
// and reset caret position shifted right by one symbol
$(this).prop('selectionStart', cur + 1);
$(this).prop('selectionEnd', cur + 1);
<script src=""></script>
By the way I'm too lazy to explain how to watch tab count needed for user, this one just inserts two tabs on every line.

Getting caret position in IE works in one scenario, doesn't in another

I have an input element in HTML markup as below:
<input type="text" name="s" id="s" value="" />
I am changing the characters entered in this input element with Urdu ones (like a mini virtual keyboard), by using jQuery's keypress:
$("#s").keypress(function(e) {
var pos = getCaretPos('s');
// key-mapping logic here
I also have some buttons that help a user enter their desired Urdu character by clicking on a respective button. Thus:
// Process clicks on buttons with class=kb-letter
$(".kb-letter").click(function() {
var pos = getCaretPos('s');
// logic for entering Urdu characters in 's' here
This is the function for getting caret position. It returns the current caret position in s and the new character is then inserted at that position:
function getCaretPos(areaId) {
var txtArea = document.getElementById(areaId);
var pos = 0;
var br = (document.selection ? "ie" : ((txtArea.selectionStart || txtArea.selectionStart == '0') ? "ff" : false ) );
if (br == "ie") {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveStart ('character', -txtArea.value.length);
pos = range.text.length;
else if (br == "ff") {
pos = txtArea.selectionStart;
return pos;
Now, the above getCaretPos() works fine in Firefox 8 and Chrome 17 for both direct keyboard input in s and input using clicking on buttons; but on Internet Explorer 8, it works only for direct keyboard input. If I try entering a character using mouse clicks, it gets entered at location 0 because getCaretPos() always returns 0 in that case.
I have no idea what is going wrong. Do I need to call getCaretPos() in a different manner in response to mouse clicks for IE?
Never mind. I was using an unordered list with its <li>s posing as keyboard buttons. For some reason, IE was having problems with them. I swapped the <li>s for <button>s and now getCaretPos() is working all fine.

Keypress in jQuery: Press TAB inside TEXTAREA (when editing an existing text)

I want to insert TAB characters inside a TEXTAREA, like this:
<textarea>{KEYPRESS-INSERTS-TAB-HERE}Hello World</textarea>
I can insert before/after the existing TEXTAREA text - and I can insert / replace all text in the TEXTAREA - but have not yet been able to insert inside the existing TEXTAREA text (by the cursor) in a simple way.
$('textarea:input').live('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9) {
// Press TAB to append a string (keeps the original TEXTAREA text).
// Press TAB to append a string (keeps the original TEXTAREA text).
$(this).focus().prepend("TAB TAB TAB BEFORE TEXTAREA TEXT");
// Press TAB to replace a all text inside TEXTAREA.
There is a "tabs in textarea" plug-in for jQuery ("Tabby") - but it's 254 code lines - I was hoping for just a few lines of code.
A few links that I studied: (again, I would prefer fewer code lines).
Please advise. Thanks.
I was creating a AJAX powered simple IDE for myself so I can rapidly test out PHP snippets.
I remember stumbling upon the same problem, here's how I solved it:
$('#input').keypress(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9) {
var myValue = "\t";
var startPos = this.selectionStart;
var endPos = this.selectionEnd;
var scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
this.value = this.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue + this.value.substring(endPos,this.value.length);
this.selectionStart = startPos + myValue.length;
this.selectionEnd = startPos + myValue.length;
this.scrollTop = scrollTop;
#input is the ID of the textarea.
The code is not completely mine, I found it on Google somewhere.
I've only tested it on FF 3.5 and IE7. It does not work on IE7 sadly.
Unfortunately, manipulating the text inside textarea elements is not as simple as one might hope. The reason that Tabby is larger than those simple snippets is that it works better. It has better cross-browser compatibility and handles things like tabbing selections.
When minified, it's only about 5k. I'd suggest using it. You'll either have to discover and troubleshoot those same edge cases yourself anyway, or might not even know about them if users don't report them.
Yeah, dealing with input field selections across the different browsers is an annoyance, especially as in IE there are a few methods that look like they should work but actually don't. (Notably, combining using setEndPoint then measuring length, which looks OK until the selection starts or ends in newlines.)
Here's a couple of utility functions I use to deal with input selections. It returns the value of the input split into bits that are before, inside and after the selection (with the selection counting as an empty string at the input focus position if it's not a selection). This makes it fairly simply to replace and insert content at the point you want, whilst taking care of the IE CRLF problem.
(There may be a jQuery that does something like this, but I have yet to meet one.)
// getPartitionedValue: for an input/textarea, return the value text, split into
// an array of [before-selection, selection, after-selection] strings.
function getPartitionedValue(input) {
var value= input.value;
var start= input.value.length;
var end= start;
if (input.selectionStart!==undefined) {
start= input.selectionStart;
end= input.selectionEnd;
} else if (document.selection!==undefined) {
value= value.split('\r').join('');
start=end= value.length;
var range= document.selection.createRange();
if (range.parentElement()===input) {
var start= -range.moveStart('character', -10000000);
var end= -range.moveEnd('character', -10000000);
var error= -range.moveStart('character', -10000000);
start-= error;
end-= error;
return [
value.substring(0, start),
value.substring(start, end),
// setPartitionedValue: set the value text and selected region in an input/
// textarea.
function setPartitionedValue(input, value) {
var oldtop= input.scrollTop!==undefined? input.scrollTop : null;
input.value= value.join('');
var start= value[0].length;
var end= value[0].length+value[1].length;
if (input.selectionStart!==undefined) {
input.selectionStart= start;
input.selectionEnd= end;
if (oldtop!==null)
input.scrollTop= oldtop;
else if (document.selection!==undefined) {
var range= input.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', end);
range.moveStart('character', start);;
btw, see also:

