JavaScript sigma.js graph not displaying in Internet Explorer 8 - javascript

I'm using sigma.js javascript library to display graphs and it works all fine in all browsers except for Internet Explorer 8 on Windows. Anyone knows what the problem may be? Maybe z-index on the div layer I use or something like that?
Here's the website:
And here's the library:
PS If anyone has Internet Explorer 9 I'd appreciate if you could tell me if the graph displays on there as well.

The library says it supports browsers that have canvas. IE8 does not support canvas support. IE9 does.
You can see if adding excanvas will make it work.


Is Chrome Frame really the only choice for improving Raphael performance in IE?

I'm using Raphael 2.1 to draw 15 lines at the same time. Each lines is made up of 50 2 pixel paths. Performance is best in Safari and Chrome, good in FF, weak in Opera, and chokes in IE9. Microsoft says that SVG will run in IE9, but Raphael.svg returns false in IE9.
I've been reading posts related Raphael and IE all day, and the only solution that I've seen for improving Raphael's performance in IE9 is to install Chrome Frame.
Has anyone encountered any other solutions?
Raphael uses svg in IE9 and work with reasonable performance. You have to be careful that IE is not being forced into IE8 standards mode (which frequently happens). If IE9 falls back to IE8 standards then it will end up using VML, which is very slow, and there is no efficient alternative to SVG in general in IE8 or below.
When faced with this problem using IE8 I ended up using divs and css to achieve rendering of lines, rectangles and text. Since that's all I required it was very fast even in IE8, helped out by buffering the divs inside the container. If your problem is simple enough, you may wish to consider a pure DOM solution. See: for inspiration.

How to force Raphael JS to output as svg

I'm currently trying to generate pdf from an html page with charts generated by raphael.
It works great on every browser except internet explorer < 9 for which raphael use vml.
I'm using wkhtmltopdf to convert the page, it's using webkit to render the page so it doesn't support vml when IE is used.
Is there a way to force Raphael to render svg instead of vml in IE?
I know it won't display, but what I would do is render it once in vml and a second time in svg.
I've seen that I can set the property
Raphael.type = "SVG";
Raphael.svg = true;
but it doesn't work after the object has been instantiated.
I too am one of those people that want Internet Explorer to generate an SVG. It doesn't have to be displayed, just sent to the server. So I looked into this:
You can force Raphael into thinking it should generate an SVG doing so:
var rProto, paper;
rProto = Raphael.prototype.raphael;
rProto.svg = true;
rProto.vml = false;
rProto.type = 'SVG';
var paper = Raphael(...);
However, Raphael will now throws tons of errors, because Internet Explorer will follow the codepath of modern browsers, which will obviously not work. I looked at those errors and they don't seem trivial to fix or work around.
A lot of the commands reference R.vml try setting that as well,
Raphael.vml = false;
According to this thread (a bit old though) there is no way to make IE accept SVG elements:
However, I don't understand what you mean with "it's using webkit so it doesn't support VML when IE is used". As far as I know, WebKit is a different renderer and it is in no way related to IE. Perhaps if you develop a bit further in your issue, we can help finding a solution.

Dojo Internet Explorer 6 png problem

Everything works fine in all browsers excluding Internet Explorer 6. png images shows white background behind them. How to get rid of them in Dojo. I am using dojo version 1.5.
IE6 doesn't support PNG transparency properly. It has several known bugs.
There are hacks to get around it - try IEPNGFix, but there are several other variants of the hack available.
Did you try add alfa filter on it? Like this:
style="background:url('/upload/contents/371/dish-main2.png ');
background: expression('none');
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=/upload/contents/371/dish-main2.png, sizingMethod=crop);
Can help you with IE6.

Graphics made by Raphael Javascript in Internet Explorer 8 (IE) have no color. They do in FF and Chrome

I'm using Raphael javascript library to make graphics.
I've almost copied the Analytics example from the webpage and I'm getting a white and black color graphic in internet explore and I don't know why.
Please see this is how it works on Firefox, Chrome and Safari:
And this in InternetExplorer:
Thanks for the Help.
However, I managed to fix the problem. I don't know why VML didn't like that Raphael object was inside a div with a "-".
This was my structure:
Simply taking the graphic outside the on-data div worked. Very weird actually!
From my answer to another Raphael/IE related problem:
Have you tried using Raphael 2.0? I think it's still in beta stage, but I found that it's got improved VML capabilities.
Also be sure to test browser behavior with an uncompressed version of Raphael, as minified versions seem to have bugs. Instead, I've used Packer by Dean Edwards, which gave me a compressed and bug free version of the lib.

Does VML have an equivalent to SVG's marker element?

I'm working on a project which uses Raphael to render SVGs for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, and VML for Internet Explorer.
Since Raphael doesn't have built-in support for SVG marker elements, I decided to write a plugin for it myself. I got the SVG side working no problem, but the VML docs aren't giving me any help in finding a good way to implement markers in VML.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
No. Otherwise it would be part of Raphaƫl.

