How to validate form fields in a facebox? - javascript

I need to validate my form fields displayed in facebox.
The problem is that i am unable to get the values of the fields by using javascript.
for ex: document.form.field_name.value doesnt return its value.
Code sample :
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate()
if (document.form1.field.value=='')
alert ("Field cannot be left blank");
<form name="form1" onsubmit="return validate()">
<input type="text" name="field" />

A way to do this would be to pass the value directly from the form to the validation code.
<form name="form" id="form" onsubmit="return validate(this.field.value)">
<input type="text" id="field" />
Or you could even use a text box without the form using:
<input type="text" id="field"
onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) return validate(this.value)" />
Update the script to allow for the new value parameter:
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate(val) {
if (val.length < 1)
alert ("field cannot be left blank");
return false; //to stop the default action of submitting the form
} else {
alert ("Value: "+val);
return true; //allow to submit the page
This is actually a pretty easy and simple validation, but don't forget to set the return action based on whether you want the system to proceed with the submit or not.
I'm not sure where your pulling your page from whether from a remote html address or a locally stored div. So I'm not sure why your solution of pulling the value from the DOM does not work. I generally have no problems using jquery to get and set the values from the different fields in facebox windows.
NOTE: you have to be careful where you place your scripts. It depends on your application but sometimes you may want to place the script in the root document instead of the facebox page because if you load a remote facebox div you have a scope change and may need to refer to parent.document to access parent fields when the script is embedded in the remote facebox div.

Facebox copies the chunk of DOM displayed, effectively creating elements with duplicate ids. This is not allowed by HTML standard. Your javascript goes bonkers looking for a single element uniquely identified by its id, yet it finds 2 of them...
This is a huge bug in Facebox. Any code in a facebox should not have ids. All your bindings should be renewed when the facebox is revealed.


How to show a warning sign while building a form in html5?

I have a form as shown below in which I placing an alt text which will display on the webpage.
<form action="/action_page.php">
Alt <input type="text" name="e1_alt" required>
<input type="submit">
The form here will not save because I have used the required field in it. What I want to achieve is that a warning sign should be displayed if it is empty but it should not stop the user from saving it.
Problem Statement: I am wondering what changes I should make in the HTML code above or JavaScript code I need to add so that a warning sign should be displayed if it is empty
but it should not stop the user from saving it.
You can't really do it purely in HTML. Javascript would need to handle the validation. HTML5 forms will not submit if you have a required field empty, since that's how the browsers handle them. You could add novalidate to the form as an attribute, but you'd still need to have some javascript to handle showing the 'warning sign
Here is a working fiddle to show you how you might go about using JS to show the warning:
$('[name="e1_alt"]').blur(function(e) {
var value = $(e.currentTarget).val();
if (value.length === 0) {

jQuery form submit doesn't appear to trigger if statement

I have this error but I can't see how to fix it. I've used JSLint with some results (it just tells me document isn't a global value, or the 'else clause' was not needed, etc) but no solution.
I have a form to be submitted and I need to compare that both email fields are equal. So I want a nice simple email1 == email2 script, jQuery isn't my strongest point, but I came up with this:
My form ID is "regIn", my email fields are type="email" (HTML5) and id="MailA" and id="MailB" respectively.
I have preloaded jquery 1.11.1.min.js
My jQuery code (see below why the #forgotten is still in there):
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#forgotten').click(function() {
return false;
$('#regIn').submit(function() {
// * referenced; but this isn't in the code: alert('alert1');
if ($('#MailA').val() === $('#MailB').val()) {
return true;
$('#errorMsg').innerHTML("Emails need to be the same!");
return false;
So - I use Alerts to see how far the script gets (i know, tacky debugging). firebug doesn't report page errors or script errors that I can see. The "alert 1" always fires on form submission, and successfully shows me the values of #MailA.val() and #MailB.val(),
But the if statement doesn't seem to fire at all. I have tried making the values variables (var d1 = $('#MailA').val() etc. ) but that doesn't change anything, the form always submits and neither the if or the else (which did surround the text below the if statement clause but JSLint said it wasn't needed so I removed it).
I have also used variations of syntax, using != and == but was also reading from JSLint that === and !== are preferred.
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="regIn" id="regIn" autocomplete="off" accept-charset="utf-8" action="#" method="post">
<div class="inputContainer">
<input type="email" value="" tabindex="31" id="MailA" name="regMailA" required>
<div id="errorMsg"></div>
<div class="inputContainer">
<input type="email" value="" id="MailB" tabindex="32" name="regMailB" required>
<div class="registerRow">
<input type="submit" class="regButton" value="Register" tabindex="34">
As I said, I've looked around for the last hour or so and I just can't see what it is.
Obviously the code is stripped down for the question, the only other aspect is that there is another piece of jQuery in the document ready function - as shown the #forgotten appears for showing / hiding an info. box, this works fine.
please note that you are using:
$('#errorMsg').innerHTML("Emails need to be the same!");
if you try to alert $('#errorMsg').innerHTML it will be undefined.
When you using JQuery selectors $('#errorMsg') JQuery will wrap the dom object with JQuery dom object that own JQuery special methods(val, html, etc), so you don't have access to the core method innerHTML, instead you should use:
$('#errorMsg').html("Emails need to be the same!");

Show hidden form when logged as admin(javascript,php)

I have created simple login button,which can only admin log in (only 1 password works).After clicking on a button "LOG IN" it takes me to the new html file.There is a form in this new html file that is hidden but I want it to be visible when i enter it with login.So I was thinking about document.getElementById("hidden_form").style.display = "block"; but that form is not in that HTML file so that cant work.
This is the javascript of the button (so when i click on it it opens a new html document)
<input type="password" id="password" /><br />
<input class="orangebutton" type="submit" value="Nastavi"
onclick="if (document.getElementById('password').value == 'password')
location.href='index.html'; else alert('Wrong password!');
" />
And this is the form that is hidden in index.html:
<form class="echo" id="form" style="display:none">
So I want it to change from display:none to display:block when I get redirected to the new site.I havent really got any ideas so far, except this one:use javascript to check which was the previous page client went on, and if it was the page of the login then put display:block , but if it isnt then do display:none.
Im sure there is some much easier way, but cant think of any at the moment.
If you want to change something on a new/other page, you should do that in the other page. With javscript you cannot change something that isn't loaded yet.
Easiest way to do this with javascript would be something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
if ( == "?show") {
document.getElementById("hidden_form").style.display = "block";
Note that this script should be executed after the <form> is added to the DOM. So preferably in some document.ready function or in a script block that is placed below the <form>.

Getting inputs to auto-complete/suggest when preventing default form behavior

Interesting bug here that seems to be limited to IE and Webkit.
I have a basic form setup:
<div id="output">Form output is displayed here</div>
<form id="myForm" action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" name="username" id="usernameInput" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Now if I just submit the form through a normal page refresh, the next time I go to type text into the input field, I will get the browser's default auto-suggest dropdown (this is the intended behavior). However, if I highjack the form submission behavior in order to do an AJAX submit:
$('#myForm').submit(function () {
return false;
Now when I submit the form, the output div updates, but the previous values that I input into the form aren't stored and no suggestions will be made when you type.
Does anyone have any creative solutions to this problem? Maybe an (gulp) iframe?
IE and WebKit only remember values that were submitted normally, and since you are submitting it through AJAX, those engines do not remember the values. Instead of an iframe, I would use a jQuery plugin for the autocomplete, like this one. Of course, with that solution, you will need to maintain a listing of what a user has typed in the past, which shouldn't be too hard.
test with these modifications in controlling submit:
$('#myForm').submit(function (e) {
$('#output').html($("#usernameInput").val() + "<br />");

nested html FORM is inaccessible - multiple forms problem

Here is the scenario, I have 3 html forms on a page and they look like
form1() form2(form3())
a dummy program to test out the 3 forms
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function submitthisform(no){
<form action="" name="1">
<input type=submit value="cnn" onclick="submitthisform('1')" name='submit1'>
<form action="" name="2">
<form action="" name="3">
<input type=submit value="yahoo" onclick="submitthisform('3')" name="submit3">
<input type=submit value="google" onclick="submitthisform('2')" name="submit2">
now when i do submit3, the onclick function gets called, where I try to submit the form3 because otherwise it always submits the form 2
in onclick, I send the form name. But form3 seems to be inaccessible. Reason is, if i traverse all the forms on the page, it doesnt return form 3 but only form 1 & 2
var forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
for (var i=0; i<forms.length; i++){
alert('form'+i+' = '+forms[i].name);// displays name of form1&2
it also gives javascript err on click submit2.
try this small code and u will get the idea.
tell me if i can submit form 3!!!!
According to XHTML specs
form must not contain other form elements.
So please do not do this as you can not guarantee compatibility across browsers (current or future)
My solution: deactivate the parent form by moving all children into a new div. In fact, I change the form element´s type to div.
Here my code snippet tyken from a Vue.js method:
let target = document.createElement('div');
let source = document.getElementById(this.parentFormId); // change this!
source.childNodes.forEach(node => {
source.parentNode.removeChild(source); = this.parentFormId;
The nested form markup ist pasted in dynamically via computed property to avoid conflicts. Optionally, if the outer form needs to be restored, the form-attributes can by copied too. For my purpose, this is not necessary.
Maybe a hack, but it works well!

