Javascript - determining if value in array is positive, negative (use switch) - javascript

Ok so I'm trying to write some code to determine whether or not values in a static array are positive, negative or equal to zero.
So the array is populated and I'd use a switch statement to go through the values and output text depending on if it is above, below or equal to zero.
Here's some of the code I've been doing so far with this.
Please keep answers which pertain to the use of switches! Thanks in advance.
Note: I'm teaching myself JS, so I'm new to this. Here's my code so far:
// JavaScript Document
var numbers=new Array();
switch (numbers) {
case "positive":
if (numbers>0)
case "negative":
if (numbers<0)
{alert("NO DERP")};
case "zero":
if (numbers==0)
{alert("STILL DERP")};

You need to loop through the array, and check each element. A switch is not the right tool here, it will not do what you want. switches may be a way of doing if/else, but they only check for equality, not less than/greater than.
var str = 'a'
case 'a':
case 'b':
This alerts 1.
If the value of str matches one of the case statements (you can't use < or > in the case), the code will run. Otherwise defualt will run. They are not "labels", so checking the value inside the cases makes no sense.
You need to loop, then just use an if/else.
for(var i=0, len=numbers.length; i<len; i++){
var num = numbers[i];
if(num > 0) alert('DERP');
else if(num < 0) alert("NO DERP");
else alert("STILL DERP");

You compare string and numbers.
The numbers in your array are surrounded by "" : this make string. You should remove these "" in your array or add "" in your switch.


Checking string match with some other string (multiple condition in same line) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Check variable equality against a list of values
(16 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am using below logic for checking particular string matching with other string or not
if (searchTxt == "All" || searchTxt == "WORD1" || searchTxt == 'WORD2' || searchTxt == 'WORD3' || searchTxt == 'WORD4' || searchTxt == 'WORD5') {
Above code is working fine but showing warning
Reduce the number of conditional operators (5) used in the expression
(maximum allowed 3)
How to resolve this warning
In this example, you'd be better off with a switch statement; If you want to do the same thing with multiple terms, such as "WORD1" and "WORD2", eliminate the break and put the code you want to do in the last of the matches.
case "All":
// do something
case "WORD1":
// do something
case "WORD2":
// do something
case "WORD3":
// this switch case will do something for
// "WORD1", "WORD2", "WORD3", "All"
case "WORD4":
// do something
case "WORD5":
// do something
// do something if no match
Your code is currently needlessly repetitive.
How aout putting the acceptable options in an array then using a dynamic REGEX to test:
let allowed = ['foo', 'bar', 'etc'];
if (new RegExp('/^('+allowed.join('|')+')$/').test(searchTxt)) { alert('match'); }

How does that switch case work in JS? What does mean switch(true)?

I am currently working on project, where are parts of code that I don't understand. One of them you can see below (written in JS):
switch (true) {
case parseInt(data):
return 'data';
case parseInt(row):
return 'row';
return 'default';
I created JSFiddle to test this switch(true) statement and to see how it behaves. It always returns 'default' string. Can someone explain to me what is happening there, please?
JSFiddle switch test
A switch in JavaScript simply compares if the value of the case is strictly equal (===) to what’s inside the switch (in this case true). This is usually used to compare strings, but booleans would also work, although it is less common. Take the following example:
switch (true) {
case 1 + 1 === 3:
return 'A';
case 2 * 2 === 4:
return 'B';
return 'C';
This code would return 'B' as it is the first case to match true. If none of the cases would match true, it would return 'C'.
Regarding your specific scenario; I would recommend rewriting your code to the following:
if (parseInt(data) === true) {
return 'data';
if (parseInt(row) === true) {
return 'row';
return 'default';
This code does the exact same thing as yours, but it is immediately clear to the reader what is happening.
I am not sure what your goal is with this function, so I cannot recommend the best way to solve your problem. Although, I can explain to you why it might not be working.
The parseInt function will always return a number or NaN (in case the input cannot be parsed). Although a number can be truthy, it will never be strictly true. That's why your function always returns 'default'. Again, I don't know what your goal is, but you might want to check if the value is truthy instead of true:
if (parseInt(data)) {
// Data can be parsed to a number and is not 0
return 'data';
if (parseInt(row)) {
// Row can be parsed to a number and is not 0
return 'row';
return 'default';
It'll execute the first case that evaluates to true. If no case is true, it'll execute the default block
For example:
switch (true) {
case 1 === 1:
case 2 === 2:
console.log('not ok');
will console.log('ok1')

Switch statement with numeric values

Trying simple switch with random number.
It does not seem to work. Always getting to default case.
var x = 0;
x = (Math.random() * 10 + 1);
switch(x) {
case x >= 5:
console.log("the number is bigger than 5");
case x <= 5:
console.log("the number is smaller than 5");
console.log("strange number");
The output is always similar to that:
strange number
That's just not how switch statements work in JavaScript,1 what you're looking for there is an if/else if/else series instead:
if (x >= 5) {
console.log("the number is bigger than 5");
} else if (x <= 5) {
console.log("the number is smaller than 5");
} else {
console.log("strange number");
Two notes, though:
Your first and second cases both include 5; the first will win.
The only value for x that will reach the final else is NaN (or something that converts to NaN when converted to number), because NaN >= 5 and NaN <= 5 are both false.
In a comment you've said:
Thanks, the point is to practice switch.
If so, you'll either have to do the thing below (which probably isn't what your instructor wanted), or limit the range of values, because the cases of a switch are tested for exact match.
For instance, if you changed your code only allow integers, you could use cases with fall-through:
var x = 0;
x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); // Note change: Only integers
switch(x) {
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
console.log("the number is bigger than 5");
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
console.log("the number is smaller than 5");
console.log("strange number");
That makes use of the fact that cases fall through to the following case when you don't use break.
But you can't do that with your original x, because there are just too many floating-point values in the range 1 <= x < 11 to list.
JavaScript's switch does have a feature that makes it possible to use switch here, but an if/else if/else is almost certainly a better choice. Purely for completeness:
switch (true) {
case x >= 5:
console.log("the number is bigger than 5");
case x <= 5:
console.log("the number is smaller than 5");
console.log("strange number");
That works because unlike many languages, JavaScript's switch cases are allowed to be expressions, and they're tested in the order in which they appear in the switch (other than default, of course), with the first matching case being used.
But again, probably not great to use in the real world except in very, very limited situations.
Between case and : you have to have a value.
x >= 5 and x <= 5 are going to give you true or false, which x will then be compared to. Since x will always be a number, it will never be true or false so you will always hit the default.
Use if/else if/else instead.
You can't do in thatway. You have to do
switch(true) {
case x >= 5:
console.log("the number is bigger than 5");
case x <= 5:
console.log("the number is smaller than 5");
console.log("strange number");
While switch is using strict comparison and you have already in the case clause already a comparison, you could change your switch statement to
switch(true) {
and use the rest, you have.

Can I use a case/switch statement with two variables?

I am a newbie when it comes to JavaScript and it was my understanding that using one SWITCH/CASE statements is faster than a whole bunch of IF statements.
However, I want to use a SWITCH/CASE statement with two variables.
My web app has two sliders, each of which have five states. I want the behavior to be based on the states of these two variables. Obviously that is a whole heck of a lot of IF/THEN statements.
One way I thought about doing it was concatenating the two variables into one and then I could SWITCH/CASE that.
Is there a better way of accomplishing a SWITCH/CASE using two variables ?
Thanks !
Yes you can also do:
switch (true) {
case (var1 === true && var2 === true) :
//do something
case (var1 === false && var2 === false) :
//do something
This will always execute the switch, pretty much just like if/else but looks cleaner. Just continue checking your variables in the case expressions.
How about a bitwise operator? Instead of strings, you're dealing with "enums", which looks more "elegant."
// Declare slider's state "enum"
var SliderOne = {
A: 1,
B: 2,
C: 4,
D: 8,
E: 16
var SliderTwo = {
A: 32,
B: 64,
C: 128,
D: 256,
E: 512
// Set state
var s1 = SliderOne.A,
s2 = SliderTwo.B;
// Switch state
switch (s1 | s2) {
case SliderOne.A | SliderTwo.A :
case SliderOne.A | SliderTwo.C :
// Logic when State #1 is A, and State #2 is either A or C
case SliderOne.B | SliderTwo.C :
// Logic when State #1 is B, and State #2 is C
case SliderOne.E | SliderTwo.E :
// Logic when State #1 is E, and State #2 is E or
// none of above match
I however agree with others, 25 cases in a switch-case logic is not too pretty, and if-else might, in some cases, "look" better. Anyway.
var var1 = "something";
var var2 = "something_else";
switch(var1 + "|" + var2) {
case "something|something_else":
case "something|...":
case "...|...":
If you have 5 possibilities for each one you will get 25 cases.
First, JavaScript's switch is no faster than if/else (and sometimes much slower).
Second, the only way to use switch with multiple variables is to combine them into one primitive (string, number, etc) value:
var stateA = "foo";
var stateB = "bar";
switch (stateA + "-" + stateB) {
case "foo-bar": ...
But, personally, I would rather see a set of if/else statements.
Edit: When all the values are integers, it appears that switch can out-perform if/else in Chrome. See the comments.
I don't believe a switch/case is any faster than a series of if/elseif's. They do the same thing, but if/elseif's you can check multiple variables. You cannot use a switch/case on more than one value.
If the action of each combination is static, you could build a two-dimensional array:
var data = [
The numbers in above example can be anything, such as string, array, etc. Fetching the value is now a one-liner (assuming sliders have a value range of [0,5):
var info = data[firstSliderValue][secondSliderValue];
You could give each position on each slider a different binary value from 1 to 1000000000
and then work with the sum.
Yeah, But not in a normal way. You will have to use switch as closure.
function test(input1, input2) {
switch (true) {
case input1 > input2:
console.log(input1 + " is larger than " + input2);
case input1 < input2:
console.log(input2 + " is larger than " + input1);
console.log(input1 + " is equal to " + input2);
I did it like this:
switch (valueA && valueB) {
case true && false:
console.log(‘valueA is true, valueB is false’)
case ( true || false ) && true:
console.log(‘valueA is either true or false and valueB is true’)
void 0;

trouble with SWITCH javascript always executing default case

well i have this trouble and ive been dealing with but i just cant get it to work
i have this function
function getDirections(dir)
var img;
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
alert('enetered default but direction='+dir);
return img;
quite simple right? now i have this interval set to 5000 ms to call getDirections(variable), the function works well the first time its called but after that , it always enter in the default clause and it also alerts the 'entered default but direction=dirvalue' , i mean even if dir is a value between 0-7 it will always enter to default: but it would alert the value so it was supossed to enter to one of the cases.
i made the same using else if and it worked so i dont know what its wrong with SWITCH
else if(dir==1){img+='NE.png';}
else if(dir==2){img+='E.png';}
else if(dir==3){img+='SE.png';}
else if(dir==4){img+='S.png';}
else if(dir==5){img+='SO.png';}
else if(dir==6){img+='O.png';}
else if(dir==7){img+='NO.png';}
That is weird... try to make sure that dir is an int, do this before the switch:
dir = parseInt(dir);
If the alert shows the value correctly it should enter the switch, but still it can "look" correct but be of a different data type. Do the conversion manually to ensure it's an int
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I thought it might be important for anyone who doesn't understand why the "ifs" worked and the switch didn't. It's likely no one will read this answer, but I found it while searching for something else, so perhaps someone will find this helpful anyway:
Your switch is this:
function getDirections(dir) {
var img;
switch(dir) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
alert('enetered default but direction='+dir);
return img;
This is not the same as a series of double equals (==) but a series of triple equals (===). It would be equivalent to:
if (dir === 0) {
} else if (dir === 1) {
} else if (dir === 2) {
} else if (dir === 3) {
} else if (dir === 4) {
} else if (dir === 5) {
} else if (dir === 6) {
} else if (dir === 7) {
} else {
alert('enetered default but direction='+dir);
In the world of "==", the integer 2 IS the same as the string "2", but not in the land of "===".
I'd guess that for some reason dir is being passed in as a string. Try changing case 1: to case '1':
Using an array instead of a chain of if/else blocks or a giant switch statement will be faster, more flexible and less error-prone. Also, you wouldn't have to worry if dir is a number or a string. Instead of:
else if(dir==1){img+='NE.png';}
else if(dir==2){img+='E.png';}
else if(dir==3){img+='SE.png';}
else if(dir==4){img+='S.png';}
else if(dir==5){img+='SO.png';}
else if(dir==6){img+='O.png';}
else if(dir==7){img+='NO.png';}
you can store the file names in an array:
var images = [
'N.png', 'NE.png', 'E.png', 'SE.png', 'S.png', 'SO.png', 'O.png', 'NO.png'
or arguably more readable:
var images = "N.png NE.png E.png SE.png S.png SO.png O.png NO.png".split(' ');
and then use just:
img = images[dir];
Full implementation of getDirections using an array would be:
var images = "N.png NE.png E.png SE.png S.png SO.png O.png NO.png".split(' ');
function getDirections(dir) {
var img = images[dir];
if (!img) {
return img;
Does it work for you?
If images is used only in that one function then you may want to store it as a property of the function to avoid your namespace pollution like this:
function getDirections(dir) {
var img = getDirections.images[dir];
if (!img) {
return img;
getDirections.images =
"N.png NE.png E.png SE.png S.png SO.png O.png NO.png".split(' ');
or use a closure.
Hard to explain why, but the default: case also need a break; statement after it like all the other cases.
I just ran the code in FireFox/FireBug and called the function this way
The first one does it correctly and the next two enter default.
They are strings and not integer which is what the cases are looking for.
I added
case "2":
and then only the middle one entered the default. Obviously there is an issue with the way you are calling the function. It is likely passing a string.
I also used your if-else block (added an else{alert(dir);} and that returned the correct value for each call.
Javascript can do on the fly conversion (I think there's a better word for that) between strings and ints (and others). This is occuring when you do the comparrison using ==. If you change the comparison in the ifs to === you get the same behavior as with the switch block.
I pasted your code into an HTML file and ran it with the following buttons:
<button onclick="alert(getDirections(2))">Switch / Int</button>
<button onclick="alert(getDirections('2'))">Switch / String</button>
<button onclick="alert(getDirections2(2))">If-Else / Int</button>
<button onclick="alert(getDirections2('2'))">If-Else / String</button>
When calling the switch-version with a plain 2, it works as expected. Calling it with '2' makes it drop through to the default line. The if-else version works as expected in both cases. So the issue is probably that switch doesn't do an implicit conversion and == does.

