getting comma before first element in an array in jquery - javascript

I am inserting some data into an array but I am getting
,9,My firstname,My lastname,,123456789
out in my console. How can I remove comma from first element i.e. 9? here is my code
var data = new Array();
$(row_el.children("td")).each(function(i) {
var td = $(this);
//var data = td.html();
var td_el = td.attr('class');
//arr[i] = data;
if(!td.hasClass("element")) {
data[i] = td.html();
console.log(i + ": " + data);
I want output like this
9,My firstname,My lastname,,123456789
then I will pass this array to a function and loop through this array.

Just use push() (MDN docu) instead of setting to a specific position inside your array:
var data = new Array();
$(row_el.children("td")).each(function(i) {
var td = $(this);
//var data = td.html();
var td_el = td.attr('class');
//arr[i] = data;
if(!td.hasClass("element")) {
data.push( td.html() );
console.log(i + ": " + data);
The problem is, that not all the elements in the array processed by each() result in an entry in your array. However, the index submitted to your callback (i) counts upwards nonetheless. So if there are some elements, that do not result in an entry to your array, these positions are filled with undefined (as long as you enter an element at a later position). These undefined entries now result in an empty string when outputting it the way you do, thus resulting to your leading comma.


Javascript code saving data to 2d array throws undefined

I'm writing a script that takes values from a html table, indexes them in aray and then assign every value to a tag in a form.Codepen
My problem is that after taking all specified values from array I get
Code responsible for indexing values from table look like this:
function size_index(){
var table = document.getElementsByClassName("product_table_cus");
var index= [[],[]];
var i_index = 0;
var iter = 0; //index of first dim of array
var len = table[0].rows.length;
while(i_index<len) {
//iterate trough rows
console.log("second for, iter:"+ i_index);
var col_inner = table[0].rows[i_index].cells[0].innerHTML; //size param
var col_param = table[0].rows[i_index].cells[1].innerHTML;//size value
var col_size = col_inner.substr(col_inner.indexOf(' ')+1);
console.log("Rozmiar:"+ col_size+" Wartość:"+col_param);
// index[1][0].push("col_size");
// index[i_index][1].push(col_param);
console.log("Inner wtf:"+col_inner+"Ite:"+iter);
else if("Rozmiar")==-1){
// col_param=0;
// col_size=0;
//iterate through columns
//columns would be accessed using the "col" variable assigned in the for loop
//rows would be accessed using the "row" variable assigned in the for loop
return index;
You can see it in the console log:
This line of code
console.log("Inner wtf:"+col_inner+"Ite:"+iter);
Produces this output
Inner wtf:Rozmiar XXLIte:2
Your index variable has exactly two values in it.
So of course, if iter is a value greater than one, this line will cause an error:
There are two elements in index, so index[2] will return undefined.
Your underlying problem is that [[][]] is not a two dimensional array. It is an array containing two arrays.
A safer way to do this is:
var index= [];
Then, to add an element:
index[iter] = index[iter] || [];

Javascript For loop appending child only appends first element, then throws error

I'm looping through a js object with a nested for loop, stated below, it appends the first element correctly, but then throws the following error:
Can't set the property className of an undefined reference or empty reference. (not sure if exact error, translating from Dutch...)
function allVideos() {
var sql = "SELECT videos.VideoName, videos.VideoPath FROM videos";
var resultSet = db.query(sql, {json:true}); //returns: [{"VideoName":"timelapse aethon2","VideoPath":"videos\\Roermond Papier\\160424 Time laps Aethon2.avi"},{"VideoName":"timelapse aethon3","VideoPath":"videos\\Roermond Papier\\160424 Time laps Aethon2.avi"}]
var parsed = JSON.parse(resultSet);
var parsedlength = arrLenght(parsed);
for(var i = 0; i < parsedlength; i++) {
var obj = parsed[i];
var videoElement = document.getElementById("allVideos");
for (var key in obj) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
videoElement.children[i].id='allVid' + i;
videoElement.children[i].className='col-md-4 col-xs-12';
//alert(typeof key)
var card = document.getElementById('allVid' + i);
card.children[i].className='card card-block';
card.children[i].innerHTML = "<h3 class='card-title'>" + obj['VideoName'] + "</h3><button class='btn btn-primary'>Selecteren</button>"
[EDIT] added screenshot of how it looks
Your code has some significant logic issues. You're using nested loops, but appending to an element assuming that the outer loop counter will let you index into that element's children to get the element you just appended. Later, you try to get that same element again using getElementById. Then, you append a new element to your newly-created element, but try to access that new element using children[i] on the one you just created — at that point, the card element will only have a single child, so as of the second outer loop, it will fail.
createElement returns the element to you, so there's no reason at all to try to access it via children[i] (either time) or getElementById.
See comments:
function allVideos() {
var sql = "SELECT videos.VideoName, videos.VideoPath FROM videos";
var resultSet = db.query(sql, {json:true});
var parsed = JSON.parse(resultSet);
var parsedlength = arrLenght(parsed);
for(var i = 0; i < parsedlength; i++) {
var obj = parsed[i];
var videoElement = document.getElementById("allVideos");
for (var key in obj) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// Create the card, give it its id and class
var card = document.createElement('div');'allVid' + i;
card.className='col-md-4 col-xs-12';
// Create the div to put in the card, give it its class and content
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className='card card-block';
div.innerHTML = "<h3 class='card-title'>" + obj['VideoName'] + "</h3><button class='btn btn-primary'>Selecteren</button>"
// Append the card
Side note: arrLenght looks like a typo (it should be th, not ht), but moreover, there's no reason to use a function to get the length of an array; it's available via the array's length property: parsedLength = parsed.length.
Side note 2: You may find these ways of looping through arrays useful.
Your problem is the if within the nested for:
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { ...
The variable i is increased even if the property is not "owned" (when the if condition returns false), so next time that the condition is true, i is out of bounds. only saves data from the last Element

i am trying to use and save an Object to my HTML-Elements. Everytime i add an list-Element to my unordered List it only saves the last object to the specific li-Element. Every other li-Elements saved data gets thrown away!
I've built a little Example. JSBin-Example
On the left, i create a List with an Object saved to it. On the right i am trying to show the data related to the Object.
Why does it only show the Object related to the last HTML-Element?
Working example:
That's because you are modifying innerHTML property of the wrapper element. What happens is in each iteration the elements are regenerated, the current elements are removed and the new elements don't have any stored data. Using innerHTML property is the worst way of modifying element contents. You just need to create a li element and append it to the wrapper element:
var random = 0;
// var testObject = [];
function addNewItem(){
random += 1;
var id = "testId" + random;
var text = "This is my " + random + ". text";
var data = {id: id, text: text};
// testObject.push(data);
// You can pass an object as the second argument
// to jQuery constructor and it calls the
// corresponding methods as setter
$('<li></li>', {
text: text + JSON.stringify(data),
id: id,
data: data
// bind and trigger click event
$("#add").on('click', addNewItem).click();
I changed
for(var i = 0; i < testObject.length; i++){
var listItem = "";
var id = testObject[i].id;
listItem += liStart + id + liStart2;
listItem += testObject[i].text;
listItem += liEnd;
unorderedList.innerHTML += listItem;
to this in your updatelist function
//for(var i = 0; i < testObject.length; i++){
var id = testObject[testObject.length-1].id;
listItems += liStart + id+"savedData" + liStart2;
listItems += JSON.stringify($("#"+id).data());
listItems += liEnd;
savedData.innerHTML += listItems;
and it fixed the issue
To help you understand my comment on the question I thought it best I'd give an example of what I meant.
I didn't have enough time to fully go through the solution but wanted to give an example of what I'd call more readable code.
I've added all variables at the top of the function. This will allow you to read and find items much quicker if you needed to alter them.
I've also merged a lot of the string values that you had into an object, namely the li element.
I've never used $.data() as an object before so wasn't really aware how I could use it to set the values in the updateSavedData() $('li'), although the console.log() does show the correct key / values.
var uID = 0;
var testObject = [];
var unorderedList = $("#listId");
var savedList = $("#savedData");
var TOL = 0; //TestObjectLength
var textTemplate = "This is my [0] text!";
function addNewItem(){
testObject.push({id: uID, text: textTemplate.replace("[0]", uID)});
TOL = testObject.length-1;
function updateList(){
var li = $('<li>', { id: testObject[TOL].id, data: testObject[TOL], text: testObject[TOL].text });
function updateSavedData(li){
$('<li>', JSON.stringify(li)).appendTo(savedList);
$("#add").on('click', addNewItem);
Working Example,console,output
Anyone that wants to progress on that please do as I'd also like to see how this could be progressed more.
Taken it a step more and refactored to this
var $displayList = $("#listId");
var $savedList = $("#savedData");
var textTemplate = "This is my {0} text!";
var uID = 0; //Unique ID
var data = { id: null, text: null }; //Gives a reference
function init(){
data = { id: uID, text: textTemplate.replace("{0}", uID) };
function addNewItem(){
$('<li>', data).appendTo($displayList);
function updateSavedData(li){
$('<li>', li).appendTo($savedList);
$("#add").on('click', addNewItem);

how to loop though div and get each value

I am trying to figure out how to get each value within my div. I am using
var cart = $('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').text();
It is giving the results of OI-01OP-01OS-10-5SOR-04OR-05
I need to view them one by one: OI-01, OP-01, OS-10-5S, OR-04 OR-05.
So that I can match them against another field.
If you care to help me further, I have another div on the page:
var ParNum = $('.assess-title').text();
I would like to compare the values returned from the var cart and see if that value is in the ParNum. If it is there, I would like to apply a class.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can store the values in an array using .map() method:
var values = $('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').map(function() {
return $.trim( $(this).text() );
For checking existence of the ParNum value in the array:
var does_exist = values.indexOf(ParNum) > -1;
Try this to iterate over elements:
var text = '';
$('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').each(function (i, div) {
text += ' ' + $(div).text();
or this to get an array of matching div elements:
var divs = $('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
// $(div).text();
Reason for this is that $('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell') returns all div's at once, and you need to loop through the result. More specifically, $(selector) returns a so-called "wrapped set". It can be used to access each matching element (as I've shown above) or it can be used to apply any other jQuery function to the whole set at once. More info here.
var text = "";
text += $(this).text() + ", ";
// remove the last ", " from string
text = text.substr(0, text.length -2);
var cart = [];
$('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').each(function {
This performs the matching and class adding you mentioned in the question.
var ParNum = $('.assess-title').text();
$('basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').each(function () {
if ($(this).text() == ParNum) {
You should try using
var cart ='';
cart = cart + $(this).val();
Hope it works for you.
var cart = $('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').text().match(/.{5}/g);
This will give you an array with items 5 chars long. Regexes arent very fast, but a loop might be slower
Or easier to read, and in a string with commas:
var cart = $('.basic-cart-cart-node-title.cell').text(); // get text
cart = cart.match(/.{1,5}/g); // split into 5 char long pieces
cart = cart.join(",",); join on comma

jQuery unwanted sorting of array output in Chrome and IE (FF working fine)

I have a jquery script which converts the options of a dropdown select box to ul list items using an array. Each option in the dropdown has a numerical option value, e.g.
<option value="12">Size S</option>
<option value="34">Size M</option>
<option value="7">Size L</option>
which get converted to a list like
<li class="opt_12">Size S</li>
<li class="opt_34">Size M</li>
<li class="opt_7">Size L</li>
In Firefox everything works as expected and the list items appear in the same order as the dropdown options. However IE and Chrome seem to sort the option values of the array automatically by option value in descending order.
So instead of size order S,M,L,XL like in the dropdown, in Chrome & IE I get a list with something like XL,M,S,L.
I noticed one thing: When I use var options = Array; to construct the array, Firefox displays the list elements in the right order and Chrome and IE the wrong one. When I use var options = [];, all three tested browsers display the list in the wrong order.
Below is the relevant code of the script which I use to transform the dropdown into list items:
(function($) {
$.fn.visualAttribute = function(options) {
var defaults = {
useTitle: false,
attrClicked : function(data) {
return true;
attrUpdated : function(data) {
var settings = $.extend(defaults, options);
//loop all attributes
var selectbox_counter = 0;
return this.each(function() {
//use counter for a unique class for each wrapper
//store reference to attribute selectbox
var selectbox = $(this);
//hide the default dropdown (but keep it in dom for posting the required values)
$(this).css('position', 'absolute').css('left', '-100000px').show();
//insert wrapper for options
var wrapper = $('<ul />')
.attr("class", "la_wrapper")
.attr("id", "la_wrapper_" + selectbox_counter)
$(this).parent().append('<div style="clear:both"></div>');
if (selectbox.attr("id") != "") {
wrapper.attr("rel", selectbox.attr("id"));
//store all values of the dropdown in an array
var options = [];
var option_counter = 0;
var description = '';
selectbox.children('option').each(function() {
if (option_counter == 1) {
//first option contains the description, e.g. 'please select size'
description = $(this).text();
//only use option if has a value
var value = $(this).val();
if (value != '') {
options[value] = ({value : value, text : $(this).text()});
//loop all stored options and create custom html
if (options.length) {
for (var index in options) {
if (!isNaN(index)) {
var value = index;
var text = options[index].text;
if (!settings.useTitle) {
description = '';
wrapper.append('<li title="' + description + '" class="opt_' + value + '">' + text + '</li>');
//set custom options to same value as current selectbox value (only needed in rare cases)
var current_value = selectbox.val();
if (current_value > 0) {
$("#la_wrapper_" + selectbox_counter + ' li.opt_' + current_value + ' a').addClass('selected');
//event handler for catching a clicked attribute
$("#la_wrapper_" + selectbox_counter + ' li a').click(function() {
var value = $(this).attr("href").split('#')[1];
//use callback
if (!settings.attrClicked(options[value])) {
return false;
//set value and class
$("#la_wrapper_" + selectbox_counter + ' .selected').removeClass('selected');
//use callback
return false;
How can I prevent IE and Chrome from "autosorting" the array and keep/transfer the original order of the dropdown options in the resulting list?
If the order is important, don't use the value of the option as the array key, just do an append (P.S. use [], not Array—that isn't doing what you think it's doing)
var options = [];
var option_counter = 0;
var description = '';
selectbox.children('option').each(function() {
//only use option if has a value
var value = $(this).val();
if ( value ) {
options.push({value : value, text : $(this).text()});
Then, when looping, get rid of the if (options.length) altogether, and use a regular for loop:
for (var i=0; i<options.length; i++) {
var value = options[i].value;
var text = options[i].text;
if (!settings.useTitle) {
description = '';
wrapper.append('<li title="' + description +
'" class="opt_' + value +
'"><a href="#' + value + '">' + text +
When you iterate an array with this:
for (var index in options)
you are not getting a guaranteed order as you are just iterating properties of an object (not array indexes) which by specification have no guaranteed order. You should be using this:
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
to iterate an array in the array order. The first form iterates properties of an object in no particular order. The latter form iterates array elements in array index order (which gives you the actual array elements in their array order).
In addition, you declare an array with this:
var options = [];
var options = new Array();
You should not be using:
var options = Array;
Your problem is that you're using to enumerate the properties.
Enumeration order for properties of an object (including an array) is undefined in ECMAScript so far. There is a proposal for ECMAScript 6 to define the order as follows, more or less: "first all properties whose names look like integers, in numeric order, then all other properties in the order they were added". This is the behavior Chrome and IE implement. The Firefox behavior is somewhat complicated and depends on whether your object is an array or not and if it's an array on which exact property names got used and in what order and what the length of the array is and a few other things.
In any case, if you want to enumerate the values in order, just store them in an array using array.push() and then enumerate the array's indices. So replace options[value] = ... with options.push(...) and replace for (var index in options) with for (var index = 0; index < options.length; ++index) and get the value from options[index].value just like you get the text already.

