Reference to variable is undefined - javascript

I'm try to call a function that I know exists on a variable but for some reason I just can't call in from within the passed function onUpdate - Any ideas guys - sorry for the newbness
//set up the mirror when view is expanded
function attachMirrorListener(section, mirror) {
var textarea = document.getElementById(mirror.attr('id'));
var input = $('input'));
var myCodeMirror; {
if(section.hasClass('open') && !section.hasClass('mirror-added')) {
input.attr('value','test value!!');
myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
onUpdate : function(){; //does not work here!!
console.log(myCodeMirror);; //works here
I tried rearranging the code, still not working
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var _codeMirror;
//setup code-mirror
$('.customize-section').each(function() {
var section = $(this);
var mirror = section.find('textarea.wpec-tc-code-mirror');
if(mirror.length > 0) {
attachMirrorListener(section, mirror);
//set up the mirror when view is expanded
function attachMirrorListener(section, mirror) {
var textarea = document.getElementById(mirror.attr('id'));
var input = $('input')); {
if(section.hasClass('open') && !section.hasClass('mirror-added')) {
_codeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
onUpdate : codemirrorcallback,
function codemirrorcallback() {;
Here is the error log from the chrome console
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'save' of undefined codemirror.js:26
codemirrorcallback codemirror.js:26
endOperation codemirror.js:1864
instance.(anonymous function) codemirror.js:1871
CodeMirror codemirror.js:95
CodeMirror.fromTextArea codemirror.js:2114
(anonymous function) codemirror.js:19
f.event.dispatch load-scripts.php:3

The assignment operator works from right to left. So, when you're calling the first time, myCodeMirror is still undefined.
var myCodeMirror; //undefined
myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
onUpdate : function() {; //still undefined
You should instead be calling from within the inner onUpdate function.


While creating object and passing in element, getting element is not defined

I am trying to create a js object as below
$(document).ready(function () {
var stickySidebar = {
element: this.element,
topSpacings: 110,
bottomSpacings: $(document).height() - (element.height() + element.offset().top),
getElement: function () {
return this.element;
setElement: function (elm) {
element = elm;
makeSideBarSticky: function () {
topSpacing: this.topSpacings,
bottomSpacing: this.bottomSpacings,
zIndex: 2
var stickySidebars = Object.create(stickySidebar );
// var stickySidebars = stickySidebar($('#myElement'));
However, I keep on getting element is not defined. I realize element is not defined. However, I am confused as to how I can pass in the element ($('#myElement')) and then call the function makeSideBarSticky. Can someone help me please?
You could create an empty div in your HTML document with id="myElement", and then modify it via JS. This way element is defined for sure
You are assigning a value to the field. Object will not be created because there is an error while creating the object. Assign a value of null instead of this.element.
i dont know what is sticky() is that plugin that you didnt mention you use or something like that , but if we ignored this for a moment , try this :
$(document).ready(function () {
var stickySidebar = {
element: "",
topSpacings: "",
bottomSpacings: "",
getElement: function () {
return element;
setElement: function (elm) {
element = elm;
topSpacings= 110;
bottomSpacings= $(document).height() - (element.height() + element.offset().top);
makeSideBarSticky: function () {
topSpacing: topSpacings,
bottomSpacing: bottomSpacings,
zIndex: 2
var stickySidebars = Object.create(stickySidebar );
// var stickySidebars = stickySidebar($('#myElement'));

Concatenate function

The idea behind this to animate section with mousewheel - keyboard and swipe on enter and on exit. Each section has different animation.
Everything is wrapp inside a global variable. Here is a bigger sample
var siteGlobal = (function(){
var init = function(){
// then i got my function to bind events
var bindEvents = function(){
$(document).on('mousewheel', mouseNav());
$(document).on('keyup', mouseNav());
// then i got my function here for capture the event
var mouseNav = function(){
// the code here for capturing direction or keyboard
// and then check next section
var nextSection = function(){
// Here we check if there is prev() or next() section
// if there is do the change on the section
var switchSection = function(nextsection){
// Get the current section and remove active class
// get the next section - add active class
// get the name of the function with data-name attribute
// trow the animation
var funcEnter = window['section'+ Name + 'Enter'];
// Let's pretend section is call Intro
var sectionIntroEnter = function(){
// animation code here
var sectionIntroExit = function(){
// animation code here
So far so good until calling funcEnter() and nothing happen
I still stuck to call those function...and sorry guys i'm really not a javascript programmer , i'm on learning process and this way it make it easy for me to read so i would love continue using this way of "coding"...Do someone has a clue ? Thanks
Your concatenation is right but it'd be better if you didn't create global functions to do this. Instead, place them inside of your own object and access the functions through there.
var sectionFuncs = {
A: {
enter: function() {
console.log('Entering A');
exit: function() {
console.log('Exiting A');
B: {
enter: function() {
console.log('Entering B');
exit: function() {
console.log('Exiting B');
function onClick() {
var section = this.getAttribute('data-section');
var functions = sectionFuncs[section];
console.log('In between...');
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
buttons[i].addEventListener('click', onClick);
<button data-section="A">A</button>
<button data-section="B">B</button>
You could have an object that holds these functions, keyed by the name:
var enterExitFns = {
intro: {
enter: function () {
// animation code for intro enter
exit: function () {
// animation code for intro exit
details: {
enter: function () {
// animation code for details enter
exit: function () {
// animation code for details exit
var name = activeSection.attr('data-name');

Passing parameters to a event listener function in javascript

Hello I have some code in which I take user input through in html and assign it to,two global variables
var spursscoref = document.getElementById("spursscore").value;
var livscoref = document.getElementById("livscore").value;
Which next show up in this addeventlistener function as parameters of the whowon function
var d = document.querySelector("#gut2");
d.addEventListener("click", function () {
whowon(spursscoref, livscoref, spurs, liverpool)
}, false);
The click event is meant to trigger the whowon function and pass in the parameters
function whowon(FirstScore, SecondScore, FirstTeam, SecondTeam) {
if (FirstScore > SecondScore) {;
} else if (FirstScore < SecondScore) {;
} else {
However the values are null,as I get a cannot read properties of null error on this line
var spursscoref = document.getElementById("spursscore").value;
I am pretty sure the problem is coming from the addlistener function,any help would be appreciated
Well you could do something like this -
$( document ).ready(function() {
var d = document.querySelector("#gut2");
d.addEventListener("click", function () {
var spursscoref = document.getElementById("spursscore").value;
var livscoref = document.getElementById("livscore").value;
whowon(spursscoref, livscoref, spurs, liverpool)
}, false);
Wrap your code in $(document).ready(function(){}). This will ensure that all of your DOM elements are loaded prior to executing your Javascript code.
Try putting all of your code inside this
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
//Your code here
My guess is that your code is executed before the html actually finished loading, causing it to return null.

I am getting function as undefined while i trigger a bind on input field

I am hearing a input, while input is changed i am getting value. as a initial i am passing 1 as a default. so after that the user change the value i should get the values,
But i am getting error as : undefined is not a function
what is the issue..?
here is my code :
var docLoader = function (params) {
window.container = window.container || $("#tenderContent");
return {
init : function () {
this.container = container.find("#documentscroll");
this.inputPage = container.find("#inputpage");
this.width = this.container.width();
this.height = this.container.height();
$(this.inputPage).bind("change paste keyup", this.inputChange);
preload : function () {
var that = this;
//load page
loadPage : function (num) {
//input change
inputChange : function (e) {
var inputVal = e != undefined ? : 1;
this.loadPage(inputVal); //while page load it works, getting value from input, on change i am getting error.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
In this function (inputChange:) this is reference to current ($(this.inputPage)) element, that why you get error (because in element there is not method loadPage). To fix it, you need bind this (which is reference to object that located in return {}) to function, there are several ways how to do it
$(this.inputPage).bind("change paste keyup", this.inputChange.bind(this));
var _this = this;
$(this.inputPage).bind("change paste keyup", function (e) {
$(this.inputPage).bind("change paste keyup", $.proxy(this.inputChange, this));
About $.proxy

Define a javascript variable under conditions with jquery

Like the title says, I would like to fill a variable up under some conditions
I thought I could do like that but no :
var content = $(function() {
if ($('#content').length) {
return $('#content');
if ($('#content_no_decoration').length) {
return $('#contenu_no_decoration');
if ($('#full_content').length) {
return $('#full_content');
if ($('#full_content_no_decoration').length) {
return $('#full_content_no_decoration');
So I thought that the javascript variable 'content' would be one of the jquery object representing an element in the dom. But it seems that 'content' is the function.
I guess you imagine what i want to do.. What is the syntax with JQuery ?
Thank you
$(function() { }) is short-code for the DOMReady event. You need to explicitly define a function, and then assign the return value to your variable.
For example:
function getObj()
return $('#content');
return $('#contenu_no_decoration');
return $('#full_content');
return $('#full_content_no_decoration');
You can then assign the value as :
var content = getObj();
You will need to call the assignment when the DOM is ready though, otherwise the selectors will not trigger as expected. For example:
$(function() {
var content = getObj();
You are only declaring the function, so content contains a pointer to the function.
Execute it and you are fine:
var content = function() {
if ($('#content').length) {
return $('#content');
if ($('#content_no_decoration').length) {
return $('#contenu_no_decoration');
if ($('#full_content').length) {
return $('#full_content');
if ($('#full_content_no_decoration').length) {
return $('#full_content_no_decoration');
But you don't really need a function here. If the script tag is at the bottom of the page (right before the closing </body>-tag), or the assignment is within a load handler you could use:
var content = $('#content').length
? $('#content')
: $('#content_no_decoration').length
? $('#content_no_decoration')
: $('#full_content').length
? $('#full_content')
: $('#full_content_no_decoration').length
? $('#full_content_no_decoration')
: undefined;
Or use jQuery to your advantage and keep things really short:
var content =
// if none of the elements exist, content will be undefined, otherwise
// it will contain [a JQuery Object of] the first existing element
why you don't do like that ?
function thatsAGoodName() {
if ($('#content').length) {
return $('#content');
if ($('#content_no_decoration').length) {
return $('#contenu_no_decoration');
if ($('#full_content').length) {
return $('#full_content');
if ($('#full_content_no_decoration').length) {
return $('#full_content_no_decoration');
var content = thatsAGoodName();
The function
$(function() {
// DOM safe to use do stuff
Is shorthand for the document ready event. This tells you the coder that the dom is safe to use.
You would not really return anything from this event.
content is an object because you're setting it to a object here:
var content = $(function() {
What you probably intended was:
var content;
if ($('#content').length) {
content = $('#content');
if ($('#content_no_decoration').length) {
content = $('#contenu_no_decoration'); // Is #contenu a typo???
if ($('#full_content').length) {
content = $('#full_content');
if ($('#full_content_no_decoration').length) {
content = $('#full_content_no_decoration');
Note, that this will have a reference to an element now. If you want the actual content you'll need to pull it out with something like html() or val().
You are using the shorthand for the jQuery ready event ($(function() {. What I believe you want is a self invoking function:
// remove the call to jQuery
var content = (function() {
if ($('#content').length) {
return $('#content');
// ... more
})(); // invoke the function, which should return a jQuery object
You may need to wrap this in a document.ready, depending on where your script is executed.
Rearrange it a little bit and it should work:
$(function () {
var content = (function() {
var regularContent = $('#content');
if (regularContent.length !== 0) {
return regularContent;
var contentNoDecoration = $('#content_no_decoration');
if (contentNoDecoration.length !== 0) {
return contentNoDecoration;
var fullContent = $('#full_content');
if (fullContent.length !== 0) {
return fullContent;
var fullContentNoDecoration = $('#full_content_no_decoration');
if (fullContentNoDecoration.length !== 0) {
return fullContentNoDecoration;
This code is basically saying once the DOM is ready (the $(function () { ... }); part), run this anonymous function (the (function () { ... }()); part) and assign its return value to content.
Edit: Also, you're losing efficiency by running each of your selectors twice instead of just once.
It's true that content is the function, but you can use that function. Like:
var result = content();
Remove the $() around var content = $({/* code */}) and it works.

