Prevent 'global' references in javascript - javascript

I've got a problem of having code variable names conflicting each other, ie;
<script type="text/javascript">var a = "hello"; </script>
<script type="text/javascript">alert(a);//this works, when I want 'a' not to exist </script>
Are closures the only option?
Coming from a c# background, its like constructing an unreferenced instance of a delegate, then calling it inline, which seems a bit messy
(function(){var a = "hello";})();
(function(){alert(a);})();//yes! working as expected

Using a (immediately self-executing) function to create a new scope is indeed the way to go.
This also has the advantage that you can ensure that certain variables have certain values. When using jQuery, the following is common for example:
(function($, window, undefined) {
// ...
})(jQuery, this);
Unless you have tons of functions with only a single statement in each (like in your example) it is also perfectly readable.

Yes, closures are your only option. In browsers all JavaScript files get put into the same global scope.
IIFE's are very common place in JavaScript; I wouldnt' call them messy.

Javascript only has function scope, unlike C# which has block scope. The following code is valid javascript and C#:
var x = 2;
while(true) {
var y = 3;
//y is not accessible here in C#, but is in javascript
The only way to create a new scope is to create and execute an anonymous function.

For short, inline stuff then you're best to use the module pattern to create a closure and therefore emulate private variables.
var a....
A better long-term approach is to use objects as namespaces.
var NS = {};
NS.a = 1;

Just to provide a different perspective. It is possible to write code without using closures, and maintain (arguably) safe global variable scope.
Define a single object, to use as a namespace, with a suitably unique name (e.g. MyAppContext) that will have global scope, and if you need to define global-like variables only for use in your application only, attach them to this object.
MyAppContext.appTitle = 'Application Title';
At the start of your script where you create MyAppContect make sure it doesn't aleady exist.
Make sure that all of your function-scoped variables use the var keyword so you know you're not referencing a global value.
Obviously this approach opens up a risk that you forget to define some of your function variables with var. JSLint can help you in respoect of this this.
I am happy to retract this answer if I start getting flamed, but I believe it is a workable alternative approach to using closures. And hey! it's old skool
I also agree that the use of closures is safer, but thought this might interest you.


Avoid declaring variables on scroll?

var variableOne;
var variableTwo;
var variableThree;
function veryInterestingFunction() {
var variableFour;
variableFour = 'Good';
else {
variableFour = 'Decent';
$(window).on('scroll', function(){
Here I have some variables in the global scope, a function declaring a variable and assigning a value to it, and calling this function on scroll.
This way on every scroll you are going to declare the "variableFour" which is not a good practice, right?
However I don't want to crowd the global scope with unnecessary variables and also can't use an IIFE. Is there a "best practice" way to declare the variable outside the function and still only possible to use it inside the scope of that function ?
to declare the variable outside the function and still only possible to use it inside the scope of that function ?
I guess, that's impossible
When I don't want to crowd the global scope, I will declare one global object, for example App = {}, and instead of global variables, I use it's properties.
Or you can use classes in ES6
I don't think there's anything wrong with your code sample, I seriously doubt variable declaration is ever going to slow down your code. I'd definitely only start to worry about this kind of thing when you're absolutely certain it's causing issues (it won't), otherwise it might be wasted effort.
If you really want to optimize this, one thing you might be able to do is debouncing the veryInterestingFunction calls - that is if you don't necessarily need to respond to every single scroll event (depends on your logic).
As per your question, IIFE/function closure is essentially the only way to limit scope in JavaScript that I know of, so if you can't use that, I don't see any other option.
There is no problem in declaring an empty variable into your scope. If it is not global, it belongs to the scope.
And there is no need to fear for performance. If you declare variables within your scope, the Javascript garbage collector will empty that for you. Take a read at this article

Tune My Javascript

I have a JavaScript global Array, which I'm using in multiple functions. I heard that using global variables will give some performance headache. So, can anyone suggest me how I can avoid using global variable in this case?
var tpaArray = new Array();
In multiple functions, I am using and popping value from it.
[Note] In my code I am actually using multiple global variable and arrays
Global variables are not a performance problem. The problem with globals is that the global namespace is already very, very crowded, and so dumping your symbols there leads to the possibility of conflicting with something else.
It's almost always possible to avoid having globals. The usual way is to wrap all of your code in a scoping function:
(function() {
// Your code here
Then you can have nested functions inside that function, and "globals" within that function that they all share.
(function() {
var someVar;
function foo() {
// You can use `someVar` here
function bar() {
// And also here
That said, it's best to avoid having lots of shared variables or near globals, as it makes for writing functions with side-effects, which can be difficult to maintain.
If you have lots of variables, you can put them all into an object and pass this as an argument to each function. Then instead of accessing tpaArray, you'd access data.tpaArray, where data is the name of the argument.

How do I prevent accidental global name space pollution with javascript eval?

I am writing a simple REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) implementation in JavaScript. I am able to isolate code and calling context like so:
var sandbox = {
// Allow the input code to use predefined helper functions
// without the preceding use of the this keyword.
helper_fn: function() { alert("foo"); }
var func = new Function("with (this) { " + user_inputed_code + " }");;
Now it closes the user_inputed_code so that this referers to sandbox and if the inputted code accesses or mutates this it is affecting sandbox.
However, I noticed that if the imputed code were to accidentally forget to preface a variable assignment with the keyword var that the global namespace get polluted.
Is there anyway to prevent this? If so how (maybe a regexp?)? Is there a better way to approach this?
I'm going to provide two completely different approaches from what others discussed here. They are both drastic, and are useful when you want to relatively isolate your environment.
The easiest technique that works in all browsers is to probably create an iframe, and append script tags to it. (Note, a really overzealous iframe can still get past that if they're in the same domain, at least in older browsers). I discuss that in this question.
Use web Workers, which have an isolated environment by default and have no access to the global object of the main execution thread. I discuss that in this question.
More specifically, if you're building a REPL take a look at this answer where we discuss and I explain how to eval code in the same scope but outside the global scope, using the first approach of iframes.
(I assumed a browser, in node you can simple use the vm module and select the context in runInContext)
Turns out there is a way with "use strict" and without Object.freeze. You have to manually replace the global namespace with your own sandbox object:
var sandbox, module, func, output;
// Empty object or with defined methods / properties
// you want to expose as globals.
sandbox = {};
// A reference to an object you WANT to provide safe
// access to. In this example it's just an empty object.
module = {};
// A better version of eval:
func = new Function("module", "with(this){return(function(module,global,window){\"use strict\";return eval(\"" + code + "\");})(module,this,this)}");
output =, module);
This code allows global and window to refer to a sandboxed object instead of the global name space. It masquerades the variables global and window as the sandbox object and the use of "use strict" will cause it to throw an exception if the input missed the use of var. It also wraps the function in a with statement to make the methods and properties defined in the sandbox object to work as if they were preceded by this.. To see an implementation example (with test specs) check out this gist.
Thank you all for your ideas. Hope this answer helps others.

Can I add attributes to 'window' object in javascript?

Can I add any random attribute to 'window' object in javascript? Some thing like:
window.my_own_attr = "my_value"
Does it have any side effects with any libraries? And is it cross-browser compatible?
Can I add any random attribute to 'window' object in javascript?
Yes, just like you've shown.
Does it have any side effects with any libraries?
No, not unless you use a library which sets a property you then overwrite.
And is it cross-browser compatible?
Yes, completely.
Having said that, this practice is generally frowned upon. You could end up overwriting something you don't want to.
In all browsers, window is the javascript global namespace. Every property or method 'lives' in that namespace. So if you assign a property to window, it is in effect a global variable.
window.myConstant = 5;
// note: a var declaration will be a window property too
// note 2: 'let' or 'const' will not be window properties
// below can also be done without 'var'.
var myConstantGlobal = 4;
console.log(`multiply(10) => ${multiply(10)}`);
console.log(`multiply() => ${multiply()}`);
console.log(`multiplyGlobalVar(10)) => ${multiplyGlobalVar(10)}`);
console.log(`multiplyGlobalVar() => ${multiplyGlobalVar()}`);
function multiply(val){
return myConstant * (val || 1);
function multiplyGlobalVar(val){
return window.myConstantGlobal * (val || 1);
You have to be cautious with javascript frameworks. For instance, if you declare window.JQuery, and use the JQuery framework, the JQuery namespace will be replaced by your assignment, rendering it useless.
Yes, you can, but in general you shouldn't.
The window object is also the JS default "global" object, so all global variables get added there.
You're unlikely to break anything unless you overwrite a property that's already there, but it's considered bad practise to dump variables on window, or otherwise create lots of global variables.
I won't repeat what others have said re: the hackyness of this practice. But it can be incredibly useful when using a rigid framework like Angular mixed with vanilla HTML / JS (or jQuery) code. Which is also hacky and frowned upon, but sometimes there are good reasons, like if you have lots of pre-existing JS code that will be challenging to integrate into the framework.
The more interesting question to me is HOW to make use of the ability to add properties to the global window object. There is a pattern I use when I want to expose the methods of an Angular provider (service) to code that otherwise would be unable to inject the service, probably because it runs outside of the Angular DI framework. The way I do it is as follows:
Define your service as a provider in your top level module.
In the constructor or onInit of app.component.js (or whatever your top level component is that imports the provider), inject the provider normally, perform any one time initialization that it needs, and then call window['MyServiceName'] = this
Assuming you have designed the provider to follow a Singleton pattern, your provider's methods can now be safely called from anywhere. A non-Angular script need simply call window['MyServiceName'].methodName()
That 'll work fine, no conflict with any library until used same variable name, will work in all browsers, but not recommended as this will create global JS variable.
In IE if an element has an id, then that node is accessible on the window object as a property:
<div id="num"></div>
alert(num); //Element
num = 3; //throws exception
var num = 3; //ok
As pointed out by others yes you can and yes it means adding "global variables".
Having global variables is not best practice but sometimes it is the simplest thing to do. For instance if you use IFrames and want the child-window to access some property of the parent window. Such a property must be "global" for a child to access it. But this also shows that it is not "truly global", it is just a property of a specific window. But it can conflict with other property-names such as names of functions defined in the same window, perhaps by some libraries you use.
So we know global variables are bad. If we decide to use them anyway is there anything we can do to minimize their badness?
Yes there is: Define a SINGLE global variable with a more or less unique name, and store an OBJECT into it. Store all other "variables" you need as fields of that single object.
This way you don't need to ever add more than a single global variable (per window). Not TOO bad.
Name it more or less uniquely so it is unlikely to conflict with anybody else's single global. For instance you could use your name + 's' as the variable name:
window.Panus = {};

I've Heard Global Variables Are Bad, What Alternative Solution Should I Use?

I've read all over the place that global variables are bad and alternatives should be used. In Javascript specifically, what solution should I choose.
I'm thinking of a function, that when fed two arguments (function globalVariables(Variable,Value)) looks if Variable exists in a local array and if it does set it's value to Value, else, Variable and Value are appended. If the function is called without arguments (function globalVariables()) it returns the array. Perhaps if the function is fired with just one argument (function globalVariables(Variable)) it returns the value of Variable in the array.
What do you think? I'd like to hear your alternative solutions and arguments for using global variables.
How you would use globalVariables();
function append(){
globalVariables("variable1","value1"); //globalVariables() would append variable1 to it's local array.
function retrieve(){
var localVariable1 = globalVariables("variable1"); //globalVariables() would return "value1".
function retrieveAll(){
var localVariable1 = globalVariables(); //globalVariables() would return the globalVariable()'s entire, local [persistently stored between calls] array.
function set(){
globalVariables("variable1","value2"); //globalVariables() would set variable1 to "value2".
Is this a Singleton Pattern BTW?
In this specific scenario a function may set a variable at one point in time, and much later another function, maybe when a user submits a form, will need to get that variable. Therefore the first function couldn't pass the variable as an argument to the later function as it would never be called from the first.
Thank you, I appreciate all your help!
The primary reason why global variables are discouraged in javascript is because, in javascript all code share a single global namespace, also javascript has implied global variables ie. variables which are not explicitly declared in local scope are automatically added to global namespace. Relying too much on global variables can result in collisions between various scripts on the same page (read Douglas Crockford's articles).
One way to reduce global variables is to use the YUI module pattern. The basic idea is to wrap all your code in a function that returns an object which contains functions that needs to be accessed outside your module and assign the return value to a single global variable.
var FOO = (function() {
var my_var = 10; //shared variable available only inside your module
function bar() { // this function not available outside your module
alert(my_var); // this function can access my_var
return {
a_func: function() {
alert(my_var); // this function can access my_var
b_func: function() {
alert(my_var); // this function can also access my_var
now to use functions in your module elsewhere, use FOO.a_func(). This way to resolve global namespace conflicts you only need to change the name of FOO.
Semantics my boy. Semantics.
Start with one global: myApp = {};
Everything should be in that. The only exception would be your AJAX library (there are some extreme exceptions like working with JSONP callbacks).
There should be very few properties in myApp. You'll want to hold your application properties in containers such as config or settings.
myApp = {
List: function(props){},
Item: function(props){}
Then you may have more properties in lower modules, components, singletons and Class constructors (widgets).
This setup gives you the added benefit of being able to access any property from any other location since you can get it with the myApp global. However, you should use "this" whenever possible because the lookup is faster. And just set the property directly, don't bother with the pseudo getter/setter stuff. If you really need a getter/setter, code it for that specific use.
The reason your example doesn't work is it's too generic and you seem to be looking for an excuse to work in the global space.
And don't get clever with private variables. They're bad too:
Global state causes problems in several areas. One is code reuse. When you access some global state that means the component must be aware of it's environment(something outside of itself). You should avoid this as much as possible, because it makes the component unpredictable.
Say I have an object that accesses your globalVariables function and I want to use it in another page. How do I know to define the globalVariables object or even how to define it? However if you can pass the information into a constructor or as an argument to a function then I can easily determine what is required by the object.
Also when you access or modify the global scope then you risk affecting other objects. This is why libraries like jquery use only a single name on the global scope(the least possible). It lessens the possibility of conflict with other libraries. In other words the global scope is out of your control, so it is dangerous.
Using global variables is generaly speaking a bad practice, regardless of the language of choice. They are not even (easily) allowed to use when at strict mode, which I highly recommend.
Consider this piece of code I found:
if (typeof session != 'undefined' && !data.cart.request_status)
data.input_definitions.passengers =
inflate_passenger(session, data.input_definitions.passengers);
I needed to turn around and ask a felow programmer where did this session variable came from, as no code search showed up where was set.
I turned out another package from the company sets the global variable.
Code it's like a joke: if you need to explain it it's probably not that good.
Workaround using ES6:
If at Node, use import or require to bring the desired stuff into lexical scope, don't let people touch your global environment without you knowing it.
import {Sesssion} from 'api-core';
const Session = require('api-core').session;
If you are at the frontend delivering code for the browser you can't use import unless you transpile your ES6 code using Babel.
Example transpiling using Gulp.js:
// $ npm install --save-dev gulp-babel babel-preset-es2015
// gulpfile.js
const gulp = require('gulp');
const babel = require('gulp-babel');
gulp.task('transpile', () => {
return gulp.src('src/app.js')
.pipe(babel({presets: ['es2015']}))
// $ gulp transpile
Legacy workaround:
When using ES6 features is not an option the only workaround to using a bunch of global variables, is using only one, and have hope:
// scripts/app.js
var MyApp = {
globals: {
foo: "bar",
fizz: "buzz"
var ASHIVA_HandsOffNHS = (function() {
var my_var = 10;
function bar() {
console.log(my_var + 5);
myObject = {};
myObject['a_func'] = function() {
my_var += 10;
myObject['b_func'] = function() {
my_var = 0;
return myObject;
The issue with your solution is that it just makes you code harder to understand while still keeping all the downsides of global variables. The page you linked to covers the problems. The only problem your proposed solution really solves is namespace pollution but at the cost of not being able to see what global variables are declared as easily as the declaration is a function call).
The solution is to write code without global variables. If a function needs a value pass it as a argument.
You really don't want to do this.
As to why see e.g. the top post here: What is the most EVIL code you have ever seen in a production enterprise environment?
As a side note, one can always execute "global" code without littering the place with globals:
(function() {
var notaglobal = 1;
//notaglobal is not defined in this scope
Other answer most explain with anonymous function as this article mention,
Anonymous functions are difficult to debug, maintain, test, or reuse.
Here are example with normal function. It's easier to read and understand.
/* global variable example */
var a= 3, b= 6;
function fwithglobal(){
console.log(a, b); // 3 6 expected
fwithglobal(); // first call
function swithglobal(){
var a=9;
console.log(a, b); // not 3 6 but 9 6
swithglobal(); // second call
/* global variable alternative(function parameter) */
function altern(){
var a= 3, b= 6; // var keyword needed
function f_func(n, m){
console.log(n, m); // 3 6 expected
function s_func(n, m){
var a=9;
console.log(n, m); // 3 6 expected
altern(); // only once
Global variables are bad... if left unmanaged!
The potential risks of global variables is as high as the pleasure and productivity gains of having frequently used objects ready to use.
I don't believe one should seek a single alternative. Instead I advocate for one object in charge of managing those globals and as the code base/component matures, refactor them out
One thing not mentioned in the current answers which I think is critical is an understanding of DI and IoC containers. These address many of the problems people try to solve with global variables, but covering related concerns that plain globals can't, like object life cycles.

