Shorthand-if with character index check - javascript

I am using a shorthand if statement to check if content has an italic tag in it.
remove = (content.indexOf('<i>') === true) ? true : false;
alert("ORIGINAL CONTENT: " + content + "\nDoes content contain <i>? " + remove);
When that alert pops up, it shows the following:
Alert box shows < i > in string, but returns false
What am I doing wrong?

indexOf returns the position of the string inside another string, and -1 if it's not found. It's not like strpos in PHP. So you have to check content.indexOf('<i>') !== -1 instead.
In your case, I'd simply define
remove = content.indexOf('<i>') !== -1;
The ternary operator (I used to know that by this name) isn't really necessary here, as the comparison already gives the boolean value you need.

Mostly covered in other answers, but in:
> content.indexOf('<i>') === true
note that String.prototype.intexOf returns a Number and it is being compared to a Boolean. Since they are different Types, the result will always be false. If the equals operator "==" had been used, it would return true if the left hand expression returned any value other than zero (0).
Incidentally, italic text can be implemented using elements other than I, e.g. a span element with suitable styling applied through CSS.

Have you considered using Regex?
remove = /<i>/.test(content);
Thanks RobG for the correction.


what would happen if you use two equals rather than only one in your execution block after an if conditional in JavaScript?

I am still learning, so I'm sorry if my question is not well formatted.
I was trying to write a function to insert a word to a string in a specified position, however I made a mistake which is writing two equal signs == rather than one in the execution block and this resulted in wrong output when tested.
However, I already know that the execution of code after if/else needs to not be boolean and I noticed this typo and I corrected it by removing one equal sign and the function worked perfectly fine but I was just left wondering why have I never questioned the significance of strictly having one equal sign when executing code after if conditionals.
so here is the wrong code:
function insert(original,to_insert,position){
if (to_insert == "undefined" && position == undefined){return original;}
else if (position == undefined){position == 0}
var x = original.slice(0,position);
var y = original.slice(position);
console.log(x + to_insert + y);
insert('We are doing some exercises.','JavaScript ');
//Wrong output >>>> "We are doing some exercises.JavaScript We are doing some exercises."
insert('We are doing some exercises.','JavaScript ', 18);
//correct output>>>> "We are doing some JavaScript exercises."
and here is the correct code:
function insert(original,to_insert,position){
if (to_insert == "undefined" && position == undefined){return original;}
else if (position == undefined){position = 0}
var x = original.slice(0,position);
var y = original.slice(position);
console.log(x + to_insert + y);
insert('We are doing some exercises.','JavaScript ');
//correct output >>>> JavaScript We are doing some exercises."
insert('We are doing some exercises.','JavaScript ', 18);
//correct output>>>> "We are doing some JavaScript exercises."
would you please explain what happens inside my wrong code, like what causes the function to not run properly when booleans were used, obviously the function runs once at a time, so what difference would an absolute value of position make compared to a variable value of position.
Thanks in advance
else if (position == undefined){position == 0}
In your wrong code, position remains undefined since you did not do an assignment, you simply checked if position (which is undefined) is equal to 0
So, when you did var x = original.slice(0,position); slice() simply ignored the 2nd argument, which in this case is undefined and sliced from start to end, which is the default behaviour in case the 2nd argument is not used.
From MDN:
The slice() method extracts a section of a string and returns a new string.
str.slice(beginSlice[, endSlice])
Optional. The zero-based index at which to end extraction. If omitted, slice() extracts to the end of the string. If negative, it is treated as sourceLength + endSlice where sourceLength is the length of the string (for example, if endSlice is -3 it is treated as sourceLength - 3).
In your case, since you pass undefined (because position == undefined), it's like you omitted it
One equal is to assign values to variables, two equals are for camparing two variables. This is the simplest way to explain it.
= - assigning operator
== - comparing operator
if (position == undefined){position == 0}
This mean if your position is undefined position must be 0. Like it should be 0 but you are not defining it. Two equals is usually use to do comparution actually : does position is equals to 0
However one equal mean you assign the value 0 to position.
I can see two problems in your code.
if (to_insert == "undefined" && position == undefined){return original;}
Here you are checking if to_insert is equal to the string "undefined", but not undefined.
else if (position == undefined){position == 0}
Writing position == 0 will just return a boolean. So in this case, it'll return false (because it execute only if position == undefined returns true).
So it's like if in your code, you had a false between two lines, and you don't change the value of any variable.
else if (position == undefined){position = 0}
By writing only one =, you assign the value 0 to the variable position.
So, when you call the slice() method, the second argument is still undefined, so the method ignore it and just slice the string to the end.
Hope I helped you understand !
You're essentially asking, "What is the difference between using one equals sign (=) and using two equals signs (==)?"
Assume we have the following initialization for both examples:
var pikachu_hp;
One equality sign (=):
pikachu_hp = 50;
This sets the variable, pikachu_hp, to have the Number data type with a value of 50.
Two equality signs (==):
pikachu_hp == 60;
This compares the value (not data type, that's three (===) equals signs in JavaScript) of pikachu_hp against what is on the right hand side; in this case, that's the Number 60. If pikachu_hp has a data value of 60, the expression returns true. If pikachu_hp has a data value of anything else but 60, the expression returns false. Again, I call this an "expression" because it does not equate to anything; it represents either a true or false value.

JavaScript Replace function check

I am doing a java script replace as :
var featureTitle;
featureTitle = row.cells[1].text();
if (!featureTitle.indexOf('*') != -1)
featureTitle = featureTitle.replace('*', '');
Is if (!featureTitle.indexOf('*') != -1) needed check here??
OR replace will take care of it?
replace will do nothing if the asterisk does not exist, so it's safe to call without the check first.
Speaking of which, the check has a bug which makes the code as a whole behave incorrectly:
if (!featureTitle.indexOf('*') != -1) // what's that ! in front doing?
Since !featureTitle.indexOf('*') is always true or false, this condition will always succeed (both booleans compare unequal to -1).
Here is the referenced JSFiddle for you
if (!featureTitle.indexOf('*') != -1){...}
is not mandatory to place, you can do .replace() directly
var featureTitle;
featureTitle = row.cells[1].text();
featureTitle = featureTitle.replace('*', '');
There is no need of that if statement. I think .replace() will take care of it(if *exists it will replace it else no action). If you want to replace all the * in the string then use \g global attribute.
featureTitle = featureTitle.replace(/*/g,'');
replace will work on first occurence of '*'. If there is none, then nothing will be replaced, therefore "if" is not needed

Why is angular.isNumber() not working as expected?

It appears as if AngularJS's angular.isNumber is not working. It doesn't work with strings that are numbers. Am I doing something wrong? Should I just use isNaN()?
angular.isNumber('95.55') == false
angular.isNumber('95.55' * 1) == true
angular.isNumber('bla' * 1) == true
angular.isNumber(NaN) == true
I need something to see if a string is a number (when it actually is) and angular.isNumber() won't let me do that unless I multiply by 1, but if I do that then it will always be true. Also NaN is not a number (by definition) and so should return false.
In JavaScript, typeof NaN === 'number'.
If you need to recognise a String as a Number, cast it to Number, convert back to String and compare this against the input, for example.
function stringIsNumber(s) {
var x = +s; // made cast obvious for demonstration
return x.toString() === s;
stringIsNumber('95.55'); // true
stringIsNumber('foo'); // false
// still have
stringIsNumber('NaN'); // true
I was working on the same problem and I was trying to work around that edge case. So I created a slightly different approach.
function isStringNumber(str) {
var parsed = parseFloat(str);
var casted = +str;
return parsed === casted && !isNaN(parsed) && !isNaN(casted);
Use it as below,
for other expressions also we may use eval(input).
Note: eval() is a javascript method
It is not recommended to use eval(), as document says Never use eval()!
Thanks #Diogo Kollross

Coffeescript ternary if-statement wrong logic

I have a pretty much simple logic in a return function, but it doesn't work as expected. Of course I can make the code slightly longer and solve the issue, but I want it to be as small as possible.
Here is my code:
#Return title if exists or false otherwise
getPageTitleFromMainContent = (mainContent) ->
mainContent.find('#pageTitle') ?.length ?= false
if y = (getPageTitleFromMainContent $("#mainContent"))
y.css color:red
As you see, if it finds the #pageTitle in #mainContent, it should make it red. But the function doesn't return the #pageTitle if found, it returns .length.
From I see that the code is compiled into:
var getPageTitleFromMainContent, y;
getPageTitleFromMainContent = function(mainContent) {
var _ref, _ref1;
return (_ref = mainContent.find('#pageTitle')) != null ? (_ref1 = _ref.length) != null ? **_ref1 : _ref.length = false : void 0;**
if (y = getPageTitleFromMainContent($("#mainContent"))) {
color: red
And it should be _ref : _ref.length = false : void 0;, not _ref**1** : _ref.length = false : void 0; .
Thank you!
if it finds the #pageTitle in #mainContent, it should make it red
You can accomplish this with the much simpler:
$('#mainContent #pageTitle').css(color: 'red')
Since, if it doesn't find #pageTitle in #mainContent, it will try to change the css of an empty set of elements -- a no-op.
The code as you've presented it doesn't really make sense. ?. is unnecessary, as the jQuery selector will not return null or undefined if it doesn't match; it will return an empty set of elements. So it will always be returning length, which will always be a number, so the assignment will never execute, since it depends on length returning null or undefined. Which is good, since you probably don't want to set the length of the elements to false.
Finally, this isn't the ternary if statement. CoffeeScript's ternary if statement looks like this: if foo then bar else baz.
Not sure that code makes sense. You're effectively trying to assign TO the length property, unless length is defined. If it is defined, it simply returns the length property. Looks like the code and behaviour is correct, but your understanding of the existential operator and return values is wrong. If you want to return the found element you probably need to disconnect it from the length check.
Maybe something like:
getPageTitleFromMainContent = (mainContent) ->
arr = mainContent.find('#pageTitle')
if arr.length then arr else false
As Ian explained in his more elegant answer, you do not need to use the existential operator on arr (assuming jquery), since it will always be an array of elements (with zero length if not found).

Syntax explanation please

I'm trying to understand 2 different lines of code below. My javascript is weak, trying to improve it with jquery (hmmmm)
What I'm trying to use the drag sort plugin from specifically I'm using the example.
I've gotten to the stage now where I've used this approach
var serialStr = "";
$("#list1 li").each(function(i, elm) {
serialStr = (i > 0 ? "|" : "") + $(elm).children().html();
The example has the following.
var serialStr = new Array();
$("#list1 li").each(function(i, elm) {
serialStr[] = = $(elm).attr("itemId");
The reason I have the first approach is that I was testing everything out and its what they had in the HTML example. I'm now trying to save the state so I've moved onto the php example.
So my question is what is the primary difference going on in the different lines here? My understanding of the first line is that its selecting each child element inside of the li tag on list1 I don't really get the (i > 0 ? "|" : "") bit.
In the second snipplet from what I understand its selecting every attribute with the itemID assignee in list1 li ?
serialStr[] = (i > 0 ? "|" : "") +$(elm).children().html() is a shorthand if-clausule. It does the same as:
if(i > 0) {
serialStr[] = "|" +$(elm).children().html();
} else {
serialStr[] = "" +$(elm).children().html();
The expression (i > 0 ? "|" : "") is using the conditional operator condition ? expr1 : expr2 to not to prefix the first value with | but only every following values.
But the expression serialStr[] = = $(elm).attr("itemId") is invalid syntax. Javascript does not have a push operator [] like PHP has. Use Array.prototype.push instead.
I don't think you've pasted the code exactly as neither snippet makes sense. The first seems to want to be concatenating strings together, but is missing the += that would make that happen; the second is making a list, presumably to join() together afterwards, but is using some odd []= syntax that does not exist in JavaScript.
I don't really get the (i > 0 ? "|" : "") bit.
First time round the loop, pick "", subsequent times pick "|". This is the traditional way to make a string where each element is separated by a character.
But join() is generally a cleaner way to do that, and you can use map() to run a function over an array returning a new array, instead of having to manually create one:
var itemIds= $('#list1 li').map(function() {
return $(this).attr('itemId');
(Or $(this).html() if you really want to get the HTML content, which sounds a bit questionable.)
map() is a jQuery function but ECMAScript Fifth Edition has a map() method on plain arrays too. About map in general.

