HTML canvas performance when drawing lots of lines - javascript

I'm currently writing an application that displays a lot, and I mean, a lot of 2D paths (made of hundreds, thousands of tiny segments) on an HTML5 canvas. Typically, a few million points. These points are downloaded from a server into a binary ArrayBuffer.
I probably won't be using that many points in the real world, but I'm kinda interested in how I could improve the performance. You can call it curiosity if you want ;)
Anyway, I've tested the following solutions :
Using gl.LINES or gl.LINE_STRIP with WebGL, and compute everything in shaders on the GPU. Currently the fastest, can display up to 10M segments without flinching on my Macbook Air. But there are very strict constraints for the binary format if you want to avoid processing things in JavaScript, which is slow.
Using Canvas2D, draw a huge path with all the segments in one stroke() call. When I'm getting past 100k points, the page freezes for a few seconds before the canvas is updated. So, not working here.
Using Canvas2D, but draw each path with its own stroke() call. Despite what others have been saying on the internet, this is much faster than drawing everything in one call, but still a lot slower than WebGL. Things start to get bad when I reach about 500k segments.
The two Canvas2D solutions require looping through all the points of all the paths in JavaScript, so this is quite slow. Do you know of any method(s) that could improve JavaScript's iteration speed in an ArrayBuffer, or processing speed in general?
But, what's strange is, the screen isn't updated immediately after all the canvas draw calls have finished. When I start getting to the performance limit, there is a noticeable delay between the end of the draw calls and the update of the canvas. Do you have any idea where that comes from, and is there a way to reduce it?

First, WebGL was a nice and hype idea, but the amount of processing required to decode and display the binary data simply doesn't work in shaders, so I ruled it out.
Here are the main bottlenecks I've encountered. Some of them are quite common in general programming, but it's a good idea to remember them :
It's best to use multiple, small for loops
Create variables and closures at the highest level possible, don't create them inside the for loops
Render your data in chunks, and use setTimeout to schedule the next chunk after a few milliseconds : that way, the user will still be able to use the UI
JavaScript objects and arrays are fast and cheap, use them. It's best to read/write them in sequential order, from the beginning to the end.
If you don't write data sequentially in an array, use objects (because non-sequential read-writes are cheap for objects) and push the indexes into an index array. I used a SortedList implementation to keep the indexes sorted, which I found here. Overhead was minimal (about 10-20% of the rendering time), and in the end it was well worth it.
That's about everything I remember. If I do find something else, I'll update this answer!


How do images impact the browser memory relative to JS?

I am curious about how media such as images relate to memory in the browser and the JavaScript heap. Explicitly, how many JS objects would be equivalent to a 2MB image?
Disclaimer - I acknowledge that question is too vague for a precise answer. I will provide some arbitrary constraints but ultimately I’m looking for a general way to look at this problem. Suppose I am building a chat app and considering keeping all the messages ever sent in memory, how might I calculate a tipping point for a reasonable number of messages to keep in memory? How do I factor in that some messages are images?
You may assume
The browser is chrome.
The image is in jpg format and loaded using new Image() in JS and then inserted into DOM.
Each object has about three to five key-value pairs. Key-value pairs are strings or numbers ranging from small ints to strings of about 10 ascii chars.
Suppose the 2MB image is visible on screen.
My intuition tells me that the memory cost of an image of 2MB is way less than the cost of JSObjects * (2MB / size_of_obj_in_bytes), because:
The bytes of the image are not in JS land and therefore somehow compressed and optimised away.
The objects will not exist in silo but references will be created throughout user code creating more memory when passed through functions.
There will be lots of garbage collection overhead.
I don't know for certain that I'm right and I certainly don't know by how much or even how to begin measuring this. And since you can't optimize what you can't measure...
Disclaimer 2 - Premature optimization is the root of all evil etc etc. Just curious about digging deeper into the internals.

Compare sound between source and microphone in JavaScript

I'm working about audio but I'm a newbie in this area. I would like to matching sound from microphone to my source audio(just only 1 sound) like Coke Ads from Shazam. Example Video (0.45 minute) However, I want to make it on website by JavaScript. Thank you.
Building something similar to the backend of Shazam is not an easy task. We need to:
Acquire audio from the user's microphone (easy)
Compare it to the source and identify a match (hmm... how do... )
How can we perform each step?
Aquire Audio
This one is a definite no biggy. We can use the Web Audio API for this. You can google around for good tutorials on how to use it. This link provides some good fundametal knowledge that you may want to understand when using it.
Compare Samples to Audio Source File
Clearly this piece is going to be an algorithmic challenge in a project like this. There are probably various ways to approach this part, and not enough time to describe them all here, but one feasible technique (which happens to be what Shazam actually uses), and which is also described in greater detail here, is to create and compare against a sort of fingerprint for smaller pieces of your source material, which you can generate using FFT analysis.
This works as follows:
Look at small sections of a sample no more than a few seconds long (note that this is done using a sliding window, not discrete partitioning) at a time
Calculate the Fourier Transform of the audio selection. This decomposes our selection into many signals of different frequencies. We can analyze the frequency domain of our sample to draw useful conclusions about what we are hearing.
Create a fingerprint for the selection by identifying critical values in the FFT, such as peak frequencies or magnitudes
If you want to be able to match multiple samples like Shazam does, you should maintain a dictionary of fingerprints, but since you only need to match one source material, you can just maintain them in a list. Since your keys are going to be an array of numerical values, I propose that another possible data structure to quickly query your dataset would be a k-d tree. I don't think Shazam uses one, but the more I think about it, the closer their system seems to an n-dimensional nearest neighbor search, if you can keep the amount of critical points consistent. For now though, just keep it simple, use a list.
Now we have a database of fingerprints primed and ready for use. We need to compare them against our microphone input now.
Sample our microphone input in small segments with a sliding window, the same way we did our sources.
For each segment, calculate the fingerprint, and see if it matches close to any from storage. You can look for a partial match here and there are lots of tweaks and optimizations you could try.
This is going to be a noisy and inaccurate signal so don't expect every segment to get a match. If lots of them are getting a match (you will have to figure out what lots means experimentally), then assume you have one. If there are relatively few matches, then figure you don't.
This is not going to be an super easy project to do well. The amount of tuning and optimization required will prove to be a challenge. Some microphones are inaccurate, and most environments have other sounds, and all of that will mess with your results, but it's also probably not as bad as it sounds. I mean, this is a system that from the outside seems unapproachably complex, and we just broke it down into some relatively simple steps.
Also as a final note, you mention Javascript several times in your post, and you may notice that I mentioned it zero times up until now in my answer, and that's because language of implementation is not an important factor. This system is complex enough that the hardest pieces to the puzzle are going to be the ones you solve on paper, so you don't need to think in terms of "how can I do X in Y", just figure out an algorithm for X, and the Y should come naturally.

Possible To PathFind a 1000x1000 Grid Map NodeJS?

I am making a game with a Node server which uses pathfinding for the enemies. I was using a 100x100 grid map and I did not see any slowdowns on performance, but when I raised the size to 1000x1000, each time a path is generated there is now a 1 second delay on the server.
Currently I am using PathFindingjs with A* path finding. Is there a better path finding library or path finding algorithm that will allow the use of a 1000x1000 grid without a delay, or am I out of luck?
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
What do you mean by "delay"? Like, it took longer to process a larger grid when nothing else was happening? Or, the processing "froze" while the path was calculated and then continued on?
Taking longer to process is natural for a large processing space. More cells is more compute power needed. There's no way around that, other than other CPU cores or some sort of processing service. That might be an answer to your question right there.
Nodejs is a single-threaded system, so all that processing will hang up the other actions that are going on. There might be ways to run chunks of the path processing that doesn't noticeably affect other things - unsure how the lib is built. Or chunk the grid to more manageable segments for the pathing algorithm (would 4 500x500 grids be almost the same?, that kind of thing). Or have two different servers on the same machine - pathing and other, and segment your requests.

Client side search engine optimization

Due to the reasons outlined in this question I am building my own client side search engine rather than using the ydn-full-text library which is based on fullproof. What it boils down to is that fullproof spawns "too freaking many records" in the order of 300.000 records whilst (after stemming) there are only about 7700 unique words. So my 'theory' is that fullproof is based on traditional assumptions which only apply to the server side:
Huge indices are fine
Processor power is expensive
(and the assumption of dealing with longer records which is just applicable to my case as my records are on average 24 words only1)
Whereas on the client side:
Huge indices take ages to populate
Processing power is still limited, but relatively cheaper than on the server side
Based on these assumptions I started of with an elementary inverted index (giving just 7700 records as IndexedDB is a document/nosql database). This inverted index has been stemmed using the Lancaster stemmer (most aggressive one of the two or three popular ones) and during a search I would retrieve the index for each of the words, assign a score based on overlap of the different indices and on similarity of typed word vs original (Jaro-Winkler distance).
Problem of this approach:
Combination of "popular_word + popular_word" is extremely expensive
So, finally getting to my question: How can I alleviate the above problem with a minimal growth of the index? I do understand that my approach will be CPU intensive, but as a traditional full text search index seems unusably big this seems to be the only reasonable road to go down on. (Pointing me to good resources or works is also appreciated)
1 This is a more or less artificial splitting of unstructured texts into small segments, however this artificial splitting is standardized in the relevant field so has been used here as well. I have not studied the effect on the index size of keeping these 'snippets' together and throwing huge chunks of texts at fullproof. I assume that this would not make a huge difference, but if I am mistaken then please do point this out.
This is a great question, thanks for bringing some quality to the IndexedDB tag.
While this answer isn't quite production ready, I wanted to let you know that if you launch Chrome with --enable-experimental-web-platform-features then there should be a couple features available that might help you achieve what you're looking to do.
IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor() - value-free cursors, in case you can get away with the stem only
IDBCursor.continuePrimaryKey(key, primaryKey) - allows you to skip over items with the same key
I was informed of these via an IDB developer on the Chrome team and while I've yet to experiment with them myself this seems like the perfect use case.
My thought is that if you approach this problem with two different indexes on the same column, you might be able to get that join-like behavior you're looking for without bloating your stores with gratuitous indexes.
While consecutive writes are pretty terrible in IDB, reads are great. Good performance across 7700 entries should be quite tenable.

Box2D rope, Javascript vs Objective-C

I had a question for the experienced fellers. I'm trying to produce a game where you move an object with a chain hanging below it, I'm using Box2DWeb and EaselJS with HTML5/CSS and I plan on wrapping it with PhoneGap once I get it running properly. I've been testing on OSX Google Chrome which works great, and iOS Safari and have found I am already running into a performance issue on the iPhone with the chain - having profiled it, it is the biggest culprit.
It is a series of 25 small bodies linked together by revolute joints. I've played with a ton of different methods (including rope joints) and this is the way I get the least stretch and bounce (I want it to be a rope). I wondered for a start - does anybody know of a better way to produce rope with Box2D? And for two, other than reducing step iterations, reducing link bodies etc, is there any way to do it without sucking performance?
And my MAIN question for the guys who know a bit about PhoneGap/JS games - is a 25body chain at 30fps asking too much of this implementation? Or might I get away with it?
I know AS3.0 well and JS 'OK', I think starting over in ObjectC/C++ will turn this into a year long project as I don't even know the first thing to ask Google...
Thanks in advance!
I have found in our own projects ( C++ based ) that amount of vertices on dynamic bodies heavily affect the performance ( iOS devices are not between the best performing ones ). In your case I assume its going to be 25 square bodies (4 vertices each), plus the body at the end of the chain, which are all active at the same time. All that is going to affect the performance quite a bit.
I would try to fiddle around with rope joint instead. The only other thing I can think of is if you are using squares as a links in the chain, try using circles. I found that they are much better in performance, but the behavior of the chain will change. You can put limits on the revolute joints to contols that through.

