Test the existence of User/System DSN in XPages - javascript

in my xpage I have an editbox for user to enter the name of the ODBC data source. Then onBlur I want to test whether the user entered value is valid/exist in the ODBC list. If there is error/exception, I want the error to be displayed in a 'Display Error' control I have in the xpage. I'm not sure where to start. Never done something like this before(even in LotusScript). Somebody enlighten me please?

I wouldn't do that in an onBlur event. Your user might want to change something else and you hit her with a slow operation. What you should do:
have a test button
gray out the "save" button until the test was successful
In any case: have a look at the extension library. It has the RDBMS connectivity build in (use it, don't reinvent the wheel). Copy the code from there.

Ok, apparently this is what I need. Maybe I should polish my question asking skill. Thanks to those who help though.
Referring to here, I create 3 field/editbox: 'ODBC/DSN Name', 'username', 'password'. For 'ODBC/DSN Name', I put an xp:validateExpression and put the following code for the expression part:
var odbc:string=getComponent("inputText1").getValueAsString();
var url:string="jdbc:odbc:"+odbc;
var usr:string=getComponent("inputText2").getValueAsString();
var pwd:string=getComponent("inputText3").getValueAsString();
try {
var con:java.sql.Connection=java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url,usr,pwd);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
Not sure whether I utilized the xp:validateExpression or xpages itself the right way but that's what customer request and seems to be working now.

Better to write in onchange event of the item that you need to validate. Because we usually do the partial refresh for that event right? So It prevents the item from entering the value.
Simply try to write that in onchange event. But my opinion is that I used to write the validations for non- secure items in Jquery. Because that is very easy and gives nice outlook.


MEAN / AngularJS app check if object already posted

I have thig angularJS frontend and I use express, node and mongo on the backend.
My situation looks like:
//my data to push on server
$scope.things = [{title:"title", other proprieties}, {title:"title", other proprieties}, {title:"title", other proprieties}]
$scope.update = function() {
$scope.things.forEach(function(t) {
title: t.title,
//other values here
}, function() {
console.log('Thing added');
//where Thing.create its just an $http.post factory
The HTML part looks like:
//html part
<button ng-click="update()">Update Thing</button>
Then on the same page the user has the ability to change the $scope.things and my problem is that when I call update() again all the things are posted twice because literally thats what I'm doing.
Can someone explain me how to check if the 'thing' its already posted to the server just to update the values ($http.put) and if its not posted on server to $http.post.
Or maybe its other way to do this?
I see a few decisions to be made:
1) Should you send the request after the user clicks the "Update" button (like you're currently doing)? Or should you send the request when the user changes the Thing (using ngChange)?
2) If going with the button approach for (1), should you send a request for each Thing (like you're currently doing), or should you first check to see if the Thing has been updated/newly created on the front end.
3) How can you deal with the fact that some Thing's are newly created and others are simply updated? Multiple routes? If so, then how do you know which route to send the request to? Same route? How?
To me, the upside of using the "Update" button seems to be that it's clear to the user how it works. By clicking "Update" (and maybe seeing a flash message afterwards), the user knows (and gets visual feedback) that the Thing's have been updated.
The cost to using the "Update" button is that there might be unnecessary requests being made. Network communication is slow, so if you have a lot of Thing's, having a request being made for each Thing could be notably slow.
Ultimately, this seems to be a UX vs. speed decision to me. It depends on the situation and goals, but personally I'd lean towards the "Update" button.
The trade-off here seems to be between code simplicity and performance. The simpler solution would just be to make a request for each Thing regardless of whether it has been updated/newly created (for the Thing's that previously existed and haven't changed, no harm will be done - they simply won't get changed).
The more complex but more performant approach would be to keep track of whether or not a Thing has been updated/newly created. You could add a flag called dirty to Thing's to keep track of this.
When a user clicks to create a new Thing, the new Thing would be given a flag of dirty: true.
When you query to get all things from the database, they all should have dirty: false (whether or not you want to store the dirty property on the database or simply append it on the server/front end is up to you).
When a user changes an existing Thing, the dirty property would be set to true.
Then, using the dirty property you could only make requests for the Thing's that are dirty:
$scope.things.forEach(function(thing) {
if (thing.dirty) {
// make request
The right solution depends on the specifics of your situation, but I tend to err on the side of code simplicity over performance.
If you're using Mongoose, the default behavior is to add an _id field to created documents (it's also the default behavior as MongoDB itself as well). So if you haven't overridden this default behavior, and if you aren't explicitly preventing this _id field from being sent back to the client, it should exist for Thing's that have been previously created, thus allow you to distinguish them from newly created Thing's (because newly created Thing's won't have the _id field).
With this, you can conditionally call create or update like so:
$scope.things.forEach(function(thing) {
if (thing._id) {
Thing.update(thing._id, thing);
else {
Alternatively, you could use a single route that performs "create or update" for you. You can do this by setting { upsert: true } in your update call.
In general, upsert will check to see if a document matches the query criteria... if there's a match, it updates it, if not, it creates it. In your situation, you could probably use upsert in the context of Mongoose's findByIdAndUpdate like so:
Thing.findByIdAndUpdate(id, newThing, { upsert: true }, function(err, doc) {
See this SO post.
#Adam Zemer neatly addressed concerns I raised in a comment, however I disagree on some points.
Firstly, to answer the question of having an update button or not, you have to ask yourself. Is there any reason why the user would like to discard his changes and not save the work he did. If the answer is no, then it is clear to me that the update should not be place and here is why.
To avoid your user from loosing his work you would need to add confirmations if he attempts to change the page, or close his browser, etc. On the other if everything is continuously saved he has the peace of mind that his work is always saved and you dont have to implement anything to prevent him from loosing his work.
You reduce his workload, one less click for a task may seem insignificant but he might click it many time be sure to have his work save. Also, if its a recurrent tasks it will definitely improve his experience.
Performance wise and code readability wise, you do small requests and do not have to implement any complicated logic to do so. Simple ng-change on inputs.
To make it clear to him that his work is continuously save you can simply say somewhere all your changes are saved and change this to saving changes... when you make a request. For exemple uses, look at office online or google docs.
Then all you would have to do is use the upsert parameter on your mongoDB query to be able to create and update your things with a single request. Here is how your controller would look.
$scope.update = function(changedThing) { // Using the ng-change you send the thing itself in parammeter
var $scope.saving = true; // To display the saving... message
Thing.update({ // This service call your method that update with upsert
title: changedThing.title,
//other values here
}).then( // If you made an http request, I suppose it returns a promise.
function success() {
$scope.saving = false;
console.log('Thing added');
function error() {
//handle errors

ServiceNow Email notification event query script

I am using ServiceNow platform.
I have a requirement in email notification to show the latest work notes ONLY if the work notes have been updated.
Is it possible to query the events queue directly in the email notification and use that event to evaluate an if statement?
The mail script I have right now will display the latest work notes if there are work notes at all, but we just want display it when the work notes were updated only.
The notification is being triggered on the condition that either the additional comments were updated or the assignment group or assigned to changes. So I can't use a simple condition builder.
I also considered the technique in this post but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this in 2015, this post was back in 2011.
var worknotes = current.work_notes.getJournalEntry(1);
if (worknotes !='') {
template.print("Latest Work Notes:");
I get the feeling I might not understand the requirement completely, but it seems to me that you could just create a notification that triggers on the condition that the work notes are updated. Wouldn't that be sufficient?
I solved the issue by creating a separate notification and using the advanced condition.
If the comments changes and work notes does not change the notification is sent. I created a separate notification with the same logic, except if the work notes changes and if the comments does not change then that one is sent.
The content of the email are set accordingly so we only see the latest change when it is updated as necessary.
var worknotesChanges = current.work_notes.changes();
if (worknotesChanges) {
answer = false;
else {
answer = true;

Filling log in form with zombie in node.js

Evening! I'm trying to log in into a website with zombie.js, but I don't seem to be able to make it work.
Oh and the website is in Finnish, but it's not very hard to understand, two text fields and a button. First is for username, second for password and the button is the log in button.
At the moment my log in code is as follows:
var Browser = require("zombie");
browser = new Browser();
function () {
// Here I check the title of the page I'm on.
// Here I fill the needed information.
browser.document.getElementById("input1").value ="MYUSERNAME";
browser.document.getElementById("pContent").value ="MYPASSWORD";
// And here it fails. I try to submit the form in question.
setTimeout(function () {
// This is here to check that we've submitted the info and have been
// redirected to a new website.
}, 2000);
Now I know that I maybe should have used zombie's own "fill" method, but I tried that with no luck so I tried something new.
All I get from this is an error:
return history._submit(_this.getAttribute("action"), _this.getAttribute(
TypeError: Cannot call method '_submit' of undefined
Now if I log that browser.document.getElementById("loginForm") it clearly does find the form, but alas, it doesn't like it for some reason.
I also tried the "conventional" method with zombie, which is using that log in button on the web page and pressing it. The problem is that it's not actually a button, just an image which has a link attached to it, and it's all inside <span>. And I have no idea how I can "click" that button.
It has no ID on it, so I can't use that, then I tried to use the text on it, but because it has umlauts on it I can't get it to work. Escaping the ä with /344 only gave an error:
throw new Error("No BUTTON '" + selector + "'");
Error: No BUTTON 'Kirjaudu sisään'
So yeah, that didn't work, though I have no idea why it doesn't recognize the escaped umlaut correctly.
This is my first question, the second one is a minor one, but I though why not ask it here too now that I've written this text.
If I get all this to work, can I somehow copy the cookie that this log in gives me, and use that in my YQL for screen scraping? Basically I'm trying to scrape stock market values, but without the log in the values are 15min deferred, which isn't too bad, but I'd like it to be live anyhow.
After couple of tests using zombie I came to the conclusion that it's still to early to use it for serious testing. Nevertheless, I came up with working example of form submit (using regular .submit() method).
var Browser = require("zombie");
var assert = require("assert");
browser = new Browser()
browser.visit("http://duckduckgo.com/", function () {
// fill search query field with value "zombie"
browser.fill('input[name=q]', 'mouse');
// **how** you find a form element is irrelevant - you can use id, selector, anything you want
// in this case it was easiest to just use built in forms collection - fire submit on element found
// wait for new page to be loaded then fire callback function
browser.wait().then(function() {
// just dump some debug data to see if we're on the right page
As you can see, the clue is to use construct browser.wait().then(...) after submitting the form, otherwise browser object will still refer to the initial page (the one passed as an argument to visit method). Note: history object will contain address of page you submitted your form to even if you don't wait for the page to load - it confused me for a bit, as I was sure that I should already see the new page.
For your site, the zombie seems to be working ok (I could submit the form and get "wrong login or password" alert). There are some JS errors but zombie isn't concerned with them (you should debug those however to see if the script are working ok for regular users). Anyhow, here's the script I used:
var Browser = require("zombie");
var assert = require("assert");
browser = new Browser()
browser.visit("https://www.nordnet.fi/mux/login/startFI.html?cmpi=start-loggain", function () {
// fill in login field
browser.fill('#input1', 'zombie');
// fill in password field
browser.fill('#pContent', 'commingyourway');
// submit the form
// wait for new page to be loaded then fire callback function
browser.wait().then(function() {
console.log('Form submitted ok!');
// the resulting page will be displayed in your default browser
As side note: while I was trying to come up with working example I've tried to user following pages (all have failed for different reasons):
google.com - even though I filled query box with a string and submitted the form I didn't get search results . Reason? Probably google took some measures to prevent automatic tools (such as zombie) to browse through search results.
bing.com - same as google - after submitting the form I didn't get search results. Reason? Probably same as for google.
paulirish.com - After filling in the search query box and submitting the form zombie encountered script errors that prevent it from completing the page (something about missing ActiveX from charts script).
perfectionkills.com - Surprisingly here I've encountered the same problems as with Paul Irish site - page with search results couldn't be loaded due to javascript errors.
Conclusion: It's not so easy to force zombie into doing your work after all... :)

Reading and checking user's entry from a text field in an html form

What I want to do is to have a form field that allows a person to try to guess from a picture what type of bird it is, and if they get it right, it tells them they got it right and gives them the code to be able to get a discount.
Here is the code I'm using within the head tags:
var birdName = document.forms[0].birdName.value
if (birdName == "red bellied woodpecker")
alert("That's Correct! Please enjoy 10% off your next purchase by entering the code NAMETHATBIRD92 during checkout.")
alert("That's isn't the correct answer! Make sure your answer is very specific and keep trying, you can guess as many times as you want.")
Here is what I have within the body tag:
Can you name this bird?
It works here:
It does not work here, where I really need it to work:
This shouldn't be JavaScript.
Any potential customer will be able to right click and view your JavaScript source and retrieve the code without bothering with the guesswork.
You'll need to query a server with the user input, and the server will need to return a response indicating whether this input is correct or not.
You might want to look at either a normal HTML form submission, or venture into AJAX
User enters guess into textfield
Launch a request to http://yourserver.com/check_bird.your_server_language?guess=theTextFieldValue
Server returns either a success or failure indication
Display response to client
Other things to consider: Are you going to allow your customers to guess multiple times, or restrict them? Are you going to be showing several different birds or not?
in http://www.wildbirdsmarketplace.com/pages/Name-That-Bird!.html
<script type="text/javascript" src="birdname.js"></script> refers to 404 - check the file path
don't use document.forms
var birdName = document.getElementById('birdName').value;

jquery Validate Plugin. Generate random success message, once

Yesterday I posted this question which is answered but it lead to another problem.
I have the following code using jquery validation plugin:
//array of success messages and randomly select one
var messages = ["Good!", "Great!", "Awesome!", "Super!", "Nice!","Yay!", "Success!", "Ok!", "Perfect!","Sweet!" ];
function successMessage(label) {
return messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)];
Then my validation code success
...success: function(label) {
What is happening is that each time the form is being valid (on keyup or foucus) it regenerates a success message. I figured since i was adding the class "valid" a logical step would be to check if the label has the "valid" class and is so don't add a message because it already has one. This however isn't working. Any other ideas would be great.
Edit: So after further research and thinking. I'm pretty sure the problem is that the class of "valid" is being removed and added each time time form is validated (on keyup, submit, etc) I think the easiest thing to do may be to select the value of the label and look to see if the result matches the array, if so then don't do anything else add a success message. I could be wrong. I also don't think I articulated the question the best the first time. It just looks silly to have the validation message change while the user is typing.
EDIT 2 After the many suggestions for clarification and example code I am posting this link http://jsfiddle.net/Ye3Ls/20/ if you type into a field until you get a success message then keep typing you'll see what the problem is. I'm using the validation plugin found here Thanks for all your patients as I sort though how to get this to work. I think i may need to use something like in_array or has_value()
Don't need label as a parameter for successMessage.
function successMessage() {
return messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)];
I believe that if label is already a jQuery object doing this: $(label) will create a new label jQuery object attached to jQuery. Try this:
Or even better:
[EDIT] after question asked in comment
if(label.text() === ''){
else {
I'm assuming that you need to add the valid class to label. If you don't then remove the else statement.
I'm also assuming that the only way for text to be in label is through successMessage. Therefore, you will not need to add any text to label. It will stay the same.
On a side note, if the plug-in is changing the classes of your HTML elements then that is a serious side-effect of the code and I personally wouldn't put up with that.
Now the more logical thing that is probably happening is that you are reloading your content after doing your submission. If that is true then all the jQuery manipulations to the DOM you did before submission will be lost, because of new content be reloaded.
It would be really important in the future to add a link to the actual plug-in and more complete code to work with. #Nick Craver uses jsfiddle.net and I use jsbin.com to post sample code. This can be a more collaborative effort on all our parts to be able to reproduce and solve the problem.
Here it is
The problem is that the label is being created more than once. This plug-in in my opinion is not so easy to work with.
I had to change the error placement and success logic.
errorPlacement: function(label, element) {
// position error label after generated textarea
var name = element.attr('name');
if ($('#' + name + '_label').length === 0) {
label.attr('id', name + '_label');
if (element.is("textarea")) {
label.css({'padding-left': '105px'})
success: function(label) {
var name = label.attr('for');
$('#' + name + '_label').not('.valid').removeClass('error').addClass('valid').text(successMessage());
It looks like you mean to say:
rather than:
If label is a variable, and label.addClass("valid") works fine, why don't you verify using:
instead of

