Close UIWebView using javascript:window.close(); - javascript

The question sounds weird, but here is my case.
I have a UIWebView in my UIView ( done by [self.view addSubview:webView]; ) which occupies full screen. It intentionally hides the UIView before the UIWebView clicks on an action javascript:window.close();.
How do I associate JavaScript in UIWebView page to UIView's action , e.g. [webView removeFromSuperView]; ?

This is possible:
Set the location to something with your own scheme in the url, i.e.
document.location.href = "myscheme://DoSomething"
This will cause the UIWebViewDelegate method shouldStartLoadWithRequest: to be called with an NSURLRequest parameter whose scheme is"myscheme". So you look for this scheme and extract the DoSomething and then act on the DoSomething, which in your case would be to call remove from superView.
(In the UIWebView dealloc probably need to make sure you call stopLoading)


QWebView allow pop-ups?

In my project, I have a QWebView that loads a page that opens a pop-up window. But the window won't open. I looked into the createWindow function but I have no clue how to subclass a widget. These are some settings I put onto the webView:
QWebSettings *settings = ui->webView_2->settings();
settings->setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true);
settings->setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptCanOpenWindows, true);
What is the easiest way to allow my webView to allow pop-up windows?
Thanks for your time :)
You need to reimplement QWebView's createWindow method. The QWebView returned will be set to the required URL automatically.
For example:
QWebView* WebView::createWindow(QWebPage::WebWindowType type)
// WindowDialog is just a simple QDialog with a QWebView
WindowDialog* dlg = new WindowDialog(this);
// A method to retrieve a pointer to the QWebView of the dialog is needed
return dlg->webView();
Keep in mind that cookies do not share between the two QWebViews, so you also need to implement your own cookie manager. One way to do it would be to inherit QNetworkCookieJar, and keep a static "global" instance.

webViewDidFinishLoad not calling when having javascript content in webpage

I'm using UIWebView in a project. Sometimes it doesn't call the webViewDidFinishLoad method. Because the web page have some javascripts. The method
- (BOOL) webView: (UIWebView *) webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest: (NSURLRequest *) request navigationType: (UIWebViewNavigationType) navigationType
is getting call but webViewDidFinishLoad doesn't. I want to catch that method. Because I'm start an animation when the webview start loading. Then I want to stop this animation when it finished. It's not working with websites having javascript content. Any one have an idea please?
webViewDidFinishLoad method gets called when the UIWebView has finished loading the url, in your case since you are calling a javascript, it doesn't load your content, it just calls a javascript function in your already loaded webview. But YES you can catch the javascript actions in the same method you stated as below
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType{
NSString *url = [[request URL] absoluteString];
if(navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked){
if([url rangeOfString:#"SOMETHING"].length > 0 ){
//if your action returns something appended in your url like the anchors work
return TRUE;
apparently, the webview in ios checks specifically for "iframe" tags in the html's dom and in case it finds, it creates events based on that tag as well. therefore, a simple however a patchy solution would be adding the following code in the part of the dom that is changing (for example, in the actual template of each section):
did the trick for me..

Permission denied to call method ChromeWindow.postMessage for iframe inside XUL page

I've an extension, and an XUL file inside it (let's call it A). XUL file contains an <iframe>, where is loaded some web page (let's call it B). B is loaded from the different domain.
A is parent to B. I want to send a message from within B to A using window.parent.postMessage().
I'm getting the following exception:
... permission denied to B to call method ChromeWindow.postMessage
How to fix that error? If there is no way to do that, how can I pass message from B to A?
I am using Firefox 16.0.1 under Windows 7.
I had a very similar problem,
it's just I had a html-popup (local) that couldn't send 'postMessage' to my xul-background-task.
I think I got it to work,
strangely enough by initiating a MessageEvent of my own (the very same thing postMessage does)
but with a (I believe obsolete) fallback.. in short: I brewed something together from MDN and other sites ;)
My script in the content:
var Communicator =
postMessage: function(data)
// We need some element to attach the event to, since "window" wont work
// let's just use a fallback JSON-stringified textnode
var request = document.createTextNode(JSON.stringify(data));
// and as always attach it to the current contentwindow
// Now let's make a MessageEvent of our own, just like window.postMessage would do
var event = document.createEvent("MessageEvent");
event.initMessageEvent ("own_message", true, false, data, window.location, 0, window, null);
// you might want to change "own_message" back to "message" or whatever you like
//and there we go
And instead of window.postMessage(data) now use Communicator.postMessage(data)
that's all!
Now in my overlay there's nothing but our good old
addEventListener('own_message', someMessageFunc, false, true);
//or maybe even "message" just like originally
Hopefully this will work for you, too (didn't check that on iframes...)
You should check the type of iframe B
Apparently you must flag your chrome as contentaccessible, and take into consideration the security.
Just posting in case someone faced the same problem.
Succeeded in posting message from within B to A using events as described here.
But it is not answer, because window.parent.postMessage() still doesn't work as intended.

User Interaction Enabled Javascript

I am writing a Javascript application and am going to wrap it in a native iOS application. I would like to block user interaction on the UIWebView containing the JS app for a second or two following an event.
Normally I would use the self.webView.userinteractionenabled = NO but the event is triggered in Javascript. How can I block the user from interacting with the web view?
Guessing return false on a touch event of some sort? It's scrolling that I want to block.
When the event occurs in your Javascript code you can send a message to the native wrapper by using the following method:
Set up the following UIWebViewDelegate method (don't forget to set the delegate for the UIWebView):
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView*)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType {
NSURL *url = [request URL];
if ([[url scheme] isEqualToString:#"block"]) {
// do the your blocking code here
return NO;
return YES;
Now when your event happens, call the delegate method from your javascript code:
window.location.href = "block://";

How to received alert() action from javascript into Cocoa application via WebView

I was develop some Cocoa application with WebView. Now I can evaluate javascript to HTML file by using evaluateWebScript:
But I need to receive an alert() event from javascript to display in Cocoa's NSAlertSheet.
How to do with cocoa development ?
You need to set an object as the WebUIDelegate of the WebView (using the setUIDelegate: method) and in that object implement the ‑webView:runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:initiatedByFrame: delegate method. This method will be called when a page loaded into the WebView calls the alert() JavaScript function.
In your implementation of the delegate method, you should display an alert. The alert should:
display the exact message string that is passed in to the method
indicate that the message comes from JavaScript
contain only one button, an OK button
Here is a basic example:
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message
NSAlert* jsAlert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:#"JavaScript"
informativeTextWithFormat:#"%#", message];
[jsAlert beginSheetModalForWindow:sender.window modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
You can try to override JavaScript alert function on window. In your custom alert you can redirect to predefined url, e.g. app://alert/something%32is%32wrong. That kind of redirect can be handled by UIWebView through webView:shouldLoadRequest:.
PS: I didn't try it :)

