Mouseover losing focus when Ajaxing content in - javascript

I'm using an exposed filter in Drupal7 to filter items using ajax.
I have a menu with checkboxes to decide what is being filtered that is hidden until you hover over the menu category. This is all working fine until you select a checkbox.
The page filters correctly, but when the new content loads, the mouseover menu is loosing focus. I'm trying to keep the menu open when the new content is loading in, not sure what's wrong with my js.
** Edit: Removed .end(); Still loosing focus when content is loaded.


Changing Bootstrap panel CSS class for "active" panel (clicked/focused)

I have a page with multiple Bootstrap panels, and I want to make it so that only the "active" panel has the panel-primary class (so, highlighted, in a sense). The definition of "active" in this case is that the user has clicked anywhere inside a panel or changed focus with keyboard or something.
So, I started with this:
function highlightActivePanel($activePanel) {
$('.panel-primary').toggleClass('panel-primary panel-default');
$activePanel.toggleClass('panel-default panel-primary');
$(document).on('click', '.panel-default', function () {
The trouble is, I have a table with jquery DataTables plugin inside the panels. So, if I register the click event, it generally works, but not when you click on of the DataTables paging number buttons at the bottom of the panel for some reason. The click even doesn't fire. Probably due to DT's own click events, I'm guessing.
So, I then tried the focus event:
$(document).on('focus', '.panel-default', function () {
... and that works better with clicking on DataTables buttons and fields, but doesn't work if the user simply clicks on the text (or in a table cell) inside a panel.
Finally, if I just simply leave both event listeners registered, it seems to work, but I'm wondering if this is smart, or if there is a better/cleaner way of doing this?
$(document).on('click', '.panel-default', function () {
$(document).on('focus', '.panel-default', function () {
Here's a JsFiddle that better illustrates what I'm talking about.
Edit: Just realized I can easily combine the two events like this:
$(document).on('click focus', '.panel-default', function () {
But if there is still a better way to do this, let me know.
Clicking on the DataTables paging numbers triggers page.dt, so you could do click page.dt in place of click focus to avoid potentially losing focus to something else on the page (though you could also do that by using a more specific selector).

jQuery Isotope doesn't rearrange properly after items have been dynamically adjusted

I have an isotope layout and everything - sorting and filtering and general display - works great. But I have to make the isotope items expandable on click. I did this via a span class which is hidden via JavaScript on initial page load but can be toggled via click on a different span class <span class='Point'>.
This works to a certain degree: the text is toggable - but the layout doesn't resize on click, despite me including .isotope('layout'). The specific jQuery code looks as follows:
$(".risknotes").hide(); $grid.on( 'click', '.Point', function() {
Funny thing is: if I click a filter, or a sort button, everything resizes perfectly. Just not on initial load or click. I made a jsfiddle reproducing the problem:
Your problem is jquery take a time to finish toggle .ricknotes but isotope relayout instantly.
You can use complete option of .toggle() to handle it like this:
$grid.on('click', '.Point', function() {
.toggle({ duration: 200,complete: function(){ $grid.isotope('layout') } });

How to turn off active state on listview item while scrolling?

I use iscroll 5 and jquery mobile 1.4.5 for cordoba android app. When I am scrolling page the i have tapped at first on start change state as it is clicked. I dont need it to be clicked if I am scrolling. I need it to change state to active only if I have tapped on it without scrolling.
How can I prevent li button item to change state, I have tried some code I found on stackoverflow but with no success.
$(document).on('tap', function(e) {
$('#lista li').removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass);
I tried this too, but is deprecated
$( document ).on( "mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.activeBtnClass = 'unused';

JQuery/ Jquery Mobile - best way to remove instance of class from div by toggling

I'm using JQuery mobile framework here, so i've got two 'pages' which in reality both exist in one HTML document. You can navigate between the two via the hamburger menu icon on the top left.
There is an events page. each events has an 'add to favourites' button. when clicked the event populates the favourites page. I'm doing this by cloning the div class.
var add = $('.add-to-fav');
add.on('click', function(){
//change button status
if ($(this).text() == "Add to favourites")
$(this).text("Remove from favourites");
} else {
$(this).text("Add to favourites");
//get this instance of event block and remove from #fav-list
My issue comes with trying to remove (or unfavourite) the event by clicking again on the same button. I want this to be achievable from both the events page and the favourites page.
What's the most elegant way to achieve this?
here's a codepen - i've tried to remove as much unrelated code as possible
First of all, you are using the same panel for both pages with same ID. Either use an external panel or give each one a unique ID. If you plan to use an external panel, place it outside any page and initialize it manually.
$(function () {
To add listeners, use pagecreate it fires once per page. This way, you can assign different functions for buttons based on containing page. Use to target buttons .add-fav within created page not other ones in DOM.
You can remove "Event" from favourites page from public-events page by retrieving its' header's text since you aren't using IDs' or classes to differentiate between events.
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#public-events", function (event) {
$('.add-to-fav','click', function () {
if ($(this).text() == "Add to favourites") {
$(this).text("Remove from favourites");
} else {
$(this).text("Add to favourites");
/* retrieve event title */
var eventTitle = $(this).closest(".event-block").find("h2").text();
/* loops through event blocks in favourite page */
$('#favourites #fav-list .event-block h2').each(function () {
if ($(this).text() == eventTitle) {
/* remove matching event */
}).on("pagecreate", "#favourites", function (event) {
$('.add-to-fav','click', function () {

jQuery UI Tabs deselect event or save prev tab on select

I love jQuery UI and use its "Tabs" on my sites for visual sliders as standart, but UI doesnt have an event for deselect.
What i mean:
I have an animation on tab .show(), but i want to have the deselect (but there is no deselect event on jQuery UI Tabs events) event animation on tab when it autorotates or by selecting another tab - current tab must do deselect animation and then show (with animation) selected tab.
Maybe somebody knows about this problem?
Thanks before!
This logic can occur in the event for selecting. My example here is going to assume that you're linking the tab to the div by id, and that you've got a class called "selected" on the currently active tab. Change as necessary for your code.
$(".tabs li").click(function() {
active_id = $(".tabs li.selected").attr(id);
$this = $(this);
$(""+active_id).fadeOut("slow", function() {
Have you tried using the fx option?
In particular $("#tabs").tabs("option", "fx", {opacity:'toggle'} ) or when you initialize it $("#tabs").tabs({ fx: {opacity:'toggle'} })

