Cannot update simperium user from localhost:8000 - javascript

I'm using Simperium JS in Safari, and have been able to authenicate, and fetch data from buckets with no problems at all. I am even able to create new users.
However, when I try to use the <rest-of-url>/update/ calls when running locally on a server, I get cross-origin request issues. It appears that the Simperium server is rejecting requests from http://localhost:8000, as I can load up an HTML file (using a file:// url), and the request succeeds.
Is this an intentional thing, or am I missing something?

The call has been updated to support cross origin requests so you should be able to use that now. The reset_password and delete endpoints though probably won't be since they require use of an API key with admin privileges.


API request to a local client page

Could you please advise on the following?
Let's assume I have a local html page stored on my local drive "c:\test.html".
If I open it in a browser, it's treated as a GET request to this page, right?
Is it possible to send, for example, POST request to the same local page, with "fetch"?
And inside "c:\test.html" to check if it was requested with POST method, return something?
It would be something like a local-PC API.
Static HTML pages do not have any request capabilities. What's actually happening here is that there is some sort of server that takes your request and responds with the HTML document. You would need to host your own server of some sort that could take and respond to requests. For this, libraries like express.js work well.
Edit: If you are accessing it through a file:// url, your browser is just reading the file off your drive directly, so you would need some sort of localhosted server.
This is not how it works. When you open a file with your browser, it uses a file protocol, not a HTTP protocol. Look at the URL. You'll see what kind of protocol was used to retrieve the resource.
So no, you cannot sent a fetch request to a local file. You have to establish a proper sever in your localhost and let it handle requests. Local files do NOT handle requests. Servers do.

Onedrive cors download in javascript

I'm trying to process onedrive files in client-side javascript, but first I need a way to use XMLHttpRequest to download the file. Onedrive supports cors for a lot of operations, but for downloading the file into javascript there is the following problem:
As mentioned here: onedrive rest api manual
I can send a request to:
and it will reply with a location header redirecting the browser to the file. The problem is when I send these requests through XHR, the browser always sends the Origin header with the request. For the first request I described above, onedrive also replies with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* header, so the request is allowed in the browser. However, when the browser is redirected to the actual location of the file, that resource does not have the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, so the XHR request is denied by the browser(chrome sends an Origin header set to null for the redirect request).
I've also tried getting the location but not redirecting automatically, and then sending another XHR request, this will set the origin header to the domain of my site, but the result is the same.
As I mentioned in the beginning, I need to process the data in javascript, so I'm not asking about how to download onedrive files to hard drive. I need the data to be accessible by javascript in the webpage.
I know that I can use server side programming to get the file data for me and then send it to the client, but for my application this is not an option(at least this is not what I'm asking for at the moment).
If there is no way to do this, does anyone have an idea why they would implement their api this way? To allow javascript to get the location through cors and redirect but not include a cors header for the redirected resource. Why not just deny cors in the first place? Is this a bug?
The answer, as best as I can tell, is that downloading content cannot be done purely by JavaScript in a browser. Why did they do it this way? You'd have to ask them, but I would guess either a bug, or some unspecified "security concerns". For what it's worth, they seem to think that downloading content is CORS compliant in the documentation here:
To download files from OneDrive in a JavaScript app you cannot use the
/content API, since this responds with a 302 redirect. A 302 redirect
is explicitly prohibited when a CORS preflight is required, such as
when providing the Authorization header.
Instead, your app needs to select the #content.downloadUrl property,
which returns the same URL that /content would have redirected to.
This URL can then be requested directly using XMLHttpRequest. Because
these URLs are pre-authenticated they can be retrieved without a CORS
preflight request.
However, to the best of my knowledge, they are wrong. Just because you don't need a preflight request doesn't mean that the response is CORS-compliant. You still need an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header on the response.
For anyone wondering, this is still an issue in the new Graph API (which is essentially a proxy API to the OneDrive API, as I understand it). The same basic issue is still present - you can get a download URL from your items, but that URL points to a non-CORS-compliant resource, so it doesn't do you a whole lot of good.
I have an active issue open with Microsoft here about this issue. There has been some response to my issue (I got them to expose the download URL through the graph API), but I'm still waiting to see if they'll come up with a real solution to downloading content from JavaScript.
If I get a solution or real answer on that issue, I'll try to report back here so others in the future can have a real answer to reference.
This is not an answer, I cannot comment yet.
Last week the new API for onedrive was released.
Unfortunately it will not solve the problem.{path and name}:/content?access_token={token}
Will still redirect to a ressource somewhere at
Which will not contain any Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers. Same goes for the Url "#content.downloadUrl" in the JSON response.
I hope that microsoft will address this problem in the very near future, because the API is at the moment of very limited use, since you cannot process file contents from onedrive with html5 apps. Apart from the usual file browser.
The only solution, which I see at the moment would be a chrome app, which can process the Url without CORS. see
Box does exactly the same thing for download requests. I have not found any way around this problem without involving a server because the browser will not let your program get access to the contents of the 302 redirect response. For security reasons I am not convinced of, browsers mandatorily follow redirect requests without allowing user intervention.
The way we finally worked around this was
the browser app sends the GET request to the server which forwards it to the cloud provider (box/ondrive).
server then DOES NOT follow the 302 redirect response from Box or OneDrive
The server instead returns to the browser app, the content of the location field in the 302 response header, which contains the download url
The javascript in the browser app then downloads the file using the url.
You can now just use the "#content.downloadUrl" property of the item in your GET request. Then there is no redirection.
Returns a 302 Found response redirecting to a pre-authenticated download URL for the file. This is the same URL available through the #content.downloadUrl property on an item.

Using FineUploader with optional https?

I have setup FineUploader on a site and I included a check box that allows users to upload files using HTTPS if the want to.
Unfortunately if the user accesses the site using http and then tries to use ssl it errors out, I assume because of CORS issues. I assume it is a CORS issue because if I access the site using https and try to upload using ssl it works fine.
I found some documentation about enabling CORS support, but it appears that you either need to make it so only CORS requests will be made or none will be made. In my situation there will be CORS request some times and not others.
Does anyone know of a good work around for this? Should I just reload the entire page using HTTPS when the checkbox is clicked?
If you're uploading straight to Amazon s3, see the note in the official docs, "SSL is also supported, in which case your endpoint address must start with https://" in the script within your uploaderpage.html file.
request: {
endpoint: '',
// Note that "https://" added before bucket name, to work over https
accessKey: 'AKIAblablabla' // as per the specific IAM account
This will still work if uploaderpage.html is served over http (or you could populate the endpoint value dynamically if you need flexibility re endpoint).
This will help you avoid the mixed content error when uploading over https, "requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint", which happens if the page is https but you request a http endpoint.
Just to reiterate what I've mentioned in my comments (so others can easily see this)...
Perhaps you can instantiate Fine Uploader after the user selects HTTP or HTTPS as a protocol for uploads. If you must, you can enabled the CORS feature via the expected property of the cors option. Keep in mind that there are some details server-side you must address when handling CORS requests, especially if IE9 or older is involved. Please see my blog post on the CORS feature for more details.

Is it possible to add and modify the dns cached entry in firefox?

I am trying to accomplish some specific test requirement.
One of the requirement now is to redirect some nonexistent url to specific ip, which is what the dns is doing. I think firefox is using internal dns cache. But I cannot find a proper service that I can use to change such kind of dns cache. On the other hand, i have no idea if firefox support some kind of service to customize the dns process, I mean give a customized result instead of really getting from DNS Server.
As I need to start many firefox process to do the work concurrently, so I cannot do this simply by changing the system hosts file, cause it will affect other process.
Any idea?
No, modifying DNS responses isn't possible in Firefox, the DNS service merely allows triggering a DNS request. What you could do is recognizing NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST response and somehow redirecting it to your server. While recognizing isn't particularly hard, redirecting is complicated. You could add a progress listener and check whether a request finished in onStateChange method (if (aFlag & STATE_STOP)). The parameter aStatus gives you the status of the request, you would be looking for status Components.results.NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST. And for top-level requests (aFlag & STATE_WINDOW) you could change window location to make a request to a different server instead. For other requests - don't know how one would "redirect" there.

Determine if browser supports windows integrated authentication

Is there a way to determine if a browser supports NTLM without having NTLM enabled for the particular site or directory in IIS and without showing a login dialog/pop-up? Preferably, determine this using ColdFusion or perhaps some combination of JS and CF. I'd prefer not to restrict this to just IE as other browsers (such as FF) support NTLM authentication.
If you request a page and the page returns 401 and says it only accepts NTLM, and then the browser sends another HTTP packet trying to respond to it, then it supports NTLM. You don't have to make IIS do this -- you could have any page where you can set the response codes and headers request NTLM. If you don't get another request, it means that the client couldn't authenticate this way.
You could detect this on the client by putting this request in an IFrame, then in the outer page checking to see what happened in the iframe.
Building on Lou's answer, you could make a cfhttp request within a try/catch block. You then check the response headers to determine your next steps.
Unfortunately, you may be forced to use browser sniffing and a white-list.

