jQuery adding functions to the animation queue - javascript

The problem is that when I try doing multiple animations they all happen the same time.
Is there any way to have animations go one after another without using callbacks?
Here's what I want to do:
$('#a1').click(function() { $('#div1').hide(3000); });
$('#a2').click(function() { $('#div2').hide(3000); });
$('#a3').click(function() { $('#div3').show(3000); });
If you click on #a1 and then click on #a2 then #a3 before the first animation completes then it shouldn't start right away but instead wait until the animation queue is empty then start the next one.
Take this demo for example
I want to be able to click a1 then a2 then a3 one after the another and first have it hide the first div completely, then the second completely, and then show the third.
My example is overly simple and while this can be done with callbacks, my real problem can't so callbacks aren't an option.
In essence, if you click all three the animation should complete in 9 seconds.
This DEMO should alert ('took around 9 seconds to complete')

Use .queue() on a common jQuery object:
var q = $({}); // this could also be a common parent, e.g. $('body')
$('#a1').click(function() {
q.queue(function(next) {
$('#div1').hide(3000, next);
return false;
$('#a2').click(function() {
q.queue(function(next) {
$('#div2').hide(3000, next);
return false;
$('#a3').click(function() {
q.queue(function(next) {
$('#div3').show(3000, next);
return false;

Use .promise() to sidestep callbacks on show and hide:
The .promise() method returns a dynamically generated Promise that is resolved once all actions of a certain type bound to the collection, queued or not, have ended.
By default, type is "fx", which means the returned Promise is resolved when all animations of the selected elements have completed
Use .queue() to limit the number of animations resolved per promise (See also jsFiddle):
var promises = $({});
$('#a1').click(function() {
promises.queue(function(next) {
$('div').promise().done(function() {
return false;
$('#a2').click(function() {
promises.queue(function(next) {
$('div').promise().done(function() {
return false;
$('#a3').click(function() {
promises.queue(function(next) {
$('div').promise().done(function() {
return false;

Try to create some array with queue, and check if there is something in it, as callback for animation, and run it again if there is. I've played with your example a little.
check it out:
var queue = {
q: [],
run: function(elem, type, time, recall) {
if (queue.isRunning && !recall) {
console.log('pushed: ' + elem + type + time);
queue.q.push({elem:elem, type:type, time:time});
} else {
console.log('running:' + elem);
queue.isRunning = true;
if (type=='hide') {
$(elem).hide(time, function(){
} else {
$(elem).show(time, function(){
recall: function(){
if (queue.q.length > 0) {
queue.run(queue.q[0].elem, queue.q[0].type, queue.q[0].time, true);
queue.q = queue.q.splice(1,queue.q.length);
} else {
queue.isRunning = false;
queue.q = [];
isRunning: false
$('#a1').click(function() { queue.run('#div1','hide',2200) });
$('#a2').click(function() { queue.run('#div2','hide',2200) });
$('#a3').click(function() { queue.run('#div3','show',2200) });

I would use the animate() function as it comes with a complete function which is called when the animation finishes http://api.jquery.com/animate/.
So to use the jQuery doc example:
$('#clickme').click(function() {
opacity: 0.25,
left: '+=50',
height: 'toggle'
}, 5000, function() {
// Animation complete this is where you call the next animation...
function another_animation () {
opacity: 0.25,
left: '+=50',
}5000, function() {
// Animation complete this is where you call the next animation
I think that this is the cleanest way...

You could do something like this:
var col=(function(){
var i=1;
return function(n){alert("you clicked link nr " + n + ", total clicks: "+i++)};
Im not gona write the entire code for you but that should give you a good idea of how to do it.
Also none of the variables or functions are accessible from the global scope or any other.

Add stop() before the animation:
$('#a1').click(function() { $('#div1').stop().hide(3000); });
$('#a2').click(function() { $('#div2').stop().hide(3000); });
$('#a3').click(function() { $('#div3').stop().show(3000); });

Use this
$(element).promise().done(function () {...})
In your case
$('#a1').click(function () {
$('#a2').click(function () {
$("#div1").promise().done(function () {
$('#a3').click(function () {
$("#div2").promise().done(function () {
The next animation will be performed only when the previous animation on selected element is complete.


control flow and promises

I have a lot of divs in the html. Each div contains animation or some js code which is call only for this div when it visible:
<button id='start' class='start'>Start</button>
<div class="step1 later">
<div class='red later'>Show first</div>
<div class='aqua later'>Show later</div>
<div class="step2 later">
<div class='green later'>Show together</div>
<div class='yellow later'>Show together</div>
My goal is show div with step1 class and call some js, then show step2 and so on. It looks like slider. For this example I want show step1 and then show div with red class, after delay I want to show aqua. Next, we go to step2 and show two divs: yellow, green without delay. I have decided to use promises (Q.js) for this. This is my code:
$(function () {
var currentStep = 1,
handlers = {};
$('#start').click(function() {
for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
showStep(currentStep + i);
function showStep(step) {
var name = 'step' + step;
$('.' + name).show();
handlers.step1 = function() {
Q().then(function() {
$('.notification').html('Step1 started');
.then(function() {
.then(function() {
handlers.step2 = function() {
Q().then(function() {
$('.notification').append('Step2 started');
.then(function() {
function showElem(classSelector) {
$('.' + classSelector).fadeIn(100);
All animations and delay works find except one thing. My code doesn't wait when one step will finish, handlers start almost at the same time.
It's rather unconventional to use Q to schedule jQuery actions. With judicious use of its .delay() and .promise() methods, jQuery is well capable of doing this job reliably - on its own.
In the following rewrite of the code :
promises are returned from various functions to allow chaining
the master (start) routine is a simple two-step .then() chain
showElem() and showStep() are unnecessary and disappear
handlers is written as an object literal.
jQuery(function ($) {
var handlers = {
'step1': function() {
$('.notification').html('<div>Step1 started</div>');
return $(".step1").show(0).delay(2000).promise().then(function() {
return $('.red').fadeIn(100).delay(2000).promise();
}).then(function() {
return $('.aqua').fadeIn(100).promise();
'step2': function() {
$('.notification').append('<div>Step2 started</div>');
return $(".step2").show(0).delay(2000).promise().then(function() {
return $('.green, .yellow').fadeIn(100);
$('#start').click(function() {
For a large number of handlers, you could longhand out the "start" routine as follows :
$('#start').click(function() {
However, that could be a lot of typing and won't cater for a variable number of handlers.
The solution is reasonably simple.
First, write handlers as an Array, instead of Object.
var handlers = [
//step 0
function() {
$('.notification').html('<div>Step1 started</div>');
return $(".step1").show(0).delay(2000).promise().then(function() {
return $('.red').fadeIn(100).delay(2000).promise();
}).then(function() {
return $('.aqua').fadeIn(100).promise();
//step 1
function() {
$('.notification').append('<div>Step2 started</div>');
return $(".step2").show(0).delay(2000).promise().then(function() {
return $('.green, .yellow').fadeIn(100);
//step 2,
//step 3,
Now, you can use Array method .reduce() to scan the array, building a promise chain as it goes :
$('#start').click(function() {
handlers.reduce(function(promise, handler) {
return promise.then(handler);
}, $.when());
Here, $.when() is a resolved "seed" promise that gets the chain started.
The issue lies in your initial "for" loop, where you execute all your "showStep" in a go, without waiting for promises.
You could do something like that instead:
$('#start').click(function() {
function showStep(step) {
var name = 'step' + step;
$('.' + name).show();
handlers[name]().then(function() {
if (step < 2) {
And make you handlers return the promise.

Need help stopping slideshow using jQuery

I've run into an issue with jQuery code that I'd like some help on. While the next and previous buttons work correctly, there appears to be an issue correctly stopping a slideshow. This is probably something we're completely overlooking, but I can't see what.
There is no JavaScript errors showing in the console. The interrupt method was being reached - at one point I had console.log calls in there to verify (cleaned up for presentation reasons).
Your help is much appreciated.
The below code is the functionality for prev/stop/start/next:
if ($(settings.next).size()) {
$(settings.next).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {
if ($(settings.pause).size()) {
$(settings.pause).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {
if ($(settings.play).size()) {
$(settings.play).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {
* Setup up prev bindings
if ($(settings.prev).size()) {
$(settings.prev).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {
Here is the method for interrupt:
interrupt: function (time) {
return $(this).each(function () {
var data = $(this).data('scrollface');
if (!data) {
return false;
var $this = $(this),
period = 0;
* Stop the timer, and wait a period of time before restarting it.
* Period defaults to the timer interval
if (data.timer) {
if (typeof time !== "number") {
period = data.interval;
} else {
period = time;
setTimeout(function resume_timer () {
data.timer = null;
}, period);
if ($(settings.pause).size()) {
$(settings.pause).bind('click.scrollface', function (e)
if ($(settings.play).size()) {
$(settings.play).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {
and delete the interrupt call in prev and next
because the interrupt method stopping the interval method and after timeout starting again, so most time you pause in this timeout but after this timeout the interrupt method starting the intervall again and dont care if you stoped it manually
see your updated fiddle working here http://jsfiddle.net/7ko4rdda/
if you call interrupt with 0 for the buttons prev next click handler then you have the expected behavier that the period for the intervall starts new after next/prev click
if ($(settings.prev).size()) {
$(settings.prev).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {
if ($(settings.next).size()) {
$(settings.next).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {

Wait until div is not visible to process next line

I need to write some code which is supposed to wait until a predefined div is no longer visible in order to process the next line. I plan on using jQuery( ":visible" ) for this, and was thinking I could have some type of while loop. Does anyone have a good suggestion on how to accomplish this task?
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".scroller-right" ).mouseup(function( event ) {
function pollVisibility() {
if ($(".mstrWaitBox").attr("visibility")!== 'undefined') || $(".mstrWaitBox").attr("visibility") !== false) {
alert('inside else');
} else {
setTimeout(pollVisibility, 100);
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".scroller-right" ).mouseup(function( event ) {
function pollVisibility() {
if (!$(".mstrWaitBox").is(":visible")) {
alert('inside if');
} else {
setTimeout(pollVisibility, 100);
div when not visible:
<div class=​"mstrWaitBox" id=​"divWaitBox" scriptclass=​"mstrDialogImpl" dg=​"1" ty=​"edt">​
div when visible:
<div class=​"mstrWaitBox" id=​"divWaitBox" scriptclass=​"mstrDialogImpl" dg=​"1" ty=​"edt" visibility="visible">​
You can use the setTimeout function to poll the display status of the div. This implementation checks to see if the div is invisible every 1/2 second, once the div is no longer visible, execute some code. In my example we show another div, but you could easily call a function or do whatever.
$(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
function pollVisibility() {
if (!$("#hideThis").is(":visible")) {
// call a function here, or do whatever now that the div is not visible
} else {
setTimeout(pollVisibility, 500);
<div id='hideThis' style="display:block">
The other thing happens when this is no longer visible in about 3s</div>
<div id='thenShowThis' style="display:none">Hi There</div>
If your code is running in a modern browser you could always use the MutationObserver object and fallback on polling with setInterval or setTimeout when it's not supported.
There seems to be a polyfill as well, however I have never tried it and it's the first time I have a look at the project.
var div = document.getElementById('test'),
divDisplay = div.style.display,
observer = new MutationObserver(function () {
var currentDisplay = div.style.display;
if (divDisplay !== currentDisplay) {
console.log('new display is ' + (divDisplay = currentDisplay));
//observe changes
observer.observe(div, { attributes: true });
div.style.display = 'none';
setTimeout(function () {
div.style.display = 'block';
}, 500);
However an even better alternative in my opinion would be to add an interceptor to third-party function that's hiding the div, if possible.
var hideImportantElement = function () {
//hide logic
hideImportantElement = (function (fn) {
return function () {
fn.apply(this, arguments);
console.log('element was hidden');
I used this approach to wait for an element to disappear so I can execute the other functions after that.
Let's say doTheRestOfTheStuff(parameters) function should only be called after the element with ID the_Element_ID disappears, we can use,
var existCondition = setInterval(function() {
if ($('#the_Element_ID').length <= 0) {
}, 100); // check every 100ms

How do you call a function once all iterations using .each() has occurred?

Below is a snippet which I need help on. I want to call a function once all the span's have been iterated through. So an example would be if I had 8 spans's, after the 8th span's function has been run, how do I call nextFunction()?
$('#div1').animate({ opacity: '0.2' }, 500, function () {
$('span').each(function () {
//do something.
function nextFunction() {
alert("called after the last .each() has occurred");
Try $.when()
opacity: '0.2'
}, 500, function () {
$.when($('span').each(function () {
//do something.
})).then(function () {
function nextFunction() {
alert("called after the last .each() has occurred");
The code should actually run sequentially, just the way you have written it, unless you're planning to use AJAX requests in the .each() loop.
Something like this
$('#div1').animate({ opacity: '0.2' }, 500, function () {
var doSomething = 0,
ctx = null,
checker = null;
checker = function() {
if (domSomething === $('span').length)
return ;
setTimeout(checker, 100);
$('span').each(function () {
doSomething += 1;
//do something.
.each() is synchronous. It will work the way you have it. See this fiddle

How to delay 5 seconds in JavaScript

I have JavaScript function:
function validateAddToCartForm(object) {
value = $(".product-detail-qty-box").val();
if(!isInt(value) || value < 1) {
return false;
} else {
var product_name = $("#product_detail_name").text();
var NewDialog = $('<div id="MenuDialog">\ ' + product_name + '</div>');
modal: true,
title: "title",
show: 'clip',
hide: {effect: "fadeOut", duration: 1000}
return true;
I need to pause 3 to 5 seconds before returning true, because I want to show a New Dialog box for a while. How can I implement this delay?
The only way to simulate delay in js is callback on timeout.
change the function to:
function validateAddToCartForm(object,callback) {
value = $(".product-detail-qty-box").val();
if(!isInt(value) || value < 1) {
} else {
var product_name = $("#product_detail_name").text();
var NewDialog = $('<div id="MenuDialog">\ ' + product_name + '</div>');
modal: true,
title: "title",
show: 'clip',
hide: {effect: "fadeOut", duration: 1000}
setTimeout(function() {callback(true);},5000);
where you call it you should do something like:
instead of
function somefunct() {
//code before call
if (validateAddToCartForm(object)) {
//process true
} else {
//process false
//rest of the function
place something like:
function somefunct() {
//code before call
validateAddToCartForm(object,function(ret) {
if (ret) {
//process true
} else {
//process false
//rest of the function
In to answer to your comment.
I assume:
that you want to prevent click event if validate false,
that all elements that you added onclick="..." have class ".clickme",
the element now looks like
<input type="submit" onclick="return validateAddToCartForm(this)" class="clickme" />
so 1st change the element to
<input type="submit" class="clickme" />
add to your javascript the following:
//this handle original click, drop it out, and only pass after validation
$(function () {
$('.clickme').click(function (e) {
var $t = $(this);
//if event triggered return true
if (e.isTrigger) return true;
validateAddToCartForm(this, function (ret) {
if (ret) {
return false;
also I suggest to use "submit" event on the form itself instead of "click" (the demo of submit)
Instead of blocking, you can use seTimeout to remove the #MenuDialog after a certain time.
function validateAddToCartForm(o){
var keep_dialog_time = 5 * 1000; // five seconds.
// Whatever...
/* Use setTimeout(function, milliseconds) to delay deletion of #MenuDialog.
This will get executed keep_dialog_time milliseconds after this call, and
won't block. */
$('#MenuDialog').hide(); // maybe there is another function to do this, I'm not a jQuery guy really.
}, keep_dialog_time);
return true;
JavaScript is single threaded. This means, when you block, you block the everything. Thus, the DOM uses an event loop model, where callbacks are assigned to events. Such a model is also present in node.js too. Above, because setTimeout does not block, code after that call will continue to run without waiting the function we passed to setTimeout to get executed.
I'd suggest to study DOM in depth to get more comfortable with web front-end programming. You may use various search engines to find out cool documentation.

