adding latency to a web application - javascript

I want to slow down my app by adding latency for ajax requests. I have two options: doing it in javascript and doing it server-side. With javascript, I could easily add a setTimeout on my requests but there are about 30 different requests and I'm wondering if there's a better way, with less code.
I want to slow down ajax requests server-side. What's the best way to do it? I'm using about 25 different asmx web services (will be converted to wcf soon) and I'm wondering how to make it so that all requests have 1000ms of latency.
My goal is to change as little code as possible so that I can turn this feature on/off by changing as little as possible.
Thanks for your suggestions.
In case you're wondering why: I'm running on my local machine. I'm going to do a user-testing session and I need to simulate real ajax requests. Without latency, the ajax request happens almost instantaneously.

You could add a
in the OnRequestBegin-Handler or where ever you can intercept the request before doing the actual work.

you can hook in a timeout event on the server side code before it responds to the ajax request. At least then your ajax's interaction with a latent response is authentic.

If you are using jquery for the ajax call, just go into the jquery code file and add the latency there. Would that work?
Look for this line in the main jquery file:
ajax: function( url, options ) {
Add this code right after:
var ms = 1000 //wait time in milliseconds
ms += new Date().getTime();
while (new Date() < ms) { }
ms is the number of milliseconds to wait

I would put an http proxy in the way which you control and can make slow.
Since I know Perl best I'd use something like and add a filter method that did nothing but wait a second.


Does jquery post ever timeout?

Official documentation at jQuery does not mention it.
Possible confusion: I know I can use ajax to gain control over timeout, but my question is different.
I am using post to grab data from a backend which I know will take a long (sometimes very very long) time to load.
Will my javascript request ever timeout or will it always wait until backend is loaded, even if it takes a few minutes?
Jquery uses the native XMLHttpRequest module to make requests.
The XMLHttpRequest.timeout property is an unsigned long representing the number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. The default value is 0, which means there is no timeout.
Reading the source code of the jquery library, the ajax method does not set a timeout in and way, hence it is save to say that the request does not timeout.
But you can explicitly set a timeout in both jquery and the native module.
this does not mean that your request will not timeout, since the server usually does impose a bail timeout strategy, usually long responses timeout from the server side. you could consider chunking or streaming as a safe and convenient solution.
github jquery ajax source:
The timeout of a request is, by default, controlled by the browser and the receiving server, whichever cancels the request first. I believe most browsers have a 60 second timeout by default. The server can be any arbitrary value.
Will my javascript request ever timeout or will it always wait until backend is loaded, even if it takes a few minutes?
The answer to this is therefore, yes, your request will timeout at an arbitrary point. If you want to control the amount of time you force your users to wait for a request then you can specifically set this time by using the timeout property of the $.ajax call. This overrides any timeout set in the browser or on the server.
15 seconds should be more than enough. If a request is taking longer than that I'd suggest you change the pattern you're using to generate the response.
HTTP Request timeout is a server side configuration not a client side configuration. Requests submitted via Jquery code is no different.
You might want to have a test against the return code from the last request and add exception handling to your code (like resubmit the request)
Always check the response code and a common strategy is to rety.

Is there any option for setInterval()?

I am reading a file continuously after a some time as
$.getJSON("json/someFile.json", function(data){
// Some code
}, 5000);
I am reading this file continuously after a delay as it is getting updated in other part of the code. I want to avoid using setInterval().
Is there any way, by which I will be able to know that the file is updated and read it only when it is updated.
Firstly, setInterval is a native JavaScript method. It does not come from jQuery. Second what you've done is called polling. Meaning that you request some information periodically in order to keep it up to date. The alternative is using a WebSockets. Websockets are a two way connection between the client and the server, which can both push and receive messages. This way, you can send a socket message to the client whenever the file is updated in the backend.
I'm assuming you're talking about client side code. Then no: there is no way to "watch" a json file like you could have a file watcher in "regular" applications. You need either:
Interval-based checking as you're doing now. However, as suggested in comments by #George, you might be better off if you use setTimeout and only re-fire the Ajax request in specific situations (e.g. on success, perhaps not on failures); With your current approach the function may run on the interval, but if it takes longer than the interval timing to respond you get a build-up of requests;
Websockets (potentially with fallback to something like long-polling), perhaps using another library for that + the server-side part of this solution;
No other way I'm afraid.
As a footnote, this hasn't got much to do with jQuery. First, the setInterval is not of jQuery but a regular window function, and second the problem of "watching" a file isn't specific to how you're doing the Ajax call (you're using jQuery, but you could use another lib for it too).

Long Polling: How do I calm it down?

I'm working on a simple chat implementation in a function that has an ajax call that invokes a setTimeout to call itself on success. This runs every 30 seconds or so. This works fine, but I'd like a more immediate notification when a message has come. I'm seeing a lot of examples for long polling with jQuery code that looks something like this:
function poll()
I understand how this works, but this will just keep repeatedly sending requests to the server immediately. Seems to me there needs to be some logic on the server that will hold off until something has changed, otherwise a response is immediately sent back, even if there is nothing new to report. Is this handled purely in javascript or am I missing something to be implemented server-side? If it is handled on the server, is pausing server execution really a good idea? In all of your experience, what is a better way of handling this? Is my setTimeout() method sufficient, maybe with just a smaller timeout?
I know about websockets, but as they are not widely supported yet, I'd like to stick to current-gen techniques.
Do no pause the sever execution... it will lead to drying out server resources if lot of people try to chat...
Use client side to manage the pause time as you did with the setTimeout but with lower delay
You missed the long part in "long polling". It is incumbent on the server to not return unless there's something interesting to say. See this article for more discussion.
You've identified the trade-off, open connections to the web server, therefore consuming http connections (i.e. the response must block server side) vs frequent 'is there anything new' requests therefore consuming bandwidth. WebSockets may be an option if your browser base can support them (most 'modern' browsers
There is no proper way to handle this on the javascript side through traditional ajax polling as you will always have a lag at one end or the other if you are looking to throttle the amount of requests being made. Take a look at a nodeJS based solution or perhaps even look at the Ajax Push Engine which is PHP based.

How to perform Ajax requests, a few at a time

I am not really sure it is possible in JavaScript, so I thought I'd ask. :)
Say we have 100 requests to be done and want to speed things up.
What I was thinking of doing is:
Create a loop that will launch the first 5 ajax calls
Wait until they all return (success - call a function to update the dom / error) - not sure how, maybe with a global counter?
Repeat until all requests are done.
Considering browser JavaScript does not support thread, can we "exploit" the async functionality to do that?
Do you think it would work, or there are inherent problems doing that in JavaScript?
Yes, I have done something similar to this before. The basic process is:
Create a stack to store your jobs (requests, in this case).
Start out by executing 3 or 4 of the requests.
In the callback of the request, pop the next job out of the stack and execute it (giving it the same callback).
I'd say, the comment from Dancrumb is the "answer" to this question, but anyway...
Current browsers do limit HTTP requests, so you can even easily just start all 100 request immediately, and the browser will take care of sending those requests as fast as possible, but limited to a decent number of parallel requests.
So, just start them all immediately and trust on the browser.
However, this may change in the future (the number of parallel requests that a browser sends increases as end-user internet bandwidth increases and technology advances).
EDIT: you should also think and read about the meaning of "asynchronous" in a javascript context.. asynchronous here just means that you give up control about something to some other part of a system. so "sending" an async request just means, that you tell the browser to do so! you do not control the browser, you just tell it to send that request and please notify me about the outcome.
It's actually slower to break up 100 requests and batch post them 5 at a time whilst waiting for them to complete till you send the next batch. You might be better off simply sending 100 requests, remember JavaScript is single threaded so it can only resolve 1 response at a time anyways.
A better way is set up a batch request service that accepts something like:
And so on. Basically you send multiple requests in a single HTTP request. The response of such a request would look like:
Your ajax_batch service would resolve each request and send back the results in proper order. Client side, you keep track of what you sent and what you expect, so you can match up the results to the correct requests. Downside, it takes quite some coding.
The speed gain would come entirely from a massive reduction of HTTP requests.
There's a limit on how many requests you send because the url length has a limit iirc.
DWR does exactly that afaik.

jQuery: Using a single Ajax call, receive progressive statuses instead of one single response?

I'm just it possible to receive multiple responses from a single ajax call?
I'm thinking purely for aesthetic purposes to update the status on the client side.
I have a single ajax method that's called on form submit
url: 'ajax-process.php',
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'post',
success: function (j) {
I can only get one response from the server-side. Is it possible to retrieve intermittent statuses? Such as:
Default (first): Creating account
Next: Sending email confirmation
Next: Done
Thanks for your help! :)
From a single ajax call, I don't think it is possible.
What you could do is check frequently where the process is (it's what is used for the upload bars in gmail for example). You do a first ajax request to launch the process, and then a series of ajax request to ask the server how he is doing. When the server answers "I'm done", you're good to go, and until that you can make the server respond and say the current state.
There is something called comet which you can set up to "push" requests to client, however it is probably way more than what you are wanting to invest in, time-wise.
You can open up a steady stream from the server, so that it continues to output, however I'm not sure how client-side script can handle these as individual "messages". Think about it like a server that outputs some info to the browser, does more work, outputs some more to the browser, does more work, etc. This shows up more or less in real time to the browser as printed text. It is one long response, but it is still one response. I think ajax only handles a response once it finished being sent, but maybe someone else will know more than me on the topic.
But you couldn't have the server output several individual responses without reloading itself, at least not with PHP, because once you start outputting the response, the response has begun and you can't chop that up without finishing the response, which happens when the script is done executing.
Your best bet is with the steady stream, but again, I'm not sure how ajax handles getting responses in chunks.
Quick Update
Based on the notes for this plugin:
things don't look promising. Specifically:
Apparently the trend is to disallow access to the xmlhttprequest.responseText before the request is complete (stupid imo). Sorry there's nothing I can do to fix this
Thus, not only can you not get what you want in one request, you probably can't get it multiple requests, unless you want to break up the actual server-side process into several parts, and only have it continue to the next step when an ajax function triggers it.
Another option would be to have your script write it's status at specific points to another file on the server, call it "status.xml" or "status.txt". Have your first ajax function initialize the process, and have a second ajax function that queries this status file and outputs that to the user.
It is possible, but it has more to do with your backend script. As Anthony mentioned there is a tech called comet. Another term I've heard is called "Long polling". The idea is that you delay the time in which your php(insert language of choice) script finished processing.
In php you can do something like this:
while($response !== 'I'm done'){
return $some_value;
This code stops your script from completely finishing. sleep(1) allows the script to stop and lets the server rest for 1 millisecond, before it loops back through. You can adjust the sleep time based on your needs. In php the amount of time the script sleeps is not counted agains your server timeout time.
You'll obviously need to make more checks for you code. You'll probably also want to allow for an abort script call. Something like sending a get request to kill the backend script. Maybe on the javascript unload event.
In the tests that I've done. I made the initial ajax call, and when the value was returned, I made another ajax call, that way your back end script wont time out.
I've only played around with this on my local server, so i'm not sure how real world this is, but it works.

