changing CSS class definition - javascript

Suppose I have this class:
This class applies to several divs. I want to change the color of the background to orange by changing the color defined in MyClass.
Now, I know I could do $('.MyDiv').css('background', 'orange');
But my question is really this: how do I change the CSS class definition so that MyClass elements now have background:orange;? I want to be able to change several CSS color properties from one color to another.

Actually altering your stylesheet is pretty challenging. Much more easily, though, you can switch out your stylesheet for a different one, which may be sufficient for your purposes. See How do I switch my CSS stylesheet using jQuery?.
For actually altering the stylesheet content, How to change/remove CSS classes definitions at runtime? will get you started.

It is difficult to find the rule you want because you have to iterate through the document.styleSheets[i].cssRules array. (and compare your class name with the selectorText attribute)
So my solution to this problem is to add a new CSS class, remove the old CSS class from the HTML element and add this class instead of it.
var length = getCssRuleLength();
var newClassName = "css-class-name" + length;
//remove preview css class from html element.
$("#your-html-element").removeClass("css-class-name" + (length-1));
//insert a css class
insertCssRule("." + newClassName + ' { max-width: 100px; }', length);
function getCssRuleLength() {
var length = 0;
if (document.styleSheets[1].cssRules) {
length = document.styleSheets[1].cssRules.length;
} else if (document.styleSheets[1].rules) { //ie
length = document.styleSheets[1].rules.length;
return length;
function insertCssRule(rule, index) {
if (document.styleSheets[1].cssRules) {
document.styleSheets[1].insertRule(rule, index);
} else if (document.styleSheets[1].rules) { //ie
document.styleSheets[1].addRule(rule, index);

Here's my answer in case anyone stumbles upon this. Give your elements a new class name that doesn't already exist, then dynamically add a style segment:
var companyColor = 'orange' //define/fetch the varying color here
var style = '<style>.company-background {background-color: ' + companyColor + '; color: white;}</style>';
$('html > head').append($(style));
//give any element that needs this background color the class "company-background"

You have 2 options
add a new stylesheet that overrides this .MyClass
have a second class with the different property, and change the class Name on these elements

Looking at your question, I think a better approach is to switch MyClass with something else using JavaScript rather than to change the properties of the class dynamically.
But if you are still keen you can switch CSS stylesheets with jQuery

var changeClassProperty = function(sheetName, className, propertyName, newValue, includeDescendents) {
var ending = '$';
setValue = '';
if (includeDescendents === true) {
ending = '';
if (typeof(newValue) != 'undefined') {
setValue = newValue;
var list = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
var element = list[i];
if (element['href'] && element['href'].match(new RegExp('jquery\.qtip'))) {
var cssRules = element.cssRules;
for (j = 0, len2 = cssRules.length; j < len2; j++) {
var rule = cssRules[j];
if (rule.selectorText.match(new RegExp(className + ending))) {
cssRules[j].style.backgroundColor = setValue;
changeClassProperty('jquery.qtip', 'tipsy', 'backgroundColor', 'yellow');

You'd be much better off adding and removing classes instead of attempting to change them.
For example
.red {
background: red;
.orange {
background: orange;


how to update style properties in <style> tag using javascript [duplicate]

Is it possible to make changes to a CSS rule-set dynamically (i.e. some JS which would change a CSS rule-set when the user clicks a widget)
This particular CSS rule-set is applied to lots of elements (via a class selector) on the page and I want to modify it when the user clicks the widget, so that all the elements having the class change.
You can, but it's rather cumbersome. The best reference on how to do it is the following article: Totally Pwn CSS with Javascript (web archive link).
I managed to get it to work with Firefox and IE - I couldn't in Chrome, though it appears that it supports the DOM methods.ricosrealm reports that it works in Chrome, too.
This is a modern version based on Totally Pwn CSS with Javascript. It's ES6 I hope don't mind.
function getCSSRule(ruleName) {
ruleName = ruleName.toLowerCase();
var result = null;
var find = Array.prototype.find;, styleSheet => {
result =, cssRule => {
return cssRule instanceof CSSStyleRule
&& cssRule.selectorText.toLowerCase() == ruleName;
return result != null;
return result;
This function returns a CSSStyleRule that you can use like this:
var header = getCSSRule('#header'); = 'red';
Also document.styleSheets list references of the CSSStylesSheets Objects. Other way to acces a specific sytleSheet in the page is by assigning an id to the style or link element in the html code, and get it in javascript using document.getElementById('my-style').sheet. This are some useful methods:
Major Browsers and IE9+ : insertRule(), deleteRule(), removeProperty().
Major Browsers, Firefox? and IE9+ : setProperty().
<stye id="my-style" ...
var myStyle = document.getElementById('my-style').sheet
myStyle.insertRule('#header { background: red; }', 0);
It is also possible to dynamically create a new style element to store dynamic created styles, I think should be way to avoid conflicts.
You can edit CLASS in document styleshets as follows
[...document.styleSheets[0].cssRules].find(x=> x.selectorText=='.box')
.style.background= 'red';
function edit() {
[...document.styleSheets[0].cssRules].find(x=> x.selectorText=='.box')
.style.background= 'red';
.box {
margin: 10px;
padding: 10px;
background: yellow;
<button onclick="edit()" >Click me</button>
<div class="box" >My box 1</div>
<div class="box" >My box 2</div>
<div class="box" >My box 3</div>
I tried the code via link from #alex-gyoshev comment, but it dosn't work
it fails on the CSS rules with Google fonts in Chrome
it fails on FireFox security checks
So I changed it slightly, but deleted delete functionality since it wasn't needed for me. Checked in IE 11, FireFox 32, Chrome 37 and Opera 26.
function getCSSRule(ruleName) { // Return requested style object
ruleName = ruleName.toLowerCase(); // Convert test string to lower case.
var styleSheet;
var i, ii;
var cssRule = false; // Initialize cssRule.
var cssRules;
if (document.styleSheets) { // If browser can play with stylesheets
for (i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { // For each stylesheet
styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];
if (!styleSheet.href) {
if (styleSheet.cssRules) { // Browser uses cssRules?
cssRules = styleSheet.cssRules; // Yes --Mozilla Style
} else { // Browser usses rules?
cssRules = styleSheet.rules; // Yes IE style.
} // End IE check.
if (cssRules) {
for (ii = 0; ii < cssRules.length; ii++) {
cssRule = cssRules[ii];
if (cssRule) { // If we found a rule...
// console.log(cssRule);
if (cssRule.selectorText) {
if (cssRule.selectorText.toLowerCase() == ruleName) { // match ruleName?
return cssRule; // return the style object.
return false; // we found NOTHING!
Depending on what you're trying to achieve, a better solution might be to change/add a class to a containing element (body would do!), and define classes accordingly.
.yourclass { color: black } .yourclass { color: red } .yourclass { color: blue }
then you can just use
(or your chosen js framework's wrapper for the same) to change everything with class yourclass inside whatever your wrapper element is.
The APIs for editing stylesheets with JS are, sadly, not consistent across browsers. The YUI Stylesheet Utility attempts to smooth over these differences so you could just use that. You could also look at the source code to figure out how it works if you don't want to use YUI itself.
give your style tag an id, like <style id="ssID">
if someonelse is making your styles for you
tell THAT person to give the style tag an id -
that way you can access it directly without
scrambling around wondering what its index is
// create a hash table
var cssHash = {};
// loop through and populate the hash table
for (let i in (r = ss0.sheet.rules)) {
// selectorText is the name of the rule - set the value equal to the rule
cssHash[r[i].selectorText] = r[i];
now you have a hash table for everything in the style sheet -
note that some values will be undefined, but not for
any of the things you care about
if you have, for instance, a class called #menuItem
and you want to change its color to black, do this
cssHash['#menuItem'].style.color = #000;
that line will set the color of the style of the rule
whose index was looked up in the hash table (cssHash)
by the name '#menuItem'
more importantly, you probably have several different
classes that you want to change all at once
kind of like when you switched majors in college
let's say you have four different classes
and you want to set all of their background colors
to the same value, that some user selected from an input
the color selector tag is <input id="bColor" type="color">
and the class rules you want to change are called
#menuItem .homeAddr span and #vacuum:hover
// create a listener for that color selector
bColor.addEventListener('input', function (e) {
// loop through a split list of the four class names
'#menuItem .homeAddr span #vacuum:hover'.split(' ').forEach(function (obj) {
// use the hash table to look up the index of each name
// and set the background color equal to the color input's value
cssHash[obj].style.backgroundColor = bColor.value;
}, false); // false added here for the sake of non-brevity
While setAttribute is nice, there is a standard way of doing this across most browsers:
htmlElement.className = 'someClass';
To do it over many elements, you will need a cross browser solution:
function getElementsByClassName( className, context, tagName ) {
context = context || document;
if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName === 'function' )
return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== 'function' )
return [];
var elements = typeof tagName === 'string' ? context.getElementsByTagName( tagName ) :
ret = [];
for ( var i = 0, il = elements.length; i < il; i++ )
if ( elements[ i ].className.match( className ) )
ret.push( elements[ i ] );
return ret;
var elements = getElementsByClassName('someClass');
for ( var i = 0, il = elements.length; i < il; i++ )
elements[ i ].className = 'newClass';
You may want to replace the line:
if ( elements[ i ].className.match( className ) )
With some Regular Expression, but you will have to escape special characters in that case.
To check all stylesheets for the rule and set it:
Your rule:
.aaa: {
background-color: green
.find(i=>i.selectorText=='.aaa').style.backgroundColor = 'red';
Note that the css styles, when accessed through javascript, do not have dashes in them. In the example above, background-color becomes backgroundColor

Duplicate a CSS rule using JavaScript only

I have a list that is generated elsewhere and I cannot change that.
The indent level is via & nbsp;, however the font-size is the same for each indent and I would like to change the font-size based on the indent level.
Therefore, I need to duplicate a css rule and change the new id and the font-size.
The following is the HTM generated code, which I cannot change:
<style type="text/css">
span.text12Font1 {
font-family:"Arial", sans-serif;
<div id="text12">
<ul style="margin-left:4px;text-align:left;" >
<span class="text12Font1">Emphasize the beginning of the bullet point</span>
<span class="text12Font1"> </span >
<span class="text12Font1">As in this list, when the first few words capture the main idea</span >
<span class="text12Font1"> That way, readers can skim easily</span>
I can get each point and I can find all of the class names in each point.
What I need is the ability to duplicate a css class, give it a new id and just change the font-size.
I have the following so far:
function getNewClassName(className, newName, fSize){
var spanID = 'span.' + className;
//e.g.: span.text12Font1
for(var i=0; i<document.styleSheets.length; i++){
var sheet = document.styleSheets[i];
var cssText = sheet.ownerNode.innerText;
var posn = cssText.indexOf(spanID);
var oSheet = document.styleSheets[i];
var oRules = oSheet.cssRules ? oSheet.cssRules : oSheet.rules;
for(var r=0; r<oRules.length; r++){
// Here I have the rule that I want to duplicate, change it's name to newName and change the font-size.
// I must not change the existing rule and it must remain as it could be used elsewhere
return true;
return false;
See update at the bottom of this post for a reference to editing CSS through JavaScript
Can you add a CSS class with Javascript to the containing li items.
You could count the number of occurences in each li and give the li a CSS class accordingly.
Something like this:
span.text12Font1 {
font-family:"Arial", sans-serif;
.whitespace1 span.text12Font1 {
font-size: 12px;
.whitespace2 span.text12Font1 {
font-size: 8px;
JavaScript (I used jQuery for quick testing purposes)
function formatText(id) {
var $list = $('#' + id);
$list.find('li').each(function(i) {
var numWhitespaces = ($(this).html().match(/ /g) || []).length;
$(this).addClass('whitespace' + numWhitespaces);
An extensive explanation of how to manipulate stylesheets through JavaScript is available here:
AFAIK, you cannot duplicate a CSS rule with javascript. You can only apply a certain style on an element, but that will be applied within an inline style. So you can either change it by applying to the inline style or try something else.
I only know jquery way of doing that, that's by using $('.className').css('font', 'somefont')
I now have the following:
function duplicate_cssRule(passClassID, newClassID, fSize){
var nClassID = 'span.' + newClassID;
if(findCSS_Rule(nClassID)) return true; // Must have already done this one
var classID = 'span.' + passClassID.split(' ')[0]; // Might have multiple classes, we always want the first
var ruleObj = findCSS_Rule(classID)
if(!ruleObj) return false;
var cssText = ruleObj.cssText ? ruleObj.cssText :;
var posn = cssText.indexOf('{');
cssText = cssText.substr(posn+1).trim().split(';');
for(var i=0; i<cssText.length; i++){
var fontData = cssText[i].toLowerCase().trim(); // IE is uppercase
cssText[i] = 'font-size:' + fSize + 'px';
cssText = cssText.join(';');
cssText = cssText.substr(0,cssText.length-1);
if( styleSheet.insertRule ){
cssText = nClassID + ' {' + cssText + '}';
}else if(styleSheet.addRule){
return true;
var styleSheet;
function findCSS_Rule(classID){
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for(var i=0; i<sheets.length; i++){
styleSheet = sheets[i];
var styleRules = styleSheet.cssRules ? styleSheet.cssRules : styleSheet.rules;
for(var r=0; r<styleRules.length; r++){
if(styleRules[r].selectorText&&styleRules[r].selectorText.toLowerCase()==classID.toLowerCase()) return styleRules[r];
return false;
Works in all browsers, even IE8.

CSS style to inline style via JavaScript

I want to add all CSS styles of a specific element to its inline style attribute. For example:
I have:
<div id="d"></div>
#d { background: #444444; width: 50px; height: 20px; display: inline-block; }
Now I want a JavaScript function that turns my div into this:
<div id="d" style="background: #444444; width: 50px; height: 20px; display: inline-block;"></div>
Please help me. And, by the way, I don't want any CSS styles to re-write any existing inline style.
You can do something like this:
function applyStyle(el) {
s = getComputedStyle(el);
for (let key in s) {
let prop = key.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, v => v[1].toUpperCase());[prop] = s[key];
let x = document.getElementById('my-id');
Where x is the element you want to apply the style to.
Basically this function gets the computed style of the element and then copies each property (like padding, background, color, etc.) to the inline style of the element.
I don't know why you need to do this, but it's a really dirty approach in my opinion. I would personally advise against it.
It appears this library will do what you're looking for:
Convert a HTML element's computed CSS to inline CSS.
Uses Window.getComputedStyle internally.
This one?
function transferComputedStyle(node) {
var cs = getComputedStyle(node, null);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
var s = cs[i] + "";[s] = cs[s];
function transferAll() {
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
Simply call transferAll onload, or whereever.
I think the issue with the accepted answer (thank you for that!) is that one of the properties it tries to transfer on the element style from the Computed Style is the cssText.
If we exclude from the transfer cssText and also other properties that are actually methods, it works!
So building on the accepted answer and this answer, I've got:
var el = document.querySelector("#answer-25097808 > div > > div.s-prose.js-post-body > pre"); // change yourId to id of your element, or you can write “body” and it will convert all document
var els = el.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(var i = -1, l = els.length; ++i < l;){
el = els[i]
s = getComputedStyle(el)
for (let styleKey in {
for (let computedStyleKey in s) {
let computedStyleKeyCamelCase = computedStyleKey.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, v => v[1].toUpperCase());
if ((typeof[styleKey] != "function") && (styleKey != 'cssText')){
if(styleKey == computedStyleKeyCamelCase) {[styleKey] = s[computedStyleKey];
P.S.: the above code should run in the Developer Tools console (tried it in Chrome)
Using jQuery it can be done easily. Here is the sample code:
If you are new in jQuery and you don't know how to add and work then follow this link
$("#d").css('background-color', '#444444').css('width', '50px').css('height', '20px').css('display', 'inline-block');
For javascript code I am not confident but for jQuery I am sure that it will work.
Correct me if I am wrong.

Use javascript to add a CSS class to all elements with another class name

I am trying to use javascript to add a Class to all elements with a different Class. I know you might think this is redundant but for the situation i am in it is needed. i need a way to look though all elements with that class name and add the class but I don't understand how to get a count? I am working with a cms to where I cannot change the styling in the class it self.
$(document).ready(function () {
var ClassBtn = document.getElementsByClassName("buttonSubmit");
ClassBtn.className = ClassBtn.className + " btn";
Since it appears you are using jQuery:
Live Demo
$(document).ready(function () {
Without jQuery:
Live Demo
window.onload = function() {
var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("buttonSubmit"),
len = buttons !== null ? buttons.length : 0,
i = 0;
for(i; i < len; i++) {
buttons[i].className += " btn";

Change the CSS value from a file

I have a keyboard.css file and a keyboard.js file, I am trying to change a css rule
.ui-keyboard div { font-size: 1.1em; }
I want to change the font size. is there a way to do this without using
$(".ui-keyboard div").css()?
I want to change the value before the element is rendered, I want to pass the value in the construction of an element
zoomLevel: 2
Edit: to clarify this a bit, the goal is to have a way to change the font-size, without having to go and edit the value on the CSS. I want to create an option in the library that does this:
Inside the constructor I check for options and I change the element,
//set Zoom Level
//Change CSS Here.
Maybe you're looking for something like CSSStyleSheet's insertRule and deleteRule.
Here is some code I wrote a while ago to let me modify CSS rules
function CSS(sheet) {
if ( === 'CSSStyleSheet') this.sheet = sheet;
else if ( === 'HTMLStyleElement') this.sheet = sheet.sheet;
else throw new TypeError(sheet + ' is not a StyleSheet');
CSS.prototype = {
constructor : CSS,
add: function (cssText) {
return this.sheet.insertRule(cssText, this.sheet.cssRules.length);
del: function (index) {
return this.sheet.deleteRule(index);
edit: function (index, cssText) {
var i;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
if (index >= this.sheet.cssRules.length) return this.add( cssText );
i = this.sheet.insertRule(cssText, index);
if (i === index) this.sheet.deleteRule(i + 1);
return i;
You'd use it by giving the constructor CSS your <style> node, or it's StyleSheet directly, then using .edit with the index of the rule and the new rule you want. e.g.
// get StyleSheet
var mycss = new CSS(document.querySelector('style[src="keyboard.css"]'));
// edit rule 0
mycss.edit(0, '.ui-keyboard div { font-size: 5em; }');
Add the following css to the element, initially you wont display it until you run through your library change the style properties then display it.
.ui-keyboard div {
font-size: 1.1em;
display: none;
You can also change the font size without jQuery by doing something like:
[element].style.fontSize = "25px";

