parse rss feed using javascript - javascript

I am parsing an RSS feed using PHP and JavaScript. First I created a proxy with PHP to obtain the RSS feed. Then get individual data from this RSS feed using JavaScript. My issue with with the JavaScript. I am able to get the entire JavaScript document if I use console.log(rssData); with no errors. If I try to get individual elements within this document say for example: <title>, <description>, or <pubDate> using rssData.getElementsByName("title"); it gives an error "Uncaught TypeError: Object....has no method 'getElementsByName'". So my question is how to I obtain the elements in the RSS feed?
Javascript (Updated)
function httpGet(theUrl) {
var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", theUrl, false);
return xmlHttp.responseXML;
// rss source
var rssData = httpGet('');
// rss values
var allTitles = rssData.getElementsByTagName("title"); // title
var allDate = rssData.getElementsByTagName("pubDate"); // date

Try changing the last line of the httpGet function to:
return xmlHttp.responseXML;
After all, you are expecting an XML response back. You may also need to add this line to your PHP proxy:
header("Content-type: text/xml");
To force the return content to be sent as XML.


Only parse necessary html data and skip unwanted html data

I am working on a script that gets a url and parses all of its html. But it only uses the "data-style-name" "href" "data-sold-out" and the "select".
this is how I parse the html:
function loadHTMLSource(urlSource) {
xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", urlSource, false);
return xhttp.response;
var page_html = loadHTMLSource(url);
parser = new DOMParser();
my_document = parser.parseFromString(page_html, "text/html");
and Im only pulling info from these html things
Is it possible to pull only these certain html things. So I don't end up pulling data that I don't need?
Any help is appreciated. Thank You.

Get innerHTML from XMLHttpResponse

I'm trying to write a chrome extension that will get a value from a current page, then use that information to go to another page and pull a specific element from the html response. I can get the html response fine, but I'm unable to parse the html response to get the specific element.
function getTicketInfo(){
var ticketURI = document.getElementById("p3_lkid").value;
var ticketNumber = document.getElementById("p3_lkold").value;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',"remotePage.html",true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){
function handleResponse(xhr)
function handleResponse(xhr){
var contactElement = xhr.getElementById("CF00N80000005MAX6_ileinner");
<div id="CF00N80000005MAX6_ileinner">
Text I need!
How can I get this value from the external page? Is there a better way to request this information?
Your XHR response is a string, and not a DOM.
With jQuery you'll be able to convert it to a DOM, and query it.
function handleResponse(xhr){
This is as simple as not parsing the HTML response to a DOM object. According to MDN, this is how you parse XML (Or HTML, and with Vanilla JavaScript):
var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(xhr, "text/xml");
And then using the new DOM Object doc for accessing elements.
var contactElement = doc.getElementById("CF00N80000005MAX6_ileinner");
I also noticed you spelled childNodes wrong, but that isn't the main problem.

Internet Explorer 8 parse XML doesn`t work on huge response size

I have a huge page with really lots of data. Sometimes I need to reload this data using Ajax, so ajax request:
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
this._request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
this._request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
Then, I access this data with request.responseXML. I faced a problem, when size of responsibility more than 800k characters.
IE doesnt generate responseXML, its just empty XMLObject, but in responseText everithing is OK. I`ve tried to parse XML using the following code:
if (request.responseXML) {
var responseXML = request.responseXML;
//TODO: for huge xml responses some versions of IE can't automaticly parse XML
if (O$.isExplorer && responseXML && !responseXML.firstChild) {
var originalResponseText = request.responseText;
if (window.DOMParser) {
var parser = new DOMParser();
responseXML = parser.parseFromString(originalResponseText, 'text/xml');
} else {
responseXML = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
responseXML.async = false;
But I faced the same problem.
Then, I tried to parse XML using jQuery:
responseXML = jQuery.parseXml(request.responseXML);
But the problem is still the same, everything is fine when the response length small, but for huge response I still get empty XML object with the parse error inside.
errorCode : -2147467259
filepos : 814853
reason : “Unspecified error\r\n”;
I check those position inside response string and everything is correct, just some ordinal symbol. Also I’ve recheck XML lots of time and I am sure that it’s valid. I don’t know what to do at all.
Also I tried to write my own xml parser, but I think that this is problem has more simple solution.
Thanks in Advance.
It would seem that IE notoriously has difficulties parsing XML data, and there may not be that much you can really do about it. A work around is that you can try to parse the XML data with IE, and if it fails, construct a new parser that will construct XML data out of the plaintext (which as you mentioned will work seemingly regardless of size). Take a look at the similar problem and answer here. It boils down to (pseudocode)
function() {
var XMLdata = reponse.XMLdata;
If (XMLdata.error) {
var parser = construct new DOMParser;
XMLdata = parser.XMLparse(response.plaintext);
return XMLdata;

Load external URL content using pure Javascript

The following JQuery gets content of an external url:
var url = '';
I do not want to use JQuery. How would I do this using normal javascript?
You can use XMLHttpRequest object for this.To make a request:
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
The 'URL' is the url you want to execute/open.
The 3rd parameter is for async request, it can be either true or false.
And to get the result in #storeArticlePublish_Channel element, you can simply use this in the next line:
document.getElementById("storeArticlePublish_Channel").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;

When is a JavaScript function without a name called? And is it possible to explicitly call it

I'm new to JavaScript and I'm not too familiar with the syntax.
I want to know how the function
Data is split into distributions and relations - so append them
/*** Read in and parse the Distributome.xml DB ***/
var xmlhttp=createAjaxRequest();
var xmlDoc, xmlDoc1;"GET","distributome-relations.xml",false);
xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML;
xmlDoc1 = xmlhttp.responseXML;
var node = xmlDoc.importNode(xmlDoc1.getElementsByTagName("references").item(0), true);
traverseXML(false, null, DistributomeXML_Objects, distributome.nodes, distributome.edges, distributome.references, distributomeNodes, referenceNodes);
if (!xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement && xmlhttp.responseStream)
var ontologyOrder = xmlhttp.responseXML;
//console.log("firstread: xmlDoc: " xmlDoc);
I'm trying to print the contents of xmlDoc so I can examine the contents the next time I assign values to the variable so I know that I am creating a valid document.
For the purposes of clarification - I am using ProtoVis and want to redraw the nodes after I upload an XML file containing some data.
The first issue I need to fix is creating a valid xmlDoc so that I can display newer information and so wanted to view xmlDoc contents so I could compare it to the next time xmlDoc is assigned a value using the file uploaded.
Thanks for your time!
Edit: I realised that the console.log was missing a comma.
Edit: My question is when the function is executed - given as I can't explicitly call it
Your syntax is wrong. You are missing a + to concatenate the strings:
console.log("firstread: xmlDoc: " + xmlDoc);

