how to insert array into javascript inside zend_form - javascript

i need to pass an array from my zend action to the view, possibly by using ajax, which is yet to be decided. in order to do that, i need to insert a script element and inside it define javascript variable, to which i will then pass my php array to, but i'm having trouble inserting script element into a zend_form. what is the easiest way to include this code into my phtml script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var obj = <?php echo json_encode($php_array); ?>;

You can use the view helper inlineScript() to pass java script to your view.
in your action $this->inlineScript()->setScript('java script here');
echo this out in your view <?php echo $this->inlineScript() ?>
you can also use the json() helper to pass json to the java script in your view.

RockyFord's solution is overly complex IMO. Just assign the PHP array to any view variable and add the code you posted (modified to use view variable) to the end of the view script - just after echoing the form.
$this->view->php_array = array(...);
echo $this->form;
<script type="text/javascript">
var obj = <?php echo json_encode($this->php_array); ?>;
It will work as you expect.
Using JSON view helper is not ideal to use beacuse it modifies the headers and also disables layout by default. You can replace json_encode with Zend_Json::encode to make it work even without json_extension loaded in PHP.


Jquery and AJAX script to run a PHP script in the background to avoid any refreshing

I have built a follow/unfollow Twitter like system using PHP. Now I would like to run the follow-unfollow PHP script in the background using AJAX/JQUERY to avoid refreshing the page when you follow/unfollow a user. To make things simpler, I will be here just using the example of “unfollow”. As you notice, I am running an iteration to output all the members in the database. I am outputting here (as well for simplicity) just the member’s name and an unfollow button to each one.
This is the code using php.
<?php foreach($members as $member){ ?>
<p class="member_name"><?php echo $member->name; ?></p>
<p class="follow_button">Unfollow</p>
<?php } ?>
$unfollow=Following::unfollow($id, $unfollow_id); //Function that will make the changes in the database.
// $id argument will be gotten from a $_SESSION.
I am trying to achieve the same result running unfollow.php in the background to avoid any refreshing. This is what I have come up with, as you might imagine it is not working properly. I am including the Jquery script inside the iteration which I think is the only way of obtaining the $member->id property to then assign it to the Jquery variable.
<?php foreach($members as $member){ ?>
<p class="member_name"><?php echo $member_name; ?></p>
<button type="button" class="unfollow_button" id="unfollow">Unfollow</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Get value from input element on the page
var memberId = "<?php $member->id ?>";
// Send the input data to the server using get
$.get("unfollow.php", {unfollow_id: memberId} , function(data){
// Success
<?php } ?>
Can you provide me any help for this to work?
Thanks in advance.
Remember, in HTML, id attributes have to be unique.
Because you're rendering multiple members on a single page, you should not use an id selector in jQuery, but a class selector (e.g. button.unfollow). If you use #unfollow, you'll run into ID conflicts between each of the members' buttons.
First, render all of your members with unfollow buttons without ids. I'm adding the member_id in the markup using a data attribute called data-member_id.
<?php foreach($members as $member) { ?>
<p class="member_name"><?=$member_name?></p>
<button type="button" class="unfollow_button" data-member_id="<?=$member->id?>">Unfollow</button>
<?php } ?>
Then add a single click handler for all button.follow buttons, which extracts the member_id from the clicked button's data-member_id attribute and sends it to the server.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("button.unfollow_button").on('click', function() {
// Get value from input element on the page
var memberId = $(this).attr('data-member_id');
// Send the input data to the server using get
$.get("unfollow.php", {unfollow_id: memberId} , function(data) {
// Success
On a side-note, you should probably look into building a RESTful service for this, to which you can post proper HTTP requests using
See here for an intro on REST in PHP I wrote a while back:
Create a RESTful API in PHP?

Pass XML configuration file to JavaScript via cached HTML

I need to pass data from an XML configuration file to JavaScript. The application needs to work entirely offline (I'll be using application cache and localstorage) and I was planning to generate the page using PHP. Is there an easy way to place the XML in the outputted document in such a way that it will not interfere with standard HTML parsing but still be easily accessible using JavaScript.
If, as suggested by the comments, you can use json instead, then you can set it to an html tags data attribute:
<?php $settings = array('name'=>'john');?>
<div id="mydiv" data-settings="<?php echo json_encode($settings); ?>"> <!-- --> </div>
Then retrieve it in javascript:
var mydiv=document.getElementById('mydiv');
var settings=JSON.parse(mydiv.dataset.settings);
alert(; //alerts john
or simply echo it into a script tag:
<script type="javascript">
var settings=<?php echo json_encode($settings); ?>;

How to execute javascript without click or onload event from php?

I have one javascript named func.js, in that there is one function called show which takes 2 arguments, what I need to do is I want to call that function from php, I can't use any click or onload event here my script looks like this
<script type='text/javascript' src='path/to/func.js'></script>
some div etc
<form method='post' action="" >
<!-- after submit of form validation is in php -->
/* here I want to call javascript, where arguments are php variables
show('argument1','argument2'); */
// I tried to echo like this
echo "<script>show('$argument1',$argument2')</script>";
So what's the solution for my case ?
The code you have should work… most of the time. Unfortunately, you haven't told us why it doesn't work - is there a PHP error? Is there a JS error? — and you haven't shown us either the resulting JavaScript that PHP is outputting or the contents of the variables so we can figure it out for ourselves.
The two most likely explanations (and the only ones that occur to me at the moment) for the problem are:
There is a problem with the data in the variables
That the variables contain characters which cannot appear inside JavaScript strings or ' characters which must be escaped inside JavaScript strings.
JSON is a sufficient subset of JavaScript that the json_encode function will escape (and quote) most data so it is suitable for use in JS.
show(<?php echo json_encode($argument1); ?>, <?php echo json_encode($argument2); ?>)
There is a problem with your timing
You have an HTML comment saying "after submit of form validation is in php", but there is nothing in the code you have shared to enforce that.
You need to have something like if (isset($_POST['some_data_from_your_form'])) { ... } wrapped around the generation of the script so it only appears when the form is submitted and not when it initially loads.
If that doesn't work, then you really do need to look at what the variables are, what the generated JS is, and what your JavaScript error console says.
Script elements are not allowed after the end of the HTML element. While browsers will recover from that error, you really should move the script inside the BODY.
It could be to do with the data inside the arguments, what sort of data is it?
echo "<script>show('".str_replace("'", "\'", $argument1)."', '".str_replace("'", "\'", $argument2)."')</script>";
If you're passing information such as J'min it will cause an issue. Does the data have multiple lines? Then it needs to be filtered.
First of all, your tags are broken
<script type='text/javascript' href='path/to/func.js'</script>
You should change href to src and close the script tag, so it becomes
<script type='text/javascript' src='path/to/func.js'>
Also, javascript is client-sided which means you can't call javascript functions in PHP.
I think a good solution here would be to use an AJAX call to validate your form.
Have you tried putting the arguments outside the quotes?
echo "<script>show('".$argument1."', '".$argument2."')</script>";
echo '<script type="text/javascript">show(' . $argument1 . ',' . $argument2 . ');</script>';
above might work for you.

Wordpress, PHP, Javascript, how to get variable within a js function?

Purpose: passing html hidden input variable into javascript function.
Working on a wordpress plugin and got stuck with javascript.
Here's hidden input I am trying to get, which is variable_product_id. This gets set when an user selects an dropdown options dynamically.
<form class="hello">
<input type="hidden" name="variation_id" value="">
Outside of form class hello, there's plugin function in below, and I am trying to get and set "variation_id" right after product_id within "wp.CheckoutButton.apply".
if( !is_user_logged_in() )
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" >
var temp = document.getElementsByName('variation_id');
\"\":\"\" });
"wp.CheckoutButton.apply" prints button on the screen which will pass product_id that I am passing.
It's been working with no variable product options within woocommerce, for variable product, I have to get the selected hidden variation_id when an users changes values(dropdown input).
Can I use document.getElementsByName('variation_id');?
If so, how can I pass 'variation_id' within "wp.CheckoutButton.apply" function?
Is "+temp" within apply function legal?
A possible duplicate of this :
php variable into javascript
Sometimes, some data is needed in js files / js code like the base url of the site. In this case, it is best practice to create a JS variable within the header html tag. In your header tags, create a variable like below :
var baseUrl = <?php echo get_site_url(); //if get_site_url echos the result itself, then no need to use echo ?>
Now, in all of your JS files and inline js code you will have this variable and you can use it. Simply it is a global js variable (i just made it up, dont know if js has :P )
Now you can use that variable every where in your js files and js codes.
Notge : Please create baseUrl variable at top most of the header tag or some where, so that no js file is included before it.
**Edit : **
Now to get variation_id from your form element, add id to your element as below:
<input type="text" name="variation_id" id="variation_id" value="" />
In js using jquery :
var variation_id = $("#variation_id").val();
and in wp.CheckoutButton.apply , instead of temp, use variation_id. It is correct i think, but try it.
Hope this will help.
For that you need to create a localize script that can help to call a site url in js file or js function.

How can I use a theme option in a JS file?

I'm creating a Wordpress theme and have added an option which allowed users to change a font family using (simplified code): update_option('mytheme_font', $_POST['mytheme_font']);
How do I then get the value of that option in a JS file of the theme? I need it because I'm using Cufon to replace some H1's and H2's. Thanks!
You have four options I suppose.
Output your javascript to your page inside script tags. Easiest
<?php echo 'var x = 3;' ?>
Output the variable to your page and then read that from your javascript file. Clunky, but does mean you don't have to create some js globals.
<div id="x" style="display: none;">3</div>
var x = document.getElementById('x').innerHTML();
[Added] - Use AJAX to request the data and parse after page load.
Last and I don't recommend it, but setup php to parse .js files to dynamically produce javascript files. This way you could place a <?php ?> call in your .js files.
You could echo some thing like this in the <head> of the header.php
$defaultThemeFont = "myDefaultValue";
$userThemeFont = get_option("mytheme_font");
if($defaultThemeFont == NULL)
$userThemeFont = $defaultThemeFont
<?php echo "var mytheme_font = $userThemeFont;"; ?>
Now you can access this variable from any JS file

