Javascript Phone number validation Paratheses sign - javascript

I did some searching and there where others asking this question and answers to it but none that seemed to fit what I was trying to do. Basically I'm working on a validation of the phone entry that accepts (123)4567890 as an entry. I've already implemented one that accepts a simple number string such as 1234567890 and one with dashes 123-456-7890. I know I'm making a simple mistake somewehre but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Here's the phone number with dashes form that is working:
//Validates phone number with dashes.
function isTwelveAndDashes(phone) {
if (phone.length != 12) return false;
var pass = true;
for (var i = 0; i < phone.length; i++) {
var c = phone.charAt(i);
if (i == 3 || i == 7) {
if (c != '-') {
pass = false;
else {
if (!isDigit(c)) {
pass = false;
return pass;
and this is the one I can't manage to work out.
function isTwelveAndPara(phone) {
if (phone.length != 12) return false;
var pass = true;
for (var i = 0; i < phone.length; i++) {
var c = phone.charAt(i);
if (i == 0) {
if (c != '(') {
pass = false;
if (i == 4) {
if (c != ')') {
pass = false;
else {
if (!isDigit(c)) {
pass = false;
return pass;

You can do it very easily with regex:
return !!phone.match(/\(\d{3}\)\d{7}/g)
The code you had didn't work because you forgot the else if:
else if (i == 4) { // Added the "else" on the left.

Checking phone number with RegEx is certainly the way to go. Here is the validation
function that ignores spaces, parentheses and dashes:
check_phone(num) {
return num.replace(/[\s\-\(\)]/g,'').match(/^\+?\d{6,10}$/) != null}
You can vary the number of digits to accept with the range in the second regular expression {6,10}. Leading + is allowed.

Something like that (a RegExp rule) can make sure it matches either rule.
var numbers = ['(1234567890','(123)4567890','123-456-7890','1234567890','12345678901'];
var rule = /^(\(\d{3}\)\d{7}|\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}|\d{10})$/;
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
var passed = rule.test(numbers[i].replace(/\s/g,''));
console.log(numbers[i] + '\t-->\t' + (passed ? 'passed' : 'failed'));
function isDigit(num) {
return !isNaN(parseInt(num))
function isTwelveAndPara(phone) {
if (phone.length != 12) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < phone.length; i++) {
var c = phone.charAt(i);
if (i == 0) {
if (c != '(') return false;
} else if (i == 4) {
if (c != ')') return false;
} else if (!isDigit(c)) return false;
return true;
// or...
function isTwelveAndPara(phone) {
if (phone.length != 12 || phone.charAt(0) != '(' || phone.charAt(4) != ')') return false;
for (var i = 1; i < phone.length, i != 4; i++) {
if (!isDigit(phone.charAt(i))) return false;
return true;


Error in validating my password with Javascript

I am trying to check my user inputted password with a series of if statements and boolean variables within a function. It seems like my if statements are not modifying my boolean variables. Could someone tell me why?
I was trying to use (/[a-zA-z]/).test(pValue.charAt(0))) as a boolean to see if the first character entry was a lower or upper case letter, but that didn't work either.
document.querySelector("#enter").addEventListener("click", validate);
function validate(e) {
var count = false;
var firstChar = false;
var hasNum = false;
var special = false;
var pValue = document.querySelector("#passwrd").value;
var pLength = pValue.length;
if(pLength > 4 && pLength <= 8) {
count = true;
if( === [65 - 90]) === 0) {
firstChar = true;
for(var j = 0; j < pLength; j++) {
if(pValue.charAt(j) == "$" || pValue.charAt(j) == "%" || pValue.charAt(j) == "#") {
special = true;
for(var i = 0; i < pLength; i++) {
if(!isNaN(pValue.charAt(i))) {
hasNum = true;
if(count && firstChar && hasNum && special) {
document.querySelector("#show_word").textContent = pValue;

How to make multiple conditions inside single filter

I am trying to make a filter based on checkboxes.
The thing is js ignoring other conditions inside filter when one is active
filterData() {
return this.airlines.filter(x => {
if (this.filters.options.length != 0 || this.filters.airlines.length != 0) {
for (let i = 0; this.filters.options.length > i; i++) {
if (this.filters.options[i] == 0) {
return x.itineraries[0][0].stops == 0;
if (this.filters.options[i] == 1) {
return x.itineraries[0][0].segments[0].baggage_options[0].value > 0;
} else {
return x;
I know that return will stop the current loop, but is there any way to do it correctly?
Update-1: (When to filter record for every case checked OR case)
Replace for loop and all conditions in a single return by && for if and || condition for data:
var chbox = this.filters.options;
return $.inArray(0, chbox) != -1 && x.itineraries[0][0].stops == 0
|| $.inArray(1, chbox) != -1 && x.itineraries[0][0].segments[0].baggage_options[0].value > 0;
Hope this helps !!
$.inArray(value, arr) method will check for each checkboxes and will work for every checked ones .
Update-2 (When to filter record for every case checked AND case)
As per comment below, you are trying to use checkbox on demand so use below code:
var chbox = this.filters.options;
boolean condition = true;
if ($.inArray(0, chbox) != -1) {
conditon = conditon && x.itineraries[0][0].stops == 0;
if ($.inArray(1, chbox) != -1) {
conditon = conditon && x.itineraries[0][0].segments[0].baggage_options[0].value > 0;
return condition;
Your filter function is returning an object, which ideally should be a boolean value. Please refactor the code as below.
filterData() {
return this.airlines.filter(x => {
let result = false;
if (this.filters.options.length != 0 || this.filters.airlines.length != 0) {
for (let i = 0; this.filters.options.length > i; i++) {
if (this.filters.options[i] == 0) {
result = x.itineraries[0][0].stops == 0;
} else if (this.filters.options[i] == 1) {
result = x.itineraries[0][0].segments[0].baggage_options[0].value > 0;
return result;

making custom validation for password field in react

I am making a custom registration page with only 2 values Email and Password, later I will add confirm password as well, for my password field I have some restrictions and I am using some regex and also some custom made code to make the validation.
this is my validateField:
validateField(fieldName, value) {
let fieldValidationErrors = this.state.formErrors;
let emailValid = this.state.emailValid;
let passwordValid = this.state.passwordValid;
//let passwordValidConfirm = this.state.passwordConfirmValid;
switch(fieldName) {
case 'email':
emailValid = value.match(/^([\w.%+-]+)#([\w-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})$/i); = emailValid ? '' : ' is invalid';
case 'password':
passwordValid = (value.length >= 5 && value.length <= 32) && (value.match(/[i,o,l]/) === null) && /^[a-z]+$/.test(value) && this.check4pairs(value) && this.check3InRow(value);
fieldValidationErrors.password = passwordValid ? '': ' is not valid';
this.setState({formErrors: fieldValidationErrors,
emailValid: emailValid,
passwordValid: passwordValid,
//passwordValidConfirm: passwordValidConfirm
}, this.validateForm);
as you can see for
I have made some methods, this one
doesnt work the way I want it to work, this one makes sure, you have at least 3 letters in your string that are in a row so like "abc" or "bce" or "xyz".
var counter3 = 0;
var lastC = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if((lastC + 1) === value.charCodeAt(i)){
if(counter3 >= 3){
return true;
counter3 = 0;
lastC = value.charCodeAt(i);
return false;
this doesnt work correctly so it should accept this:
as a password but not:
You are starting your counter from 0 and looking for greater than equal to 3 which will never be 3 for 3 consecutive characters. Rest everything is fine with your code.
check3InRow(value) {
var counter3 = 1;
var lastC = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if ((lastC + 1) === value.charCodeAt(i)) {
if (counter3 >= 3) {
return true;
} else {
counter3 = 1;
lastC = value.charCodeAt(i);
return false;
Can we not do a simple version of that function? Like
function check3InRow2(value){
for (var i = 0; i < value.length-2; i++) {
const first = value.charCodeAt(i);
const second = value.charCodeAt(i+1);
const third = value.charCodeAt(i+2);
if(Math.abs(second - first) === 1 && Math.abs(third-second) === 1){
return true;
return false;
I mean complexity wise it is O(N) so maybe we can give this a try
Also adding the your function. When you are AT a char then you should consider counter with 1. Because if another one matches it will be 2 consecutive values.
function check3InRow(value) {
var counter3 = 1;
var lastC = value.charCodeAt(0);
for (var i = 1; i < value.length; i++) {
if ((lastC + 1) === value.charCodeAt(i)) {
if (counter3 >= 3) {
return true;
} else {
counter3 = 1;
lastC = value.charCodeAt(i);
return false;

Faster Evaluating IF Condition of JavaScript

Back to the basics of JavaScript. This is a question I am coming with is based on computation time speed of JavaScript If condition.
I have a logic which includes usage of if condition. The question is computing equal to value is faster OR not equal to value is faster?
if(vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderFlag !== '' && vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderedOn !== null)
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = true;
} else
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = false;
The above one computes not equal to
if(vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderFlag === '' && vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderedOn === null)
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = false;
} else
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = true;
The above one computes equal to value
which of both these is faster in execution?
Why don't you try it out? Write to your console this:
function notequal() {
if(vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderFlag !== '' && vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderedOn !== null)
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = true;
else {
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = false;
function yesequal() {
if(vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderFlag === '' && vm.currentFeedbackObject.sendReminderLists[0].sendReminderedOn === null)
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = false;
else {
vm.isReminderSectionVisible = true;
var iterations = 1000000;
console.time('Notequal #1');
for(var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
console.timeEnd('Notequal #1')
console.time('Yesequal #2');
for(var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
console.timeEnd('Yesequal #2')

code does not validate email from a form, in javascpricpt

hi i font know if this is the right place to ask this question but i have a problem with my code that i cannot figure out. i have tried many different algorithms and none work. i am trying to validate email from a form.
here is the code (form is in html)
function isValidString(str) {
var quot = "\"";
if (str.indexOf(quot) != -1)
return false;
var badStr = "$%^&*()_+[]{}<>?אבגדהוזחטיכךלמםנןסעפצקרשת";
var i = 0,
while (i < str.length) {
p = badStr.indexOf(str.charAt(i));
if (p != -1)
return false;
return true;
function isValidEmail()
var str = document.getElementById("email").value;
document.write("email from isValidEmail(str) = " + email);
if (isEmpty(str) || str.length < 5) {
alert("isEmpty(str) || str.length < 5 = false");
return false;
if (!isValidString(str)) {
alert("!isValidString(str) = false");
return false;
var atSign = str.indexOf('#');
if (atSign == -1 || str.lastIndexOf('#') || atSign === 0 || atSign == str.length - 1) {
alert("atSign == -1 || str.lastIndexOf('#') || atSign == 0 || atSign == str.length - 1 = false");
return false;
var dotSign = str.indexOf('.', atSign);
if (dotSign == -1 || dotSign === 0 || dotSign == str.length - 1 || dotSign - atSign < 2) {
alert("dotSign == -1 || dotSign == 0 || dotSign == str.length - 1 || dotSign - atSign < 2 = false");
return false;
return true;
no matter what i input it always comes back valid.
here is the part where i apply it:
var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
if (emailcheck(email)) {
alert("invalid email");
return false;
return true;
thanks in advance
An example of using the parser library mentioned in my comment.
var eAddr = document.getElementById('eAddr'),
check = document.getElementById('check'),
pre = document.getElementById('out');
check.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
pre.textContent = !!emailAddresses.parseOneAddress(eAddr.value.trim());
}, false);
<script src=""></script>
<input id="eAddr"></input>
<button id="check">Test pattern</button>
<pre id="out"></pre>
Note: this will accept Goodhertz Inc <> as it stands and you would need to further check the object returned by parseOneAddress to filter these out.
You don't call the rigth function i. e. call
var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
if (isValidString(email)) {
alert("invalid email");
return false;
return true;
instead of
var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
if (emailcheck(email)) {
alert("invalid email");
return false;
return true;
Using Regular expression is the best method for validating input elements. Below function can validate email perfectly.
function regExValidate_Email(id) {
var email = document.getElementById(id).value;
if (email != '') {
var regExforEmail = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/;
if (regExforEmail.test(email)) {
$("#" + id).css("background-color", "#ffffff");
return true;
else {
alert('Please enter a valid email id. \nex:');
document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor = '#feffea';
document.getElementById(id).value = '';
Ctrlid = id;
setTimeout("document.getElementById(Ctrlid).focus()", 1);
return false;
else { document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor = 'white'; }
<script src=""></script>
Email: <input type="email" onblur="return regExValidate_Email(" id="txtEmail" />

