How to get previous page URL in javascript? - javascript

How can I design a function that will track the previous page a user has viewed. It will be should be designed to be called on each page.
I will be using a cookies for sure and also they should expire at the end of the visit.
How to achieve that ? I am new to JavaScript :(

If you can explain why you need it, we may find a better solution.
You can use histroy.back() function, i think this would help you.

Document referrer will do this, you can then choose to do what ever you want with this url.


Javascript to detect domain and redirect

I'm hoping someone can help me, this HAS to be possible.
My work uses Shopify to run three ecommerce stores for three separate brands.
To make things easier for many reasons operationally I have merged the three stores into one.
I need to redirect the existing brand domain names to the appropriate page in the new store. For example needs to go to
What I'd like to do is detect which domain name the customer is coming from and redirect them.
Is anyone able to help me out with the script beyond
if(document.domain == "")
Thanks so much!
You can do window.location = 'http://URL'; to redirect someone in javascript
This is pretty trivial. You can use window.location.hostname to get the hostname of the current page (source). and redirect using window.location.replace to redirect (source).
case "":

Jquery to pull the URL of a webpage

I am looking for a way to use Jquery (or any other open source script) to pull the URL of a particular webpage. I am working on a service that will pull the original URL of any webpage - consider a scenario where I load but have entered in the address bar (without pressing enter key) - the script should be able to validate if the the URL on the address bar is the same as the actual URL or if it is different.
There is no way to do this. And there better not be any in the making. There is no reason to need such information, and it's a violation of user privacy.
No dear, Absolutely no way to do this.
and i agree with #bjb568 , its definitely violation of user privacy.
you can get the current page URL in your script.
But why you need this kind of functionality.?
i will advise you to find any alternative of your requirement,
You can get the current location of the page using regular Javascript, but I do not think you can get the currently typed address bar, although I do not see where you should ever need to.
In response to everyone on here saying it is a breach of user privacy: I don't think grabbing the URL or the typed address bar on the current page is a breach of privacy or security unless you are somehow able to change the address bar to make it seem like you are on a different site - like being on and it saying you are on But, from the OP's original question, it just seems like he wants to get the information; not change it.
Using Javascript, you can use var location = document.location.href
The closest you can get to change the addressbar is window.history.pushState(), but browsers have a security settings that do not allow domains outside of the current domain to be used.
My first question that comes to mind: "Why on earth does he want to do that???" If it was possible you would have to interact with each browser directly which is not possible.
jQuery is just a client-language that interprets with each browsers "engine" (that handles rendering of html, javascript etc) and not the browser itself (menus, settings etc). Secondly, if it would work: How often would you check? Each keypress? Every 10 seconds? It would not be doable in a proper way - even if it was possible.
I think you should rethink your issue and try to explain why you want to do this. It might be other (better) solutions that would handle your issue in a better way.

Redirect based on last visited website

At the moment i'm trying to make a new script that is based on the last visited website of the user. If last visited website is x, then it needs to redirect to another page.
User clicks on a link on my Facebook fan-page and lands on the homepage. The Javascript now needs to take an action and redirect the user to another page. But only if the user came from[fanpage]
Is it possible to create something like this in Javascript?
Thanks a lot,
You could use document.referrer like this:
if ('[fanpage]' == document.referrer) {
location.href = 'new_destination.html';
If Facebook doesn't do some kind of referrer blocking, then use document.referrer to get the referring page.
(It sounds like that might be something better accomplished server-side, though, in which case you would use the Referer [sic] header.)
I wouldn't rely on referrers sent by the browser. They can be turned off.
Why don't you pass a special parameter in your URL?

Redirect if not coming from a referring domain

I am wanting to set up a javascript to accomplish the following:
A user opens up a bookmarked webpage and the script checks whether or not it came from a referring domain (say, and if not redirects them automatically to The goal is so that only when users come from the site will the page come up. Hope this makes sense.
I would normally use PHP for this but can't for this project so we're stuck doing this with javascript.
Look into document.referrer to get the referrer's URL, extract the domain from it and then validate.
I didn't quite get the part of "opens up a bookmarked" since it has been said that knowing that much is not easily accomplished Is there a way to know if someone has bookmarked your website?
..but to inspect where it came from I would look into How do you get the previous url in Javascript?
plus then make your own if else stuff and use window.location.href = "your_site_url"; to direct him the page you wanted, job done!

Test browser history before going back via javascript?

I'm playing around with using some javascript to add extra functionality to a back button on my website. Right now I have a set of javascript that looks like this:
$(".back-link a").live("click", function(){
return false;
Now, it works great but I'm trying to make it as bulletproof as possible and one issue I foresee is that if someone lands on a project page and hasn't come to it via my home page then going back in their history one step will take them off my site. Obviously, this isn't what I want.
My guess is it would be a simple case of doing an if-statement but I'm not sure what or how to test for it. I suppose I could just test to make sure the base of the URL is my site but I'm not sure how.
Any tips or directions would be great.
No, it's not at simple as that. You can use the history collection to go back or forward, but you can't get the URLs in the history.
The only information that you can obtain about where the user comes from is the HTTP_REFERER string in the request header, but you have to use server side code to get that.

