Getting Olson timezone ID information from browser via javascript [duplicate] - javascript

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Javascript/PHP and timezones
It is possible to get the Olson timezone id from javascript on the client's machine e.g. (America/New York). I know that PHP can do this via the timezone object, something like this. $timezone->getLocation(); Does similar functionality exist for JS?
I know that you can grab the timezone offset of the client as followed:
var curdate = new Date();
var offset = curdate.getTimeZoneOffset();
But I need more granular information provided by the Olson Id. Thank you for your help.

You can't directly access timezone in JavaScript. You can, however, measure offsets reported at several different specific dates to deduce what exactly time zone is in use by comparing regular and daylight savings times to database of zones. There's a jsTimezoneDetect library that can do most of this work for you.


How to get timezone abbreviation only from offset in java script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Getting the client's time zone (and offset) in JavaScript
(33 answers)
Get timezone abbreviation using offset value
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Using Javascript, is there a way to get a user's timezone name (PDT, EST, etc.) based on the user's device?
Code I tried:
const timezone = jstz.determine()
const userTimezone =
But I would like to get back the user's timezone name in PDT, EST, etc. instead of America/New_York.
Using moment.js with the moment-timezone add-on, you can do the following. The results will be consistent regardless of browser or operating system, because the abbreviations are in the data provided by the library.
The example results are from a computer set to the US Pacific time zone:
var zone =; // "America/Los_Angeles"
var abbr ="z"); // either "PST" or "PDT", depending on when run
Time zone abbreviations are not reliable or consistent. There are many different lists of them, and there are many ambiguities, such as "CST" being for Central Standard Time, Cuba Standard Time and China Standard Time. In general, you should avoid using them, and you should never parse them.
Also, the abbreviations in moment-timezone come from the IANA TZ Database. In recent editions of this data, many "invented" abbreviations have been replaced with numerical offsets instead. For example, if your user's time zone is Asia/Vladivostok, instead of getting "VLAT" like you may have in previous versions, you will instead get "+10". This is because the abbreviation "VLAT" was originally invented by the tz database to fill the data, and is not in actual use by persons in the area. Keep in mind that abbreviations are always in English also - even in areas where other language abbreviations might be in actual use.

Convert to datetime to local timezone javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to convert Moment.js date to users local timezone?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am building an app using node.js + postgresql. My postgresql stores dates in the format:
When the date is returned to the browser, I want the date to be returned in the timezone of the user. Is there a way I can do this? I found moment.js but I'm not sure if it actually detects a user/browser's timezone for the conversion or not...
Can someone help? Thanks in advance!
If you want suport multitimezone, you should have in db unix timestamps.
Moment js Is really good lib for an time calculation.
Moment js can detect browser timezone.
Of course you always use vanilia like

Best way to deal with dates based on location. SQL/JS [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I handle time zones in my webapp?
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Simple scenario:
John Doe lives in California and posts a comment.
Jane Doe lives in Maryland and views the comment.
I'm used to dealing with local based websites and usually use GETDATE(). What's the best way to deal with this so that John and Jane see the date based on their time location? Do I send a parameter to the SQL query based on a javascript function to grab their timezone? Is there a better way?
A good example is Facebook. How do they deal with all the different time zones? Is it client side? server side? etc.
The handling is usually two fold. To handle it on server side, you'll need reliable time zone information. This is usually obtained from the user's preferences for time zone in their profile page.
Having said that we need to make sure that all date data captured on client side and when stored in DB is in UTC format. JS functions have a ready support for the UTC datetime.
When you store you use UTC() method in JS to get date.
When displaying back either you supply the time-zone equivalent from DB(based on stored user time zone data) or use JS to get it from the browser locale like this
<script type="text/javascript">
function showDateInClientSideFormat(dValue)
var d = new Date()
var n = d.getTimezoneOffset();
var dateClientSide = new Date(dValue +n);
return dateClientSide;
Also see my answer here

Create New JavaScript Date Object With Different Timezone During Initialization [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to initialize a JavaScript Date to a particular time zone
(20 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have seen a lot, really a lot of post to find out a solution for my problem, but i couldn't get it, so decided to create a question.
My Question is how do we actually create a new javascript date object in different timezone, not in local timezone
i know we could create local date object and convert it to different timezone in number of ways, but i dont want to convert instead i need to create in specific timezone.
here is simple example for my problem,
Say, user has choosen a timezone "America/New_york", so all the dates in a calendar page will be shown in that timezone.
Now, if we create a event at "05:00 pm" , how do we actually create date with time 5 pm in "America/New_york" timezone,
if we use new Date() (assume browser is in different timezone say "Asia/Kolkata"), then converting it to "America/New_york" will not get "5:00pm" in that timezone , instead it will get corresponding time of "05:00 pm IST" in that timezone which will have different hour & minute value.
Any suggestion would be helpful!
The short answer is you can't.
A Date object is just an accessor to the system time settings (so it will use the local computer timezone anyway). You can then manipulate your dates by substracting the local timezone using getTimezoneOffset(), or forcing a time with setUTCHours().
Note that moment.js is a good alternative to handle dates and timezones:

How to convert datetime from the users timezone to EST in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to initialize a JavaScript Date to a particular time zone
(20 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a web application that has a dynamic javascript calendar, which allows users to set events for a given data and time. I need to push notifications to the users, so I need to convert the date time and timezone they entered, into Eastern Standard Time, so that my notifications are sent out at the correct time.
I would like to do this in javascript, so that when the data time value gets to the php, it's in the right format, before being added to the database.
So to summarize, I need to convert a javascript datatime and timezone, which I get by capturing the users datatime, as a full UTC date, to my servers timezone, which is EST - New York.
Any help or direction on this matter, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks :)
Pl check this script
function convertToServerTimeZone(){
offset = -5.0
clientDate = new Date();
utc = clientDate.getTime() + (clientDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
serverDate = new Date(utc + (3600000*offset));
alert (serverDate.toLocaleString());
I would draw the EST timezone offset into the page while you're rendering it (via PHP) and then grab the UTC time on the client and offset it by the amount you've drawn in. Otherwise, if your server ever moves timezones your page will suddenly be reporting the wrong time.
I just did this recently though, and found that the simplest way to handle this is to actually use mySQL (I'm assuming that's your DB), and just let IT convert the timezone for you while you're entering the date stamp. Unless you're worried this is too tasking and you're trying to absolutely reduce the work your db is doing, I'd go that route, rather than muck about trying to do manual TZ conversions in JS.

