Recursively call "parent" constructors in Javascript? - javascript

I am working on a webapp that has something like a class hierarchy created through prototype-based inheritance. We're constantly adding features to a common ancestor "class" so its constructor signature is constantly expanding.
Each time we change the ancestor's signature, we'll also have to propagate the changes to thedescendants' constructors. This is obviously a maintainability problem, so I created a function that extracts the arguments for the parent from the arguments object and calls the parent using Function.apply().
The code looks like this:
BaseClass.prototype._super = function(args) {
args =, this.constructor.length);
this.parentConstructor.apply(this, args);
and used like this:
function Child(child_arg1, child_arg2 /*, implicit parent args */) {
(I can't use arguments.caller.arguments because the code is strict mode.
this.parentConstructor is set by the function building the class hierarchy.)
Unfortunately, this only works for one level of inheritance: for example, if A's parent class B has its own parent class C, when B calls _super, this.parentConstructor still points at B which means B will end up calling itself in an infinite loop.
If I store the parentConstructor field with the constructor Functions objects (instead of in the prototypes), I'll have to pass in the current calling function. This will make the line calling super tightly coupled to the surrounding function, which I am trying to avoid.
Thus does anyone know any better ways?

I asked a related question a couple days ago and Kamyar Nazeri's answer helped me a lot.
The way to avoid your problem is to define _super in a closure where the new constructor is defined so that it always references the correct parent object. The following pattern has worked very well for me:
var BaseClass =
create: function() // Basically a constructor
var obj = Object.create({});
obj.someProperty = "initial value based on arguments";
return obj;
var Child = (function buildChild(){
var obj = BaseClass.create("some value", "another argument")
, _super = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
// override BaseClass.create()
obj.create = function()
var obj = _super.create.apply(this, arguments);
// Child specific initializations go here
return obj;
return obj;
})(); // note that this gets called right away
var c = Child.create("some argument", "another thing");
console.log(BaseClass.isPrototypeOf(c)); // true
Note that for older browsers you will need to provide shims for Object.create() and Object.getPrototypeOf(). I've found this ECMAScript 5 shim to be helpful. I typically only pull out the shims that I'm using.


Variable privacy in Javascript's behaviour delegation pattern

Since my last question, I've been studying Javascript's prototype model and trying to get rid of the OOP vision I inherited from other languages (pun slightly intended).
I went back to basics and read Crookford's Javascript: The Good Parts, along with You Don't Know JS material and decided to stick with the so called behaviour delegation.
Restructuring my previous example implementing behaviour delegation and namespacing, I wrote:
var GAME = {};
(function(namespace) {
var Warrior = {};
Warrior.init = function(weapon) {
Warrior.getWeapon = function() {
return this.weapon;
Warrior.setWeapon = function(value) {
this.weapon = value || "Bare hands";
namespace.Warrior = namespace.Warrior || Warrior;
(function(namespace) {
var Archer = Object.create(namespace.Warrior);
Archer.init = function(accuracy) {
Archer.getAccuracy = function() {
return this.accuracy;
Archer.setAccuracy = function(value) {
this.accuracy = value;
namespace.Archer = namespace.Archer || Archer;
So, everytime I copy a new Archer object:
var archer1 = Object.create(GAME.Archer);
only this object will be created, conserving memory.
But what if I don't want to expose "accuracy" attribute? The attribute would only increase by calling a "training()" method or something similar. I tried to use var accuracy inside the anonymous function, but it turns into kind of static variable, all instances of Archer would share the same value.
The question: Is there any way to set a variable as private while still keeping behaviour-delegation/prototypal pattern?
I do know of functional pattern as well, Here I succesfully achieved variable privacy, at the cost of memory. By going functional, every new "archer" instance generates a new "Warrior" and then a new "Archer". Even considering that Chrome and Firefox have different optmizations, testings on both report that the Delegation/Prototypal pattern is more efficient:
If I go with the pure-object delegation pattern, should I just forget the classic encapsulation concept and accept the free changing nature of properties?
I would try to answer your question with something that is slightly different then this one that tells you how to use a library.
Different in that it will(hopefully) give you some ideas of how can we tackle the problem of private vars in OLOO ourselves. At least to some extent, with our own code, no external lib needed, which could be useful in certain scenarios.
In order for code to be cleaner I've striped your anonymous wrapper functions, since they are not related to problem in any way.
var Warrior = {};
Warrior.warInit = function (weapon){
Warrior.getWeapon = function(){
return this.weapon;
Warrior.setWeapon = function (value){
this.weapon = value || "Bare hands";
var Archer = Object.create(Warrior);
Archer.archInit = function (accuracy){
Archer.getAccuracy = function (pocket) {
return pocket.accuracy;
Archer.setAccuracy = function (value, pocket){
pocket.accuracy = value;
function attachPocket(){
var pocket = {};
var archer = Object.create(Archer);
archer.getAccuracy = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]);
return Archer.getAccuracy.apply(this, args)
archer.setAccuracy = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]);
return Archer.setAccuracy.apply(this, args);
return archer;
var archer1 = attachPocket();
archer1.archInit("accuracy high");
console.log(archer1.getAccuracy()); // accuracy high
archer1.setAccuracy("accuracy medium");
console.log(archer1.getAccuracy()); // accuracy medium
Test code above here. (and open your browser console)
1 ) General practice in OLOO about naming functions on different levels of prototype chain is apposite from OOP. We want different names that are more descriptive and self documenting, which brigs code that is cleaner and more readable. More importantly, by giving different names we avoid recursion loop:
Archer.init = function(accuracy, pocket){
this.init() // here we reference Archer.init() again, indefinite recurson. Not what we want
Archer.archInit = fucntion (accuracy, pocket){ // better,
this.warInit() // no name "collisions" .
2 ) We've created an attachPocket() function that creates internal variable pocket. Creates new object with Object.create() and sets it's prototype to point to Archer. Pause. If you notice, functions that required a private var we have defined so that each of them take one more parameter(pocket), some use just pocket. Here is the trick.
By making wrapper functions like archer.setAccuracy(), archer.getAccuracy()
... we can create closures and call directly functions that need
private var (here pocket) and pass it to them as an argument.
Like so:
function AtachPocket(){
var pocket = {};
archer.setAccuracy = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]); // appending pocket to args
return Archer.setAccuracy(this, args);
Essencially by doing this we are bypassing what would have been a normal search for functions in prototype chain, just for functions that have need for a private var. This is what "call directly" refers to.
By setting the same name for a function in archer("instance") like it is in prototype chain (Archer) we are shadowing that function at the instance level. No danger of having indefinite loops, since we are "calling directly" like stated above. Also by having the same function name we preserve the normal, expected behaviour of having access to same function in an "instance" like it is in a prototype chain. Meaning that afther var archer = Object.create(Archer) we have access to function setAccuracy like we would if it had been normal search for function in prototype chain.
3 ) Every time attachPocket() is invoked it creates a new "instance" that has those wrapper functions that pass a pocket argument (all as an internal detail of implementation). And therefore every instance has own, unique, private variable.
You would use functions in an "instance" normally:
archer1.archInit("accuracy high"); // Passing needed arguments.
// Placed into pocked internally.
archer1.getAccuracy(); // Getting accuracy from pocket.
Up to now all we have is function that "attaches a pocket" with hardcoded values like Archer.setAccuracy, Archer.getAccuracy. What if we would like to expand prototype chain by introducing a new object type like this var AdvancedArcher = Object.create(Archer), how the attachPocket is going to behave if we pass to it AdvancedArcher object that might not even have setAccuracy() function? Are we going to change attachPocket() each time we introduce some change in prototype chain ?
Let's try to answer those questions, by making attachPocket() more general.
First, expand prototype chain.
var AdvancedArcher = Object.create(Archer);
AdvancedArcher.advInit = function(range, accuracy){
AdvancedArcher.setShotRange = function(val){
this.shotRange = val;
More generic attachPocket.
function attachPocketGen(warriorType){
var funcsForPocket =,1); // Take functions that need pocket
var len = funcsForPocket.length;
var pocket = {};
var archer = Object.create(warriorType); // Linking prototype chain
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){ // You could use ES6 "let" here instead of IIFE below, for same effect
var func = funcsForPocket[i];
archer[func] = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]); // appending pocket to args
return warriorType[func].apply(this, args);
return archer;
var archer1 = attachPocketGen(Archer,"getAccuracy","setAccuracy");
archer1.advInit("11","accuracy high");
console.log(archer1.getAccuracy()); // "accuracy high";
archer1.setAccuracy("accuracy medium");
Test the code here.
In this more generic attachPocketGen as first argument we have a warriorType variable that represents any object in our prototype chain. Arguments that may fallow are ones that represent names of functions that need a private var.
attachPocketGen takes those function names and makes wrapper functions with same names in archer "instance". Shadowing, just like before.
Another thing to recognise is that this model of making wrapper functions and using apply() function to pass variables from closures is going to work for functions that use just pocket, functions that use pocket and other variables, and when ,of course, those variables use the relative this reference in front of them.
So we have achieved somewhat more usable attachPocket, but that are still things that should be noticed.
1) By having to pass names of functions that need private var, that usage implies that we(attachPocketGen users) need to know whole prototype chain (so we could see what functions need private var). Therefore if you are to make a prototype chain like the one here and just pass the attachPocketGen as an API to the programmer that wants to use your behaviour-delegation-with-private-variables, he/she would had to analyse objects in prototype chain. Sometimes that is not what wee want.
1a) But we could instead, when defining our functions in prototype chain (like Archer.getAccuracy) to add one property to them like a flag that can tell if that function have need for a private var:
Archer.getAccuracy.flg = true;
And then we could add additional logic that checks all functions in prototype chain that have this flg and fills the funcsForPocket.
Result would be to have just this call:
var archer1 = attachPocketGen(AdvancedArcher)
No other arguments except warriorType. No need for user of this function to have to know how prototype chain looks like, that is what functions have need for a private var.
Improved style
If we are to look at this code:
Archer.archInit = function (accuracy){
We see that it uses "pocket" function setAccuracy. But we are not adding pocket here as last argument to it because setAccuracy that gets called is shadowed version, the one from instance. Becouse it will be called only from an instance like so archer1.archInit(...) That one is already adding a pocket as last argument so there is on need to. That's kinda nice, but the definition of it is:
Archer.setAccuracy = function (value, pocket){ ...
and that can be confusing when making objects in prototype chain like Archer.archInit above. If we look the definition of setAccuracy it looks like we should it. So in order not have to remember that we don't have to add pocket as last arg in functions (like archInit) that use other pocket functions, maybe we should to something like this:
Archer.setAccuracy = function (value){
var pocket = arguments[arguments.length -1];
pocket.accuracy = value;
Test the code here.
No pocket as last argument in function definition. Now it's clear that function doesn't have to be called with pocket as an argument wherever in code.
1 ) There are other arguably minor stuff to refer to when we think about more general prototype chain and attachPocketGen.Like making functions that use pocket callable when we dont wan't to pass them a pocket, that is to toggle pocket usage to a function, but in order not to make this post too long, let's pause it.
Hope this can give you view ideas for solution to your question.

Will defining functions within the constructor consume more memory than attaching it to prototype?

This would presumably be the safest way (Case A):
var myClass = function() { };
myClass.prototype = {
doSomething : function() { alert('Something'); }
This is the alternative (Case B):
var myClass = function() {
this.doSomething = function() { alert('Something'); };
I'm under the impression that by doing this as shown in Case B, doSomething would be a member, and the function would be defined once for each myClass object I instantiate so that it will exist 100 times in memory for 100 instances, whereas in Case A the function will only exist in one place in memory and different instances will merely reference the prototype.
Am I understanding this correctly?
As a bonus question: When doing it as in Case B, chrome developer gives me intellisense for doSomething, but I must expand __proto__ for an instance to see it. How come it doesn't show up on the object itself? That is, why doesn't prototype members show on the object, but get stuck back down on __proto__? I would have preferred if the __proto__ stack would get flattened and show up on the object directly. Is there another Case that will allow this to happen?
Firstly, in case B, you are merely creating a global function, not attaching it to the instance. You meant:
this.doSomething = function() { }
Secondly, the first will be faster. Though I can't find the link now, jQuery honcho John Resig did a detailed blog post on this showing speed tests on prototypal inheritance of methods vs. methods declared on the instance. Inheritance was notably faster.
In terms of ethos, I've always much favoured inheritance. This is the place for reusable, cross-instance functionality. Adding it to each instance has the sole benefit of allowing you to declare methods inside a single, convenient closure, in your constructor, but that's it.
If this is your reason for liking pattern B, it's possible to do this whilst still a) having the methods inherited; b) not redeclaring them at every instantiation.
function SomeClass() {
if (!SomeClass.prototype.someMethod) {
SomeClass.prototype.someMethod = function() {}
This will slightly slow down the initial instantiation, though, as it is responsible for setting up the prototype - not really the job of an instantiation process.
There is also a programmatical difference to be aware of between your two cases:
function SomeClass(name) {}
SomeClass.prototype.someMethod = function() {};
var instance = new SomeClass();
console.log(!!instance.someMethod); //true
console.log(instance.hasOwnProperty('someMethod')); //false
The last line is false because the method is inherited, not owned by the instance. With your pattern B, this will resolve to true.
Correct: defining methods in the prototype will create 1 function object, and every instance will reference that 1 function. Defining it in the constructor creates a new function for each instance
Your code needs some work. The way you're defining the constructor, the doSomething function is defined as a global add var to counter that. This still doesn't set doSomething as a property though, it's just a function declared within the scope of the constructor (closure). This is why it doesn't show up in your instance as a method: the function is not attached to this, but even when fix this issue like so, you're still creating new function objects for each instance:
function MyConstructor()//capitalize constructors - conventions are important
var someMethod = function(){/*..*/};
this.someMethod = someMethod;
Utkanos pointed out what the implications of inheritance and prototype methods are (.hasOwnProperty), and he's absolutely right in that respect (+1). I'd just like to add that the hasOwnProperty method returning false is a trivial matter. Generally speaking, when iterating over an object, and checking which properties and methods are set, and which are not. What you want in most cases are properties, not the methods. So it's in fact better to set them at the prototype level:
for(var name in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name))
//do stuff, here the methods are set # prototype level
if (obj.hasOwnPrototype(name) && typeof obj[name] !== 'function')
//same stuff, but requires extra check when methods are assigned by constructor

Creating functions for an object in javascript

As far as I can tell, there are two main ways of creating functions for an object in javascript. They are:
Method A, make it in the constructor:
function MyObject() {
this.myFunc1 = function() {
this.myFunc2 = function() {
Method B, add it to the prototype:
function MyObject() {
MyObject.prototype.myFunc1 = function() {
MyObject.prototype.myFunc2 = function() {
Obviously if you did:
MyObject.myFunc3 = function() {
then myFunc3 would become associated with MyObject itself, and not any new objects created with the new keyword. For clarity, we'll call it method C, even though it doesn't work for creating new objects with the new keyword.
So, I would like to know what the differences between the two are. As far as I can tell they have the same effect logically, even if what's happening on the machine is different.
If I were to guess I would say that the only real difference is when you're defining them in the constructor like in method A, it creates a whole new function object for each object that's created, and Method B only keeps one copy of it (in MyObject), that it refers to any time it's called. if this is the case, why would you do it one way over the other. Otherwise, what is the difference between method A and method B.
The advantage of giving a separate function to each object is that you can close over variables in the constructor, essentially allowing for "private data".
function MyObject(a,b) {
var n = a + b; //private variable
this.myFunc1 = function() {
function MyObject(a,b) {
this.n = a + b; //public variable
MyObject.prototype.myFunc1 = function() {
Whether this is a good idea or not depends on who you ask. My personal stance is reserving constructor functions for when I actually use the prototype, as in option #2 and using plain functions (say, make_my_object(a,b)) when using closures, as in option #1.
The idea is that you can modify the prototype at any time and all objects of the type (even those created before the modification) will inherit the changes. This is because, as you mentioned, the prototype is not copied with every new instance.
The MyObject in method A is an instance for inner functions.
You cannot call its functions explicitly outside of it unless object (you can call it a class) was instantiated.
Assume this:
MyObject.MyFunc1(); // will not work
var obj = new MyObject();
obj.MyFunc1(); // will work
so this is the same as any class in other languages. Describing usefulness of classes and their usages goes beyond that question though.
Also to notice:
function MyObject() {
var privateVar = "foo";
this.publicProperty = "bar";
// public function
this.publicFunc = function() {
// private function
function privateFunc () {
For method B it's same as with method A, the only difference is prototyping is a style of creating object. Some use prototypes for readability or out of preference.
The main advantage in prototypes is that you can extend existing object without touching the original source. You need to be careful with that though.
(as example Prototype framework)
For method C you can call them a static functions. As you said they can be called explicitly by referring through object like:
So which one to use depends on situation you're handling.

How can i create a JS Object that I can call any method on?

I want to create a javascript object that I can call any method on, without having to define them. Ideally i could call it as if it were a function, and it would call one function i've defined with the name of the function called as its argument.
So i would define an object with a callMethod(methodName) method, and when i called
It would call thisObject.callMethod("doAThing");
is this possible in javascript?
No, that isn't possible. If a JavaScript object doesn't have a property then you can't treat the undefined value as a method.
In Firefox at least, you can use the magic method __noSuchMethod__ to accomplish your goal:
var o = {}
o.__noSuchMethod__ = function(id, args) { alert(id + args); },3) //will alert "foo" and "2,3"
Please note that this is not standard and is under consideration for removal, so it will not be added to V8.
Original Post (sorry, should have asked this question in q comments):
I'm having trouble seeing the point. If callMethod has access to a 'doAThing' method somewhere, why couldn't you just plug that in on instantiation of the object or whenever callMethod's sources had a new method added?
Not trying to badger you. Just trying to see if maybe somewhere in the mad mad mad world of the call/apply/prototype paradigm it's possible to accomodate what you're hoping to achieve some other way.
Edit added after this comment:
I want to create a proxy object that delegates its calls to another
object. – msfeldstein
Okay, prototype may be the answer then as it basically does act as a fallback for methods the object itself doesn't have. Every function has a prototype property that's just a plain vanilla object basically. When functions are used as constructors, methods and properties assigned to the constructor prototype become a fallback for constructor instances when you call properties on them that they don't have. You can add properties to that prototype object and they will effectively become available to instances that have already been created. So I'm thinking something like this in the case of associated objects:
//A js constructor is just a function you intend to invoke with the 'new' keyword
//use of '' will make that property public in the instance
//var effectively makes it private
//Constructors funcs differ from classes in that they don't auto-handle inheritance down to other constructors. You have to come up with a prototype merging scheme to do that.
function MyFacadeConstructor(){ //expected args are objects to associate
var i = arguments.length; //arguments is a collection of args all funcs have
var thisObj = arguments[i];
//makes it public method but allows function hoisting internally
this.associateObjMethods = associateObjMethods;
function associateObjMethods(obj){
for(var x in obj){
if(obj[x] === 'Function'){ //normalize for <= IE8
MyFacadeConstructor.prototype[x] = obj[x];
//or if we literally want the other method firing in its original context
//MyFacadeConstructor.prototype[x] = function(arg){ obj[x](arg); }
//Not sure how you would pass same number of arguments dynamically
//But I believe it's possible
//A workaround would be to always pass/assume one arg
//and use object literals when multiple are needed
function FirstNameAnnouncer(){
this.alertFirst = function(){
var fNamer = new FirstNameAnnouncer();
var newFacade = new MyFacadeConstructor(fNamer);
//newFacade.alertFirst should work now;
//but we can also associate after the fact
function LastNameAnnouncer(){
this.alertLast = function(){ alert('Reppen'); }
var lNamer = new LastNameAnnouncer();
//now newFacade.alertLast should work
Now, if you want the context of the calling object to matter, I would recommend an event driven interface, which is something JS is very well suited to. Let me know if there's any aspects of the facade approach you're looking for that I haven't implemented here.
You can use Proxy object to intercept any method call.
function proxifyMethodCalls(obj) {
const handler = {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
return function (...args) {
console.log(`Intercepted '${prop}' with arguments ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
return new Proxy(obj, handler);
let obj = {
callMethod: (methodName) => {
console.log(`'callMethod' called with '${methodName}'`);
obj = proxifyMethodCalls(obj);

Baffling JavaScript Inheritance Behavior

What follows is the fruits of a thought experiment. What I'm doing
isn't the issue; the symptoms are. Thank you.
I've finally wrapped my head around constructors, prototypes, and prototypal inheritance in JavaScript. But the SomethingSpectactular method in the sample below bugs me:
function FinalClass() {
return {
FinalFunction : function() { return "FinalFunction"; },
TypeName : "FinalClass",
SomethingSpectacular : function() {
FinalClass.prototype = new SubClass();
FinalClass.constructor = FinalClass;
var f = new FinalClass();
The reasons this bugs me are:
JavaScript apparently doesn't scan the prototype chain the same way for methods as it does for properties. That is, f.SubFunction() generates an error.
To get to a method on a prototype, you have to go through at least 3 dot operations every time you want to do it. FinalClass DOT prototype DOT Subfunctino DOT call. You get the point.
Base class (prototype) methods aren't showing up in Intellisense the way I'd expect them to. This is highly annoying.
So the thought experiement was to determine what would happen if I wrote a version of inherits that inserted stub functions onto the subclass that delegated back to the prototype for you. For example, it would automatically create the following function and add it to FinalClass:
function SubFunction() {; }
Now, I've got just about everything mapped out and working. The inherits method, which is an extension to both Object.prototype and Function.prototype, takes a Function as its sole argument. This is the base class. The subclass is determined by analyzing Object.prototype.inherits.caller.
From there, I set the prototype and constructor on the subclass, and then start analyzing the methods on the subclass's new prototype. I build an array containing the methods on both the prototype and the base class's public interface. The end result is a nice array that contains the methods that are exposed through either the prototype or by the base class constructor's return statement.
Once I have that, I start looking for each method on the subclass. If it's not there, I add it to the subclass with the same name and signature. The body of the method, however, simply forwards the call to the base class.
Now, I can step through all this code and it works marvelously, up until I instantiate instances of the subclasses. That's when things get wonky. Here's what I've observed using Visual Studio 2008 (SP1) and Internet Explorer 8:
Prior to instantiation, BaseClass exposes no public methods. This is to be expected. The methods exposed via a class constructor's return statement won't appear until it's instantiated. I'm good with that.
Prior to instantiation, SubClass exposes the methods from BaseClass. This is exactly what I expected.
Once I declare an instance of BaseClass, it has all the members I would expect. It has its typeName and BaseFunction methods.
Once I declare an instance of SubClass, it has only those methods returned by its constructor's return statement. No members from the base class are present. All the work that was done in the inherits method to map base class methods to the subclass appears to have been lost.
The big mystery for me here is the disappearance of the methods that I added to SubClass during the execution of inherits. During its execution, I can clearly see that SubClass is being modified, and that BaseClass's functions are being propagated. But the moment I create an instace of SubClass, that information is no longer present.
I am assuming this has something to do with the constructor, or order of events, or something else that I am simply not seeing.
A Final Note: This project arose as an effort to understand the complexities of JavaScript and how its prototypal inheritance system works. I know there are existing libraries out there. I know I'm reinventing the wheel. I'm reinventing it on purpose. Sometimes, the best way to understand a thing is to build it yourself. This has already been a tremendous learning experience, but I'm just stumped at this one particular point.
sti.objects.inherits = function inherits(baseClass) {
var subClass = sti.objects.inherits.caller;
var baseClassName = sti.objects.getTypeName(baseClass);
var methods = sti.objects.getMethods(baseClass);
baseClass.typeName = baseClassName;
var subClass = sti.objects.inherits.caller;
var subClassName = sti.objects.getTypeName(subClass);
var temp = function() {};
temp.prototype = new baseClass();
subClass.prototype = temp.prototype;
subClass.constructor = subClass;
subClass.typeName = subClassName;
subClass.baseClass = baseClass.prototype; // Shortcut to the prototype's methods
subClass.base = baseClass; // Cache the constructor
for(var index = 0; index < methods.items.length; index++) {
var resource = methods.items[index].getFunction();
var methodName = methods.items[index].getName();
if(methodName != "" && ! sti.objects.isDefined(subClass[methodName])) {
var method = sti.objects.createOverride(baseClassName, resource);
subClass[methodName] = method;
if(typeof subClass.prototype[methodName] == "undefined") {
subClass.prototype[methodName] = method;
Object.prototype.inherits = sti.objects.inherits;
Function.prototype.inherits = sti.objects.inherits;
function BaseClass() {
return {
A : function A() {return "A";}
function SubClass() {
return {
B : function B() { return "B"; }
var b = new BaseClass();
var s = new SubClass();
Your constructors are not working as constructors. When you use the new keyword Javascript creates the new object and expects your constructor to populate it with members etc. Your constructors are returning another new object, not related to the object which is associated with the constructor usage, thus the prototype is not working.
Change your constructor to something like
function FinalClass() {
this.FinalFunction = function() { return "FinalFunction"; };
this.TypeName = "FinalClass";
this.SomethingSpectacular = function() {
and you should see the expected inheritance behaviour. This is because the FinalClass method in this case alters the contextual object created via the 'new' mechanism. Your original method is creating another object which is not of type FinalClass.

