Salesforce - success handler for $.ajax call - javascript

I have a form that I have been submitting to Salesforce with standard form submit action. By default, you can tell Salesforce to redirect you to a given URL after the POST has completed.
I no longer wish to be redirected since I have other activities on the form page. No problem, my page is already using jQuery so I can use the handy $.ajax utility like this:
$('#wrapper').on('click', '#formsubmit', function(e) {
var formData = $('#subForm').serialize();
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: formData,
success: function() {
console.log('success!'); // or not!
error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
console.log(xhr.status); // 0
console.log(thrownError); // empty
In my misguided brain, I imagined that Salesforce would return my good ol' redirect, which would count as a "success" that I can just discard/ignore. Misguided indeed!
I can see a 200 OK result (which usually means "success") but the success callback isn't tripped.
The lead is added to the Salesforce database
Inspecting the content of what's returned shows zero; there is no content in the response.
The error callback IS being tripped (despite the 200 OK) but maybe due to intentionally not redirecting it is seen as a "resource not available"? (therefore my status code is 0, and there is no content in the thrownError?).
Any advice on identifying this as a successful POST so that I can trigger additional actions in a callback? I don't want to TOTALLY ignore the response, or I could end up in a scenario in which I'm acting on a failed POST as if it was successful. I need to capture the success somehow.
It occurred to me that it could be a cross-site scripting issue as well, but since the application doesn't exchange data in JSONP, I'm not sure how to get around that (and I'm not sure how to identify it in the first place).

Few things here:
1) The redirect response being sent by salesforce's API is most likely being interpreted as an error code.
2) The response code of the subsequent page (after the redirect) is 200 OK, from the sound of it.
3) It is not possible to do a POST request using JSONP. This is a limitation of JSONP; which is not actually an AJAX request, but an HTTP GET request wrapped inside of a dynamically generated script tag. Also, JSONP only works if the request yields an HTTP response of 200 OK.
I would recommend using your own server-side intermediary to handle your AJAX POST request. This will act as a proxy between your front-end app and salesforce's API. This will also allow you to better control the response being sent to your app.

var formData = $('#subForm').serialize();
var response = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: formData,
success: function() {
console.log('success!'); // or not!
error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
console.log(xhr.status); // 0
console.log(thrownError); // empty
where var response will contain the return value from your ajax call


Handling HTTP request time out by browser in Javascript

In my web application, I am trying to handle time out situations when calling a REST API. Here is my code which calls the API using jQuery ajax.
type: "POST",
url: endpoint,
data: payload,
dataType: dataType,
timeout: 0,
success: successHandler,
error: failureHandler
The success and failure handlers are shown below.
function successHandler(data) {
//Got the data
function failureHandler(xhr, textStatus, thrownError) {
if(xhr.status==404) {
console.log('Page not found');
} else if(xhr.status==408) {
console.log('request timed out at server. You may want to retry') ;
If the timeout happens at the server, it is giving status 408. But sometimes, due network connectivity problems, the client (browser) itself is getting timed out because it is not able to connect to the service in specified time. I guess this is the browser behavior. What will be xhr.status and textStatus if the request gets timed out by the browser? How to handle this scenario?
[Edit] I found some explanation in Set timeout for ajax (jQuery). This explains how we can set timeout in the code. But my question is that I don't want to set timeout like this. Check the code in ajax request, I set timeout: 0 which means, there is no timeout and I am going to wait till I get the response from the server. Meanwhile, the browser may kill this request because of it's global timeout setting. I am looking for a solution which can handle this.
This looks like it is a very similar question to this post. Good luck!
How to detect timeout on an AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) call in the browser?

How to handle specific HTTP error for all AJAX calls?

I have a web app, requesting and sending data via AJAX, and as a response, my server-side sends HTTP status codes, depending on the situation. so for example if a user tries to login while he's logged I probably return a 400 HTTP status code. And eventually i handle it with an alert, etc.
But handling these HTTP Status codes gets too heavy, since I'm making heavy use of AJAX. that means I'll be handling HTTP status code repeatedly with every AJAX request, which will result in duplicated code, and that's a bad practice.
So, what I'm looking for is a way to handle all these errors in one place, so I just handle all 400, 401, etc with the same code.
What i'm currently doing:
Handling the errors manually for each AJAX call. By using the statusCode in$.ajax().
statusCode: {
500: function(data) {
alert('Some friendly error message goes here.');
It seems like an overkill for me, as my web app develops, and as I create more ajax calls. I'll be repeating this piece of code again and again.
Currently, the only idea I have in mind is creating a function that will work on top of AJAX, something like:
function doAjax(type,url, data, moreVars) {
//this function is just a SIMPLE example, could be more complex and flexible.
type: type,
url: url,
data: data,
//now handling all status code.
statusCode: {
//handle all HTTP errors from one place.
doAjax("POST", '', dataObj);
You can use $.ajaxSetup() to register global error state handlers.
Description: Set default values for future Ajax requests.
statusCode: {
500: function(data) {
alert('Some friendly error message goes here.');

Jquery cross site Ajax call with 302 success data undefined with datatype script otherwise return error

I'm using JQuery 1.7.2, trying to do a cross site Ajax request which should return a html page via 4 redirects.
Not my ideal world with all those redirects, but it's part of the specification.
Now, using the following code:
type: "GET",
url: myUrl,
dataType: "script",
success: function(data) {
alert("success :"+ data);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("revoke: "+textStatus + ' / ' + errorThrown+"/"+jqXHR.status);
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus){
alert("complete : "+jqXHR.statusText + ": "+jqXHR.readyState);
I can see in Firebug/Safari Developer Tools, that all the redirects work (e.g. returns a 302 status with a Location header).
Then the strange thing happens: At the last page, which returns a 200 status, my script ends and I try to view the data coming back. But the output is just "Undefined".
I agree on that I should not expect a script datatype when trying to get a html page, but when I tried with all the other datatypes (as defined in the jquery ajax page), the error handler is envoked and the status code is 0. All the while, in Safari DT, the status after the first redirect is just set as "(canceled)" (all the while the request just for the second redirect page just hangs in Firebug - but I'm just guessing that it has to do with their different implementation).
When I receive a 200 status, I can see in the debuggers that the last page has a size of some 18kb, which means that there should be some sort of data in it.
what to do?
You can't redirect with AJAX, you can only send and get data to and from the server.
For a redirection you have to use a "regular" HTTP request.
It can also be done with javascript window.location = myUrl

jQuery ajax - Absolute URL's and error handling

Is it possible to catch the HTTP errors (like 404, 500, 504 etc) when we call an external webservice by specifying an absolute url?. (like setting the url: attribute of $.ajax call to have a url value as
Right now I'm unable to receive any errors although firebug is catching them and showing it in the console.
Can someone help?
Here is my code.
type: 'GET',
url: "",
data: '{"lat":47,"lng":"9","username":"demo"}',
dataType: 'json',
404: function(){
alert('Page not found');
500: function(){
alert('Page not found');
504: function(){
alert('Unknown host');
success: function(data){
error: function (xhr, exception, thrownError)
No, it is not possible with cross-domain (external) requests using only client-side code. This is because cross-domain requests rely on JSONP - ie, injecting a script tag that loads code from an external source. Unfortunately, the <script> element does not have anything like an onerror event.
You can handle errors with same-domain requests because these typically use XMLHttpRequest, which returns a lot of useful information like status codes and response headers.
Your best bet would be to use your local server as a proxy.
If using an absolute URL causes the domain to be different from the domain of your page (cross-domain request), then the only way to successfully execute an ajax call is to use JSONP which will cause the ajax library to use <script> tags for the cross-domain request instead of the more typical XMLHttpRequest used for same-domain requests.
You will not be able to intercept any sort of status codes from the loading of the cross-domain <script> tag.
In your case, you cannot check the status code (assuming you're not making the request from
jQuery will always return a "0" as the status if the request is cross-domain:
type: 'GET',
url: '',
dataType: 'json',
data: '{"first": 1, "second": 2}',
complete: function(response) { // the 'response' object has the status code
if (response.status == '200') {
// do something on success
} else if (response.status == '0') {
alert('Your request is cross-domain');
If the request happens to be within the same domain, you'll get a valid status code that you can check (the complete attribute of the $.ajax() function will run after any success or failure callbacks are run). and redirect via ajax

I am using to send data to the server, when the server sends data back to the client, the post() callback is invoked. I know that the server might response with the redirect header field ("Location").
currently, the redirect does not occur. what can be the reason?
is there any possibility to run a script before the redirect occur?
enclosed a snipped code. i know that the POST method is accepted by the server, and that the server responds to the POST. somehow, always the error() is being invoked (it seems like it happends even before the response is accepted by the client\browswer).
what is wrong?
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#loginForm").submit(function() {
type : "POST",
data : $("#loginForm :input").not("#loginBtn").serialize(),
url : "http://localhost/auth",
success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
}); works by issuing an Ajax request. In an Ajax call, the PHP script works asynchronously (think of it as a background thread). Thus, the PHP script cannot redirect the client's browser. The way to go would be to have the PHP script responsd with the URL to redirect to, and redirect using javascript.
In your POST callback:
function(data){ //data will be the URL to redirect to, sent back by the PHP script
window.location = data;
From Jquery documentation on jquery.ajax()
statusCode(added 1.5)Map
Default: {}
A map of numeric HTTP codes and functions to be called when the response has the corresponding code. For example, the following will alert when the response status is a 404:
statusCode: {
404: function() {
alert('page not found');
If the request is successful, the status code functions take the same parameters as the success callback; if it results in an error, they take the same parameters as the error callback.
Please in redirect case get simple response without redirecting print any flag like "redirect" and and write client side redirect using
if(responce == 'redirect')
window.location = "Your url"
Do not redirect on server.
It will work.
If you perform an operation that results in a redirect, JQuery does not detect it. The browser handles it automatically behind the scenes, to create a seamless experience.

