finding the index of an element in relation to a specific parent - javascript

Looking at the example here -
The first row behaves as expected, returning the index of the div within it's parent.
I'd like the 2nd row to behave in the same way, I'd like it to return between 0 and 4 depending on which div has been clicked. I'd like to know the index of the div that has been clicked in relation to it's parent list item.
I cannot change the html at all.

Give this a whirl (fiddle)
$("li > .myclass, li > .container").click(function(e){

This worked for me (fiddle)
var theIndex = $(this).index();
var theIndex = $(this).index();
but antisanity's is sexier.

The following is one approach
$('.myclass').click(function() {
var liElem = $(this).parents('li')[0]; // get li element who is a parent of the clicked element
var elems = $(this).parents();
elems.push($(this)); //array contains all parents of the clicked element and the clicked element
$(elems).each(function(key, elem) {
if ($(elem).parent()[0] == $(liElem)[0]) {


Wrap every child divisible by 5 and previous 4 in a div

I've been working on this JSFiddle to practice my understanding of jquery, but now I'm stuck.
How do you wrap a child element in a div to follow this pattern: child elements 1-5, then child elements 6-10, then child elements 11-15, and so on?
I'm working on a tally counter, so I want every 5 tallies to cluster together. That way, I can more easily select the last child and apply a class to make it rotate, in order to "cross out" the previous 4 tallies.
edit: (To clarify: I've been looking into selecting by index and by nth-child/nth-of-type, but those methods can only really grab the fifth element, or maybe even multiples of five? It doesn't grab the previous divs, too.)
edit 2: (So, you can actually use those selectors! I figured I was getting something wrong. It's always something simple.)
$(".button").click(function() {
var $button = $(this);
var oldValue = $button.parent().find("input").val();
if ($button.text() == "+") {
var newVal = parseFloat(oldValue) + 1;
} else {
// Don't allow decrementing below zero
if (oldValue > 0) {
var newVal = parseFloat(oldValue) - 1;
} else {
newVal = 0;
$("#plus").click(function() {
var tally = "<div class='tally'>I</div>";
Here is a general solution to wrap elements in groups of 5:
$(".holder > div:nth-child(5n-4)")
.wrapAll("<div class='wrapper'>");
Basically, :nth-child(5n-4) gets the first element in each group of 5. Then a class is temporarily added to keep track of these. nextUntil is used to find all elements up until the next element with that class. And finally wrapAll is used to wrap the matched elements in a div.
EDIT: Even easier:
var $divs = $(".holder > div");
for (var i = 0; i < $divs.length; i += 5) {
$divs.slice(i, i + 5).wrapAll("<div class='wrapper'>");
You're almost there, but a couple of things to note. You will only call your "wrap" function once, as it's outside of the click event. If you are dynamically adding, then you'll want to call it each time.
Secondly, with the HTML in your fiddle, you will never get the 5th record because you are appending your selector is looking for the 5th element with ID "scratchpad" with the class of tally. You'd need to change your selector to something that looks for all tallies, like so:
$(".tally:nth-of-type(5)").css('color', 'red');
I've updated the fiddle you were working on, and my code highlights each 5th record, so you can see what's going on. You were close, but you'll also want to add to your "nth-of-type" selector the use of "n", this way it gets every 5th record, not just the 5th one. So the full function becomes this
$("#plus").click(function() {
var tally = "<div class='tally'>I</div>";
$(".tally:nth-of-type(5n)").css('color', 'red');
To rotate (or apply any other property) to each 5th element, you don't even need to wrap them. Just specify a css class using the nth-of-type(5n) and it will affect every 5th element.
#scratchpad .tally:nth-of-type(5n) {
display: inline-block;
-ms-transform:rotate(20deg); /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform:rotate(20deg); /* Opera, Chrome, and Safari */
Here is your fiddle updated:
Check this Working Demo Fiddle
$("#plus").click(function() {
var tally = "<div class='tally'>I</div>";
$('#scratchpad .tally:nth-of-type(5n+1)').prevUntil('span').wrapAll('<span style="margin-right:5px;color:red;text-decoration:line-through;"></span>');
$('#scratchpad .tally:nth-of-type(5n+1)').prevUntil('span').wrapAll('<span style="margin-right:5px;color:red;text-decoration:line-through;"></span>');
Some changes:
$('#scratchpad .tally:nth-of-type(5n+1)') and not $('#scratchpad.tally:nth-of-type(5)'). - .tally is the child of #scratchpad ; selector to be used :nth-of-type(5n+1)
Use .wrapAll() - to wrap the selected elements in a <span> or any other element.
.prevUntil() - get all the previous elements.
You can make a for loop and do this:
$('.child:nth-child('+i+'), .child:nth-child('+(i+1)+'), .child:nth-child('+(i+2)+'), .child:nth-child('+(i+3)+'), .child:nth-child('+(i+4)+')').wrapAll("<div />");
Basically I'm going through the child elements in the for loop and at every turn of the loop I'm selecting the 5 next child elements and wrapping them in a div using the .wrapAll() function. Hope this helps.

How to reduce 180 lines of code down to 20 in Javascript?

I have a lot of click handler functions which are almost (textually and functionally) identical. I've got a menu with maybe 10 items in it; when I click on an item, the click handler simply makes one div visible, and the other 9 div's hidden. Maintaining this is difficult, and I just know there's got to be a smart and/or incomprehensible way to reduce code bloat here. Any ideas how? jQuery is Ok. The code at the moment is:
// repeat this function 10 times, once for each menu item
$(function() {
$('#menuItem0').click(function(e) {
// set 9 divs hidden, 1 visble
// ...repeat for 2 through 9, and then
// repeat this function 10 times, once for each div
function setItem0DivVisible(on) {
var ele = document.getElementById("Item0Div"); = on? "block" : "none";
Create 10 div with a class for marking
<div id="id1" class="Testing">....</div>
<div id="id2" class="Testing">....</div>
<div id="id3" class="Testing">....</div>
and apply the code
$('.Testing').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
$('.Testing').css('display', 'none');
$(this).css('display', 'block');
$(document).ready(function (){
// I am using background-color here, because if I use display:none; I won't
// be able to show the effect; they will all disappear
$(this).siblings().css("background-color", "none");
Use .siblings() and it makes everything easy. Use it for your menu items with appropriate IDs. This works without any for loops or extra classes/markup in your code. And will work even if you add more divs.
Fiddle -
It's hard to know without an example of the html. Assuming that there is no way to traverse from the menuItem to ItemDiv - you could use .index and .eq to match up the elements based on the order they match with the selector.
var $menuItems = $("#menuItem0, #menuItem1, #menuItem2, ...");
var $divs = $("#Item0Div, #Item1Div, #Item2Div, ...");
var idx = $(this).index();
// hide all the divs
// show the one matching the index
function addClick(i) {
$('#menuItem'+i).click(function(e) {
// set nine divs hidden, 1 visble
for( var j = 0; j < 10; ++j ) {
var ele = document.getElementById("Item"+j+"Div"); = (i == j ? "block" : "none");
// One click function for all menuItem/n/ elements
$('[id^="menuItem"]').on('click', function() {
var id =; // Get the ID of the clicked element
$('[id^="Item"][id$="Div"]').hide(); // Hide all Item/n/Div elements
$('#Item' + id + 'Div').show(); // Show Item/n/Div related to clicked element
Obviously this would be much more logical if you were using classes instead:
<elem class="menuItem" data-rel="ItemDiv-1">...</elem>
<elem class="ItemDiv" id="ItemDiv-1">...</elem>
$('.menuItem').on('click', function() {
var rel = $(this).data('rel'); // Get related ItemDiv ID
$('.ItemDiv').hide(); // Hide all ItemDiv elements
$('#' + rel).show(); // Show ItemDiv related to clicked element
Save the relevant Id's in an array - ["Item0Div", "Item1Div", ...]
Create a generic setItemDivVisible method:
function setItemDivVisible(visible, id) {
var ele = document.getElementById(id); = visible ? "block" : "none";
And set your click handler method to be:
function(e) {
var arrayLength = myStringArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < idsArray.length; i++) {
setItemDivVisible(idsArray[i] ===, idsArray[i]);
I think this will do the trick

Find elements within a certain div and output their respective text with jQuery

I have created a little div .form_single_input_field which contains multiple .form_single_input_fields, whose respective text I would like to log. However, the alert will output all values concatenated together, while I would like to have an array of values. How do I achieve that ?
$(".form_single_input_field").keyup(function () {
var actualTarget = $(this).parent();
I know that there is the .each() function, but this:
$(".form_single_input_field").keyup(function () {
var actualTarget = $(this).parent();
would alert all values from ALL .form_single_selection_options in my document, whereas I would like to have only the children and children's children of the selected/current field.
Change your code to:
$(".form_single_input_field").keyup(function () {
var actualTarget = $(this).parent();
$('.form_single_selection_option', actualTarget).each(function(){

problems with

If i click the a element "Link1" in the function is the node Link1. I want to know in what index this node is in the ul children in this case i want indexOf to return 0 because Link1 is on position 0, and i i click 2 i want it to be 1.
<div class="link">
self.query('.link').forEach(function(linkNode, flikIndex, flikArr) {
dojo.query(linkNode, 'click', function(e) {
var t =; //If i click Link1 this is Link1 and if i click Link2 and so on.
var parent = t.parentNode; //Contains the parent to my a in this case li
var ancestor = t.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes; //Containes 2 li
var index =, ancestor); //Return -1 but i want it to return 0 because Link1 is on place [0] in the array.
Please help me get the right index
var index =, ancestor);
// ^ Array ^ Element in the array
So you want this:
var index =, parent);
Since ancestor is the element ("array") that contains parent.
Try this:
let nodes = Array.from( parent.closest('ul').children);
let index = nodes.indexOf(li);
When we work with a NodeList, getting the index of the li can be tricky using this approach:
var ancestor = t.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes;
var index =, parent);
If we have text in the lis, then these are also considered childNodes, and so the index of the li which is returned will be its index in the nodeList which consists of other children such as text, and not merely other lis. Therefore, you may not be getting the desired result in case you are only interested in the position of an li relative to the other lis in the ul

jQuery indexOf function?

I'm trying to get a location of an element in a jQuery set.
Here's what I tried so far.
I want to be able to do something like this:
And get the location of the .active in the set of a's.
Is there something like an indexOf() function for jQuery? The index() method doesn't work
if you pass a jQuery set ($searchFor) as an argument to the index method of another jQuery set ($searchIn) i.e.
it will return the index of $searchFor in the set $searchIn
In your example:
$('ul a').index($('ul'));
You just need to give the index function a jQuery object:
var elements = $('ul a');
var index = elements.index(elements.filter('.active')); // 2
There is no such function out of the box, it can be done easily like this:
var index = -1;
$('ul a').each(function(i){
if ($(this).hasClass('active')){
index = i;
return false;
Your logic is sound, you're just grabbing the wrong element:
var index = $('ul').closest('li').index();
The a link has no index() value since it has no siblings; you have to grab the li
You can do this by just asking for it in the selector:
What do you mean by getting the location however? Do you mean position? or URL?
If you would like to know which one you click on lets say.. You would use $(this) inside your event function. Here is an example which returns the current position of the element you click on, if there are multiple with the .active class:
To get the position:
alert( $(this).position() );
To get the URL location:
alert( $(this).attr('href') );

