Cross Domain AJAX/Javascript - Artificially using a sessionid - javascript

I currently have a RESTful webservice which recognises a client via it's session.
I have a client which uses ajax/javascript to access the contents of the RESTful webservice. I allow this to happen by responding to the request with the headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
However, although the client can access the content's each request is regarded as a different session as cookies cannot be used across domain.
I don't want to modify my server code to cater specifically for this style of client, i would prefer a work around client side to give a facade of using a session.
Since I don't want to store anything through the session, rather I only use the jsessionid as the client identifier I assumed I could artifically inject &jsessionid= to the URL to, at least from the server side, make the client seem to be correctly keeping track of the session.
This doesn't seem to work - can someone advise on how I can make my client act as if it is using the same sessionid?

...I assumed I could artifically inject &jsessionid= to the URL...
jsessionid isn't a query string parameter. You'd want to artificially add ;jsessionid=... (prior to any & in the URL), rather than &jsessionid=....

For background...I made a product called which allows for cross domain communication and simulates on-page saving for content management but actually is talking cross domain through an iframe to a secure server.
You don't have to modify your server code. You can use iframe + postMessage assuming you don't need support for below IE8. All the other modern browsers support that. There is also iframe polling technique as well for lower browsers. You don't need to expose your session id across querystring on non SSL either. You can talk to your iframe to get the state of being logged in or not via javascript. The session info remains on the iframe's domain where it should be.
This link can help you ->


How can I send cookies of a Web Api back to it from a different front-end application

I have a web application that serves only static contents - HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I have another application which is an ASP.NET Web API. Both applications are on same machine on different ports (for testing purpose and they could be on different machine or domain in production environment). When I browse the web application, it gets both cookie as well as form token of Anti CSRF on first ajax call from Web API. So I am setting the body token as header with setRequestHeader function of XMLHttpRequest. It doesn't seem there is any need to set the cookie token since cookies are restricted with HttpOnly Attribute for a security reason and as far as I know browser is responsible to send the cookie to whichever domain the cookie belongs to.
However, when I make consecutive ajax calls, instead of both these tokens being passed back to server, only the header token is being received by the server.
Currently the Web API is set with CORS restriction for the web application. But if the problem was related to cross origin then I guess, headers could not have been passed as well, correct me if I am mistaken.
So can anyone help me with this problem? I just want to be able to send cookies from one application to another without compromising in terms of security.
Take a look Cookies With My CORS and Set-Cookie in HTTP header is ignored with AngularJS

Is there any way to avoid Cross-origin resource sharing check

I have a home server in domainX, it returns HTML page containing
js part, which should GET data from domainY.
I can't control domainY return, which means that it it will not return any Allow-Origin headers etc.
I can't use JSON either because domainY does not support it.
postMessage may not work either, because I need to make search query
https://domainY/cars=blue&price_max=10000 etc.
I guess GET is the only way (XMLHttpRequest). I would like to avoid cors proxy because I try to keep server IO usage as low as possible.
Is there any tweak I could try without doing everything in the server side?
The Same Origin Policy is designed to protect information that is private between the owner of the browser and the owner of domainY.
You can't get the browser to fetch arbitrary data (with the benefit of the browser's cookies and the browser's IP address) and then make it available to your JavaScript.
domainY might me my webmail, e-banking, or secure corporate Intranet. You aren't allowed to touch it using my browser.

Is it possible to prevent cookies to be sent in every HTTP request?

I recently found (here: Does every web request send the browser cookies?) that every HTTP request contains the cookies related to a domain every time a request is made to that same domain.
Given this, what happens when the request is not sent through a browser but from Node.js, for example? Is it possible that no information is sent in the request?
Is it also possible to prevent it to be sent in the browser requests?
Is not possible to prevent browser to send cookies.
This is why is generally it is recommended (Yahoo developer Best practice, see section Use Cookie-free Domains for Components) to serve static content like css, images, from a different domain that is cookie free.
When the browser makes a request for a static image and sends cookies together with the request, the server doesn't have any use for those cookies. So they only create network traffic for no good reason. You should make sure static components are requested with cookie-free requests. Create a subdomain and host all your static components there.
From any programming language, instead, you can choose if you like to send cookies or not.
Cookie management is done by the programmer, because libraries are written to make single requests.
So if you make a first request that return cookies, you need to explicit read them, hold them locally somewhere, and eventually put them in a second request to the same server if you need.
So from NodeJS if you don't explicitly add cookies in your requests the http call doesn't hold them.
You Can Use Fetch with the credentials option set to omit
You can strip cookies with a proxy server. For example our product WinGate will allow you to modify requests (and responses), and you could use this to clear the Cookie header in requests.
However, this will prevent a large number of websites from functioning properly, as cookies are used to transport session IDs so that the server can identify each connection / request your browser makes as being from the same "session". HTTP itself does not have any concept of session.
Disclaimer: I work for Qbik who make WinGate.

Reading a cookie from a different domain

I'm developing a page/form for a campaign inside my company. However, the first step is to check if the person is logged in. This is easily checked against a cookie - CUSTOMER - that is set once they're logged in.
1) I'm developing locally, not on the same domain, and, as a result can't see that cookie
2) The final campaign may or may not end up residing on the actual domain. They may end up using a vanity URL or something.
For purposes of this, let's assume I do NOT have access to the main domain where the cookie was set.
How can I read that cookie from off the domain? Oh, and since IT folks don't let us touch the back-end grumble, it has to be a JS solution.
You can't.
The only cookies you can read with client side JavaScript are those belonging to the host of the HTML document in which the <script> is embedded.
By setting withCredentials you can support cookies in cross-origin requests, but they are handled transparently by the browser and JS has no direct access to them (the XHR spec goes to far as to explicitly ban getAllResponseHeaders from reading cookie related headers). The only way for a cross-origin request to get access to cookies is for the server (which you say you don't have access to) to copy the data into the body or a different response header).
You can if you can install server side components.
You can use a dedicated domain to host your cookie and then share it using XSS technics
When logs in then you register a cookie on using an Ajax XSS call then when you go on you have to query with your XSS api
I' ve played with it some time ago
It's just some sort of POC..

Avoiding cross-domain Check and Other Browser Security Checks

We're developing a Dynamics CRM 2011 product that has a button in the ribbon that calls an external API. Currently, for this button to work, the following settings need to be changed in the browser (IE):                
We would like to avoid this, because many of the target customers for this product are very security conscious. Is there a way to write the code so that it will not require these permissions to be changed, but still be able to communicate with the external API? The code running when the button is pressed in CRM is HTML and Javascript.
Are you in control of the API? If so, look into CORS. With CORS, all you do is basically add a few extra headers to your request response. If you use an AJAX library (like jQuerys $.ajax), you should be able to continue writing code as is. If not, a good article on how to implement cors in Javascript can be found here:
To enable cors, read up on
I don't know anything about this CRM, but other than JSONP, your best bet is to have a server side script act as a proxy.
So, you would create a script within the same domain as the user interface code. That script will then use a server side language (such as PHP) to perform the request to the cross domain script on your behalf. The server side connection has no restriction on which domain it can access, and all the browser knows is that it is sending a request to a page within the calling domain, which is presumably safe.
How you will do this depends on the exact language of choice, but in general you would just need to send the remote API URL as well as any arguments needed to your server side script, which then rebuilds the request to that URL and passes the result back to the client.

