Is it possible to get building data from Google Maps? - javascript

Is it possible to manipulate or duplicate the building data (landscape.man_made) for Google Maps? I've been Googling about building data, but not really turning anything up. I'd like to be able to enhance the existing map to add live shadows (for example). Thanks in advance, obie

Unfortunately it's not possible to access the raw data behind the Maps API.


GPS Data with HTML

I'm working in a project where I have to collect data from a GPS Module (NMEA data) and pass it to an html application so I can display exact location of the device on a Google map. I have created the map using the google maps api but I'm unsure of how to pass the NMEA data through my application. What would be the most efficient way to do this? Thank you.
If you use Google's My Maps (this is a very easy method to get your own map in your own HTML page) you can import GPX data straight into the map. You just need to convert your NMEA data to GPX.
If you're comfortable with the command line GPSBabel looks relatively simple to use (there are a couple of GUIs available if needed). Alternatively, OpenStreetMap has some other alternative methods that you can try.

Using Google Maps offline (Js Api)

I'm trying to make an NodeJs App in which, on web page I'm using Maps, For some reasons I've chosen Google Maps and I want to stick to it. My question is, Is there anyway where I can either store or cache map tiles offline and later on use it as needed [Note: Not looking for any hack or Illegal way for it, I already know there are many such ways].
I tried and saw many options like GEE (Google Earth Enterprise) portable but I guess they are shutting it down very soon i.e by 2017.
Basically what I'm trying here is to minimize the data usage on rendering map tiles, so alternatively, if there ain't a way to make google map work offline any suggestion or advice for minimizing data usage is appreciated.
The offline access via Maps JavaScript API is not available at the moment. There is a feature request in the public issue tracker:
Please star this feature request to express your interest and receive further updates from Google.
1.Use Localstorage instead it might help but will be used in google chrome.
2.Check this url it might help How to cache Google map tiles for offline usage?

Converting XML Polygons into Google Maps

I have a XML (KMZ) file with polygons that refer to geographical areas, like counties and states, and I want to be able to read this data into googlemaps.
I'm thinking it can be done more conveniently for me in 2 ways:
a) Parsing the xml file into inserts into a Oracle Database
b) Reading the xml directly from my google maps page using Javascript. (Data would be placed in arrays, I presume).
Either way, does anyone have some tips on how to do this efficiently?
Maybe someone made a great part of the code needed to do this already.
Maybe try the google maps API v3,
Regards, Lea.

Google Maps Textured Roads

I would like to find a Google Maps API v3 friendly way to add textures (my own images) to elements such as roads, grass, and water. I know you can change the colors of various elements, but I want to do more.
I'm curious if anyone knows if this can be done at a large scale (not just a single area but the whole world).
I have some ideas beyond the API but I would like to see if this could work first.
If I am understanding your question correctly, I do not believe that there is currently a way to do that easily and reliably using Google Maps API v3.
If I wanted to have such a feature, I'd look at OpenLayers and Google Earth API. I have no idea if either support such a feature, but that's where I'd look first.
You may be able to do something fairly involved to achieve this affect with Google Maps API v3, but it might be a lot of work and could be very difficult to do reliably.

Use the google maps API to compute the driving time between two points on an iphone

Hey guys. I have an iphone application that sorts locations based on how long it would take to get there. Is there a way to use google maps (or something similar) to find the travel time between point A and B? There was a post on this forum over a year ago that said it can only be done in javascript. This post gives a javascript example. Is there a way to run this javascript in cocoa-touch, or does the google maps API now support this? Thanks!
you can check out

