Create horizontal ScrollableView with - javascript

I am struggling to use for scrolling horizontally: I have a
<div data-dojo-type="" scrollDir="h">
which contains several div elements which float left. However, in this case the elements are not displayed in one single row:
I could place another div in the ScrollableView with a width set to the sum of all widths plus margins:
However, this requires calculation of the resulting width of all elements which I want to avoid.
So the question is: Is it possible to achieve the results of the second link without the helper div?

Try to define the style 'white-space: nowrap' in any container div.
For example,
<div id="view" style="white-space:nowrap" data-dojo-type="" scrollDir="h">


Calculate correct height of div based on different children in slider?

I have a slider in a <div>. The slider takes an array of slides and each element has a text where there is no word-limit on the text. When I slide left or right, and the different texts are of different lengths, the height of the <div> varies, making it look ugly. I tried using a min-height or a fixed height, but those don't solve the problem, since there will either be too much empty space underneath the text, or, a text once in a while will be longer than the min-height and the size of the <div> will vary again.
What could I do now? Is there a way for me to find out what maximum height the div should have (based on what's the longest text in my array of slides) and then give my div this height? This way there would still be some empty space with the shorter texts, but at least it wouldn't be arbitrary.
Does this sound like an ok solution? I am wondering how I can measure this beforehand though? So I'm thankful for any clues!
If I understand your situation, you have a <div> element that wraps multiple "slide elements" where;
each slide element varies in height based on their text content and,
you'd like the wraping div to natually expand to fit around all slides regardless of the arbitrary height of their content
One solution to this would be to use flex-box which would allow your slides to be arranged horizontally within the wrapper div, while also ensuring that the wrapper naturally expands to fit around it's children (of arbitrary height).
To illustrate this approach, consider the following example where flex box is used to ensure the pink div correctly wraps green slides (of differing height):
#wrapper {
#wrapper > div {
<div id="wrapper">
You could try to use flex display to achieve this. Not sure if it will work with your slider tho, since tho have not posted your code.
You can find an example here

Align table rows of two tables

So I have two tables horizontally next to each other. Everything is aligned initially. However, when the element inside one cell of the left table increases in size, it wraps and increases the cell height. How can I align two tables even with the left cell height increased?
Here is the image of what it looks like:
Without wrapping:
With wrapping:
IMHO you have two options.
Use single table so that entire row will have same height. Or
Use div instead of table because div has overflow option. Refer this link
Update after comment:
If you can use jquery, you could do it on page load. Refer this fiddler
Note: height attributes for both table's row and class name. Un-comment jquery line number 3 and execute.

Any way without js to ensure floated divs in same 'row' are the same height without setting height attr

I would like to float a set of divs to make a fluid layout. And I would love to do it with pure CSS and no js if possible for performance/complexity reasons.
Currently, we have 3 divs per row and the surrounding element stretches vertically to accommodate the the tallest div. But of course when I make the page narrower or wider, I always have 3 divs per row.
With floated divs that don't have row containers, it looks great as long as all the divs have the same height. But if the 2nd div in a 2-div row is shorter than the first, then the next row's 1st div gets 'stuck' to the right of that 1st taller div, leaving the first spot in the 2nd row empty.
A solution might be to bring back row divs and use javascript to shuffle item divs between them, but that might be complicated and error-prone. But maybe that's the only possibility.
The one thing I can't do is use fixed height for the item divs, because that would require setting the fixed height large enough for the largest possible item div, which would leave a bunch of empty space for every other div.
I guess another possibility might be using fixed height, then use js to adjust those heights to eliminate extra space.
Make the display:inline-block and remove the float. Height will become optional as well, they'd just align to the tallest one.
If possible try switching to flexbox. has great visuals to illustrate how various flex styles work.
For example, you could use flex-wrap: wrap; to handle the case when the page becomes too narrow, and use align-items: stretch so they all have the same height

Position an element at the bottom of a floating div with unknown height

I am currently trying to position an element in a way that it always is at the bottom of it's parent. What's special here is that none of the heights or widths are known. I'd like to do this without tables, if at all possible (my superior is against using those. In a very religious way).
I tried the approach of using position:relative on the parent and position:absolute; bottom:0; on the box I want to have at the bottom. This, however, causes the box to overlap with the other content of the parent div since absolute positioning causes the parent to ignore the height of the positioned element. Some JavaScript is used to align the heights of the floating divs to each other. But disabled JavaScript should not completely break the layout (as in: cause content to overlap or break the "flow" of the page).
Here's the fiddle with the exact structure of my markup:
I did read the "float: bottom" question on SO, but none of the answers really adressed my problem, hence the new question.
It's not the cleanest solution, but since you were already using the maxHeight bit to calculate the sizes, I just added a second each loop to check the max-height of the bottom section, and added it, so that the relative, absolute positioning would work. or
EDIT When you resize your browser it won't work, but you could just add a resize event that recalculated it, and you'd need to think about creating some javascript-less fallbacks, either using modernizr, or just some simple
Please find the working demo here: JS Enabled
Modified the jquery logic to calculate the height of the maximum height of the container as shown below:
//Set the height of the columns to the highest value of all columns
var maxHeight = 0;
var k = $(this).children('.headline').innerHeight() + $(this).children('.description').innerHeight()+$(this).children('.bottom').innerHeight();
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight,k);
$(".same-height").css({"height" : maxHeight});
If JavaScript is disabled then you should apply different styles as shown in demo here:
JS Disabled
Here is something similar to what you want to atchive but the demo is centering the
You should use the same trick : using css ::after/::before pseudo classes to set your footer content in your parent div

Append and remove element with jquery when width of window is greater than 769px

I'm trying something a bit different with slideshows when the window width reduces and expands in size. I have the html code for two slideshows in slideshows.html. Slideshows are labeled:
<div class="slideshow-mobile">... </div>
<div class="slideshow-desktop">... </div>
I'd like to append '.slideshow-desktop', located in slideshow.html, into my '#featured' div, which is located index.html page, when the window width is greater than 769px.
When the window width is less than 769px, I'd like to remove the code from the existing slideshow,'.slideshow-desktop', and then append '.slideshow-mobile' in #featured. In other words when window width is less than 769px I just want to replace '.slideshow-desktop' with '.slideshow-mobile'.
I hope this makes since.
Would anyone know, or have a clue on how to do this?
I recommend using Adapt.js (, it has a callback function where you can add/remove elements in dependency of width.

