Set default value for jQuery slider and override when needed - javascript

Background: I currently have a working jQuery slider on my website inside my .js file
$( "#slider-range-min" ).slider({
range: "min",
value: 100,
min: 1,
max: 100,
I need to be able to override the "Value" from 100 to some other value sometimes. So I tried this:
$( "#slider-range-min" ).slider({
range: "min",
value: _Slider_Value,
min: 1,
max: 100,
and defined this on my html page
<script type="text/javascript">
var _Slider_Value = 50;
which also works! Except then on all the other pages I get a javascript error stating "_Slider_Value is not defined". I'd rather not have to copy & paste the value onto all my pages if I can avoid it... doesnt seem like a "good" way to do it?
Question: is there a better way to do this - so I can have a default value for my slider, but occasionally override it when required?
Edit: Another way of saying it: how do I make my slider default to "100" unless I tell it otherwise in my html page?

define that in a js file which you are including in every page

place a span in your html where you have slider in a div container here is (id="slider-range-min")
<span class="min">100</span>
read this value in your slider function
$( "#slider-range-min" ).slider({
range: "min",
value: $(this).find('.min').text();,
min: 1,
max: 100,
wherever u need the value to be update on the page change the span value dynamically if need else it will take the default value eg. 100 here.

if you are trying to minimize variables you can always check
if (_Slider_Value != undefined) {
//your code here
(_Slider_Value != undefined) ? _Slider_Value : 100;
so your final code can be
$( "#slider-range-min" ).slider({
range: "min",
value: (_Slider_Value != undefined) ? _Slider_Value : 100,
min: 1,
max: 100,
that will default to 100 if there is no value in _Slider_Value

You can override options of the slider with this string.
$('#slider-range-min').slider({value: 50});

Declare your variable globally to access it anywhere in web page. here is the tutorial link.
Try to declare variable without var key word to make it global
<script type="text/javascript">
_Slider_Value = 50;
if this is not working try binding the variable to window object
var myValue;
function setValue()
myValue = "test";
function getValue()
alert(window.myValue); // yup, it's "test"
here is the complete explanation, from which i have given example.
hope it works (not practically tried)


Dynamic updating price slider

I am currently comparing our price slider to that on and as you can see under filters if you drag the filter on our homepage (ShowStyle) the number value of the min & max do not update dynamically i.e. you have to guess where to let go of the slider and hope it lands on a price.
On the example website: if you drag the price filter the min & max values update dynamically making it easier to see what your settings are.
I tried comparing the code of both filter price boxes and saw this additional script they implemented but couldn't figure out if that is what caused it, I think it is but any idea how to re-enact that onto my template? Both are using the same CMS so utilising this code is permitted, it's just a comfort update. I managed to adjust the code but don't understand if I should replace the "ui" syntax with price-filter-range or min/max syntax.
Original Script
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#filter_form input, #filter_form select').change(function(){
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 20,
values: [0, 20],
step: 1,
slide: function( event, ui){
$('.sidebar-filter-range .min span').html(ui.values[0]);
$('.sidebar-filter-range .max span').html(ui.values[1]);
stop: function(event, ui){
The 0/20 values are depending on the page you were on so I suppose that also needs to be dynamic based on the highest price item on the current catalog page
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!
Try this:
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 750,
values: [$('#filter_form_min').val(), $('#filter_form_max').val()],
step: 1,
slide: function( event, ui){
$('.price-filter-range .min span').text(ui.values[0]);
$('.price-filter-range .max span').text(ui.values[1]);
stop: function(event, ui){
Please note this code (in my answer) been updated from the original due to a misunderstanding. I have also re-edited it to fix functionality that was broken by the inclusion of this code.
Edit: I just noticed that your site already includes the JS code
$('#filter_form input, #filter_form select').change(function(){
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 750,
values: [0, 520],
step: 1,
slide: function( event, ui){
$('.sidebar-filter-range .min span').html(ui.values[0]);
$('.sidebar-filter-range .max span').html(ui.values[1]);
stop: function(event, ui){
However this code is being dynamically generated by the server (notice how 520 is embedded into the script)... The only reason it's not working is because it's expecting the class name to be sidebar-filter-range instead of price-filter-range. If you could just make the correct modification so that it's pointing to the correct elements then it should work.

noUiSlider value undefined after changing handle direction

I create a slider, change the orientation:'vertical' and link the "span" with it so that I can update and set the values as I drag/tap the slider. It works well, but as soon as I put the Handle at the bottom with the direction: 'rtl', span outputs undefined.
I saw the same problem on the NoUiSlider site although the slider is horizontal, but the problem is still there.
Per default, the direction of the handles of the slider is set to "ltr" or "left-to-right". When the orientation of the slider is set to vertical the Handle acts the same way, they adjust either "ltr = top-to-bottom" or "rtl = bottom-to-top".
var slider = document.getElementById('sl1');
noUiSlider.create(slider, {
start: 1,
step: 1,
connect: 'lower',
direction: 'rtl',
orientation: 'vertical',
range: {
'min': 1,
'max': 32
format: wNumb({
decimals: 0,
var input = document.getElementById('input-with-keypress1');
slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function(values, handle) {
input.value = values[handle]; //When the slider value changes, update the input
slider.noUiSlider.on('set', function(values, handle) {
input.value = values[handle];
I don't know why, but it seems the External Resource links won't render the slider, Excuse me but I'm a noob and maybe I just got the syntax wrong (works local though)..

Multiplication with Jquery Ui Slider

I am trying to build a ui slider similar to the one on this site:
I want to be able to show the monthly value and then a yearly value next to it. ( I would assume multiplying the value of the monthly by 12 of course)
Once upon a time I had my slider working properly until I tried to multiply the monthly value by 12.
What did I do wrong?
(Sorry I am totally new to JavaScript)
Here is my Jsfiddle:
<script src=""></script>
<span class="slider-output" id="monthly_bill">0</span>/month or <span class="slider-output" id="yearly_bill">0</span>/year
<div id="bill_slider">
function update() {
var bill_slider = $('#bill_slider').slider('value');
var yearly_bill = (monthly_bill * 12 )
value: 1,
min: 0,
max: 450,
step: 5,
slide: function() {
Eventually after I figure this out I am also wondering how to change the color of the slider and words after the slider hits a certain point. (If then statement?) Not sure how to implement...
Any help on this is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Most of the issues in your original jsFiddle traced back to bad JS var names; here is how you would achieve the desired effect:
function update() {
var bill_slider = $('#bill_slider').slider('value');
var yearly_bill = (bill_slider * 12)
value: 1,
min: 0,
max: 450,
step: 5,
slide: function () {
Working jsFiddle, forked from yours:
If you update your question with a description & example of the color-coding you want to do, we can include that in our answers.

jQuery slider - set min and max as same as two handles' values

Maybe I'm just not getting something simple here, but I am not able to set the min and max values as the same as the handle values in my jQuery slider. The min and max are dynamically defined via php variables, and when the slider first appears, I want it's range to be the same as the range between the min and the max, i.e. the entire slider. If the user wants to then make changes, they can do so -- it is for an ajax search filter.
When I try the below code, the range sliders get stuck all the way to the left and cannot be moved.
Here is my js:
var pay_max = $('#pay_max').html();
var pay_min = $('#pay_min').html();
$(function() {
$( "#pay_range" ).slider({
range: true,
min: pay_min,
max: pay_max,
values: [ pay_min, pay_max ],
slide: function( event, ui ) {
$( "#filter_by_pay" ).html( "Pay Range: ¥" + ui.values[ 0 ] + " - ¥" + ui.values[ 1 ] ).css("color", "black");
my html:
<div class = "hidden" id="pay_max"><?=max($all_teachers['pay']);?></div>
<div class = "hidden" id="pay_min"><?=min($all_teachers['pay']);?></div>
<div class = "filter_options" id="pay_filter">
<input type="text" id="amount" style="border:0; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold;">
<div id ="pay_range"></div>
It works okay if I, for instance, change the min to 0, but that is not the goal. I only want the range slider to be within the bounds of the initial values, which also happen to be the min and max.
You are trying to use string values where you need numbers:
var pay_max = 1*$.trim($('#pay_max').html());
var pay_min = 1*$.trim($('#pay_min').html());
used $.trim to be sure don't have any whitespace

Add tip text dynamically to a slider

In my project, I am trying to add the tip text (config) dynamically to a slider. How to do that?
I need to add it dynamically because I am generating the array of variables in a "Controller", which holds the text for each value of the slider (for tip text).
var slider = Ext.getCmp('slider')
slider.setTipText(arrayOfVariables) //What should I do here instead?
There is no such method like setTipText in docs. What should I use then?
animate: false,
//plugins: [Ext.create('App.view.SliderOverride')],
cls: 'sliderStyle',
width: "80%",
id: 'slider',
value: 36/2, //must be current month
//increment: 10,
minValue: 1,
maxValue: 36,
useTips: true,
tipText: function(thumb){
tipText requires a function config so you can add a function that will use your variables from controller;
Ext.create('Ext.slider.Multi', {
tipText: function(){
return App.getController('your controller').yourVariable
This is added on the creation of the slider so you don't need to modify it , just your variables in controller. So you don't need to re set the tip text function.
I solved this issue by using getText method of Ext.slider.Tip.
Used to create the text that appears in the Tip's body. By default this just returns the value of the Slider Thumb that the Tip is attached to. Override to customize.
For example in which situation it can be used, you have a look at this link

