Resize all elements including draggable images on a screen upon window resize in javascript or jquery - javascript

I am trying to resize all elements on a web page upon resizing the window. The background image needs to stretch along with draggable items, text boxes, font size, and other images. The draggable items needs to stay in the same place in proportion to the background image. Everything needs to maintain aspect ratio. I have tried numerous methods and none seem to work.

As far as the background image scaling to whatever is going on on the page, see my reply to this guys similar question.
resize the image to fit the dimensions of TD
as far as other objects changing but maintaining aspect rations you may want to look into css Media Queries.
good luck


Images are blurry after the parent div was scaled up

This is a tricky one. Basically, I scale up a div and there are images in it. It seems the browser can re-paint or re-render the images properly that are in the viewport or visible, but for other images, if I make them visible after the scale-up, they still look blurry.
Here is an example
so it scales up and flips if you click on any of them, and the flipped image looks blurry.
I have been doing the search and trying different ways and none of them works.
Is this possible, or it is a browser thing and I have to try a different approach?

Responsive iframe containing responsive content

There are many articles out there discussing a clever way in CSS to make videos (such as youtube) delivered through an iframe responsive (such as described here Ultimately you wrap your iframe in a relative container with a top padding equal to the aspect ratio (height/width * 100)% of the video.
This works great when your aspect ratio of the iframe contents is static, but is there a clever way to achieve this purely through CSS if your iframe content is also responsive?
For example lets say your iframe contents contain a bootstrap grid of boxes (col-xs-12 col-md-3) and you assign 100% width to the iframe so it responds to vertical window resizing of the parent. As you decrease the size of the parent, at the point the col-xs-12 kicks in, the aspect ratio has changed and you are probably going to see a vertical scrollbar appear for the iframe due to the height change.
I think the only way to achieve responsiveness in this case is through javascript (postMessage calls).
Anyone have any thoughts?

How can I resize these divs while keeping the same layout?

Sorry for the title, it's a hard issue to summarise. At the moment, I have a website which looks like this:
(as you can tell, it is inspired by Metro). I have uploaded it to jsfiddle here:
The div surrounding everything (represented by a dotted border) resizes to fit the user's browser window and I want the buttons (which are simply coloured divs) to do the same but can't figure out how. At the moment, they're in place using absolute positioning and based on a particular screen size. I would like them to keep the same layout but resize along with the container div.
I've experimented with liquid values in CSS, but I can't get the positioning right.
Please help.
Use only percentages instead of pixels for your dimensions (including margins). At resize you only have to resize the surrounding div, and the content should take the right dimensions.

Why can't I figure out the width of elements with automatic widths?

I am trying to create a sideways slideshow of images. The panel that will contain the slideshow is exactly 1200px wide. At page load, PHP loads images inside this panel. The number of images is not always the same, and I don't want the slideshow to start unless the collective width of the loaded images exceeds the width of the 1200px container.
The problem is, all the images are of various sizes, everything from 150x100 to 1980x1200. The images are fit into the bar by setting their height to 50 and letting their width rescale automatically.
Now, creating this slideshow panel in any other programming language would be easy. I'm suffering here in javascript though, because I simply can't find ANY WAY of getting the new width of the images. They all read width: 0px using jQuery outerWidth()
I have even tried putting a div wrapper inside the 1200px panel, outside the images, hoping that div would automatically scale around the width of the images and give me their collective width, but instead it reads 1200px (jQuery outerWidth())
Is there any way of measuring their width?
Is there an easier way of doing this?
Any help appreciated
I'm guessing you're trying to get the widths when the document is ready, instead of after the images have loaded.
Try placing the code that gets the outerWidth() in $(window).load().
$(window).load(function() {
//get the image widths

Background image at 100% of window (and resizes with it)

Duplicate of:
Stretch and Scale CSS Background
How do I stretch a background image to cover the entire HTML element?
background image doesn’t stretch full page width
I've got a webpage background image, which needs to be displayed fully at 100% of the window's size. If the window is resized, the image needs to resize with it, to stay at 100%.
CSS does not allow you to set the sizes of the background image, only the way it repeats. (but I want it stretched)
I assume jQuery is the safest and quickest way of realizing this, to overcome browser-incompatibleness. Or can this be done quickly with regular javascript?
This link might interest you:
How Do you Stretch a Background Image in a Web Page

